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Member Since 01 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 28 2013 08:47 PM

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In Topic: The concerned Heaven and Earth

28 April 2013 - 06:45 PM

On the likely chance I bet banned forever for the pm I just sent tricksie, just want to say I am forever thankful this thread has been started and I agree particularly with Slextrem, James, sushi., and others that I am probably forgetting because I read a lot. I'm on Narutoforums(same name) if anyone wants to talk to me there and I'm thinking of making a tumblr. Just saying in case anyone 'cares'.

Lastly, one point I really like about sushi.'s post is the idea that mods stick to warning thru PMs. That sounds absolutely fantastic. It's been great these...past 11 posts lol.(if I don't get banned I would like to say more. But in case I do I'll treat this as my last post).

EDIT: tricksie read the damn quotes they were said in the very same chapter thread you yelled at me in. And do not try to pass me off as a troll again for what I said.

EDIT 2: And I hope this next volume uplifts people's spirits here. A grand majority of you are wonderful.

Edit 3: Hurrah I can expand and reply some more!

Slextrem, who is this "you" that you are quoting and talking about?

Because it sounds to me like you have a particular issue with a particular user. And it's a bit unfair to dissect one user's posts in a community building thread, then act like it's the number one problem and that it's a problem everyone shares.

No it is not unfair. It may not be a problem in all parts of this website but it IS a problem in the debate thread and the latest chapter threads. It IS a problem.

I think if you are going to quote a user, then you need to put their name up here. And if you say you don't want to because it could lead to bashing, then you need to present the issue, and the issue only, that you want to see changed, isolated away from a particular user, then address it in a way the rest of us can talk about. That's the only way to be fair.

It's Codus okay? Co-dus. Codus. Codus' quotes are the ones Slextrem is posting. I honestly have to ask why you are trying so hard to defend him. She did post the issue: people forcing their opinions on others and arrogance over their own opinion run amok. It just so happens that Codus is the worst offender of this.

Honestly, no one can make you feel anything you don't want to feel. If you don't like what his views about the manga, then ignore it. Don't contribute and then continue the argument. Sometimes you have to be the one to let it go. Because you will never change him, you can only change yourself and how you react.

That is not good advice. You cannot tell people to just ignore what goes on the community they frequent or else they'll 'ignore' it by going somewhere else. You can't even ignore people who post their views on other people's views so why are you demanding members blindfold themselves and keep on scrolling when they come across an opinion they don't agree with?

Forums are created for the specific purpose of discussion and so when you post your opinion prepare to have it talked about. If you post your opinion in an arrogant and obnoxious way(and continually insult those who disagree with you(LOOK AT THE QUOTES)) then prepare to have people get offended and tell you to stop.

Mods have the power to ban but you are NOT the only people who post here nor do you even post that much. This is the members' playground and if something or someone is causing trouble and discomfort they have every right to speak up about it without worrying about being warned or banned for doing so.

Finally how are you so sure they cannot change if you NEVER let people talk about how they feel to Codus and others? Whenever they try you swoop in and stop them so they give up. They don't let it go they just feel they have to shut up.

edit: To make it clear, I do think you have good intentions in not naming the person because it will likely lead to bashing. This is good thing. But I and the other mods would prefer you didn't quote any other members at all. I don't think anyone should. There's no need to. The focus should be on solutions, not arguments for why other people should change.

You AND the other mods? Or just you? Do you not want people to acknowledge the fact that CODUS can get away with anything he says? You can't talk about solutions if no one knows what the problem is. Slextrem brought up one of the main problems, and once again you are telling her(and others) to shut up. That is another big problem. Your modding ability is not up to standard and what you are saying now is exactly why none of the members wanted to start up this thread in the first place. You show up and start telling everyone what to say and what not to say instead of letting them freely expressing their feelings.

What you wrote, "I think the solution is for people to stop forcing their opinion on everyone else," is a valid thought, but what if the people who you want to change don't listen? Then what? If they're not bashing or breaking any rules, then how would you want the community members react?

I don't understand this question at all but let me say that sometimes they are bashing and breaking rules and making others feel uncomfortable but they get a free pass from you.

1-Members: do you feel like the mods and admins are doing their job? If yes or no? What supportive comment/constructive criticism/advice do you have for them?

I cannot speak for most of the mods who don't frequent the places I do, but I do have a problem with the way the chapter threads are modded. And you all can probably tell I have a HUGE problem with the way tricksie mods things. Have any of heard of the "10 rules for being a Bad Moderator"? It's kinda funny but I feel it fits here. I'll bold the issues I've seen.

