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Most hated tropes?

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#1 Young Kubrick

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Posted 30 March 2019 - 12:21 AM

I was just thinking about common tropes that are often in fiction, in many different mediums. Obviously tropes aren't inherently bad; they've been proven to work. But there are some that get on people's nerves, either because they've seen it done so many times, or just are opposed to the idea itself, or for whatever else. So I was wondering what are some tropes that you really don't like? I'll start off


Tournament Arcs: Specifically for anime and manga, this is something I honestly really don't like. I feel like the only reason to write a tournament arc is to just give characters a reason to fight each other. It's such a contrived way to try to create conflict, and any character motivation that may drive their will to fight against their closest allies could easily be channeled into writing a conflict that's much better, more fulfilling, and explores the character more and tests their true goals and moral limits. Like imagine if the team of protagonists captured a villain, but one of them was searching for their family, and only the villain had information and/or skills that would help finding them, but the villain is set to be imprisoned. That right there creates conflict, and opens the door for more character examination then just pitting a couple people against each other and getting barbaric pleasure at watching them savage each other for no reason


The Monster Is All In The Protag's Head: This is more specifically for horror fiction, but the reveal that the monster or killer or ghost or whatever supernatural presence was all just a character's delusion or hallucination is so overdone. I'm not too mad whenever something does this, but it's just so annoying that even in something I like I still get a bad taste in my mouth and just groan and roll my eyes. It's one thing if the supernatural elements are meant to be a metaphor but it's all actually happening; that's entertaining on both a plot standpoint and a thematic standpoint. And I'm ok with it being ambiguous if it's real or not, but please lay off of the whole "it was in their head all along" thing


Magic Is Science, Actually: This one I hate the most. I get it, what many people used to believe was magic had a scientific explanation. But Jesus Christ, if a character is appearing to use magic, there is no need to have it turn out to actually be something science based. If a character has magic like powers, let them be magic. It shouldn't be that hard



#2 Lid



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Posted 30 March 2019 - 12:42 AM

I usually dislike when there's a misunderstanding at the second act and the characters drift apart that could easily be made up by just them having a conversation. Sometimes it can be worked out well enough, but it can get old real fast especially when the conflict seems small.

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#3 KClaws_2


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Posted 30 March 2019 - 01:12 PM

There aren't tropes I hate, but there are more than a few where I feel there should be some variation in their execution:


Protagonist beats bad guy by getting stronger: To be fair, this usually winds up in the two being evenly matched to a point and it comes down to one technique. Now, not saying strength doesn't matter, because it does. But realistically, unless you're not yet at your prime and are willing to commit for years, training doesn't augment your physical ability by such a large amount. It's more of a way to keep yourself in shape and maybe learn new things.

Since it comes down to technique in the end anyway, just go with that. Protagonist learns a new technique/s. Let's also not forget experience. If you lose and live through it, it only means you can figure out how to deal with it.


Kryptonite or other physical weaknesses: I acknowledge sometimes this is necessary. But it's still ranges from questionable to ridiculous how one little obscure object can bring someone to their knees. Like, NOTHING else can work? Plus, there's no specific amount to which the ingredient needs to be effective? Rattlesnake venom is toxic to just about everything, but I don't think a microscopic amount is going to do much harm.

Then you can have a plethora of weaknesses, but that only serves to undercut the threat. Look at Cinnemassacre's BS video on vampires. They have SO MANY weaknesses it's a wonder why people would be afraid of them. 


Threat of Nuclear Weapons: In defense of this trope, a terrorist getting a nuclear weapon may not be as outlandish as you would think (at one US base they still use floppy disks to contain their codes). But it's been kind of done to death, plus in our current political situation terrorists of all kinds go for arguably more sinister means. I also hate how they have organizations just randomly nuke a city for lols. As enjoyable as the recent MI movies were, the antagonists' motives for using nukes are RIDICULOUS. I mean, really? When a nation is under nuclear threat, it's not as simple as one country disliking the other. It's in their own INTERESTS. Becoming a global superpower, seeing another as a threat, anything but "OH, THESE PEOPLE ARE KITTEN!" Or "FOR EVOLUTION!"

#4 jak123


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Posted 30 March 2019 - 01:20 PM

None. I honestly don't even like the concept of tropes because even if a story element is overused, it can still be good if done properly. Plus, it's gotten to the point that even if someone creates something that isn't a trope, it will now become a trope.


No offense to anyone in this thread, but when I see people complain about tropes, it's usually them trying to act pretentious by naming off tropes to slam someone's writing when they couldn't write themselves out of a paper bag. 

#5 BakeNeko-Chan



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Posted 30 March 2019 - 02:39 PM

Im of the opinion that how good or bad a trope is should be something of a case by case basis. Tropes are an important tool for storytelling, theyre so common because they are effective and widely recognized. Its the same reason cliches exist because, generally, they work. It really just comes down to function and execution.

That said, I can think of one I always seem to take issue with, and thats when theres some big plot reveal near the end and a character in the know goes on a long info dump explaining it in detail to another character(s) who serve as proxy for the audience. To me, it shows a severe lack of faith in the reader/viewer to be able to put things together on their own through clues and context. It makes me feel handheld and condescended to by the writer and I cant think of an example were this was used that I wasnt taken out of the story. Somewhat related is when crucial information is withheld from the audience with no hint it even exists until it is revealed in a gotcha moment for the sole purpose of making the writing or a character seem more clever. Its cheap and lazy.

Edited by BakeNeko-Chan, 30 March 2019 - 02:42 PM.

