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#991307 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by Niky on 25 August 2024 - 12:53 PM

Everyone is calling sarada boruto's girl i guess having ns in another form is ok now that hinata got her man

Is simply the ultimate insult to Sakura.  :sweat:
Sarada will become the property of Hinata's son and she will also be outclassed as a fighter by Hinata's daughter). 
At the same time she, Sakura, will be outclassed as a doctor by the aforementioned daughter... 
There is no such thing as NaruSaku here. :pinch:

#991306 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by Niky on 25 August 2024 - 12:46 PM

So lets see well since I mentioned it last time. The Acolyte is not getting a season 2. Star Wars Outlaw is coming out in 10 days and signs are, it will at best be mediocre.


Black Myth: Wukong has apparently broke records on Steam for First Day player count. I think it was approaching 2 million last I saw.


Oh by the way, apparently, Jujutsu Kaisen has 5 chapters left. Oh by  the way Nobara is alive.


Summary Time: Chapter 13... Into the second year of this. Prescience...predicting the future? If they could do that, they wouldn't be in this mess.


Cover page is Bolt.


Tree-Jenga was about to kill Bolt till Tree-Bug, named Mamushi, popped out of him to inform him Tree-Moegi thinks Bolt has an ally feeding info. For some stupid reason, he decides to stop himself from finishing off Bolt, because the plot can't let him kill Bolt yet. Oh and he keeps calling Bolt, Otsutsuki Boruto. Also apparently that bulb can rot...what happens to Sasuke if it rots?


Oh good, a flashback to when Bolt hadn't had his stupid haircut. He legitimately looks even better drawn. Bolt is being hunted by the Leaf...oh so they did chase after him. When he is contacted by a toad. Who teleport him to Clone Jiraiya, right he is involved in the plot again...why do I feel dread that some stupid explanation is about to happen. CJ has summoned Bolt to one of Orochimaru's old bases...well, I guess he doesn't need to move around anymore, once he got that pardon for any crime. The Toad is a Scientific Ninja Tool it is not real, he moves it with his chakra, and he is the one talking through it...is this to explain why they didn't try to find him out when he was summoning toads through reverse summoning? Bolt apparently could not recognize him until he put on his mask...who else does he know that uses toads that look like those and has connections to have SNT like that made? Oh Madoc full name is Sanzu, Amado. Ignoring Bolt's whining CJ asks if he was Uzumaki Boruto until recently. Bolt ask if he knows about Omnipotence and is resistant to it, he is not just like Madoc he put it together and figured it out on his own. Remember Ikemoto's character are always smarter than any of Kishimoto's stupid characters like Shikamaru.


Ah, he has the Power of Prescience doesn't he? He says he knew those events would happen ahead of time. More Shinjutsu BS. Apparently, at the end of his fight with Jenga this power awakened within him. Which is why he fled and we didn't see him for the rest of part one. Oh no, there is another tree person, I can't tell who because of the art and also none of the characters stand out.


Oh right throughout conversation they talk about about their previous encounters, that I don't care about. Bolt doesn't forgive him at first for killing Ao, till he does.


Ah, here is the stupid explanation. Certain Kara members were implanted with cell of Otsutsuki Shibai granting them Shinjutsu. Punk got his Belt marks, Moe got reflection powers, Hime has Omnipotence, and he sees the future...good news at least that isn't one of Hime's like me and Phantom feared. i think they mentioned this in part one but only the siblings they have added both Punk and CJ to the list but not the others conveniently. His power is to see possible futures. One of the futures is if Nail had killed Bolt at the end of part one he would have also killed Salad and then Punk would have defeated him and fed him to the tree...so even the manga knows that his plan was stupid. Apparently, CJ had used his power to train Bolt by seeing future powers he would have gotten later on as well as accelerating his training and optimizing his learning...that is useful.


