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Member Since 23 Jul 2009
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NaruxHinaxSaku Debate

23 July 2009 - 09:03 PM

Before we get started, let it be known that I am a NaruHina fan...I know, I know...But I am not a rabid "OMFGBBQNARUHINAFTW!!!" I am open to the idea of NaruSaku so long as Kishimoto could resolve Hinata feelings in such a way she ends up accepting NaruSaku. However I don't see that happening after the confession. Now before any of you ask "The hell are you doing here?" Well that's because at any NaruHina forum I have been to it's all to obviously biased. A Naruto forum...Well that just leads to a paring war which gets no where. Hopefully somebody here is a bit more open minded. Now I'll only mention a few points that NaruSaku fans have mentioned that have truly irked me, and please, if there was a point that makes you made about us please fill me in.

1) Naruto won't accept/has any reason to accept Hinata's feelings because he is either in love or "madly" in love with Sakura.

-I must be missing something...Naruto has shown affection to Sakura throughout the series of Naruto however it has only been just a "crush". Much like the NaruHina was assumed to be until a confession confirmed it was "Love". Granted it is still one-sided. Thing is Naruto has NEVER said "I love you Sakura." Or anything pertaining. Even in these recent chapters Naruto has not shown any feelings romantically for Sakura.

2) Sakura trumping Hinata.

-I never understood why NaruSaku fans figured as soon as Sakura was willing to Naruto how she felt(hypothetically loves him) that would seal the deal for Naruto. He would just completely drop Hinata/Her feelings are just dropped. Something popularly tied with this is the fact that NaruHina is one-sided. Is this any different than NaruSaku though? Naruto likes Sakura but the feelings are not mutual. If anything I still think Sakura still has feeling for Sasuke after chapter 453. After Kauri tells them that Sasuke is in the Akatsuki she says somthing along the lines of "What's Sasuke to you?!" to which Sakura replies, "I...I..." and then falls to her knees crying. Now no one knows what she was going to say but this kind of goes hand in hand with Yamato's speech and nobody seemed to have a problem guessing what he was leading up to.

3) Hug > Confession

WHAT?! Now I'm not the NaruHina fan that's going to scrap that into a brother sister hug since...Well I have NEVER hugged my sister liked that. (Hand on the face, cheeks touching all that good stuff...) But it would be unfair to say that, that was a HUGE step for NaruSaku because well...it wasn't. Just like the confession Naruto did not reply to Hinata/ Naruto did not hug Sakura back. But for anyone to say those moments are on equal grounds is full of it. Think of it this way. What if it was a different situation...Hinata never said I love you and the battle was won. And the Naruto/Sakura vs Sasuke fight has begun. Along the way Sakura confesses. First of all be honest... You'd milk that hell of that. Much like we did. Anyway Naruto gets back and Hinata gives him a hug and says something like "Thank God your ok." Does that seem even?
Well those are the points that are always brought up to me that irritate me the most. Please, no bashing! However feel free to tell me your guys interruptions of the moments and my opinion. I did compare NaruHina and NaruSaku throughout so I expect the same of you. However don't be completely blind to the NaruHina side. Thanks for reading! Oh yah...If you don't mind, if you don't like/hate NaruHina, please tell me why.