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NS Familylife!!!

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#1 Phantom_999


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Posted 21 September 2011 - 09:02 PM

Okay, new fun game here!! Imagine what things would be like after Naruto and Sakura marry. MAKE UP STORIES!!! happy stories, silly stories, you name it (no divorces!!!) rawr.gif OKAY START!!!!

I'll go first: Six months after Naruto and Sakura's marriage (naruto and Sakura age: 25) and Sakura became pregnant with their first child; a daughter they were going to name Haruka, were discussing about a nanny since Naruto became sixth Hokage and Sakura was director of the Hospital and so need someone to look after Haruka when she's old enough to for Sakura to leave to someone else.........

Naruto: So who do you think Sakura-chan?
Sakura: I don't know, hard to decide....hmm.
Naruto: Well they must be reliable for sure.
Sakura: Yes and great with kids,not to mention must be free.
Naruto: could Ino do it?
Sakura: No she has to run the flower shop. How about Hinata?
Naruto: I think She has her own marriage problems dry.gif
Sakura: Oh right, that....*Ahem* moving on so Maybe Tsunade-sama could do it.
Naruto: IIIIIIII.... don't know. Baa-chan never dealt with kids before and she might send them running home. unsure.gif
Sakura: maybe...
Naruto: Too bad Sasuke's still travelling. sleep.gif
Sakura: *pfft* He wouldn't do it if we begged him on our knees. err.gif
Naruto: *chuckles* TRUE.How bout Sai?
Sakura: say that again and I'll hit you! rawr.gif
Naruto: yes dear, bad idea.... sweatdrop.gif
Sakura: OH! Kurenai-sensei could do it!
Naruto: Oh, great idea! she's free and Asuma jr. starting in the academy today right?!
Sakura:Yeah, I'll call her in a bit! so now we're done, want to eat?
Naruto: Uh huh,I'll order from Ichiraku! biggrin.gif
Sakura: *giggles* alright darling. happy.gif
the end

Edited by Phantom_999, 19 March 2012 - 12:24 AM.


#2 Anguyen92


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Posted 22 September 2011 - 04:34 AM

Hmmmm, I'm intrigued in the idea but I'm not much of a storyteller though. However, and not to nitpick there, shouldn't this be in the fun cafe?



#3 Phantom_999


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Posted 22 September 2011 - 04:59 AM

But it's for NS mellow.gif

Okay here's another one (what, no ideas people?) mellow.gif

"Worrisome": Naruto and Sakura are Happy their son Haruto is finally going to school biggrin.gif however......... sad.gif

Sakura: *worriedly* Oh, I hope he's alright. I hope he makes some friends. most of all I hope he doesn't have a hard time. *looking at the clock*
At the Hokage's office-
Naruto: ..........
Jonin: Hokage-sama?
Naruto: Oh, sorry. Your mission is to travel to the land of lightning to help investigate some strange disappearances at Kumogakure. An escort is waiting for you at the front gate. They'll give you further details.
Jonin: yes my lord. leaves*
Sai: Hokage-sama, Sakura-sama wants to see you.
Naruto: Oh. Can you give us a moment then?
Sai: Yes, of course. leaves*
Sakura: Naruto......
Naruto: I see it's bugging you too. smiles sadly*
Sakura: It's just that...
Naruto: I know dear.

When Haruto was born, he had unusual chakra similar to the Kyuubi. The Doctors concluded that some of it's chakra somehow leaked in Haruto's Chakra system during the conception. Tsunade assured Naruto and Sakura Haruto won't develop a personality like the Kyuubi, however He will become sick quite often and will sometimes lose control of his chakra.

Sakura: do you think....?
Naruto: No, He* is with him. Well let's just hope for the best.
Sakura: Alright.
Naruto: Now I think you should return to to the hospital, Tsunade said she needs help with the patients.
Sakura: Okay darling. Work hard.
Naruto: Yes, you too dear.

He kisses Sakura and she leaves

Naruto: Good luck son. *looks out the window*

Edited by Phantom_999, 11 November 2011 - 10:52 PM.


