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Member Since 12 Mar 2014
Offline Last Active Apr 21 2014 03:08 AM

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In Topic: Episode 355 - The Targeted Sharingan

14 March 2014 - 03:17 AM

I have to say this episode was far better than the last one we got, but I can't help but wonder if I'm  the only one who is waiting to see the bad ass we call Itachi.

I thought so too. I've been enjoying this filler, tbh and last weeks, especially the ending, was just... sigh. 

I really thought this week's was much better. When Kinoe kept mentioning "Rin'' and Kakashi was getting mad made the fight even more epic. 


And Danzo. That guy... It's like they're trying to make us hate that guy even more!   >:( 


Oh yeah, and I seriously can't wait to see Itachi either. *^*

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

13 March 2014 - 11:23 PM

I think the reason she wasn't thinking of naruto, was because when the fodder ninja said that if she loved him, he must be a great guy or something, I don't even know the exact quote, but she thought of Sasuke because she knew he was in the wrong path that obviously wasn't 'a good guy'. 


Though, if I'm wrong you guys just ignore this. lol. 

In Topic: Why DO we like Narusaku?

13 March 2014 - 11:15 PM

Along with what everyone else is saying, I like this couple because I can relate to them. I'm sure a lot of people can relate to them because they seem like a real couple. There's many ways you can see this as like a real couple. For instance, an outcast(like Naruto) likes a popular girl or something. He likes her and tries to make her happy and all that stuff... Although, she may not like him at first(Or as Sakura did, 'hate' him) later on she begins to see that he's actually a nice guy and then things changed.


I mean, not only from a guys perspective, but from a girl's too. Wouldn't everyone want the person they like or are in love with to be happy? Of course. I know this sounds all corny, but ehh. Kishi did a good job on the build-up for these two. And in the end, I'm sure these two will be together, if it couldn't be any less obvious. lol.

In Topic: Moments that got you?!

13 March 2014 - 10:06 PM

If there's one moment that got me to become NS fan, it is the Promise of a Lifetime. It was beautifully depicted and I'll be honest with you I was actually crying when I read that chapter --some woman I am...


That scene really made me empathize with Naruto. How he will do anything to make Sakura happy, even though it may cause him a great pain. The interesting bits was Sakura's thought process. When Naruto told her that promise, her mind went back to the bench scene, enclosed with a realization that Naruto truly care for her.

It's totally fine if you cry when reading this. Hah.. I'll admit  *cough* I've shed some manly tears myself... *cough* 

But I felt the same about that moment! 


Sakura's selfless moments are my favourites. They are really underestimated and ignored by the Naruto fandom in general. Possibly because unlike Naruto, her character is not portrayed as selfless. At most, she is portrayed as understandable(like in the summit arc), but not really selfless. I feel like since we are told so many times that Naruto is such a good person, and his actions are always right, I am not allowed to disagree with them. It closes every other interpretation, and we as readers have to swallow everything. I like the freedom I have with Sakura, I think she is selfless and I own that opinion.

You're exactly right. Throughout the story, you can see she has a good heart, like Naruto. It's one of the reasons I really like Sakura as a character in this story, tbh. Even though a lot of people may hate on her, she deserves so much more credit. Especially recently in the manga.  :yes:



I really like all these different moments you guys are posting! And I'm totally going to like all these posts once I can. lol. 

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

13 March 2014 - 02:28 PM

Why are people talking about an open ending like a big deal? I thought it was a joke..because then these pairing wars would never end. :v But seriously though, which moment in the story indicates this? What made you consider it?

If you can find no reason to fear, why even bother... Irrational fear won't get you anywhere.

Of course she wouldn't. She managaed to hold his hand, well locking lips is a level-up..but she could've done it. Hinata isn't that weak, she's had some development.

I honestly feel the same way about an open ending myself.

No, I agree with you. Hinata has had some development. I was just referring to the comment about how some people are saying it should've been HInata, instead of Sakura.