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#962600 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by hinataiscreepy on 03 March 2018 - 04:52 PM

This was definitely the best time skip fight and we are finally getting to the end of this arc.

#960668 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by hinataiscreepy on 25 January 2018 - 02:25 PM

I kept hearing from the western world that asian countries are demeaning of women... However in an ironic twist, its the male western fans who ended up influencing the ending (sawyer) to the cluster crap we got. I am worried about how we see women (maybe asian women to a certain extent) if Hinata is our supposed standard...


Real life strong beautiful women are the furthest thing from Hinata.

#959167 Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi

Posted by hinataiscreepy on 28 December 2017 - 02:47 PM

I did not like the way the old cast was treated and everything they have achieved in the previous trilogy amounted to nothing. Han and Leia did not stay together, Solo ended up being a smuggler again swindling everyone in the galaxy, and Luke failed in reviving the jedi to become an old delusional hermit. Much like Naruto, Luke just gave up and as Hamill said Luke would never abandon and give up on his friends and purpose. Its Naruto's ending all over again.


Stories like Batman Beyond, Logan, and MGS4 tell a whole lot better the story of an old man raising back from the ashes or still surviving the wounds of time. Snake seems delusional and tired but he never gives up on his friends, or beliefs. Logan is very similar by wanting to save a new generation, and bonding with his spiritual daughter. 


I hated at how underwhelming the big questions of the force awakens were answered and shoved aside with critics praising this just for the sake of being different. 

#954852 Where Did Naruto's Storytelling Decline?

Posted by hinataiscreepy on 16 November 2017 - 04:44 PM


Well, the Uchiha did have relevance, being the background of the primary antagonist. The issue isn't their use, just that they're used too much. The Five Nations Arc is a stepping stone to 700, to the greater issue set forth by Jirayai early on, finding the answer to peace. That's what it has to do with, it's not filler or pointless, (Garbage is subjective). The Arc is quite necessary for the plot. 


I agree they are used too much but the issue is that Kishi has involve the Uchihas and Sharingan in everything including the Rinnengan being an evolution instead of the founding principles of jutsus but Kishi still has to make it about Sasuke's clan again and over again.




My issue is that the whole world peace was not set up early in part 1 (did not feel integral to Naruto's character) and it just felt like a badly written plot device to introduce new characters that did not feel vital to the plot. To me Naruto was essentially the story of an underdog who wants to be stronger and accepted by others and its something that hits you as a teenager growing up and it was not even about world peace. You have to take into account that Kishi did admit that the story went on far longer than expected due to its success and introducing new allies is usually an easy way to keep readers interested (the jump ranking depends on that). 

#951034 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by hinataiscreepy on 06 October 2017 - 02:56 AM

Jinbe and Nami are very close due to their past connection and he was really touched by Nami's empathy and understanding that he was crying.  It makes perfect that their skills are compatible. Worthy of a pirate queen  :wibble: .


Nami is the one giving orders when Luffy is not around. She is the one who worries the most and trust him with all her heart  :wibble:

#950444 The whole Fake Confession bit is one of the worst written parts of the series

Posted by hinataiscreepy on 30 September 2017 - 05:20 AM

There was a whole color spread that hinted at some kind of confrontation between Sakura and Karui. Covers and color spreads are usually hints of things to come.  Despite being on that cover , the cloud ninjas ended up having no real consequences or roles to the arc. Moreover, Rock Lee and Co DID NOTHING except talking and sleeping. Characters introduced in a story arc that end up doing nothing are red flags of  bad writing.   This is where I felt the story was taking a turn for the worse by the sheer bad writing with no flow or logic filled with character regression.

#949814 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by hinataiscreepy on 23 September 2017 - 05:41 AM

I'm back ya'll, but yeah its why many say Hinata is best for Naruto cause she has big boobs and sweet hips perfect for child birth and that she has a blood line so she will make powerful babies.


Its why in away Db is better than Naruto yes Goku is stupid but both He Vegeta and Gohan didn't pick wives that would make their young all the more powerful with the latter two at least Vegeta fell in love with Bulma and Gohan feel in love with Videl and what is funny a film was never really needed to bring them or show them why they fell in love, we know that they loved each other.


Plus I think we can both agree Vegeta is a better man than Sasuke will ever be, plus I have been watching one piece more and well as other far older anime.


Vegeta's character development is literally the opposite of Sasuke.


Kishi tried to make Sasuke his big boss and its too similar to MGS3 but the way Big Boss is written is far more superior, and subtle.


Found this analysis on the Snakes. 





I find the fact that one of Big Boss's most defining traits is overwhelming charisma to be very interesting. It's not what you would expect from a character in that archetype, typically a character like Big Boss would be a dark, brooding antihero, but he's actually the exact OPPOSITE of a man of few words. That's Kojima writing for you.




The guy is goofy, he's got a genuine sense of humor that makes him likable to people, but when things become serious, he leaves his men in awe with his knowledge and spirit. I find this character trait of overwhelming charisma, which is so amazing that it arguably becomes the heroes greatest tool and can even convince enemies to aid him, which you can also find in characters like Goku, Luffy, and Superman, to be extremely interesting, but with Big Boss it is especially so because you do not expect him to be that type of character, and every single time he shows his amazing leadership, it catches me off guard.


What I really enjoy though, is how this same trait is also possessed by Solid Snake, but in a much more subtle way. He really is a loner, he doesn't have as big a mouth as Big Boss does, so he only really opens up to people individually, after getting to know them. Big Boss has to lead an entire army meaning he can't possibly have individual, personal relationships with every single soldier, he has to be an icon and a leader more than a friend. But Snake specializes in one-on-one relationships. Instead of amassing an entire army to follow him, he instead focuses on a few personal relationships and making them as deep as possible.

Meryl, Raiden, and Otacon all revere Snake just as much as Big Boss's men revere him, but it's out of love, not creepy obsession like how Ocelot and others treat Big Boss. This is because Big Boss pushes his own beliefs onto others and makes them follow him (he literally kidnaps enemy soldiers and holds them in prison until they join him) but Snake is much more selfless in how he inspires people (but this ironically makes him come off as more cold).


Look at his conversation with Raiden. He never tells Raiden what exactly to believe in, he knows that is not for him to decide, Raiden has to find his own ideology that he believes in. Snake does the same with Meryl, Otacon, and others. Snake simply pushes them into believing in something of their own choice, rather than telling them exactly what to believe in. This makes Snake's minimal relationships much more genuine and personal than Big Boss's, and leads to characters like Raiden choosing to follow the same or similar ideology as Snake anyway, strengthening Raiden as a person immensely and allowing him to follow his own path that is inspired by Snake, whereas Big Boss's followers are all dependent on him and obsessed with him.

What do you guys think about this aspect of their characters? Kojima really tailored Big Boss's character very delicately when writing the prequels in order to contrast with Snake in a way that expresses all of the core themes of the franchise.

#948619 Civil War In America?

Posted by hinataiscreepy on 11 September 2017 - 12:00 PM




#948581 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 16

Posted by hinataiscreepy on 11 September 2017 - 12:20 AM

Naruto has such a punchable face e1ClrR8.png

Yep they totally want us to forget that Sakura even existed AavgmXf.png

#947291 Netflix Live Action Death Note Film

Posted by hinataiscreepy on 26 August 2017 - 04:29 PM

#945115 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by hinataiscreepy on 03 August 2017 - 07:10 PM

Really happy to see Tashigi ranked 32nd while being out of the spotlight for such a long time. It means she'll be around 15th when she has her big moment that makes her jump up to Vice Admiral and be the new generations Tsuru.


Zoro x Tashigi seems to be loved by everyone... especially the Japanese. It seems to become more and more popular.


Wano is just around the corner (the end of this year) for her to make a return. There is definitely something interesting that is gonna happen with Vegapunk. As long as she doesn't spend the whole arc crying like Rebecca and interacts with the straw hats  (especially Zoro and Nami) she should become more popular for the next poll that I assume would happen after Wano considering the huge scale. 


That increase of 32 likely means we will have more merchandising of her and she is guaranteed to have a lot of screen time if she is more popular. 

#942094 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by hinataiscreepy on 28 June 2017 - 03:29 PM

So what they would make and release OVA in July. Then sell it in a extra in a game bundle. Also did that Boruto DLC sell well?


Sawyer is an nH supporter. He didn't see it or pretended not to because if he did agree with the parallels between Kishimoto life and relationship and the manga existed: that means he's supporting even the slightest amount possible the idea that his insert character (Naruto) won't or wasn't suppose to end up with his dream girl but instead the girl he hates the most because she reminds him of the girls that wouldn't put out for him.


He can see it in other pairings just fine, but not in NS because of his personal biases against it. Now that nH happened. He shall refuse to see it because it ended with nH meaning that any hints of NS must have been false all along cause it ended how he wanted it to end all along. So he was always right and anyone telling him differently was always wrong.


It makes perfect sense why he is in denial because it would bring validity to a pairing that he did not support. The whole narrative played that way until Kishimoto started to let his fans influence his work. Sawyer doesn't realize that he actually managed to change the ending of the series and made it took a direction that the author did not want. Kishimoto was watching his videos and when you see a NH fan with a lot of views and likes that validate his feelings... Kishi probably felt conflicted between making his fans happy and his own story. The author looks like a nice guy but he seems naiive and easy to manipulate. Kishi did not take into account our website or the fact that many narusaku wanted to defend this pairing with youtube but would get immediately tons of dislikes and get downgrade at the bottom of the search list. How can make we make our case if we are considered guilty right from the start and are not allowed to have our own voice.


I have met girls that were similar to Sakura but ended up being around superficial cool jerks like Sasuke. However, It was when we were young and stupid and I did dumb things as well so really am I to judge these girls. The irony is that for me most of these girls were deep down great people but influenceable but it did not make them evil in my eyes. I have come to realize that I should not have been so shy around them and I was partly to blame. Talking and actually having a discussion that might turn on a woman to think that you could be her BF is not that hard if you can be the best version of yourself or show your x factor that makes you different from the other guys. A woman will display very clear subtle signs if she is into you or not that most guys like Sawyer will miss and jump into the friend zone without realizing it.


So he punished a fictional character called Sakura cause you could not handle your bad experiences and try to understand where you went wrong.

#942058 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by hinataiscreepy on 27 June 2017 - 02:55 PM

he does say "I need you" bolded on the I.  and Karin is the ONLY one that he ever says that too, in fact he emphasizes this on more then one occasion.


Add in that she is the first and before sakura only woman he apologizes too for his actions and we have pretty conclusive proof where the story was heading.


not to mention that Saradas design is pretty well thrown in our faces and yeah.


Karin looks like a fusion of Naruto and Sakura which makes perfect sense if he needed someone . Not to mention that she also looks like Sasuke's mother. Its clear that Karin only wanted Sasuke to find happiness... When he first met her he smiled warmly and his "see ya" could be considered flirty (Sasuke was his usual stoic self when he first met Sakura). If this is not true love then I don't know what this is.


Sarada was clearly designed to be their child. The whole subplot about "who is the real mom" seems like a big FU to the pro enders. I remember a lot of Sasuke x Sakura shippers were heartbroken because it did not end up being a really happy family because the father disappeared for years while Sakura had to take care of her alone. Its comical that she can't even remember if he ever wore glasses... True love my bottom... In contrast, look at how Kushina remembers every details of Minato and she grew to like him and how passionate and happy she looked.


Rereading Jiraya's death and it was really sad. Its funny when he dies Minato points out that story teller including himself find inspiration from their own lives. Naruto is essentially a reflection of Kishimoto (he stated that he was terrible at school and felt lonely). Jiraya is a version of Naruto who was not able to succeed including in love. Its even worse considering that Tsunade was willing to start a relationship if he came back. Yahiko was in love with Konan and their feelings were mutual. Obito was in love with Rin and it turned mutual in the after life. We are supposed to believe naruto and Sakura had nothing going on when what Yamato was gonna say was obvious as hell. Naruhinas be like Temari looks like Shikamaru's mom it means something but its nothing if its naruto and Sakura... Makes sense.


Sawyer says that parallels and the author's own life don't matter if its Naruto and Sakura but they do for Luffy and Nami... 

#942044 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by hinataiscreepy on 26 June 2017 - 11:47 PM

I have been rereading some chapters like the one where Karin is introduced. In the english scanlation, Sasuke says "we need you" and I have heard that the official french translation says "I need you". I honestly would think that Sasuke said the latter considering how egocentric, and bossy he was in this arc. Its really interesting how it could be interpreted in a romantic way.


I remember how people back then thought that Karin was just a joke love interest worse than Sakura. However, I knew right away that they got it all wrong from the way she is teased out, the description that states that Sasuke acknowledges as a strong female ninja, the mysterious bond she shares with him, and the chemistry and dialogue.


It was crystal clear that Karin was designed to end up with Sasuke and I knew their love was genuine right from a first impression.

#941611 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by hinataiscreepy on 13 June 2017 - 02:43 PM

I have watched the Naruto film in the land of the snow... It was all right and even good for how it hits your nostalgia of when the series used to be good.


Seeing team 7 work together cohesively with Sakura being actually cool, and Sasuke not being a kitten reminds me of the good times. Naruto used to be so charming, genuine, funny, lovable, and inspiring and that's what he is in the film. That ending was priceless and touching  :wibble: .