#6 Phantom_999


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Posted 30 March 2019 - 08:42 PM

Mm, maybe just one trope, but that is when there is a misunderstanding between a male and female, be it for comedy or or drama, and it is treated as the male's fault when it actually is not or the female is equally as guilty in the misunderstanding. It is prominent in Manga/anime and I see it from time to time in other fictional media. I don't hate it per say but I find it annoying because I'm up for gender equality, so even if it is for a joke or drama, at least have both parties take their due responsibility for it and if it iis not the male's fault don't treat as if it is. That is all

None. I honestly don't even like the concept of tropes because even if a story element is overused, it can still be good if done properly. Plus, it's gotten to the point that even if someone creates something that isn't a trope, it will now become a trope.
No offense to anyone in this thread, but when I see people complain about tropes, it's usually them trying to act pretentious by naming off tropes to slam someone's writing when they couldn't write themselves out of a paper bag.

I agree, but that is over simplifying things, which is counter productive to addressing what the actual issue regarding that is. What you mean is that those that criticize and give irrational dislike to outright despising a trope for lazy and simplistic reasons like they have seen it before or that it is overdone, not to mention having double standards for something that they hate compared to something that they love i.e. criticizing one thing for the smallest of details but overlook another thing are acting like pretentious snobs that think that they are smarter and above everyone else and that what they speak of "is gospel". That I agree with.
but not when someone has a genuine criticism that puts thought and consideration into it and not showing hate comments just for the heck of it, and can vouch for and see things objectively, merits and flaws alike. That is genuine criticism. Surely you don't think that individuals actually do that like that are acting like "know it alls" that arrogantly assume they are high and mighty analysts that take their own word as fact, do you? 

Edited by Phantom_999, 01 April 2019 - 11:59 PM.


#7 Young Kubrick

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Posted 31 March 2019 - 01:51 AM

None. I honestly don't even like the concept of tropes because even if a story element is overused, it can still be good if done properly. Plus, it's gotten to the point that even if someone creates something that isn't a trope, it will now become a trope.


No offense to anyone in this thread, but when I see people complain about tropes, it's usually them trying to act pretentious by naming off tropes to slam someone's writing when they couldn't write themselves out of a paper bag. 


That's not what I'm trying to do. I mean yeah, people complain about stupid stuff acting like it's criticism, it happens all the time. (CinemaSins, quite a bit of Doug Walker's stuff, dudebros, anyone who says something that involves minorities/women/LGBT people is "SJW propaganda", etc). And like Commander said, they exist for a reason: they've been proven to be effective, and more often then not they work. But there are honestly things that are done that you personally just don't like for whatever reason. Or even things that you may like, or not take issue with that you get burned out on. That's what I'm trying to say.


And yeah even stuff that falls under that has and can be done effectively. Like I said when talking about the twist in horror that the supernatural turns out to just be in the protagonist's head, I've seen it in things I like and done well, I just personally don't like that twist


#8 Lid



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Posted 31 March 2019 - 06:41 PM

That said, I can think of one I always seem to take issue with, and thats when theres some big plot reveal near the end and a character in the know goes on a long info dump explaining it in detail to another character(s) who serve as proxy for the audience. To me, it shows a severe lack of faith in the reader/viewer to be able to put things together on their own through clues and context. It makes me feel handheld and condescended to by the writer and I cant think of an example were this was used that I wasnt taken out of the story. Somewhat related is when crucial information is withheld from the audience with no hint it even exists until it is revealed in a gotcha moment for the sole purpose of making the writing or a character seem more clever. Its cheap and lazy.


Yeah this always makes me think of the ending of Psycho where the psychiatrist describes what was going on with Norman Bates. I think it was a studio decision rather than Hitchcock's

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#9 Qia


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Posted 01 April 2019 - 12:54 AM

I don't mind tropes since they're kind of hard to avoid most of the time (if not always). It all depends on how they are used in the story, tbh. 


#10 Phantom_999


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Posted 01 April 2019 - 04:41 PM

Maybe a more accurate and proper title for this thread is "tropes that annoy you if done poorly or not done properly at all". I mean, you can appreciate and acknowledge tropes regardless since they exist because they work, but you can express dissatisfaction with a trope if it is "not done correctly or in the right context." Just some "food for thought" :smile:

Edited by Phantom_999, 04 April 2019 - 02:22 PM.


#11 James S Cassidy

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Posted 08 April 2019 - 07:32 AM

Mine if from romance movies or rom coms.

Best friends spreads rumor that one of the main caste goes back to their ex: I see this happen a lot to create drama in a story with something that could easily be avoided through actual talking. A guy or girl talks to another guy or girl and they start a relationship. The other guy or girl then meets their ex some where and the best friend says "Yeah, they are getting back with their ex" or some other ridiculous claim because apparently asking the best friend is more accurate than simply asking the person themselves. Like some how the BF is telling the truth while the actual person is not. It is a weird mechanic in these movies. Now, sometimes it works when you have the best friend get confused by it and is trying to help. Albeit the wrong way. Instead, most of the time the BF just comes to some conclusion regardless of facts. It is usually the guy's best friend that fudges this one up.

When it comes to the girl's best friend, they are usually more surprised if it looks like the main girl is getting back with her ex. The girl friend usually goes up and says "Are you getting back with your ex? So and so said they saw you hug them and your ex proposed to you" or something.

I am just saying, in real life the best friend is more supportive and at least keeps it real, but in rom coms and even Naruto, the best friends seem to cause the biggest troubles int he main characters lives.

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#12 Khaleesi


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Posted 24 April 2019 - 05:51 PM


god, i hate it



#13 Phantom_999


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Posted 26 April 2019 - 02:21 AM

Yeah I read so many of them to give them a chance and they are all the same thing.  Isekai= Harem¯\_(ツ)_/¯


#14 Liu bie

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Posted 26 April 2019 - 02:28 AM

I love isekai.

Edited by Liu bie, 26 April 2019 - 02:31 AM.



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