1. Don't visit the forums you are moderating often. Twice a month is enough. Nobody cares.
2. Don't start new threads at your forum. That's the users' responsibility. You are only there for editing and deleting threads.
3. Argue with users as much as you can. You don't have anything to loose since you are the moderator. Never bring personal matters to private messages. And remember that your opinion is the only one that counts.
4. Don't respect the other members, make fun of them. If they make spelling errors then criticize them, if they have a poor or unargumented opinion destroy them with words. If they ask for help about using the forum don't help them.
5. If nobody answers a thread don't answer yourself, the user didn't wanted an answer anyway.
6. If a user makes a dupe thread in the forum don't be nice, it's the users’ fault not to know the 40+ pages that the forum has in search of a similar thread. And never ever give him a link to the content he is searching for.
7. Don't edit the bad words in posts. Fights are fun!
8. If a user is misbehaving ban him immediately, don't try sending him a private message or a warning, it's useless.
9. Close all the threads you want. Users love to see closed threads.
10. A way to be cool is to talk about the private forum threads in the public forum. Administrators love the fact that you tell all the users about the content of the private threads.

Again I'm NOT applying this to all mods since I really only frequent the Naruto discussion section, but those up there are some of the problems I see.

1. I don't see mods actively participating in discussion there and it appears they only show up to warn people. THis in and of itself is not a horrible thing because discussion between members moves fine on its own. But it DOES become a problem when controversial decisions are made like banning members with no regard or even consideration towards the people who ACTUALLY talked to the member and have grown to like him/her(no I am not talking about me. I'm talking more about James and Crimson/Baguttee since they were active and well liked members before you banned them).

2. This problem is obvious especially since this very thread was started by a member. And tricksie you yourself when asked to do something like this told Slextrem straight up that the MEMBERS should be doing something like this themselves. I would actually like to agree that the members should be able to start threads like this on their own when there is a problem, but the problem is it was NEVER clear that this was an option for them. Whenever they try and solve a problem themselves(an unruly member for ex.) a mod would show up and yell at them for not just reporting the guy. So as a result it appeared that problems can ONLY be addressed and solved by the mods(which was not done and so the members had to take the wheel).

3. Tricksie this so obviously applies to you it is not even funny. You do this constantly with people who do not deserve it and never at all with people who do(COUGH). JUST right now you blast Slextrem for quoting others and you you yourself quote her. You tell me and others not to derail a thread, then you derail a thread to distribute warning(s)(even after the matter has been dealt with or wasn't even an issue in the first place). This is really bad when you are only warning a single person since that can easily be done in PM. It makes me believe you have an ulterior motive for public warnings(namely scaring members). Those aren't your only hypocritical actions either.

5. Like number 1 this isn't so much a problem because hey you don't always know what to say and members are capable of carrying on a convo without you by now. But it becomes a problem when you make decisions that affect the active community when you are not active yourself.

8. This is a problem in another sense. If I have to keep explaining why then I will. Members who bring up their discomfort with the constant negativity are yelled at and banned and members who contribute to the unfriendly atmosphere are left alone entirely.

I honestly feel there might be a disconnetion between some mods and the members. For example Nate River in the quote by you that Shadow Wolf posted in the opening, you completely misunderstood the problem at hand. It isn't the negative opinions themselves it is the WAY they are expressed and the RATE at which they are expressed(a lot. Every week every day and every minute).

Things have slowly been turning around and becoming happy again(I noticed the debate thread and the RtN thread especially have become fun) but not because mods were warning people to shut up and ignore each other. But because problems were brought up by members and talked about.

It's been said over and over that "I know mods have lives and can't watch over this place 24/7" and that there is a problem. If you can't keep up with discussion, can't read every post before making a decision, and can't be bothered to talk to your members before you do something then why be a mod? If you don't want to activately participate that's fine but I think the Naruto section definitely needs a new mod and one who HAS been talking a lot and keeps an eye on everything that goes on(and wants a job).

And I'm bringing it up again just because, tricksie I feel you can't do that and you've shown you can't do that over the past few months.

Members are afraid to talk and speak up because of mods and if the goal of this site is to create a safe, fun, and friendly atmosphere then just the flipping opposite kinda happened. I feel like things are only getting back on track in the Naruto section thanks to the members not the mods.

Okay I'm done for now. Sorry for the huge ass post and as always if you disagree with me I am not speaking for you and I apologize if it comes across that way.

In Topic: 628

27 April 2013 - 03:15 PM

lol oh dear the mods. Sad to say I saw this coming.

Kadardi, welcome to H&E. Let's get off on the right foot.

You do not get the right to tell someone here that their post grates on everyone's nerves. You do not speak for the group, and no one cares about your opinion of well...anything! People just want to enjoy what they want to enjoy ya know?

Whoaaaaa there! Looks like we're getting off on the LEFT foot LOL!

I know I don't speak for the group. That's why I put the disclaimer that I'm speaking generally and not trying to speak for those who disagree with with me. Wooooow......okay. But I care about their opinion which is why I posted.

And what pray tell, are they enjoying? That's what I was asking. If they don't like naruto anymore then why do they keep coming back to post their opinion but not discuss it? I already admitted I respect zacrathedemon5 for actually telling me why he came back. And I'm sorry(to him NOT you) if my post came off as telling him he should leave.

I wasn't trying to offend anyone other than Codus which is why I posted so many sorrys in my rant.

If someone's opinion is up to your standards, then the only thing you have a right to do is ignore it.

So couldn't you just ignore my opinion? And I don't think that works very well because it sounds like you are basically saying 'if you don't like this then shut up!'

Not being able to speak is what causes some people here discomfort(ESPECIALLY against Codus since apparently speaking out against him is a bannable offense). I'm not going to name names since I don't want anyone to get in trouble with me, but there have been numerous complaints about the recent negativity which has been building up since 615 apparently and showed no sign of going away(I say this with confidence because I've been lurking here).

I guess mod's word=law and all here but since the members are the ones who keep posting and have to deal with the negativity bringing their spirits down, shouldn't they have every right to complain? I mean seriously go back in this thread and you'll see two regular posters threatening to leave because they keep getting told how hopeless everything in Naruto is and the NOT the first time it has happened(thankfully they didn't follow thru on their threats but others have).

I don't see why you are okay with losing members all to allow some party poopers to speak their mind. Negative opinions are good I'm not saying it's bad that they disagree. But from what I've seen a good chunk of them serve no purpose to the discussion and are only posted to make people who were happy with the chapter upset. And of course, people who do get upset can't say anything because if they do mods come and tell them to be quiet and they should IGNORE the post. It is not a fun atmosphere if you feel you can't speak up because you, according to mods and the negative people in the first place, are being too sensitive.

Now of course I know people who have other opinions of the story(as in they don't like how it's going) should be able to post too and I'm all for it! But like I said most of the negative opinions here consist of 'You're all naive because a SS moment is GOING to happen and it will really hurt NS', and 'That will not happen because Kishimoto is a troll and will make asspulls'(said nonjokingly), and other countless bashing of Kishimoto(which I guess is okay here despite the fact that he's a real guy). Those don't add anything to the discussion they just serve to make people feel bad.

A guy named Shadow Wolf has a great idea that I think should've been done a while ago. Go read his post it should be right below the post of mmine you quoted. It's a thread where people can just let loose and talk about what has been bothering them recently in this forum.

This is a chapter thread. It is for opinions about the chapter. Not other posters. Only your thoughts about this chapter.

Ohhhhh okay so this:

The reason I have been keeping this up for so long is because some people doesn't seem to get it. Get what, you mean?? get the fact that not everything will go your way. And I recall some people who implies that should Kishi not do what they want, Kishi would be a lame-ass author. Wouldn't that be indirectly bashing Kishi?? another thing, does Kishi even kittening care about us here?? he doesn't even know how to jack up to the internet for heaven's sake. For all we know, we don't even exist to Kishi's knowledge.

and this:

Next, I don't mind people having fun speculating, but what I mind is the fact some people go way overboard to the point their speculations evolves into expectations. That's the problem with our fandom here. It's no wonder opposing fandoms starts to get the notion we're arrogant.

and this:

Meh, people are getting too excited and worked up for nothing over Sakura.

are TOTALLY okay? Or maybe you did yell at him but you don't want to humiliate him in public like you are trying to do to me(and James and Crimson/Baguette)?

Because really why not send this to me in a PM instead of stopping the thread to yell at me?

I'll be watching your next posts to see if you really are here as a new member or just another troll in disguise. *sigh, we've had so many of them lately* If you can't keep your posts focused on the topic at hand, then I know which group to put you in.

As I recall, the big troll was Crimsion who turned about to be another member here who was pretty well liked(and some people were sad to see him banned) and he didn't want to hurt anyone. Just inspire discussion and maybe say things that WOULD'VE been ignored had he said them as Baguette. I thought that was good(mainly because I see debating as a healthy and excellent way to make one think about their own beliefs and why they support them) but...you didn't talk to anyone about how his actions made them feel(not all of them were mad. Some found it funny and great.). You just banned him. Didn't even tell or warn anyone just banned him. Cool.

