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Member Since 11 Sep 2007
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In Topic: Good NaruSaku fics are slowly dying. Agree?

20 October 2008 - 04:01 AM

*pats psycho66 on the back* It's okay, I know how you feel. I honestly don't even know any other NaruSaku authors other than Aubreywitch. I love the pairing to death, but I have such a hard time finding stuff that I just stick to other authors in the fandom that write other pairings. I have a master list of authors that I keep an eye on.

One trick that helps me find new stories is check out your favorite NaruSaku author's favorite story list on ff.net. I know that I raided Aubreywitch's favorites and found a lot of stories that I had never seen before. Give that a try. A good author rarely faves a bad story.

In Topic: Good NaruSaku fics are slowly dying. Agree?

20 October 2008 - 02:59 AM

Some of us tend to sit on our stories too. I made a vow not to post another unfinished Naruto fic (which I have failed at since making that promise to myself). I have an unfinished fic that I've been tossing back and forth with my beta Aubreywitch, and I forgot about it completely until I read this thread...maybe I should go work on it now.

I also know that some people completely overlook authors who write both het and yaoi (I don't care if it isn't your cup of tea, but realize that just because an author likes both doesn't mean they don't write good het).

A lot of the good authors have moved on to new fandoms also. I know that Naruto fandom wank makes me go vacation in other fandoms for a month or two sometimes. Honestly, the NaruSaku and SasuSaku rivalry drives me batty. Though the SasuSaku fantwits are a hundred times worse than the fantwits who like NaruSaku (yes kids, there are fantwits who love NaruSaku, the OP started this thread to rant about them).

In Topic: How many times do you read your own?

07 September 2008 - 08:26 PM

Sometimes I read my fics for my own enjoyment if I haven't looked through them in a year or so. I've usually forgotten most of it so that it is actually pleasurable to go through and read it again (except when I find awkward phrasing, bad grammar, and other errors). A lot of times I read something and thing, "Geez, I really didn't write that line, did I? It is so cheesy and silly." That is when I get the urge to edit a little, so rereading fics is beneficial. I would say that I have reread my fics post-completion two or three times each.

Now while I'm still in the early stages of writing a fic and a few weeks after the fic is posted I will reread it again and again and again. I try to make sure that everything is perfect, especially on the days I can't dig up a beta for the life of me. I'm getting ready to sent aubreywitch the latest chapter of my new NaruSaku story to beta and I think I've read through it six times already. Each time I see more and more errors that she doesn't have to fix. Then when I get it back from my beta I read it again to insert the changes that she wants me to make. I guess what I was trying to say before I started babbling is that during the writing process I reread a ton.


17 January 2008 - 09:52 AM

I've had this happen to me before too. It is a very frustrating experience. My story "Caught" was stolen and posted on ff.net (despite it being against the TOS on ff.net since it was a very smutty story). I didn't see it though, it was gone before I could check the link someone emailed me. It was caught by fans right away so I never even saw it. He deleted it and then have the nerve to PM me and tell me that he posted it to figure out who the author was. His note was, of course, grammatically horrid and chocked full of spelling errors. It made me laugh. Who knows, maybe it is the same jerk who is still stealing stories.