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The Doctor forever

Member Since 22 Jul 2017
Offline Last Active Jul 25 2024 11:23 AM

#977742 The Retcon of Doctor Who

Posted by The Doctor forever on 02 March 2020 - 08:37 PM

Yeah, I know how you feel I am done with the show will watch everything else until Doctor Woke shows up, and that will be it for me. Thanks, BBC and Chibnall you have killed the show.

#969233 The Official Pokemon Thread

Posted by The Doctor forever on 12 November 2018 - 09:03 PM

@LuckyChi7 I think I have to disagree with you on Serena being the best female in pokemon, to me, that's going to have to be Jessie we know more about her past then Serena, so I would have to say that Jessie is better developed than Serena is. 


As for the whole Serena and Ash knowing each other and people are saying they are the best of friends I have to disagree with that too most summer camps only last a week or even two, so they wouldn't have gotten to know each other that well not like Ash and Brock or Ash and Gary.


To me, I think Ash's best friend is Gray and Brock he knows more about them then Serena, I I kind of have to agree with Evil100 on this Serena is a little overrated in my eyes I get it she is the first to show her love out in the open and not hide it.


I mean whenever a story pops up not related to Serena pops up or art the Amour fans get way too out of hand. Another friend Don 77 on fanfiction was bullied off from doing anything pokemon related unless Serena was the main focus.


Is Serena the best pokegirl to ever show up in pokemon, sadly no again there is Jessie and now Lillie.

#967313 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by The Doctor forever on 29 July 2018 - 07:38 PM



Two things wrong with what you said, man, with what you said nothing on Superman just what you said before.


1: It's my older brother who is married now be so for about eight years Married the girl he met each other at a con he was dressed up like Naruto, and she was dressed up as Sakura, both hate the ending, but they have more things to deal with at this present time.


2: He forgot about it man he has a lot to deal with a 2nd kid is on her way plus his son birthday is coming up next weekend, he as a little more than a comic hero's weakness to remember. I'm sure you can understand this confusion that my brother got he wants to make sure his daughter will have all she needs when she is born.


Hell, I'm busy and under stress why do you think I have been gone getting a job that doesn't mean neither of us are not fans, we have far more important things going on in our lives right now that we have to think over.

#963014 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by The Doctor forever on 13 March 2018 - 09:55 PM

Anyway to justify as not only to believe she is the best "heroine" in the world, but also justify her very existence. When you think about if she was never in the story, things would really not change at all. Shows how irrelevant she is to the main plot.

Oh agree I mean I have seen far better other Heroines than the so called great Hinata.

#962217 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by The Doctor forever on 23 February 2018 - 10:33 PM


I am going to have to go with Phantom on this one.

If we are going to go by the "narrative point" of the story then NS and SK should have been canon long before NH and SS was even considered considering several important narratives such as Naruto's love for Sakura and him being the main character, Sakura changing her feelings over the course of the manga, and several other points. Also rule of anime thumb "First girl gets dibs," which seems to be the case. Even if the girl in the story is not the first girl to be introduced, the first girl would be the first girl he had a connection with.

However, we know the narrative revolved around the pairings and not the other way around. Seeing how Naruto the Last was in production two years before the ending of the story, we definitively say that NH was planned long before Kishimoto made any choice thanks to the people at SP and possibly SJ. They already had the plot of the movie and then said "Okay, Kishimoto. Your job is now end the story like this so the movie can be put in somewhere." And boom, chapter 699-700. Why else would he put the obvious forced time skip and explained nothing only for later stoies such as the movie and the Hidan novels to "explain" it.

They WANT you to believe the narrative followed a certain way, but we know the actual truth and the truth is in the pudding when you read the manga. Sasuke has no care for Sakura throughout the entire story UNTIL chapter 699. Before that, she could have died any where along the lines and he would not have shed a tear. He also had Karin so it is not like Sasuke was going to end up alone. Coupled that with Kishimoto saying things like "Sakura is a drug addict, any reason SS would be canon is non-existent, and he felt pity for Hinata." Also coupled with the obvious "I planned from the beginning, I planned from the middle, I planned during the war arc, I planned somewhere towards the end" he has constantly pushed after the story ended when in previous interviews he said he had no invovlement in NH or he didn't care to write anything about Naruto and Hinata getting together it was all a product of Studio Pierrot.

No, see, they tell you that SS is now together so Sakura is off the table, but in reality they forced NH together and made SS as a "pair the spares." The whole thing centers around NH and Hinata getting her way. Think about it. Pierrot didn't care about Sasuke, Sakura, or even Naruto for that matter. They didn't care about the dynamic bonds Naruto had. All they cared about was Hinata and they fully admitted this. They were so bias for Hinata that nothng else mattered.

Search your feelings...you know this to be true.


Naruto and Sasuke dying after their battle would have been a more satisfying end. Naruto would have gotten what he wanted, Sasuke would be reunited with his family, and Hinata would be miserable.

Happily ever after as far as I can tell.

I know people to tell me we can't hate on these characters, but I still hate Hinata. The pro-enders NH fans did not deserve to win. They did not deserve to have their so called "goddess" win everything and they are so blind to how miserable Naruto is in the narrative that they ruin the name of being a Naruto fan. At times, they make me wish I never got into Naruto in the first place.

Then they pull kitten like this:

And you have to wonder how depraved these people are. The girl legends are into? So you are saying that the other female characters of actual anime legends don't count?

I guess they think Goku is not a legend and Chi-Chi is not the girl.

I guess they think Superman is not a legend and Lois Lane/Wonder Woman are not the girl.
I guess Guts is not a legends and Casca is not the girl.

Take every single anime character you know and throw them out the window because only Naruto is apparently the "Legendary Anime character" and Hinata is "The girl legends love."

I think she is more of the "The girl legends settle for when they don't get the girl they love."

Oh but James she is a Legend.



She's a legend alright, the legendary guilt tripper and parasite. She only got with Naruto because she used a mixture of brainwashing and guilt tripping as she has yet to do anything that is really notable. Sakura is actually the best damn medic since Tsunade, which makes sense since she trained under Tsunade.

#961869 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by The Doctor forever on 17 February 2018 - 08:33 PM


Did someone spoke my name? :woot:


Oh that yeah sorry about that. But ever since the ending of the manga I have lost all inspiration to continue all of my Naruto stories. My favorite was" Legend of the Defiers" crossover with FFXIII. I even left a big cliffhanger. I haven't told anyone but I did started writing the next chapter but I failed badly. I only managed to write 250 words and that's pathetic compare to what I can currently write for a chapter. I can easily write over 3k words a day. 


But anyway I honestly don't know if I will ever get inspiration and my mojo going to continue all those stories sorry again. :sad:


Truth is, I hate Naruto I truly do. I just can't seem how am I going to resume working on stories of a series I have come to despise like a plague. 

Ouch that sucks man, as I said they were all so damn good and its shame that the ending as done this to many NaruSaku writers, well to the NH fans I bet they jump for joy that many have stopped, trust me Evil100 still gets some trolls  saying he needs to die or more, I think its why he will not stop cause to him as he told me if we NS fans stop doing fics they NH and SS have really won.

#953667 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by The Doctor forever on 31 October 2017 - 09:15 PM

Lol oh that is true which is funny cause Hinata give you bad dreams so much so that Freddy is scared of her.

#952480 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by The Doctor forever on 20 October 2017 - 12:32 AM

You know watching TFS I just wonder and see Piccolo trying to teach and fails to do so as well mind you in making Hinata dodge lol I still don't like how forced NH is and its getting worse as well. 

#949870 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by The Doctor forever on 23 September 2017 - 08:20 PM


Like I want to sympathize with the Uchiha? Or provide empathy for them? No, we don't. Possibly for certain ones but not the entire clan that is currently dead. Stuff like that is basically telling that they are a "special case" sort to speak like we have to treat them as (I don't want to be discourage or disrespectful to anyone who is in this category, if I do, I apologize) mental/disable/handicap people.

Very true Derock which I hate and my friend Evil100 hates as well, we both know this is why Kishi did this you have to be blind not to see this is what Kishi was trying to do the dude fell too in love with the Uchiha this is not the only thime either I think that Kishi done this.


Remember when the whole reincarnation happened which came out of no where, me and Evil100 both thought it was so that Sasuke could live, after all he got of free from his crimes with just a slap on the hand, true in filler he was in jail but that is the thing it was in filler nothing more.

