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Member Since 19 Aug 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 30 2010 03:02 AM

Topics I've Started

I have a story in mind and need opinions!

23 August 2010 - 11:04 PM

The plot of the story is simple. The genin are growing up, developing feelings, and getting a little....hormonal? Tsuande is very concerned and appoints a counselor to talk to the shinobi. It would basically be about the counselor's findings in talking to each person. I'll probably include Naruto, Sakura, Kiba, Hinata, Neji, Tenten, Shino, Choji, Rock Lee, Ino, and Shikamaru, and maybe the sand ninja (Gaara, Temari, Kankuro) if I can fit them into the story.

It will probably be a bunch of one-shots with the conselor (who WILL be someone, already in the manga/anime) but it might also develop into a full-fledged story. Pairings will include NaruSaku (of course! tongue.gif ) and other pairings that I wish to remain a secret! wink.gif wink.gif wink.gif


ps.....The time frame might be slightly AU seeing as I want them to be older, but want Naruto included in the story BEFORE he leaves the village.....Or maybe it will start right after he gets back...I dont know yet.

Kiba Appreciation!

21 August 2010 - 10:53 PM

I don't know if this topic has been discussed yet, but I cant be the only one who loves Kiba! tongue.gif

Come discuss! (slash appreciate!)

Hello everyone!

19 August 2010 - 03:58 AM

Hi everyone, my name is Christina and I'm seventeen years old. biggrin.gif

I recently started rewatching Naruto (I used to watch it when I was twelve-thirteen/ish) and my love and adoration for NaruSaku blossemed. tongue.gif I'm only on episode 180-ish right now so I still have a long way to go....but I've been watching the episodes constantly.

I also ship Kiba/Hinata, (as you can tell by my siggy and avatar lol.....)/
Other Naruto ships include: Neji/Tenten, Ino/Shikamaru, Ino/Kiba (crack!), Kankuro/Tenten (crack!), Gaara/Hinata, Rock Lee/Tenten, and Gaara/Sakura (crack!)

My five favorite male characters:
1. Kiba
2. Naruto
3. Kikashi
4. Gaara
5. Kankuro

My five favorite female characters:
1. Tenten
2. Sakura
3. Ino
4. Hinata
5. Tsuande

And that's about it! Hahaha. biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif