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Member Since 04 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Yesterday, 11:41 PM

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In Topic: Sonic The Hedgehog - Movie

15 September 2024 - 11:38 AM

Best trailer of the year

In Topic: The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

27 August 2024 - 09:19 PM

At this point the one thing lucasfilm could do is put effort into a knights of the old republic live version. No sense cancelling something and not have anything to replace it. After disney's recent fiasco where they added a non litigation portion to their terms of service which came up when one of their customers died i won't lie I'm not in much hurry to subscribe to disney plus with so much to risk. Much of their problem is the insistence on removing established lore and replacing it with things like "vergences". Why remove prior lore when the new lore doesn't make sense. It's the same problem that the sequel trilogy movies have and lets be honest if disney isn't going to bother releasing something good then just adapt a popular game to keep the brand from being abandoned from understandably upset fans

To be honest the moment a sequel trilogy was going to be made the old eu canon was going to be removed. George lycas himself never saw it as canon and at best just used a few ideas from the eu or give a little import like the history of the sith with darth bane or palpatine's sith master. Heck his ideas were etheir going to be about the Willis or darth maul and darth talon with having a underground criminal empire. So no thawn or yu zang vong. Plus I doubt genreal audience was to read about 20 to 30 decades of spin of novels, comics and games to understand a sequel trilogy from the eu timeline, they will have so many questions like chewbacca dead, along with why their is a galactic federation instead of a new Republic

In Topic: The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

25 August 2024 - 09:26 AM

Wouldn't say Hollywood is in decline, most of their films have had a good year, compared to last year. Like dune part 2, kong x godzilla new empire, Kingdom of the planet of the apes, as well as Disney with inside our 2 and deadpool & wolverine being the 2 highest grossing films of the year so far. The only real failure I can think of is the acolyte that was cancelled, though star wars might have a chance to recover with skeleton crew this year.

I can top that Bail with one ss fan I agree on twitter a couple of years back saying how they loved sasuke trying to kill sakura, because it showed how far he fell to darkness trying to kill, completely ignore that his breaking point what when he stabbed karin to get to danzo.

Pretty sure they wanted hinata to become important and be the heroine, which they got but it failed

In Topic: The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

18 August 2024 - 08:08 AM

Fair enough

Yahagi comments on western fans

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

15 August 2024 - 07:20 PM

Frankly I think Kishimoto changes his reason for nh with each interview