#4 Phantom_999


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Posted 27 September 2011 - 01:40 AM

Okay no responses shamefulcry0js.gif
ALRIGHT here's "Worrisome" Part 2

Haruto, seven years old, is standing nervously in line for the ninja academy entrance ceremony, his spiky red hair flowing through the wind. Eyes as bright green as his mother's looks up at Iruka-sensei as he makes his big speech. and right beside him stood a brown haired man with heterochromia; a blue right eye and a left red eye.

The Man: Are you nervous, Haruto?
Haruto: *Smiles nervously* Just a little. was it obvious?
The Man: It was obvious from before we even left. you wouldn't let go your mother's leg.
Haruto: sad.gif Well you know WHAT"S bugging me right?
The man: It will be fine. your father made arrangements for me to stay with you at school, in case you fall ill or lose control of your Chakra
Haruto: I guess. Thanks Hiro.

Hirohito- The enigmatic young man that Naruto found some time ago on a deserted mountain near the land of wind. He looks to be in his early twenties yet has an expression and demeanor that seems to give him an air of wisdom, betraying his young appearance. Any sensor ninja could sense unusual power within him and it drew suspicion and intimidated them as well. According to Yamanaka Inochi five of the elemental natures can be sensed from Hirohito and his chakra feels very strange and unfamiliar compared to normal chakra. However Naruto could not sense any malice from him and entrusted Haruto's care to him due to the fact that he could inexplicably stop Haruto's chakra when it becomes berserk. So Naruto requested to the academy to allow Hirohito to stay with Haruto during school hours.

Hirohito: I know it will be hard for you to learn. but trust me you have talent. and those episodes don't occur so often any more.
Haruto: Okay. Hiro, what if no-one likes me?
Hirohito: Of course you'll be liked. Once people get to know one another it's hard to dislike them. and you're the Hokage's son. No one wouldn't NOT want to talk to you at least.
Haruto: Still, I don't want to be liked just cause dad is Hokage. sad.gif
Hirohito: Of course not. I did not say let EVERYONE be your friend just because they talk to you and seem to like you, but only by talking to people can you get an idea of who won't treat you as special just because you're the hokage's son and those are the ones likely to be true friends. anyways just give it some it time.
Haruto: alright then. I wonder if Sasuke Oji-san had this problem because he was an Uchiha?
Hirohito: He did. you ready?
Haruto: OKAY!

And together they stepped through the doors.

To be continued....

Edited by Phantom_999, 27 June 2012 - 01:15 AM.


#5 Eva Chen

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Posted 28 September 2011 - 04:31 PM

hey, Phantom, you make the good stories!

I'm lack of making story sweatdrop.gif
maybe I'll try thinking it later

but I'm enjoy read your stories!
Kishi, you can give me everything, but please not NARUHINA!!

my bad English, sorry

#6 Phantom_999


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Posted 29 September 2011 - 11:07 PM

Thanks! biggrin.gif Okay here's part 3!!! "Worrisome" Part 3

Class had just started as Haruto was already hassled by other children who frequently asked questions as soon as he got in the room about Naruto or shouting admiration or infatuation for Sakura, stating they "envy his pretty mom" ( sorry, I just couldn't resist tongue.gif ). Eventually Haruto was about to feel a dizzy spell so Hirohito had to intervene, explaining Haruto's physical health to the class and to as for their understanding that Hirohito gets sick some times and so should limit their questions(and comments). heheelq7.png They eventually stopped and Soon Iruka started the class. While Taking his seat Haruto noticed a blue haired girl with a white ribbon walking in. She was wearing a sky blue skirt, an open light blue shirt with short sleeves, a cream colored shirt underneath, had fair skin and light violet eyes. (get where I'm going with this?) yes.gif

Iruka: Alright settle down children, we have a last minute transfer. This is Asame Hisuka-chan. her family just moved here from Amegakure. Please treat her well since she is not accustomed to Konoha yet.
Hisuka: .......... *bows and walks to her seat right below Haruto*
Boy: *whispers* she looks a little sad
girl: *whispers* doesn't look like she wants to talk to anyone
Hisuka just looks down on the desk uncomfortably. Haruto couldn't stop staring at the girl. And right behind him Hirohito sat on a stool provided by Iruka.
Hirohito: Huh. Happened already?

