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Member Since 12 Oct 2014
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In Topic: Kishimoto's Newest Interview

05 December 2014 - 05:37 PM

Deliberate misled? Riiiiiiiight.

In Topic: Good action manga/anime suggestions

14 November 2014 - 08:08 PM

Hey guys, since Naruto has ended, I am looking for an anime/manga that is action based. I currently am enjoying Fairy Tail A LOT right now,(although the fanservice can get annoying at times). Basically this would be my ideal anime/manga. I want one where the main protagonist through the story develops and uses a large VARIETY of combat techniques. Mostly action based, can be dark but mostly light and funny. Has strong female characters as well. Romance does not matter. It must also be arc based , I do not want it to be episodic like One Piece. 
Dragon Ball Z never really interested me. (prepares to dodge items) I tried Bleach but after Aizen vs Ichigo it got boring. I have heard great things about Hunter x Hunter and Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood.Do they fit the description that I want?
I loved Naruto(especially part 1, it was excellent, but  Shippuden went downhill after the Pein Arc). Also I did not like that Naruto for the most part only had four jutsus(shadow clone, rasengan, rasenshuriken, and summoning jutsu) He had many modes and variations but still just 4 techs. Also there were not very many well developed and strong female characters. It was mostly Sakura, Tsunade, and Temari. 
This would greatly be appreciated guys.

You could try reading D. Gray Man, it's written by a woman. :)

In Topic: Retcons and abandoned subplots

14 November 2014 - 08:06 PM

Sakura's ability to decifer genjutsus' and her Inner-Sakura being dispelled.

In Topic: Chapters 699+700 spoilers

05 November 2014 - 06:09 PM

Dont mind me saying but dude just shut up you getting on this whole tread nerves at the moment.

Getting on your nerves because I'm speaking the truth? Y'all are misogynists, lol. 

In Topic: Chapters 699+700 spoilers

05 November 2014 - 06:05 PM

You know what, I can't be upset with people by seeing Sakura presented there in such a way. Maybe if it wasn't the very last time we were going to see her then I wouldn't mind. Maybe if it was stated that she's still a medic nin and performing ninja duties then I wouldn't mind. But when you think about, hardly any women who get married are depicted in positions of power in this manga and usually end up becoming housewives it seems. Even kushina became one. and nothing's wrong with being a housewife but...is it hard to want the heroine to be portrayed in a different role as well in the very last moment of the manga?

It was one panel, you can't just what she has done by one panel. Even if she was a housewife, I don't see any wrong about that. A woman doesn't have to kick ass in battle to show that she's strong. You are being misogynist as hell.