#949865 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by The Doctor forever on 23 September 2017 - 07:59 PM

Still a classic!


Oh this was so good and so true as well, also there is this one as well I find mainly the start.


#949863 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by The Doctor forever on 23 September 2017 - 07:51 PM

I just saw this


Then I remembered this



lol this sums up Boruto in a nut shell then,


What made me more angry is how in the world Orochimaru found immortality and no one, NOT even Naruto, doing something about it? Leaving the villain with no surveillance just to do what he pleases? And the writers said its canon?!  I was already mad about Orochimaru coming back during the war, well I was angry about the whole Sasuke and Itachi Vs. Kabuto fight to begin with because it was not only unnecessary to the plot, but it was wasted space. Possibly the editor wanted more Sasuke and told Masashi to jot it down so we can get more spoon-fed of Uchihas, like we needed more and more stuff.  :roll:  And don't get me started with the Uzumaki masks and Tobirama's statement.

Well sums up a lot when you think about it mainly with Tobirama after all we all know Kishi loves his Uchiha and he needed a way for the readers to feel sorry for the clan that they are the victims in this manga, that is and was Kishi plan when people called them all kittened up people who needed to all just die.

#949550 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by The Doctor forever on 21 September 2017 - 11:16 AM

1. Yes, you have been.



2. Analyzer: "(...) or that Naruto loved Sakura at that Point anymore."

Analyzer: "The Point is, Naruto never loved Sakura."


You just contradicted yourself. (Just in case: Please explain how reasoned and developed feelings are just a "crush", while silent admiration for someone you barely know is "real love". Thanks.)

Naruto presented Sakura as his girlfriend in front of his father, well knowing that this wasn't yet the case, wich is why he answered the way he did.

lupina lets just all agree that Naruto is a women user and not at all a hero remember he has let Orochimaru go free and pretended to know what love is to trick people.


Unlike with another story that has been going on for over 50 years now Doctor Who which is for kids.


Doctor Who the runaway bride is perhaps one of the most terrifying moments in the history of Doctor Who. We see our hero, our champion, The Doctor looking down on genocide with barely a care. The 4th hesitated when he had the chance to do the same to the Daleks, 10 eradicated the Rancross without blinking. This is why Doctor Who is the greatest sci fi series of all time, it's hero is willing to do whatever is necessary to safeguard life, even if it means doing the unthinkable. I remember a concept from Terry Pratchett 'Pray you're never at the mercy of a good man, he'll kill you with hardly a word'.


I mean I love it when The Doctor shows no bright side (The evil family and Raknoss) and he just looks up to the screen like "No mercy, not this time". SO GOOD.


This is why, as much as I would trust the Doctor, as much as I love the Doctor, there is no hero in existence that would terrify me more than this man with a screwdriver and a box.


As he would say. "A good man doesn't need rules today isn't a good day to find out why I have so many."


The Doctor wouldn't need to be a powerful god to bring Naruto down he will just simple words, just a few.

#949424 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by The Doctor forever on 19 September 2017 - 07:40 PM


Thank you for being respectful. You can pick apart my argument, I have no issues defending what I publicly post, I tend to pick apart arguments myself. 


Firstly Kishimoto does not state Sakura's love for Sasuke is selfish. 


If love equals crush, then you are right on the Naruto part, and I agree with you. Otherwise, I strongly disagree.


The "doesn't love Hinata" and never will is objectively false.


The Sasuke bits I would counter in that it is the employed language that suggests otherwise, but this can be a matter of interpretation we disagree on. I'm happy to concede that SS needed a little bit more, more so in its roots than the end.


Sakura hitting Naruto for doing his thing is probably not a sign of agreeing. Naruto also later says he needs to stop teasing Sakura after seeing his strength. We can tell he wasn't being serious. Possible development pulled back down.


Sakura was upset, because Naruto saw through her and called her out. Her plan was not working. We -know- Sakura is lying here, and she still loves Sasuke, and this is pressed over and over again at us. 


The admiring/blushing scene quickly gets played up into humor. 


The Wave Arc is the beginning of Sakura's growing friendship in Naruto, her beginning of her acknowledgement of him.