Granted I also saw I missed a few anti-NS trolls but I think you are misunderstanding the meaning of the word. Seriously.

Go ahead and read the rest of my posts and put me in a group(wtf?). I have a feeling that that little paragraph is all you read anyway.

Edit: And for the record, anyone is allowed to come here and be disappointed with the manga. Every. Single. Week. Just because you've fallen out of love with the manga at the moment, doesn't mean you get booted from the community. H&E doesn't work that way.

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. That's what i said if you read my posts. I'm talking about a specific kind of negativity. And please lurk a little I don't understand how you could miss losing members and all of the CONSTANT (valid)complaints here and not address it!

I do not understand tying enjoyment to what someone on the Internet says.

This conversation has been going on this entire thread. And really, it's quite simple. We do not tolerate people trying to silence others simple because you do not like what they have to say. When you enter a chapter thread YOU assume the risk that someone will express an opinion of this chapter or manga that you do not like.

How many times does this need to be said?

Actually if you noticed the beginning of the thread was going great until about page 4 when the usual crowd came in and brought peoples' hopes down. And then discussion continued normally until Codus posted that he thought everyone here was arrogant and everything stopped until Don-kun and I posted. Then things moved normally until Codus posted again. Then I responded and things have been moving normally since then....and now you guys have posted and here we are.

Lol in other words 'don't be oversensitive. if you don't like his opinion SHUT UP, IGNORE IT, and MOVE ON.' See how well that's been working out so far. And get a good look at the people who HAVEN'T been taking this advice.

Doesn't need to be said because members here GET that a opinion that is not glowing praise is A-OKAY(it is). What they have a problem with is NOT THAT AT ALL. It's something I shouldn't have to explain to you. Please either read more or please please please please PLEASE let Shadow Wolf do his thread where people can discuss things out.

...And so you don't get upset about this again. I'm ONLY speaking for the people who agree with me(or I guess care about what I have to say...which according to tricksie is absolutely 0 so I guess I'm speaking for the imaginary people who agree with me). If anyone disagrees with me then I'm not speaking for you.

I JUST now saw your second post zacrathedemon5 O_O. Wow dude I kinda don't know what to say haha.

In Topic: H&E's NaruSaku Debate Thread!

27 April 2013 - 12:18 AM

Wasn't a double post after all woo! Thanks Dαrkrєrsŧ.

We're at war, there's literally no time for Naruto and Sakura to interact, especially since they have two exact opposite needs to fill, Naruto is the offense while Sakura is the one taking care of the injured. They can't afford to lose a medic and Naruto's not gonna just protect her when every single one of his friends are on the battlefield risking their lives for him (including Sakura)

It probably would be more accurate to say that they don't have time to talk because they are fighting a monster who doesn't care at all about what they have to say and doesn't have anything to distract it.

Madara and Obito didn't do much other than stand there when the alliance showed possibly for 2 good reasons:

Madara: picks and chooses his battles. If he doesn't see anything worthy to fight then he won't bother. With the alliance being held down by the Ten Tails he most likely didn't interfere because he thought they were all going to die anyway so why bother with ugly little weak people.

Obito: Kakashi himself said that he was trying to verify something with Naruto. I think that means he's been holding back because he wants some questions answered(which explains why he let Hinata do her speech instead of killing her then and there and letting Naruto despair some more).

Now of course, Obito and Madara are distracted by Kakashi and Hashirama, and the Ten Tails doesn't look like someone who will stop attacking for a minute...

Btw so many good posts here.

I dont think while her approach maybe wrong to you but Naruto needed a reality check and also Sakura wasnt trying to protect Naruto she was trying to do the "right thing" what made her to took that decision was the fact that Naruto loved her, she made the confession and she put all of her faith on it because if it fails she would had to do some unthinkable thing, then she comes with her last hour plan to kill Sasuke, since the confession failed the only thing she think she could do was to cut her bond with Naruto, because she thought she only bring burden to Naruto along with Sasuke, so she decided to kill Sasuke lifting his burden, she thought she was an horrible person and then she comes up with killing Sasuke and make Naruto hate her forever since redeeming Sasuke is Naruto's most prized objective.

Also i disagree that she thinks Naruto is a little kid, she just doesnt want to hurt him it's different, she knows all the bad stuff that Naruto is going though and understands it, she just doesnt want to be another burden to him.