Apparently, most possible futures are and then Nail is fed to the tree and everyone dies. Which is honestly kind of funny for how much he was hype up in part one. Now he is just guy who constantly gets fooled, beaten, and most likely fed to a tree. The data must have shown fans really didn't care for him.


Flashback over. Surprisingly, Nail has not tried to kill Bolt while he was out. Seriously he has been single mindlessly focus on killing Bolt no matter what so far, but now he got the perfect chance he stays his hand. The daughter wakes up and insta-heals everyone...huh, apparently I have Prescience too or more likely I am very used to this story and how this trite plays itself out. I also see this as further proof Sakura is not going to appear. As why do they need her? When they have the Daughter, who is a far better healer now. They do put cuffs on Bolt while he is out.


The chapter ends with Tree-Sasuke being restored and another Tree persons about to be spawned...it's kind of hard to care about the threat as no one but Bolt can fight them and he can one shot them. Also, I'm getting a full side view of Tree-Moegi at the end while I finish typing this...she doesn't have much in the front but has a nice backside. Again, Ikemoto seems to be a legs guy that doesn't seem that interested in the chest department.


Trying to find an image I can use...Here. Look at the last panel does it seem off or is it just me?



The last image is drawn quite well.... Are the central figures in an elevated position? 
Moegi's drawing at the top, on the other hand, is strange.... It looks like she has had a piece cut off (on her hips and leg).
However, she is very thin despite the backside.

#991232 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by Niky on 22 July 2024 - 05:08 PM

As usual thank you, Bail... You have infinite patience! :thanks:


So, Salad looks more and more like the typical damsel in distress... Poor girl, she is now branded as Boruto's future woman and, as a fighter, she was also overtaken in a corner kick by Hinata's daughter.... What a miserable life! :pinch:


There is no escaping this unpleasant fate, which will of course be foisted on us as the happiest possible future for her. :down:


When this Boruto tomfoolery began, I didn't know whether her being Uchiha would save her from the unfortunate fate to which female figures in this franchise are subjected (excluding Himechan's daughter, of course), namely that of becoming sentimental appendages of the protagonist...
I now have the answer. :sad:

It is tragic to know how this will all end when I despise the BS couple with all my might... And some SS fans even say that this pairing was done because Ikemoto is a NaruSaku fan... Give me a break!

#991208 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Niky on 06 July 2024 - 12:04 PM

The anime staff lusted after Nana Mizuki and the idealized woman they created in Hinata Hyuga.


Hinata was just originally a minor character that Kishimoto cared so little about he didn't even given her much of a story. First, to the character beaten up by Naruto's opponent to make the reader more invested in the tournament fight, and then, to marry that person to show how far they had come due to Naruto's influence. His lack of care meant he didn't interfere when he should have; when they started adding traits and scenes to make her "Naruto's perfect woman" at least according to the anime. However, no matter how important they tried to make her in the anime she would always be unimportant because she isn't tied in anyway to the main story. When they tried to do that at the end and then tried to make the entire story about her with The Last it helped to destroy the franchise


Nana Mizuki was a young beautiful twenty year old woman that was just starting out when she got the role as Hinata. And it is very clear the anime staff lusted after her. So, they did anything they could to make sure that she had to keep coming to their offices as often as possible, so they could look at her. Which means Hinata constantly appearing in filler. Stephanie Sheh has said she was annoyed by her role as Hinata as she would constantly have to come in to do a recording and be informed she was only going to say one line, "Naruto," over and over. As for Nana Mizuki thought on this, I don't know, but I will point out once she got herself established the roles she picks seem to be the opposite of Hinata as possible or at least an interesting take on the archetype at the minimum; especially after 2014 when her characters cause both Toriko and Naruto to go under.


Japanese Otaku are the same in and out of the anime staff so they liked Nana/Hinata, and hated Neji as he was her intended love interest.


