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Member Since 24 Jun 2010
Offline Last Active Jan 07 2011 02:55 PM

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Customary Lurker Introduction

24 June 2010 - 02:25 AM


I've been lurking at these NaruSaku forums for a looooong time, reading on how people have been reacting to the latest developments in the Naruto manga. I decided to hop on when I just wanted to join in a Bleach manga discussion since I can't really find livejournals on those anymore (unless someone wants to volunteer one).
In any case, I've loved NaruSaku and this forum for a while. So, might as well! biggrin.gif

So how long have you liked NaruSaku?
Before I even read Naruto. Srsly.

I'm such a shippingfangirl that, before I even knew what Naruto was about, I heard about Naruto and Sakura and paired them up immediately. Then, after actually reading the manga, I felt justified in my opinion.

Why do you like NaruSaku?
I'm really glad you asked that. I'm probably the NaruSaku representative of my high school's (in which I am graduating tomorrow, haha) anime club, and I argue my point once in a blue moon.
I looove their development.
Their relationship and their personalities have so much potential to change each other. Sakura can be a woman without Naruto, yeah, and Naruto can still be kickass without Sakura, sure, but when you put them together, it's like the chemistry explodes! When you compare them from Chapter 1 all the way to almost-chapter-500, their growth is astounding.

...In other words, my name is Yssa. Nice to meet you c: