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Member Since 03 Aug 2014
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Is Kishimoto really contradicting himself?

28 September 2014 - 09:07 PM

So, I've been thinking about this a lot after reading lots of posts full of anger, writing some and agreeing with others. But then I remembered how Kishi wrote one of my favorite mangas and even if he's not writing something good now, I think it makes sense.


Out of the NS perspective, let's be reasonable. Nothing Sakura said in chapter 693 denies her love and care for Naruto, so it doesn't erase their development. Let's be honest with ourselves, we all knew that Sakura still cares about Sasuke. Even if she developed feelings for Naruto, she has been shown calling Sasuke's name multiple times, feeling disappointed at his harsh words and lack of care about her and thinking about him. We, NaruSaku shippers always had to deal with Sakura's feelings for Sasuke, just like NH and SS have to deal with Naruto's feelings for Sakura and the lack of feelings Sasuke has for Sakura. I agree this wasn't a good chapter and this pairing drama is getting tiresome, specially because this is a shounen manga, and also that Kishimoto is losing his creativity and repeating too many things of part 1. But I disagree with those who say this chapter contradicts everything that has been previously written. What Sakura did wasn't cool, but fits her, Sasuke's response for all of that fits him too.


About all the Sakura bashing, yes, I agree that loving someone who did all those things with her isn't something to be proud of, well, even she said that. But it's not something new that Sakura is a character with a lot of ups and downs. And defending her, I think she did that because she was really desperate. I don't think she was lying, but I also don't think she was just confessing him and desperately wanting him back, Sakura herself said that she is tired of this, she wants no more war, fights. So yes, she was desperate, but to try to bring peace back, go back to those times when team 7 worked together, she wants this Sasuke crap to be over too.  And for those who say she didn't care about Naruto receiving death threats, honestly, saying "Don't you dare killing Naruto" would be a great NS moment, but a stupid act since Sasuke wouldn't change his mind with that and she couldn't stop him. What she did was try to stop Sasuke with touching words and with that, she would bring him back, save Naruto's life and end all this crap, so, as Naruto said, they could "live happily ever after" as team 7. Though all of us knew it wouldn't work. She wasn't there just to confess her feelings like Hinata (who knew she couldn't do kitten), she was trying to convince Sasuke to return and save everyone's asses. It wasn't just "Sasuke, I love you!", it was "Sasuke, I love you, so please stop this kitten!"


Now, from a NaruSaku perspective, don't act butthurt. Sakura never said she hasn't developed feelings for Naruto, all that she said is that she still has feelings for Sasuke. That doesn't make it impossible for her love for Naruto to surpass the one for Sasuke. If it hasn't happened yet and she just didn't realize, of course. So don't say SS has a ground to stand by and we haven't. Also, there are still ways of making NS canon without making it look asspulled (like with the bench scene as the main reason). We didn't lose all of our development just because Sakura hasn't moved on Sasuke yet. Yet, guys, there's still time for that. 


If Sakura suddenly said she moved on Sasuke and loves Naruto now, people would ask about all of that concern about him (Sasuke-kuning), remembering him when she rejected the guy at the war arc, and they would doubt her words. Making it the way Kishi did made sense, none of us doubted it. Except for the Sasuke's part bc SS fans still think he loves her. --' But reasonable readers wouldn't doubt any of the words said there. So now, if Kishi makes Sakura's reflection about all of this and if she moves on Sasuke and chooses Naruto, realizing her feelings for him, we will all know when and how that happened and it will be more clear.


So, do you guys really think Kishi is contradicting himself? 


My hand will always hold your touch

04 August 2014 - 02:02 AM
