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Member Since 03 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 12 2014 04:29 PM

Topics I've Started


04 July 2013 - 10:37 PM

What's up here?

My name is Rebecca,but you can call me Becca or Becky whatever

Hellsbecca is one of my nicknames and I'm from Brazil. My english isn't the best and I make grammar mistakes sometimes,so sorry if it can bother someone.

For a long time(1 year,I guess) I left Naruto 'cause of college but now I'm on vacations and coming back for it.

I was SasuSaku first of all(however I've hated Sakura but I thought blue and pink were good together) , Sasuke was my favorite character until I fall in love with Sakura. I started to understand her feelings and everything.

Sakura is now my favorite character and Naruto too. Sasuke only annoys me most of time.

I've never liked NaruHina and I HATE when ppl say that Hinata is better than Sakura. I ship MinaKushi hard and,now, NaruSaku.