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Member Since 27 Sep 2016
Offline Last Active Oct 04 2016 11:16 AM

#922383 No more Naruto and Bleach

Posted by Paiin on 03 October 2016 - 09:19 PM

Finally I realized that there won't ever be a new naruto or bleach chapter..
I'm so done with the world.
These 2 series were, together with one piece, the series I followed the longest time. Over a decade of happiness, awesome fights and characters, friendships, tears and rage suddenly came to an end. 2 of my three favourite series are gone forever.

When I was younger I told myself : when those series are going to come to an end you will be grown up and you probably stopped following them, so it isn't going to be that hard for you.
Well well, guess what? Didn't happen. Actually the opposite Happend. While growing up, these series became a place of total peace,safety and happiness, an weekly escape from all the crap out there waiting for you.

They were part of my life for such a long time, it's like something has died inside me.
Sure there are many other good Shorter anime/mangas out there, but they don't mean the Same to me. Those endless anime/mangas are something uniqe. the bond you create to such Series over the years is just incredible. You felt the characters pain,happiness, grieve and struggle as I'f it was your own.

What I want to say is that it really hurts. In my heart and Soul. Especially when I think of the start - middle Part of naruto or bleach it hurts the most because in my opinion up to these points they were much better than their second halfs.

Do you guys feel the same about this ?

And are there any other "endless Anime/mangas" planned or in production with at least the chance of getting close to Them? And why are there so few endless anime in generall?

#921864 The moment narusaku died

Posted by Paiin on 29 September 2016 - 05:10 AM

I think the reason why I am a Narusaku "shipper" is because I want to have such a relationship  in the future... Honestly, out of all the different naruto pairing shippers, the narusaku people are in my opinion the most grown up (despite the usual black sheeps every fandom has). Narusaku would with a huge gap be the most healthy, happy and long lasting relationship out of the naruto ships by far..

I mean how can you wish a relationship like sasusaku for yourself??

So Narusaku is for me way more than just a Ship- it's a dream. honestly I'm 20 years old and I almost cried like a kid when I finally realised what they did to Narusaku... 

For me in personal Naruto ended with the hug after the pain fight.

#921759 The moment narusaku died

Posted by Paiin on 28 September 2016 - 09:15 AM

The confession was real and Sakura actually had feelings for Naruto.,the only lying Sakura did was about Sasuke to free him from the promise of a lifetime. Narusaku died for me when Sakura confessed to Sasuke about still loving him in 693 and when Naruto was holding hands with Hinata..

That was what I thought too because most of the things sakura said were really the truth... the circumstances were just the worst ever :D