American fans and western fans tend to be spilt on gender. Males like her because the perfect woman and the ultimate victory over girls like Sakura that friend-zoned them. Females like her because they felt inserted and saw themselves as the perfect victimized princess and Sakura was wrongfully stealing the man that belong to her.


In the end it was more they wanted their fantasies to come true and convince people to see how they did; than wanting to trick their audience.


Ouch, this is definitely disturbing! :wot:


If so, Mizuki makes me feel a bit sorry for her because, although she may have felt flattered by such attention at the beginning, in the long run this (with its consequences...I remember the reactions of Japanese fans to Toriko's case) can become unbearable.


An idealized woman... Indeed. :mellow:


What has always bothered me a great deal is how so-called hime-sama-dono-san-kun-chan fans have always preferred to (intentionally?) charge the character with characteristics that she openly does not possess.

They want to portray her as kind, selfless, sweet, compassionate, empathetic, modest, courageous... But in reality she is indeed shy and polite (and has nice big breasts) but also cowardly, uninteresting, vain, self-centered, and without any special talent.


Her love for Naruto is not great but obsessive. And it became so obsessive precisely because it was a means of making sense of her life on the one hand and of escaping unwanted responsibilities on the other. This poor girl does not love and has no interest in anything but Naruto. She would sacrifice everything and everyone for him (including her children). :sad:


In my opinion, the slap given to Kawaki in Boruto is also to be read in this light too. As a reaction of jealousy toward a boy who is as obsessed with Naruto as she is rather than concern for her son. :sweatdrop:

We should also add that Boruto authors had to get her to do something at that time given the attention Sakura was getting with the Sasusaku spin-off (which Pierrot undertook to make with as little effort and resources as possible).


Here, the problem with Hinata's character is that she only becomes interesting when she becomes something she is not or gets something she does not have by stealing it from others (or, better yet, when her simps gives her something after snatching it from others and then insults and denigrates them).


Shall we then talk about how the character is exalted and called more beloved because instead of one child she has had two (not even if she had had six!)?!?

Ah, I don't bring sexism into this any more... Given due distinctions, I have seen similar talk among female audiences in other contexts. I just see it as a childish, shallow and petty attitude… A victimhood even aggressive and vindictive.


Similar stances and sentiments at the base of a story… What kind of audience can they attract (other than one with no critical sense)? And worst of all is that the responsibles for this debacle do not care, preferring to denigrate and mock those who point it out to them the problems with the story concept by exacerbating fandom mood. -_-


About Neji and the pettiness displayed by certain staff characters we could open a separate chapter... However, right now, perhaps death has saved our boy... Think about how they would have involved him in this horror. :roll:


Oh, and before I forget...

After this, maybe we'll talk about how for some people Ikemoto would be a Narusaku fan in disguise :omfg: ...

One thing at a time. :wink:

#991206 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Niky on 04 July 2024 - 04:15 PM

They wanted a sequel, they wanted the huge international fanbase that Naruto was famed for, and they were told Hinata was the desired love interest for Naruto by a majority of the fan base; of course push along by her fanatics in the anime staff. SS happening was to put away the spare and make a love interest for the sequel's main character. On paper, there should have been no problem.


However. The fanbase that supported Hinata being the love interest was overblown. They destroyed the original story to make it happen. Their new main character is unlikable. They added problems to the ending pairings when their supporters desired them to be perfect and flawless fantasy relationships. Also the person they put in charge of the sequel made a poorly drawn, drawn out, and uninteresting story that disinterested most people.

Hello, Bail!

it is always a pleasure to read your posts!


Absolutely. they wanted their cake and eat it. I agree.

it's just that I didn't know what the initial idea was.
The fact that the first step was taken out of a feeling of doormatism (really childish, come to think of it) came to me while reading a blog in which I participate, where written testimonies of ways of working within anime production are reported. I was very struck, while reading these excerpts, by the testimony of an animator.

He reported that, in an anime production, the decision of one fairly powerful person can decide the fate of an entire work.