For the last bit, considering the platonic-ness, Naruto is protecting a dear friend. 


This is why I would boldly counter-argue there is little to no NS romantic progression, while there is plenty of NS platonic progression. All development that would be more is quickly taken away, humorized, or shot down. 



To be honest? Yes. If the end game pairing was NS the Last would have been about them instead, framed extensively differently of course. The film is -not- needed to justify NS any more than it is to justify NH, the manga would work. 

alright then how come no other manga need a film to show how a couple got together.


Rave Master didn't do it


Bleach didn't do it


Sailor Moon didn't need one


Love Hina didn't need one


Dragon ball didn't need one


my bride is a mermaid didn't need one


Ranma 1/2 didn't need one


full metal jacket didn't need one


Fairy Tail does not need one


hell lets go into kids shows


Avatar the last airbender didn't need one


So no the last would not have been made as NS was a big thing in the manga where Hinat hardly showed up there for they had to do a BS film to show fans why, if NH was shown more in the manga then the Last would never have been needed at all cause it would have happened in the Manga and there would have been proof that NH was then end game which it is not.


As many have said both here and on Youtube Kishi never planned this out as he is not Tolkin or George RR Martin who did plan out their stories.


the only reason it took Tolkin a year to get the Retrun of the King done was cause he wanted it to be good, now you can keep trying and trying to say this was all planned out but it was not planned out.

#949416 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by The Doctor forever on 19 September 2017 - 07:02 PM


In other words it was forced and it was just another of Kishimoto's asspulls.

Plus if they were meant to be together then it would have been shown very well in the manga and no film would have been needed to show how they got together at all I mean think about it if NaruSaku became canon would they have done a whole Film on how they got together no.


I mean I am a big Tolkin fan and it took him a whole year to just get the ending to Return of the King just the way that he wanted it to be.

#949373 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by The Doctor forever on 19 September 2017 - 01:04 PM

On Pokemon: Don't expect that to change unless Nintendo decides to fire the current producer. The producer has said that he will never allow Ash to grow old, maintain a love interest or become a Pokemon Master until the series actually ends.  And he's been saying that for the last couple of decades.  He even fired the original team of writers from the first three seasons (Indigo up to Johto) because they wanted to write arcs that would have Ash actually mature, become a Pokemon Master and settle back into Pallet Town.


As for Naruto...yeah, he was pretty pathetic.   I understand  him feeling distressed over the issue, but hyperventilating and begging?  No, even huge advocators of friendship like Sora, Natsu and Luffy wouldn't react like that over a friend if said-friend committed heinous crimes and was trying to start a war that would lead to the demise of innocent people.

If I remember its also the same guy that says that the reason the have new females show up is for fanservice as well which is kinda sick as they are all 10 year olds, and said Misty would never have come back lol well 42 of Sun and Moon lol and we have her for two episodes with another one this week as well, but I do wish he would grow and Marry Misty as well as there is that old clip way way back in the first season that shows Misty with her daughter. As there was a very old clip for the first pokemon film that was never used at all as back then Pokemon was not as well known and was just going to run for 1 season.



This was the best one that I could find but I did find another. http://www.dailymoti...m/video/x4pmwla


I agree as Frieza would say to Naruto.



I mean to me looking back at Naruto crying cause everyone and everyone knows that Sasuke needs to die and Naruto crying like this, makes me wonder why anyone would want him to be Hokage, I mean I know I wouldn't want him to lead, as lookmat what he has done let known criminals go free. Yeah this is a great leader remember what Orochimaru did to the 3rd someone that Naruto saw as a grandfather.


I mean what I think would be good and I was talking to my friend Evil100 says that Orochimaru still kindnaps children as we know he is still up to no good, so he went onto saying that he kindnaps many children one being a daughter of this new Villian that has his own unit think of them like FOXHOUND from MGS 1 all very highly skilled and all work as a team, anyway his daughter is used as a new body for Orochimaru which means her death, hence this leads into a new war.


From what he said many and many people in Naruto are all killed, he has said while Akira is a bad guy he is also a father that lost his daughter to a monster like Orochimaru, and that hurt him as it did his wife the latter of which is later killed by Sasuke in a kitten move.