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Member Since 28 Dec 2008
Offline Last Active Jul 31 2010 07:58 PM

Topics I've Started

Why The Quantity Over The Quality? [Resolved]

27 July 2010 - 01:43 AM

Why is it that the ranking system is built around the number of posts you make instead of the quality of contents of the post you make. There wouldn't be any
'Necro-Posting' or 'Multi-Posting' if members would be counted on the Quality of the Substance of each posts. I know I am not the first to come forward and ask this question but I at least want a reason. As far as i have been informed there is no anything for good posts. I honestly believe that if there was something good for having quality posts that the majority of the topics would become more meaningful.


26 July 2010 - 08:21 PM

i honestly think that Naruto and Sakura's hair color have something to do with them somehow i mean it is a kind of hint i think

G Mod

26 July 2010 - 08:12 PM

Does anyone on this site play gmod by any chance?


25 July 2010 - 09:27 PM

I find that people try to make Sasuke into something he is not. Sasuke is an obstacle meaning a challenge. He is the problem Naruto must face and somehow over come. If you read

the manga you know that he is crazy (no offense), destructive, has poor intentions, evil spirited, hates the world, is very vengeful, dense, and murderous. I am not trying to bash him

and if you feel offended i'm sorry but thats what he is and what he has become. Kishimoto is showing how two people (Naruto and Sasuke) that have gone through similar struggles in

their life can be become different people through the choices they make and the paths they choose. He is not like Naruto anymore, he is not the same guy , and he isn't supposed to

be either. If he were to do something good it would be because it somehow serves his purpose. Sasuke is the exact contrast to Naruto. I mean Kishimoto has said it himself over and

over and over again that him and Naruto are opposites like two sides of a magnet made to collide. He is THE challenge right now in the manga. It is sad but that why they fought at

The Valley of the End. It symbolized the final path and decision between the two of them like a fork in the road and the further they go the farther apart they become. He is no god or

clod he is an obstacle.

What I have come to find

23 July 2010 - 10:12 PM

I honestly think there that if Naruto decided to go out with Hinata he would soon become board with her. He is hyper and needs someone that he can have a fun conversation with
and Hinata is often times too shy and reserved to be able to keep up with him.