Therefore, thinking about how then hime-sama-kun-dono-san-chan is defended, hailed, and justified in the various versions of Naruto-Boruto, I really began to think that it was the excessive devotion to that character the main reason for the decision that started it all. But then, of course, one also had to try to drag along as many readers as possible....

There, that was the sore point. How can you raise a new and large generation of readers when you treat your readers as morons as these producers did.

I must admit, however, that with some of the fandom they did it. I'm talking about the ones I see justifying this stylistic and narrative horror at every turn.
And then I wonder if they are not really trying to build up an audience that is completely devoid of critical sense, or if they simply despise the audience they are addressing.


studio pierrot didn't help. there was even an omake about how they loved hinata and also notes by the studio for an episode with neji where they claim neji was a pervert who was stealing hinata from naruto. not to mention a whole movie about nh written by a writer who probably knew nothing about naruto since she normally wrote live action romance stories


Yeah, Studio Pierrot didn't help at all.




#966538 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Niky on 03 July 2018 - 12:51 PM


I learn about this recently; O’Sullivan’s Law.


From the urban dictionary: "O’Sullivan’s Law states that any organization or enterprise that is not expressly right wing will become left wing over time. The law is named after British journalist John O’Sullivan.

Television shows are the best examples of this. 24, House. Charitable foundations are worse but harder to see.
One of the reasons for this is leftist intolerance versus right-wing tolerance. Right wingers are willing to hire openly left-wing employees in the interest of fairness. Left-wingers, utterly intolerant, will not allow a non-Liberal near them, and will harass them at every opportunity. The result over time is that conservative enterprises are infiltrated by leftists but leftist enterprises remain the same or get worse.
Also, leftism is in and of itself a form of decay. It’s what happens not just to television shows but to nations, churches and universities as the energy given off by the big bang of their inception slowly ebbs away. Rather than expend vitality in originality and creation they become obsessed with introspection, popularity and lethargy. Leftism is entropy of the spirit and intellect.
Another reason is that the parasitic nature of Liberals/Leftists attracts them to existing money.
An enterprise can stave off O'Sullivan's Law if their creators keep it in mind and remain vigilant and truthful.
O'Sullivan's Law hit 24 when they finally had a Muslim villain then started running disclaimers that Muslims aren't all terrorists.
The Annenberg Foundation was started by a Republican but it didn't take long before O'Sullivan's Law had them handing a domestic terrorist money for educating kids.
The ACLU, the Ford Foundation and the Episcopal Church all fell to O’Sullivan’s Law"
Now I know some of you will be offend by being lumped together with conservatives but this does fit. Any site that is not inherently NarutoXSakura supporting will become nH overtime. This was because NS fans were generally fine with the story and didn't feel the need to change it. While the radical nH fans would not accept any ending except the one where nH happened. So, they became active in trying to gain control of the fanbase as well as putting themselves into places of power and influence, while silencing all that opposed them. While those that were silence either keep quite, express their opinions on site like this, or leave the fanbase all together. Slowly turning they became the face of the American fanbase, and therefor the international fanbase.
This is what the Analyzer wanted to do on this site. She first created an account in order to start moderating our opinion into a less pro NS supporting stance with her post, while also cosying up to one of the admins in order to get an admin position herself through her cozening; I think you can all guess the one she was going after. After that she would have used her cozen position to both ban those that refuse to bend, and find away to have her friends to also become admins in order to consolidate even more power to their group. Eventually they would have turned a site that exist for fans that supported NS into just another nH/SS site.
Depending how you look at it I would have been her initial or primary target. I was doing unflattering summaries of both the manga, and the anime at the time. Also, I probably earned her ire when I refused to stop using fat filler as a nickname for...chowchow? After that she would have gotten someone in her group to replace me, and start doing glowing review of both. If anyone complained they'd threaten to ban them.



Exactly what happened in Italian Narusaku forum.