Iruka lectured until lunch time. Everyone left but Haruto and Hisuka. Most of the class wanted to ask Haruto to eat with them but remembering Hirohito's words they refrained from swarming him, and they couldn't bring them selves to ask Hisuka either as she did not look ready to interact yet.

Hirohito: You're not eating Haruto?
Haruto: Oh, coming. *watching Hisuka leave*.H-Hisuka-chan....?
Hisuka: *turns* eh.....? Who're you?
Haruto: Um..uh U-Uzumaki Haruto.
Hisuka: Yes Haruto-kun?
Haruto: D-Do you want to have lunch with us? I mean since no-one else seemed to...
Hisuka: .... Okay.

In the abandoned room unused by the staff or students, Haruto slurped on some instant ramen (Naruto's favorite brand) while Hisuka nibbled delicately on one of her onigiri(riceballs) with Hirohito sitting next to them holding a curry bread.

Haruto: So Hisuka-chan, what do your parents do?
Hisuka: ? Oh, They're both jonin.Yours?
Haruto: *scratching the back of his head* W-w-well.... *smiles in embarrassment*
Hisuka: Hmm? *glances at him*
Hirohito: His mother is the co-director of the hospital and his Father the sixth Hokage.
Hisuka: Eh? your dad is the Hokage?
Haruto: ....Yeah. biggrin.gif
Hisuka: I see. and who're you mister?
Haruto: He's Hirohito. I just call him Hiro.
Hirohito: I'm Haruto's guardian.
Hisuka: May I call you Hiro too?
Hirohito: If you want.
Hirohito: Okay, thank you. smile.gif So Hiro-san, why does Haruto-kun need you here?
Hirohito: Haruto sometimes gets sick, and other times when he uses his chakra it loses control and blows out. But I can stop it. So his father asked the school for me come too. *chomp*
Hisuka: Oh. Then school might be hard for you.
Haruto: Yeah but I wanted to go and mom and dad were okay with it but worry I might get sick in school or hurt others if my chakra goes crazy.
Hisuka: Do you know why you get sick?
Hirohito: It's hard to explain,since it's your first time in the village.
Hisuka: Okay I won't ask anymore. So what's your mom like?
Haruto: The nicest mom you'll ever meet. And she's pretty.but scary when she's mad. sweat.gif
Hisuka: And your dad?
Haruto: He's great! He needs to work a lot but tries to spend a lot of time with me and mom and teaches me jutsu and encourages me even when I'm down. Mom too. I'm always happy with them laugh.gif What about your Parents Hisuka-chan?
Hisuka: they're both nice and loving. And they work hard but we didn't feel safe at home so daddy decided to move here.
Haruto: They sound like a good mom and dad. biggrin.gif
Hisuka: Mm hmm. happy.gif

They finished lunch in silence after. Then the bell rang.

Haruto: Oh we should get going. *throws away ramen package*
Hisuka: Haruto-kun?
Haruto: Y-Yeah Hisuka-chan?
Hisuka: Thanks for talking to me. I thought I wouldn't make any friends. I'm happy to make one on my first day ,thank you.*smiles*
Haruto: N-No problem.I thought no-one would like me either. *smiles shyly*
Hisuka: Well lets hurry back to class then! laugh.gif

She grabs Haruto's hand and they run back to the classroom.

Hirohito: Heh. Looks like he beat you in making friends AND talking to girls huh, Naruto? fu.png

(YES! I wanted to contrast the start of their son's romance to their own, And YES this is like the Minakushi scenario but they became friends MUCH quicker) pictureem0.gif

TO BE CONTINUED..... love.gif

Edited by Phantom_999, 19 March 2012 - 12:25 AM.


#7 Phantom_999


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Posted 02 October 2011 - 11:23 PM

Hey I have a question here. Does anyone know here I can continue writing my stories about Haruto? Since I've become fond of my OCs laugh.gif


#8 Anguyen92


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Posted 02 October 2011 - 11:24 PM

^^ You could create a fanfiction account and write some stuff there.



#9 Phantom_999


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Posted 03 October 2011 - 02:46 AM

Can you tell me how to?


#10 Anguyen92


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Posted 03 October 2011 - 02:50 AM

I wish I knew but I don't write fanfiction. But you know, go to fanfiction.net, create a account and probably go the Writing Discussion under the Fiction Press of the forum for some pointers and stuff like that.



#11 Soul


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Posted 03 October 2011 - 10:24 AM

Wow that's so good thanks phantom for posting these! wow.png

#12 Phantom_999


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Posted 06 October 2011 - 04:08 AM

Thanks! OKAY!! here's part 4 "Worrisome" part 4 biggrin.gif

In a certain office....... pictureem0.gif

Naruto: ............. Could you repeat that, Hirohito? I think I misheard you......
Hirohito: You heard me. Haruto just made a friend. And it's the daughter of that Asame family that just came here to boot.
Naruto: NO WAY!!! wacko.gif *thinking: is this a coincidence?* *remembering of Minato and Kushina's meeting*
Sakura: OOOHHH, I can't wait to meet her!!!! What does she look like!? Is she cute!?
Hirohito: You'll see for yourself.
Sakura: Don't be a stick in the mud Hirohito!! Why won't you tell us!? rawr.gif
Hirohito: You're asking ME if a seven year old is cute. headscratch.gif
Sakura: alright, alright, wrong question. But are they getting along? wow.png
Hirohito MUCH better than YOU TWO at their age. fu.png
Naruto and Sakura: sweat.gif sweat.gif
Naruto so where are they now? heheelq7.png
Hirohito: At her house.
Naruto and Sakura: HER HOUSE!!!?? th_confused0089.gif
At Hisuka's house..........

Haruto: Wow this is your house Hisuka-chan?
Hisuka: I led you here didn't I? pictureem0.gif
Haruto: Are your mom and dad home?
Hisuka: Of course we just got here they're not working yet. smile.gif Mama, Papa, I'm Home.
Yuzuko: Hisuka-chan Welcome home! *Hugs her daughter*
Makoto: Welcome come Hisuka-chan.
Yuzuko: Oh, who's this?
Hisuka: My new friend! This is Uzumaki Haruto-kun.
Makoto: Great you already made a friend! Well come on in Haruto-kun!
Haruto: Thank you!
It was a simple but clean and tidy house with a warm atmosphere. Yuzuko made Haruto and Hisuka some snacks and hot chocolate.
Makoto:So Haruto-kun, what do your parent's do?
Haruto: Oh! My Mom is the head medic at the hospital and my dad's Hokage.
Yuzuko: Oh How wonderful We get to meet the Hokage's son!
Makoto: W're going to meet your father just now for introductions would you two like to come along?
Haruto and Hisuka: OKAY!!!
Makoto: Great! just let us get ready.
Five minutes later they opened the door when...
Haruto: Hiro!!?? What are you doing here?
Hirohito: I'm here to pick you escort the Asames to meet your father. You must be Yuzuko-dono and Makoto-dono. Please to meet you.
Yuzuko: Oh you are Haruto-kun's-
Hirohito: guardian. I need to keep an eye on him because he gets sick sometimes.
Makoto: Well, lead the way then!

At the Hokage's office

Naruto: Greetings Asame Makoto and Yuzuko. I welcome you to Konohagakure and hope you will be enjoy your stay.
Makoto: Thank you Hokage-sama. We appreciate you allowing us to join your village.
Naruto: I hear that you and your daughter met my Son.
Yuzuko: Yes my lord. He is such a nice and polite boy.
Naruto: Ah yes. His mother taught him that. laugh.gif So on to business.

Meanwhile in the hallway....

