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#986003 Tokyo Revengers

Posted by Khaleesi on 25 December 2021 - 06:47 PM

Hi, all! And Merry Christmas 🎄


I'm a really old member and I'm not that active but I'm back at reading manga and I like stuff that gets me to create theories and shonen, so when it's both, it's great!


So let's start with some general questions!


- Have you watched or are you planning to watch/read Tokyo Revengers? 


- If you are watching/reading, in which episode/chapter are you on?


- Who is your favorite character up until now?


I go first:


- Watched the anime, continued in the manga :hehehe: 

- I'm up to date, at the moment of this post, that is chapter 235.

- Draken :smug:



#972565 Most hated tropes?

Posted by Khaleesi on 24 April 2019 - 05:51 PM


god, i hate it

#955104 Ending with SS in a good way

Posted by Khaleesi on 19 November 2017 - 02:50 AM

Oh, and yeah, the way Sasuke was constructed, I imaginated him as a asexual and aromantic, besides from being a sociopath.

#952206 What would be your Next Generations: Beginning?

Posted by Khaleesi on 18 October 2017 - 12:17 AM

I would rather have a wholesome after war arc, than a next generation, tbh. I think everyone there suffered as hell, and it may sound like a bit of filler or even fanservice BUT idk i just think they deserve a break, you know? and maybe see them interacting and making Team 7 functional for the first time? really connect? express their feelings openly? do stuff they couldnt do before because of their problems or finish stuff they should have done before like graduating. it sounds nice like that

#951023 The Random Thread

Posted by Khaleesi on 06 October 2017 - 01:27 AM

I am, I'm gonna sit on my ass and watch Stranger Things Season 2. :happy:


I'm waiting for season 2 too!

#948648 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 16

Posted by Khaleesi on 11 September 2017 - 07:18 PM

Me about Boruto:



#948316 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Khaleesi on 07 September 2017 - 09:40 PM

Yeah, she has said what she had to say already, and everyone has seen it and listen to it. Even if at the end they did not agree, the discussion with anyone was already over, so why going back and around the same things already repeated. And this isnt only on the debate thread, it's on everything related to the series here.

#945216 Why DO we like Narusaku?

Posted by Khaleesi on 04 August 2017 - 05:42 PM

Just put Analyzer on ignore, it was the best choice I make over 400+ of her "objectiveness" is way too much for me.
Regarding the topic at hand, I can't say I've always saw NS as a possible outcome at least for most of part one, but I've always prefered their dynamic than anyone else's in team 7, I loved how Sakura liked or went along with Naruto stupid jokes, that for me already putted her above Sasuke who was in serious mode all the time.
Before the chuunin exam  my opinon with sakura was just ok, not good, not bad but ok, I really liked her Inner Sakura moments (anybody knows why they decided to drop that?, It was one of the best part of her character!! to me at least)
Then, on part 2, especially after Naruto and Sasuke second battle I've always saw it as a possible and one of the most realistic outcomes (the other being SNS , who though I've never shipped, I've gotta admit it makes more sense that more than half of what we got at the end).
Initially, Sakura hated Naruto but she began to change her mind of him slowly but surely, by begining of the war, I thought their bond was as strong as Naruto and Sasuke, perhaps even stronger.
Seriously it could've been so easy for Kishimoto to do it just use the bench scene and the fake confession and boom, it wasn't THAT hard, you know when  I was little I always thought that the bench scene chapter was just filler (since it didn't have anything ninja like, it was mor teenage drama) but it was the start of something, well I think IT SHOULD'VE BEEN the start of something, but this and the fake confession were never to be adressed again, it's really sad.
It should been a dead giveaway that the ending wasn't suppoused to be like this where not only the 2 main ending relationships doesn't have an ink of sense, but the  bond between the two most prominent characters in the series (beside Sasuke) got completely obliberated, I mean they don't even talk with eachother.
Well, at the very least SP can't fuc k up their relationship anymore because there is nothing to degrade, there is nothing, which is very sad but I'd rather look at the half-filled glass with this  :sweat:

The highlighted sentence: Exactly.

#945211 Why DO we like Narusaku?

Posted by Khaleesi on 04 August 2017 - 03:58 PM

oh my god, please stop, cant you let people say whatever they want about their ship?? why do you have to be in the middle of everything?

#945030 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Khaleesi on 03 August 2017 - 05:22 AM









I'm sleepy, so I won't go too back in time, also it makes me sad, none of my friends are here anymore :(

#945028 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Khaleesi on 03 August 2017 - 05:04 AM


You realize this is mostly conspiracy theory mongering?


Yahoo Japan is also a terrible site for reviews here, be it for greatness or poorness.

How is conspirancy if it was confirmed by him? He was talking with other japanese people in 2ch. Or maybe I'm not getting what is that you are calling conspirancy theory,


We searched for the most used, so 2ch and Yahoo Japan.

#945024 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Khaleesi on 03 August 2017 - 04:57 AM

I didnt read everything but, back in the time, we had a japanese user called ramenanmitsu, and he said the bashing on Naruto, Hinata and mostly Team 7 began right after the ending, and increased around the movie. We were here when he told us that a lot of them left the movie theaters half movie and wanted their tickets back, but didnt get them.


From what he told us and show us that movie was the most sold out in the first week, but beggan rapdily to fall and several clients wanted their money back.


Idk if anyone is from that time but I remember screenshooting movie reviews from different japanese sites(mostly yahoo) and making him (ramen) translating it.

#944870 Bojack Horseman

Posted by Khaleesi on 02 August 2017 - 02:07 AM

I think I prefer this two  : 

Just Kidding!!
In all seriousness tough, I do not ship that much , and I don't ship anything for the show also I don't know if Diane and Bojack are good for each other considering how they screw up each others life, even if they don't mean too , also they have waaay too many psycological issues they both should  resolve that before commiting completely to a relationship :/

I didn't say as a ship, I mean more abou their relationship in general.


Mr. Peanutbutter is cute doe(?)

#944860 Bojack Horseman

Posted by Khaleesi on 02 August 2017 - 01:08 AM

You guys are fans of this show to?? Great, I've never chatted with other Bojack Horseman's fans!!
Which one/s are your favorite episodes? Mine's probably are "Downer Ending" , "Escape From L.A." and "That went well"

Do you watch Rick and Morty too?


Uhmm. Mine was probably the last episode aired :argh:



#944854 SasuHina Appreciation Thread

Posted by Khaleesi on 02 August 2017 - 12:57 AM


