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Member Since 31 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 11 2024 11:55 PM

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In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

03 September 2024 - 11:27 PM

Damn! Bail with the epic mike drop!

What's funny is that all of it could have been fixed so damn easily. We know Kishi kept getting bugged by the Hinata fans who kept telling him what he should do with Hinata even if he didn't get why so many liked her. I have said this, but if I were in Kishi's spot, this would be before Pain, and I was told again and again to have Hinata do something to take the spotlight from Sakura.


I would have told my editors I would give Hinata a big moment. Her death at Pain's hands outside of the range, so she isn't coming back. It would be a way that shut up the ones who all pushed for Hinata, who kept bothering to push her into the light.


Then, with Sakura. She, Shikamaru, and Neji would all fight to save Naruto.


I would have it so that as the two keep Pain away, Sakura would free Naruto, saying she believes him and how much Naruto has helped her grow and she wants to be by his side when he becomes Hokage, sadly before she could remove the last rod Pain will use his pull and stab her in the stomach that way we would still get the Minato part.

In Topic: The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

26 August 2024 - 10:03 PM


And that is why I treat the entire franchise as a joke. You are either invested in a character whose presence and importance to the plot was never there to begin with and flog that importance over the head of everyone else until they comply/give up on the story all together, OR you are treated as an idiot for not seeing how important Hinata Hyuga-chan-megami-hime-sama was to get everything she wanted and was Naruto's stealth "true love" and were too blind to see it. You lose either way, and wonder why you bothered with it. You were either reading for a side character that never mattered or you were one of the many many MANY long time fans that got screwed over investing your time on the series BECAUSE said irrelevant side character had to be catered to. It felt like a waste of time in the grand scheme of things because you were cheated out of a proper resolution to a story you WERE passionate about, or you now find out Hinata's love never meant anything, and she only got together with Naruto because OF PITY and not because of genuine love. Hinata got the man of her dreams because she never gave up? I thought the idea was "they were always in love..." So I'm just laughing at the whole thing. READING COMPREHENSION AT IT'S FINEST FOLKS :lmao:

Lol, well, I have read many of Tolkien's books, so I guess I have more brains than the fans who still read this just to see who will hook up in Boruto, as that is all they care about while we wanted to see how Naruto would become Hokage.


Hinata fans- They just wanted Hinata to get her happy ending.


SS fans- well we know how crazy they can be lol.

In Topic: The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

24 July 2024 - 12:21 AM

I dont care either cause theyll just make Sakura look bad so not going to even bother with it.

In Topic: User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

10 June 2024 - 12:50 AM

Well Blue I went to a world in which you ruled over the whole Earth and HalfDemon was you slave or top commander.

In Topic: User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

27 May 2024 - 12:26 AM

Hey at least I can go into other words that are better. 😁