Now it no longer exists... having become a NaruHina and Sasusaku's nest...  :facepalm:


Very interesting law... I will keep it in mind. :wink:

#962478 The Great NaruSaku Fic Listing III

Posted by Niky on 28 February 2018 - 02:43 PM

New chapter! A Voice in the Wind - Akatsuki's Assassin  :love:

I love this story!! I was so worried when the Naruto's ending came out: I feared you would drop it!

Luckily, I was wrong! :D

#962476 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Niky on 28 February 2018 - 02:23 PM


Your considerations make me remember why, at Naruto's end, I was more sympathetic and open-minded for Sakura than for Naruto.

Furthermore, if the Last' story is canon, Sakura has never fallen in love with Naruto because her first impression of him was correct: his always getting in the way of her love was for a RIVALRY GAME with Sasuke.

Hence, the first reason to hate her should crash.

But her haters are more alive than before! WHY??? :confused:


And, a my little consideration about the Hinata love...


The Naruto Italian Fanbase, as I understand it, regards the Naruto's end as 'horrible'.

BUT they are the biggest fans of Naruto's wife choice.


I kindly note that this is not connected to Naruto's love for her (indeed, it almost like they think he doesn't love her) but to her money, social standing, blind devotion and love to HIM (inclusive of crazy high tolerance to his bad habit)... Oh, and let's no forget the big boobs!

These things added value to a relationship! To hell with the love for a woman!


At least, they are honest...


P.S. I was thinking where I'd last seen this reversal main heroine - secondary heroine... At the moment I just remember Macross Frontier. But it's done better. :roll:

#960801 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Niky on 28 January 2018 - 01:41 PM

Hello guys, are you well ? :D

Yeah, I am not a big HP fan at all, but I feel like Rowling had no clue how to do romance. Those pairings had kitten-all going for them. Even Harry with the Asian girl would have been better.


It's like writers go out of their way not to do main x main even when it would obviously work out for the best. Why shouldn't the most significant female character be the one to stand by the hero? They're going to have the most experiences together as a matter of course.


Hermione was obviously the one who connected to Harry the most. There wasn't any indication that she loved him but there was nothing like that with Ron either until what, book 7? Nor were their interactions really good at all. Their childish arguing actually brought out the worst aspects of both characters, while both of them were obviously great towards Harry. It just seems like Rowling decided it arbitrarily because she didn't know how to write romance, sort of like Toriyama's pairings in Dragon Ball. Not that any of these even compare to the travesty that is NaruSaku not happening, but yeah.


On the contrary, I think this was an editorial choice in Harry Potter’s Books.



Everything in the books is meant to exist in relation to him.


So, Ron is the HARRY’s best friend, Cho Chang is the HARRY’s first, transient, experience of love; Hermione is the HARRY’s conscience and wisdom; Dumbledore is HARRY’s mentor; Draco is the HARRY’s bug (not enemy); Ginny is the HARRY’s girl; Voldemort is the HARRY’s evil enemy… etc. etc. :twitch:


Every character cannot and must not exceed its limit, overcome the protagonist, evolve itself to top (Ron and Draco are emblematic of this). :pinch:


Two are the exceptions: Hermione and Snape.


Frankly, on Harry/Hermione pairing and its fandom Rowling coasted until the end (and I was a Ron/Hermione shipper, but not happy with the ending outcome…) but Hermione, with this editorial scripting, didn’t have a chance to become HEROINE, namely an equal to Harry. :no:


Snape was a possible dangerous rival for Harry’s popularity (in the adult fandom only) and I think it was difficult keep him and his interesting story and background at bay. :sweat:


And don’t get me started on the Gryffindor glorification… It seemed the only house present in Hogwarts (because it’s the PROTAGONIST’s house). Slytherin was remembered more like its enemy and rival than other (I loved so much Hufflepuff...). :roll:



#912590 Boruto The Next Generation: Chapter 2

Posted by Niky on 05 June 2016 - 04:25 PM

@Nate this is the movie. It is just copy paste scenes from the movie. Bolt apparently uses everyone. He not just using Sasuke to get back at his dad. He also had to used Konohamaru in order to be able to use Sasuke as a tool by making konohamru teach him the rasengan.


