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Aang's Lover

Member Since 13 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 14 2009 08:57 PM

Topics I've Started


13 March 2009 - 02:04 AM

Hey! ^^

I used to go to NF as "EarthBenderGal" (I wasn't a regular, so you probably don't recognize the name). Mainly I just did some debating in the HoU place, but I got banned from the FC section for some reason, and still haven't been given a reprieve.

I'm also a huge Avatar fan (explaining the name).

Wow, that really didn't have much to do with anything, did it?

Anyway, after lurking a bit, I decided to actually join up with people who think that NaruSaku is one of the greatest pairings out there, like me.