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#724009 Ramen & Cherry Blossom - NaruSaku Moments

Posted by Lory-Chan on 04 January 2015 - 04:41 PM

Hello everybody!
This is my first fanfiction in english, so i hope to have translated it well!
I posted it for the first time on the Italian fanfiction website "EFP". I hope you enjoy it!
It 's a collection of One Shot, so there will not be only one chapter :)
Enjoy the read and forgive any mistakes!




Ramen Cherry Blossom - NaruSaku Moments



#01 - Promise of a Lifetime


It was a cold winter morning, in Konoha.

Sakura stood blissful under the blankets. After all, she hasn't nothing better to do. It was Sunday morning, he deserved a little healty rest too!

She looked at her husband sleep soundly next to her and smiled, stroking his blond mane.

Naruto shifted in his sleep, but didn't awake.


"Naruto... Please, bring back Sasuke-kun!"

The pink-haired kunoichi crying disperate in front of Konoha's gate.

"Sakura-Chan... You really like Sasuke, uh?". The smile of the blonde guy became sad.

The person who he loved more than anything else had eyes for another.

But if she was happy, then would been happy he too. And that's why he drew one of his best smile and raised his thumb.

"I'll bring you back him, Sakura-Chan... It's a promise of a lifetime!"


The pink-haired girl smiled bitterly. She had made him suffer so much during the adolescence.

She had been so foolish as to believe that until the last Sasuke would change his mind about her and would love her.

And these childish illusions had closed her eyes, preventing her from seeing who really loves she and would continue to do so.


"And if i asked you to take me with you?"

"This is the journey of my redemption. My sins have nothing to do with you."

The Uchiha's tone was cold. As always, however.

The kunoichi looked down, then lift the eyes on Sasuke when him gave her a poke on the forehead.

"I'll see you when I'll come back... Thank you for everything"

After said this, he went away from the village.

And for years, he didn't return.


Despite all, Naruto didn't abandon she even that time.

Although she was crying for Sasuke, he smiled for her.

Although she tried to avoid him for didn't hurt  him furter, he wouldn't stop looking for her.

Until someone interjected.

Lost in memories, Sakura approached Naruto, and squeezed him, enjoying its warmth.


"Hinata takes courage and... She declared to me..."

The two shinobi were sitting on a bench in the park, under a large tree.

"Ah... And what did you answer?"

She felt a lump in her throat. She was jealous?

Impossible! But now Naruto seem so... Irresistible and... Beautiful.

Light-blue eyes of Naruto pointed in these emerald of Sakura.

"I... I haven't answered yet... I need an answer from another girl, before..."

Uzumaki looked at her, taking a deep breath, then spoken in one breath, blushin' like a pepper.

"Sakura-Chan... I... I don't wanna go out with Hinata... I Love You! I know you love Sasuke, but... Please, give me a chance! I'll make you happy, it's a promise of a lifetime!"


She smiled. Again that baka had promise on his life. And like the first time, he kept his promise.

Because that was the nindo of his husband. And is thanks that nindo that she fell in love with him.




I apologize again for any errors.
Mine English is scholastic.



#722133 Compilation of Naruto's staff interview or comments // and confirmation i...

Posted by Lory-Chan on 02 January 2015 - 09:42 PM

whoever translated this obviously did it using google translate.

The grammer is cringe worthy..

LOL, yup, but I dunno who translated this.


Anyway, yes, you're right, it was confirmed that it is a fake, written by a Naruhina fan.

#721698 Compilation of Naruto's staff interview or comments // and confirmation i...

Posted by Lory-Chan on 02 January 2015 - 01:06 PM

I dunno if il legit or not, but on Tumblr I read this interview of Kishimoto where he responds to NaruSaku's fans.

I copy and paste the text of the post:



Q あなたは ザ・ラスト ‐ナルト・ザ・ムービー‐についてどう思いますか?

A 正直なところ? 私は本当にそれを愛する!それは私が私が二次ヒロインにヒナタはまったく見られなかったということでしたどのように悪い思い出させる。彼女はサクラするの に最適な「タグパートナー」になる可能性があります。私はサクラとヒナタが一緒に何ができるか想像することができます。 (笑)


Q あなたの最初のものは何ですか?

A それは 劇場版 NARUTO -ナルト- 疾風伝 火の意志を継ぐ者だ!

Q どの映画が一番嫌いでしたか?

A 劇場版 NARUTO -ナルト- ブラッド・プリズン、それがブリーチの映画を見ているようだったので!

Q バックサクラとヒナタに、あなたはそれらを、彼らは右、良いチームであることができることの両方が好きだ?彼らのファンの多くは、より強力である女の子を知りたいです。あなたは私たちを伝えることができますか?

A 難 しい質問。それらの両方は、他に対抗できる術を持っている。私はサクラとヒナタが衝突するだろう特別な1ショットマンガの章を作ることを考えていますが、 私は出版社の許可を取得する必要があります。彼らのファンはそれをサポートする場合、それは私が深刻くノ一の戦いを書かれているので、長い時間があったの で、私は間違いなく、その話をするのが大好きだ。

Q 鷹はあまりにボルト‐ナルト・ザ・ムービーに表示されます?

A 良い質問!我々はまだそれをまだ決めていませんでした。彼らは確かにスピンオフ漫画に表示され、私は彼らがあまりにも映画の中で現れることを願っています!

Q あなたは今私たちに鷹について何かを伝えることはできますか?

A 一つだけ:それらの一つは、彼と彼の兄弟が夢見ていることを彼の夢に達している!

Q それは順子竹内は次の映画になりませんというのは本当?