Sakura : OH you must be Hisuka-chan! How cute! *hugging Hisuka*, adoring her blue hair and violet eyes*
Hisuka: Hello Auntie. WOW you really ARE pretty, just like Haruto-kun said.
Sakura: Well thank you dear. Auntie is happy you were nice to Haruto. he never had a friend before.
Hisuka: Actually It was Haruto-kun that asked me to have lunch with him since no-one else seemed to.
Sakura: OH!! How gentlemanly of you, my Haruto! pictureem0.gif
Haruto: Mom you're embarrassing me!

They talked a while with Sakura

Hirohito: I think your Parents are finished Hisuka.
Hisuka: Oh Let's go meet them then! *walking to the office*
Sakura: Hello.
Naruto: Makoto-san,Yuzuko-san, this is my wife Sakura.
Makoto and Yuzuko: Pleasure to meet you. First Lady-sama.
Sakura: No,no the pleasure is mine. Welcome to our village. If there's anything you need just look for me at the hospital.
Yuzuko: Thank you very much my lady.
Sakura: Please. Just call me Sakura. And if you like You can come over to our house for dinner some time.
NAruto: Sakura is a wonderful cook. wub.gif ( BECAUSE Pierrot BIASEDLY made a baseless assumption that Sakura CAN'T cook) rawr.gif
Makoto: We'll Try to find time my lady. Well we better get going. It was so nice to meet you.
Naruto: like wise. good luck to you here.
Sakura: We hope to see you again Makoto-san, Yuzuko-san,Hisuka-chan!
Haruto and Hisuka: Bye auntie, uncle!
Hisuka: See you at school Tomorrow Haruto-kun!
Haruto: Yeah! Oh Hisuka-chan, Do you want to try Ramen with me after school tomorrow!?
Hisuka: Sure! We'll meet after school! *exits*
Naruto: SO, asking a girl out already Son? pictureem0.gif
Haruto: WHAT!!!!??? omfg.gif
Sakura: whatthekitten.gif

THE END!!! And That Concludes the the story "Worrisome" But don't worry Haruto's Adventures will CONTINUE!!

Edited by Phantom_999, 12 October 2011 - 03:02 AM.


#13 Phantom_999


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Posted 28 October 2011 - 04:00 AM

OKay I thought of a new story (NO, it's not about Haruto, sorry) tongue.gif but another one IS coming soon.

The Romantic Date: Naruto wanted to surprise Sakura after being married for six months. He considered going for Ramen but concluded that was too ordinary for a "special" date
SO instead......

Naruto: Okay Here goes. *Rings doorbell*
*door opens*
Ino: OH Naru- I-I mean Hokage-sama! what are you doing here?
Naruto: Well actually I wanted to have a very special date with Sakura. We've been married for six months after all. biggrin.gif
Ino: Oh my! heheelq7.png , how unlike you Naruto! pictureem0.gif
Naruto: ...... sweat.gif Anyways I was thinking that..... *whispers*
Ino: omfg.gif WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH NARUTO!!!!!!????? He can't be THAT good with romantic dates!!!
Naruto: What're you talking about? I have my moments. mellow.gif
Ino: Sorry. Sorry. I w-was just so SHOCKED!! wow.png didn't think you had a romantic bone in you. like my husband.
Shikamaru: You talking about me? hm.png( YES, ShikaIno fans rejoice)
Ino: OH NO!! It's nothing Dear!! sweat.gif
Shikamaru: Naruto? What're you doing here?
Naruto: I just wanted advice and help setting up for a date with Sakura.
Shikamaru: So.... no ramen this time? fu.png
Naruto: No, not this time. So can you help me set up?
Ino: Sure we'll help. Especially since it's coming FROM YOU.


Nurse: Sakura-sama, Hokage-sama is here to see you.
Sakura: Pardon? Oh, let him in.
Naruto: Hey honey, do you have any plans for the weekend?
Sakura: No, why?
Naruto: Well I wanted to do something on saturday.
Sakura: we're not having ramen again are we?
Naruto: No,no.
Sakura: It's not that I dislike ramen, * puts her hand on his face* it's just that I want us to do something special every now and then.
Naruto: *thinking "You have NO idea" heheelq7.png * I know,its not ramen. PROMISE.
Sakura: Okay then. smile.gif
Naruto: So Saturday, 12:00 pm?
Sakura: I'll be ready darling. happy.gif
Naruto: OH and could you wear that red dress that you absolutely love too? smile.gif
Sakura: Huh? Oh, yeah, sure. *thinking, "NOW I'm REALLY interested". pictureem0.gif what is he up too? fu.png *

to be continued...... You HAVE TO WAIT TIL TOMORROW TO SEE WHAT THIS "ROMANTIC" DATE IS!!!!! laugh.gif

Edited by Phantom_999, 31 October 2011 - 04:21 AM.


#14 Yoshimoya


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Posted 28 October 2011 - 04:21 AM

Ooo I like this hahahah, but you should make a fanfiction account and just make it an official story on there!

^Adam Couple. KPOP couple <3 google them! They're like an anime couple I swear to God. Watch their show. PM me for link :]

#15 Phantom_999


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Posted 29 October 2011 - 04:28 AM

QUOTE (Yoshimoya @ Oct 28 2011, 04:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ooo I like this hahahah, but you should make a fanfiction account and just make it an official story on there!

I don't know how though and I'd rather post them here biggrin.gif

OKAY!!! Here we go The Romantic Date part 2:

Naruto and Sakura are getting ready for their surprise date

Sakura: So ARE you going to tell me where we're going?
Naruto: You'll see soon. *puts on his suit* pictureem0.gif
Sakura: *sigh* Fine I'm almost finished anyways. *comes out wearing her favorite dress*
Naruto: Trust me it's VERY special.
Sakura: Can't wait. happy.gif * tying his neck tie, thinking" but should I get my hopes up? It's not that I don't believe him just that he hasn't done anything like this before*
Naruto: ready to go?
Sakura: Yes. biggrin.gif *taking his arm*
Naruto: OKAY! *teleports* And here we are. laugh.gif
Sakura: *GASP* omfg.gif N-Naruto! Where did you- How did you-
Naruto: I found it by coincidence last week. Do you like it?
Sakura: *tears up* YES. *pressing her hands to her heart* I LOVE it. wub.gif

Naruto and Sakura were standing in the middle of a beautiful meadow filled with flowers, trees and a crystal clear stream right in the middle. and near the edge of the meadow was a large Hill with a cherry blossom tree and on top, near the tree was a table set up with an umbrella in the middle, piled with sandwiches, pastries, cakes, and tea.

Naruto: I wanted this day to be special since it's been half a year since we married. So I was thinking why not noon tea with a view. Shikamaru and Ino helped set this up.
Sakura: I don't know what to say.... *kisses him* thank you... thank you so much darling.

Back at the village....

Kiba: WHAT!!!!???? zomg.gif
Hinata: Naruto-sama.... did that..... for Sakura-san? wow.png
Ino: YES!!!! Isn't that romantic!?
Neji: .... I guess it is
Lee and Tenten: What's going on?
Shikamaru: Naruto just took Sakura out for a personal noon tea at some secret meadow he found.
Lee and Tenten: HUUUUUUH!!!!!???
Hinata: I'm so surprised. Naruto-sama has never done that before. whatthekitten.gif
Kiba: I know right I mean I got the impression that Naruto could never be romantic to save his life. MAN was I wrong!
Tenten: .......
Lee: What's wrong honey?
Tenten: WHY DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT WITH ME!!!!???? rawr.gif * menacingly pulls out her weapons*
Lee: sweat.gif *thinking* "God help me"

At the meadow.....

