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Member Since 03 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 21 2013 08:38 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: If NaruSaku comes, the fate of Hinata?

14 September 2013 - 12:13 PM

NaruSaku will toally happen... No doubt,,, Naruto is Kishimoto himself, while Sakura is his wife... Kishimoto will totally put Naruto and Sakura together... But, anyway, back to the topic... If NaruSaku happen, Hinata will be with Sasuke... Hinata looks like Sasuke's mom... Both are very quiet and calm... In fact, the Uchiha family are very calm! That's why I think SasuHina will happen

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

08 September 2013 - 11:51 AM

So, I search online, and found out that most people said Hinata has the same personalities as Kushina, which irritates me of course... I mean, if Naruto pissed Hinata off, Hinata won't slap him or hit him... She is very calm (how did that girl manages to do that?).. If Naruto pissed Kushina off, Kushina will definitely teach Naruto some lessons... But she will then regret it... Like Sakura.. But somehow, people didn't see that... They'll just say, "Sakura is a total hot temper... Different than Kushina.." That was not true! After Sakura punches Naruto or teach him a lesson she will calm down... And, when people said Kushina has a soft smile like Hinata, I become more irritated... Sakura also has a soft smile.. But they didn't know it, because technically, they dislike Sakura... Honestly, I am thinking that NaruHina fans are just trying to find matches between Hinata and Kushina.. This is what I think.. But idk what you guys will say xD... Please reply me though.. Why did people think that Hinata has the same personalities like Kushina? 

In Topic: Why DO we like Narusaku?

08 September 2013 - 11:36 AM

Because :


1. Remember the part where Kushina and Minato steps into Tsunade's office in Road to Ninja movie? Yeah... Sakura and Naruto were there too, and the four of them reminds me of different generations


2. Naruto and Sakura... Loud mouth and loud mouth, but understand each other.. There would be no clash between them, and all we see are humorous actions


3. Sakura stares at Naruto in a different way, and so as Naruto to Sakura... Both shares romantic vibe actually, but because of Naruto who sometimes acts like a child, those romantic vibe are unable to be seen


4. Naruto and Sakura has the same personalities... Warm, annoying, unable to accept being defeat, a fighter, and they will do anything for their friends


5. AND MOST OF ALL, Sakura will do anything for Naruto (she will save Sasuke for him when Naruto turn into fourth tail), and so does Naruto (he promise to Sakura that he will bring Sasuke back no matter what)