A 彼 女は彼女がために個人的な問題にすることはできません言ったが、彼女は彼女が彼女のお気に入りの忍者に彼女の声を与えるかもしれないが、彼の息子に行うこ とはできないことを私に言ってまで繰り返す。私はそれが重いことではない、その問題が何であるかを伝えることはできませんが、心配しないでください。

Q あなたはナルトとヒナタが第三子を持つ可能性があるという。あなたはそれを作るかしない場合、あなたが決定しましたか?

A はい、私はすでに私の心を作ったと私はそれが別の少年となり、白眼を持つことを決定した!

Q 彼の名前は何になりますか?

A それはシナチクになります!

Q それはウォルト·ディズニーが2016年で最高のピエロと週刊少年ジャンプが許可を与えるかどうだろうザ・ラスト ‐ナルト・ザ・ムービー‐の別バージョンを作成したいというのは本当?

A さ て、ディズニーはより深刻と暗い私はクールな思考が、私は、スクリプトを読んだとき…まあ、それは青年のアニメに比べても、暗すぎるだろう作った ザ・ラスト ‐ナルト・ザ・ムービー‐、のバージョンを少しを作成するためにアイデアを私のところに来たので、おそらく何もそれについてません。

Q ナルサクファンへのあなたの反応は何ですか?

A まず、私の漫画のすべての章をお読みいただきありがとうございました。

あ なたはツンデレフェチペアリングロマンスその後見たい場合は第二に、理恵釘宮はアニメや漫画をツンデレ。私が最初にナルヒナを望んでいたが、ツンデレ、日 本で人気となったため、出版社はナルサクに変更する私を余儀なくさが、後に出版社は私がナルヒナに戻ってオンすることができますが、それらは、そのための 交換のために、私は赤としてナルサクを使用しなければならないと言った誤解を招くようなツンデレファン読者にニシン。




全体的に、これらのナルサクインターネット上わめき散らすされ、ファンとナルトのいじめっ子他の読者はその後行くと浦沢直樹の漫画を読んで。彼の漫画はそれらを満たすことができる。 (笑い)

Google translate

Q Is The Last - Naruto The Movie - What do you think about it ?

A Honestly ? I really love ! How bad is that I could remember that Hinata was not seen at all in secondary heroin. She could be the best way Sakura " tag partner " . I'll be able to imagine what Sakura and Hinata could do together. (Laughter )

Q What's your first ?A It Movie NARUTO - Naruto - I heir will Shippuden Fire!

Q What movie did you hate the most?

A Movie NARUTO - Naruto - Blood , because it was like watching a movie of Bleach !

Q Sakura and Hinata again , they me , well, like so much of things that can be a good team? Many of his fans, want to know the girl is more powerful. Can you tell us ?A correct question flame. Both have a form that can compete with others. I 'm thinking of doing a chapter of a special manga Sakura and Hinata a shot collide , but I have to get permission from the publisher. If your fans that support it , is because I have written Kunoichi serious battle , there was not much time , I would definitely love the story .

Q hawk too Bolt - appears in Naruto The Movie ?

A good question ! We have not yet decided yet. Certainly appear in the animated spin -off drawing, I hope that will appear in the movie too!

Q Can you tell us something about the falcon with us now?

A Only one : one has achieved his dream that he and his brother have dreamed !Q is likely to Naruto and Hinata has a second Mitsuko . If you do not want or do, or have you decided?

A Yes, I already did with another guy and made my mind , it was decided that white !

Q What will what is your name?

A One will Shinachiku !

Q would be if the Walt Disney is the best clown and the Weekly Shonen Jump in 2016 grants permission The Last - Naruto The Movie - certainly want to create a separate version?

A Disney is darker and more serious the fresh thought, when I read the script ... Well, it is also compared to the animation of youth, The last act would be too dark - EL Naruto Movie - of so the idea came to me so you have to create a smaller version , probably nothing unlucky for him.

Q What is your reaction to the fan Narusaku ?

A First, thanks for reading all the chapters of my comics you.

If any questions about what you want to see Tsundere Fetish match the romance then the second, Rie Kugimiya is Tsundere the anime and manga. Although I had initially wanted NaruHina , tsundere , as it became popular in Japan , publishers forced me to be changed to Narusaku is , publishers I can back to NaruHina later but they are by exchange, herring for readers of tsundere fans as misleading to say must use the Narusaku as red.

Cardiopulmonary functional recovery method scene was also the idea of ​​my editors , I did not know that was supposed to be romantic ! They have deceived me . If I had know that cardiopulmonary functional recovery method become a romantic thing certainly has left .


Honestly I have some doubt that it is true. But until there is an official denial, there is always the doubt. It seemed useful to do so anyway known, perhaps to be added to the list.


Source: http://mr-shalashask...ill-not-sure-if








Q What is your reaction to the fan Narusaku ?

A First, thanks for reading all the chapters of my comics you.
If any questions about what you want to see Tsundere Fetish match the romance then the second, Rie Kugimiya is Tsundere the anime and manga. Although I had initially wanted NaruHina , tsundere , as it became popular in Japan , publishers forced me to be changed to Narusaku is , publishers I can back to NaruHina later but they are by exchange, herring for readers of tsundere fans as misleading to say must use the Narusaku as red.
Cardiopulmonary functional recovery method scene was also the idea of ​​my editors , I did not know that was supposed to be romantic ! They have deceived me . If I had know that cardiopulmonary functional recovery method become a romantic thing certainly has left .

If it's real, can i go to Japan and kill that Kishimoto ass*ole?


#693193 desktop screenshot

Posted by Lory-Chan on 07 December 2014 - 02:12 PM

wow! you're desktop are so wonderful!!
This is my... LOL... For Christmas!