Good kid... He takes after his mother after all. :fan:


But seriously, the supposed NAruto's death, Konoha's destruction, Boruto's brattiness, Salad's coolness (and to me she is Karin's daughter, I am sure now... :superior: ), Hinata's no-bobbies, etc.etc... are not a problem...


'Everything will be all right in the end'... THIS IS THE PROBLEM!!!! :argh: :argh: :argh: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

#909835 Boruto The Next Generation: Chapter 1

Posted by Niky on 02 May 2016 - 11:15 PM

Scattered toughts:


  • The only redeeamble Hinata's trait (the boobs) is gone... :sad:
  • If I did a manga in such a way I'd get kicked out of workplace then and there! :facepalm:
  • At the Sasuke's apparition I was: "Uh? What is Severus Snape doing here? :twitch:


But seriously, how is it possibile to make Hinata and Himawari even UGLIER?!? :argh:

#905560 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Niky on 20 March 2016 - 04:36 PM

That's odd, because last time I saw about tsundere, I see like couple of them being top 3.


The tsundere female type is NOT a problem as long as she is horny for the male protagonist (read: average male reader's avatar)... :hehehe:

#905311 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Niky on 17 March 2016 - 01:36 PM

I got a questions for you guys : If you were in Naruto Position will you tell Sakura the truth about the bench scene or you will do the same like Naruto and forever keep until you die??


The 'final' Naruto obviously cares more about Sasuke than Sakura... So he forgot the bench scene.

The 'final' Sakura obviously cares more about Sasuke than Naruto... So telling the truth about the bench scene would be pointless. Better to forget it.

#901070 Hinata vs Pain

Posted by Niky on 05 February 2016 - 01:56 PM


:wave: Welcome aboard... :th_yeah:

And, if you wonder about db84x, don't mind him. He's our personal, bored, Naruhina Hinata troll... :roll:



My friend...


#900123 The 'Hinata' look and Naruto's popularity

Posted by Niky on 29 January 2016 - 01:54 AM

The problem with that is that modern women are generally more like Sakura then Hinata. So finding a girl like Hinata in modern day is normally a fantasy


It'a fantasy only because if a modern (or any time) woman was like Hinata would be abandoned three months from marriage. Yes, because the marriage would be such a bore... :sleepy:


Hinata is a 'lovely' girl in the fantasy world only.

Her male fans too wouldn't stand her in the real world (unless her dull - sorry, modest - behaviour was a cunning, fake, strategic behavioral - To play the idiot not to go at war, basically).


About the Yamato Nadeshiko (or Baifumei) trope...

Sorry, she is NOT in this trope... because she is really ugly (Nardo, however, is uglier than her :kukuku:). It's only SP that makes her beautiful.  


About the traditional Japanese sexism...

It's not that the japanese males are all sexist (if you want to see TRUE sexism go to read shoujo mangas :sick:)... The Shonen Jump and SP's workers, they are.


More clearly, they don't want a weak woman... They want a NOT PROBLEMATIC WOMAN.


Too busy with work to bother with dates or to build a relationship, they want a woman who takes all responsibility.


A woman who keeps the home neat, takes care of children, doesn't complain.

Who is dedicated and loyal, loving (SHE loving THEM, of course) and tolerant. 

A woman pure and young-looking but a sex's bomb when they are in THE mood.

And, lastly, a woman of good standing and wealthy.


Pretty much the lazy and useless men's dream :sweat: 


But then again, it's only a fantasy.

They will never get it (and they KNOW).  :chuckle:


That's why they wouldn't take a NO in Naruto's manga. :hehehe: