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Member Since 16 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 27 2015 07:40 AM

#655538 LadyGT's ending

Posted by dreamteax3 on 10 November 2014 - 06:19 PM

Its the true ending of Naruto :) Forever and always. There are no other endings that are canon. ;)

#651588 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by dreamteax3 on 08 November 2014 - 07:15 PM

It's hilarious. Someone tells ladygt "F--k you loser!", Ladygt responds politely and makes a snarky comment about Sasuke's kid looking Karin and then some self-righteous NaruHina fan decides to go on a stupid rant about how "dissapointed they are in the way ladygt in acting", completely disregarding the ladygt was getting cursed out in the first place. What a buffoon.

This is too disgusting. This is why I hate NH and SS fans so much. CAN'T THEY JUST LEAVE US ALONE FOR ONCE. AND SHIP THEIR OWN PAIRINGS. The epitome of immatureness. Feels like they wanted NH and SS to happen just so they can bash us? How f**ing terrible. As someone who likes NS and NH, I'm really sad that NH fans are bashing NS, while I hardly see any NS fans bashing NH. Speaking of which, a few years ago, I saw this really annoying NH fan on YT XD his username was v...something I forgot but he was super annoying. If NH and SS fans stalk us this much, then I hope they can see my post ;)

#650207 This made me laugh

Posted by dreamteax3 on 08 November 2014 - 01:48 AM

this narusasu ending would do a lot of justice to the manga compared to sasusaku BS.

#646347 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by dreamteax3 on 06 November 2014 - 08:22 PM

Still cant get over that disgusting naruto ending!!! :'( I followed this series for so many years now this. It also doesnt help how all the SasuSaku fans are flaunting the canon of their pairing! I dont want to see a SasuSaku fan again. All of them are so annoying. I hate SasuSaku so much, and all those rushed stuff too. The only thing I'm alright with is NaruHina. I just want in the future for ALL the anime I watch to go MY way >_> to make up for this terrible naruto ending -_- Watch me flaunt about ____ anime ending when I get it my way and other people wont get it their way :) And my starting point is Nisekoi. When Raku and Chitoge canons, I'll brag about it in CAPS LOCKS AND HSKFJKANFJS like a fangirl in front of all the other fans who doesnt agree :D
I really hate how my RL friend is bragging about SasuSaku right now. "OMG I thought SS had such a low chance but now its canon and I'm happy!!!" What a drag on my life. Needa find ways to improve my life now that the naruto ending ruined it. May God compensate me somehow.
I dont care if Im immature, I feel like I need to avenge this terrible ending

#641664 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by dreamteax3 on 06 November 2014 - 03:21 AM

Tbh, I don't mind NH. I dont know why I hated it so much before but now I think its cute :) It would be better though if they give Hinata more purposes in life than Naruto but Hinata is a great character, shes cute and sweet. Naruto is my favorite character, so I guess whichever girl he ends up with as long as hes happy it would be fine by me. Either NH or NS is fine for me but the thing I cant stand is SS! I posted this rant on facebook LOL: 

SasuSaku and Sasuke disgusts me!!  Go ahead and make NaruHina, I kinda do like it but SasuSaku is one fail of an anime pairing! It is the lowest of the lowest anime pairing out there, any pairing from any anime could be better. If you are gonna make SasuSaku, atleast make Sasuke not be so terrible to Sakura! SasuSaku is just depressing  Sasuke doesnt deserve anyone, not even Karin. And how Sakura still loves him after he said all that kitten to her 0_o Kishi is high on drugs it seems... LOL If SasuSaku appears in the Last Movie, probably not gonna watch it. SasuSaku is a bad moral, bad romance, bad everything. Any anime pairing is better than SasuSaku guaranteed 


Just have one question, when is the next chapter going to be released? -GRABS OUT SLEEPING BAGS-