Okay I'll be responding to this thread for the first time ever cause I'm bored. NaruSaku not happening makes sense? HOW does it make sense? WHAT was the manner and reasoning in which it was resolved? NOTHING. Nothing between these two was resolved it was, Oh! All of a sudden we skip to the future and BAM everyone is hooked up and have kids. No, I'm not bringing up "The Last" here because as the title states, we are talking about the manga. Up until the end, here is how the romance subplot is divided. Hinata is crushing on Naruto, Naruto doesn't notice. Sakura is crushing on/obsessing over Sasuke, Sasuke doesn't care. Meanwhile Naruto and Sakura become the best of friends and steadily improve their relationship and become more and more emotionally protective of each other. You know? Like how a realistic romance is portrayed? Yet they don't coddle their best friend, they believe in them. They know how determined the other is and depend on eachother as equals. Even if they DID fight once, does that mean that the friendship between them is so frail that they would break ties over it? First off, let's look at the facts here. That argument was a result of miscommunication and holding back important information that could have prevented the fight. Sakura did not want to tell Naruto Sasuke is finally being treated as the wanted criminal that he is, and Naruto was not sure of to make of the Uchiha incident, therefore did not want to spread a potentially false story. Even with that in mind, did they change their behaviour towards each other, did they show hostility over what happened? No.
NaruHina teaches us an ideal beta male fantasy. Males need an obedient, submissive, weepy woman with no self-esteem, that cater to their every whim. The male need not change or be put in check because their feelings are too important to be hurt or stopped. The woman must never question the man, only cook his meals, do his laundry and look after their children. The man slaps her "kittens" and she must be thankful. He wants "to bang"? She must say yes. He neglects her? She still must be the obedient house keeper. You think I'm exaggerating? Look at all the current chapters produced post 700 and check on the NaruHina relationship. Side note* I'm being sarcastic about the banging and kitten slapping, but given Hinata's personality it's not unbelievable is it?
SasuSaku teaches all of the above AND MORE. A woman is supposed to do and be all those things for a man even though he is abusive and neglectful. It doesn't matter if he tries to kill you or belittle your worth, you're supposed to be an "undying with loyalty" dog. He never returned after conceiving a child with you? No problem, still wait for him to return even though he never does. Just like Hinata above, keep house for him and raise your child alone. He finally homes back? He ignores you, and leaves again. Whoopedy do. Just go about your business as usual. Remember girls and ladies, If a man stabs you in the heart and calls you worthless, he's just being a tsundere, and abuse is the ultimate form of love! Him doing bigger and more important things means he's too busy to cater the needs of his loved ones and that makes him even more desirable because he's hot!
So YES, Naruskau is not happening makes perfect sense. Their interactions were reduced to zero to favour their spouses and Naruhina happened in an extended media and not in the manga itself makes perfect sense. Naruto and Sakura not even sorting their feelings out on panel if at all is a PERFECTLY LOGICAL EXPLANATION on why they didn't get together How could we be so blind? 
Edited by Phantom_999, 02 April 2018 - 07:54 PM.