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Reincarnated as a Sword or Sword dad and Frans adventures

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#1 catsi563



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  • Interests:Naruto, Sakura, NaruSaku, pizza, dragons, tigers, wolves, cats, Slaying Ebil dragon windmill thingies, the moon, the ocean.

Posted 19 January 2023 - 05:43 PM

Another new one an Issekai with a neat premise where the mc is changed into a sword who becomes OP but ends up stuck in an unfortunate circumstance until he meets fran a black cat girl who wants to evolve despite no black cat before her ever having done so.


Sword Dad helps her out and the two make a new family as they travel the world


available now in both Dubbed and subbed and lots of fun 

My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

Catsis Fan Fiction

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