Sakura: that was LOVELY. and this meadow is BEAUTIFUL!! How did you find it?
Naruto: I just stumbled across it when I went to see old man Raikage to for that new peace treaty last week. things went great really fast and ended early. On my way back I accidentally teleported here by accident. I didn't know where I was, so I just explored the area for a little bit before coming back home and I thought to myself could I do something here? So I thought of this a few days before.
Sakura: Well we should DEFINITELY do this again Sometime love.gif
Naruto: OH, we're not Done yet. I also made reservations at the Barbecue tonight and they prepared a table for us on the roof for us so we can see the moon tonight. And I bought that special Sake' We had at our wedding, piping hot for the night. wink.gif
Sakura: Well aren't YOU full of surprises today Darling? happy.gif *nudges him affectionately*
Naruto: I DID want this day to be special, dear.
Sakura: Well what time? pictureem0.gif
Naruto: around 8:00 when the moon's out.
Sakura Oh! I'd LIKE that.

To be continued....... I really liked thinking up this story SO I decided to extend it to add to the romance biggrin.gif Oh and in case you're wondering I had Had Hinata add the -sama for Naruto cause he's hokage now and Hinata was always a respectful girl (NOT cause she still has feelings for him)

Edited by Phantom_999, 19 March 2012 - 12:27 AM.


#16 Phantom_999


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Posted 31 October 2011 - 02:32 AM

HeHe! Been waitng long? Alright Here's "The Romantic Date" Part 3!!

Naruto and Sakura are getting ready for dinner at the yakiniku restaurant (Japanese barbecue. derived from korean barbecue I think). Sakura was wearing an elegant pink Kimono wthi with white and red flower patterns while Naruto put on Dark blue hakama, a blue kosode and orange kimono jacket. ( If I got anything wrong feel free to correct me. I'm not familiar with japanese clothing)

Naruto: Ready Sakura?
Sakura: Yes. laugh.gif Okay let's go!
Naruto: Yup, to the yakiniku!

Upon their arrival.....

manager: Good evening hokage-sama, Sakura-sama. Your table on the roof will be ready in fifteen minutes.
Naruto: Thank you. We'll wait here.
Ino: *look from her table* Naruto!? Sakura!? What're you doing here!?
Sakura: Oh Hey, Ino! we're just coming here for dinner.
Naruto: I reserved a table on the roof to see the moonlight. Oh and we're having the sake' that was served at our wedding!
Ino: I don't BELIEVE it!!! TWO romantic date plans in one coming from THE Uzumaki Naruto!!!???? I think I'm going to FAINT!!!! wacko.gif
Shikamaru:Hey, hey, can you reduce the romance a bit? Ino, looks like she might have a heart attack, and you're making the rest of us look bad. dry.gif Just this afternoon Tenten was snapping at Lee for not being "romantic" enough with her, and was chasing him all over the village with her blades. It wasn't a pretty sight.
Sakura: Ehehe. sweat.gif So how're you two coming along?
Ino: Oh we're doing fine! three months now! love.gif * rubbing her abdomen*
Shikumaru: UMM yeah.
Sakura: OH, I can't WAIT!!!!
Naruto: You have a name yet?
Shikamaru: Sheena.
Sakura: Oh that's a lovely name!!
Manager: Hokage-sama, Sakura-sama, you table is ready. Right this way please.
Naruto: Oh thank you, we're coming.

They walked uptaires to their special table on the roof.

Sakura: WOW!!! The moon is really pretty tonight! wow.png
Naruto: Huh it really IS pretty tonight. happy.gif A full moon too.
taking their seats......
Naruto: you look really happy right now, dear. Is it the moon or Ino's baby? pictureem0.gif
Sakur: Both. biggrin.gif But more about Ino being pregnant. I can't WAIT for our own either. We haven't been getting any luck so far.
Naruto: Yeah..... *smiles sadly*
Sakura: What's wrong Naruto?
Naruto: I sometimes wonder.... Will I be there for our child?
Sakura: Where did that- Oh right your. mother and father.
Naruto: I sometimes think.... HOW awful it will be for them if we went away like that. I know mom and Dad had their reasons and it was for the good village. I understand that and I always admired and loved them for it. But that loneliness was....
Sakura: I understand. *Puts her hand on his* But it will be fine Darling. We will both make sure we live for our child or children. NO MATTER what. *kisses him and smiles*
Naruto: Yes, you're right. Thank you so much Sakura. *Hugs her*

Soon the waiters and waitresses brought out the food and sake and they grilled the meat and vegetables, eating and drinking in silence,admiring the moon.

Sakura:Today was REALLY special. I never thought you would go through so much trouble.
Naruto: I felt that it SHOULD BE special. I just had this feeling it needed to be.
Sakura: Well it was an occasion I WON'T forget. Hmm it's almost 10:30.
Naruto: Do you wanna go back home soon?
Sakura: Sure. laugh.gif I want to "try again" tonight anyway.
Naruto: Huh?
Sakura: Don't tell me you forgot our conversation about kids already. fu.png
Naruto: OOOOHHH!!! heheelq7.png Alright then dear.
Sakura: BUT really I'm glad We got to spend the day together today and I really enjoyed the the tea. THANK YOU Naruto. I have such a WONDERFUL husband. I can't say that enough. wub.gif
Naruto: I love you too, Sakura. I'm so thankful for your support. We'll ALWAYS be together, even if we're apart. love.gif
Sakura: Mm hmm. It's a promise. happy.gif

The bill came and Naruto paid for everything. Holding on to his arm and putting her head on his shoulder, The couple left the restaurant and walked home.

THE END love.gif

Edited by Phantom_999, 28 November 2011 - 02:35 AM.


#17 FoolishYoungling


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Posted 31 October 2011 - 02:55 AM

QUOTE (Phantom_999 @ Oct 31 2011, 02:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
THE END. love.gif

Well, you have a NS before kids and after kids story, but where is the having kids one? I guess thats your next fanfiction? happy.gif

Left Hand to the Future Pirate King


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#18 Phantom_999


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Posted 31 October 2011 - 04:03 AM

What, when Sakura goes into labor I'm not a girl nor was I ever pregnant So I would have no experience with that wink.gif

Edited by Phantom_999, 31 October 2011 - 04:12 AM.


#19 FoolishYoungling


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Posted 31 October 2011 - 04:04 AM

QUOTE (Phantom_999 @ Oct 31 2011, 05:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What, when Sakura goes into labor I'm not a girl So I would have no experience with that wink.gif

Same, but you could have her like yelling "BAKA" while holding his hand... worth a try...

Left Hand to the Future Pirate King


Vinsmoke "Black Leg" Sanji


#20 Phantom_999


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Posted 04 January 2012 - 01:40 AM

Okay new story on Sakura going into labor and is going to have her baby soon ! heheelq7.png ( I'm working on the next Haruto story) tongue.gif

"Our Child"

On a perfectly normal day.....

Naruto: Nice weather today. smile.gif
Shikamaru: Hey! Earth to Naruto! you're supposed to be telling me of my mission.
Naruto: Oh sorry. just thinking of-
Shikamaru: Sakura?
Naruto: *Sheepishly* Yeah. 121721.gif
Shikamaru: Any day now, huh?
Naruto: well It'll be nine months soon. happy.gif Anyways your mission is-

Meanwhile at the Hospital......

Sakura: *Huff,huff*
Ino: You okay Sakura? You seem to be in a lot of pain.
Sakura: *snaps* Well OF COURSE I'm in pain! this is a painful time which you should know! rawr.gif
Hinata: Sakura-san, don't move so much you'll strain yourself.
Sakura: I know, Sorry Ino, Hinata. sad.gif
Ino: It's okay, I know that having a baby can be a grouchy time.
Tsunade: Well it doesn't seem to be anything wrong. alright that's it for today, the baby seems to be fine. alright Sakura, you can go home.
Sakura: Thank you Tsunade-sama. Well lets go home then ladies.
Ino, Hinata: Okay!

To be continued. (Sorry for the lame ending but I ran out of ideas, and need to get more reference of childbirth) laugh.gif

Edited by Phantom_999, 07 March 2012 - 02:26 AM.


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