You're right, I agree that he needed a reality check and Sakura knew that. But I think she also should've known that reality check=honesty and the way she went about trying to give him that reality check caused more harm than good atm. If Sai/Kakashi wasn't there to explain her intentions then Naruto would've been a confused mess and would only get worse once Gaara shows up.

I definitely think her intentions were good and selfless, but at the same time this whole event should be something she should learn from because it caused more problems than it solved.

Well I don't think she thinks of him as a kid anymore. But between what Sai told her and leading up to the confession itself I think she did because she was reminded of the promise he made when they were children. She saw him act and look so determined and he even said he understood her pain, but it never occurred to her how much pain he was really going thru and why. I think she wanted to fix that so much and make up for that lack of observation and protect the boy who made a promise to her. I also think this because Naruto himself had to explain to her that it was more than promise that made him chase after Sasuke. Haha this is fun smile.gif!

In Topic: H&E's NaruSaku Debate Thread!

27 April 2013 - 12:03 AM

Wow you guys move fast lol. I'll have to catch up. But first...

I so want to HULKSMASH Sasuke. I'm so tired of him being the emo poison pill that ruins everything, lol. (Speaking of Kishimoto's intentional frustrations....)


She did think, she made the confession because it was the only way to pacifically way out of that situation, then she was forced to take drastic measures while her plan B was something she did not think, the part where she made the confession was the part where she thought carefully and the part where she tried to kill Sasuke is the same thing that Hinata did for Naruto, uncareless and unthinkable plan.

It doenst matter if it would lead to a good or a bad ending, Hinata or Sakura could even had died but this dont change the difference of their thoughts.

Good point, she did obviously think about. But I still think she thought about it in the wrong way. Hinata also had a little time to think before jumping in that fight and we saw what happened. My point is she is close to Naruto and she has acknowledged several times that he isn't a little kid anymore, but she still protects him like he IS that little kid. Don't get me wrong. Giving up in the Chuunin Exam was AWESOME on her part and I loved it. But it made sense at the time because she didn't understand who Naruto was completely then.

By the Kage Summit she had seen how much he has grown and maybe should've jumped to the conclusion that if he can handle being a genin Hokage or the death of Jiraiya or a gang of S-class criminals after him(and one of them attacking his home), then he can handle a frank discussion about Sasuke. The fact that she didn't I think shows that in that situation her worry(and regret) DID cause her thinking to be waaaaay off(just like Hinata's concern and regret(not telling her feelings) caused her to make a stupid decision. Though yes her decision was a LOT more selfish than Sakura's).

Very nice response.

I'll just tackle everything by paragraph adding my two cents. ^^

As far as Sakura confessing while trying to show Naruto that Sasuke means nothing to her anymore, I think she went about it wrong. It's really hard to pinpoint whether her feelings for him were real or not given she..

1. She basically retaliated herself when Naruto told her she was lying to herself.

2. Didn't she blush while giving her confession also? I think she did. I've never seen someone blush while giving a fake confession before.

Thank you! I think that too. And about the 2nd point yeah she did blush and smile you know what else? Sai didn't say it was fake ;P.

I feel like even though she may not have been entirely sure about her feelings at that time, it's possible her subconscious may have and so we get what we got here.

I also feel like Kishi used this opportunity in a very smart way. It caused quite a bit on controversy. The BEST way would of been what you've noted. I bolded it for you so you could see, but he went with the most controversial way as to not set up a canon relationship. What it did do for us was set in stone as to what could be FINALLY. I personally don't understand why people took Naruto's word for what happened there, and not BOTH. As Sakura stated, she's the only one who knows what's going on in her head. If she hadn't retaliated, I would of likely fully believed Naruto but that wasn't the case at all so we're left with opposing individuals here. Once again, their communication isn't where it should be when it comes to their desires and such. Hopefully, Kishi delves into this sometime in the future. I was actually thinking Sakura MAY start being vocal pretty soon if she does assist Naruto. Here's a scenario I thought of yesterday.

Understandable. She hasn't given ANY hint whatsoever that she only sees Naruto as a friend(notable for a fandom that really likes direct/indirect statments and thoughts to decide who likes who). There is 540, but idk Hinata was all 'we have to protect Naruto!' and now look at who's protecting who(she TRIED in 614 but then lol death happened)? So I'm taking that with a grain of salt lol.

Ah the author trying to keep suspense up. I can believe that because if the story went a little bit different, something else would be keeping them apart. I don't think I've ever seen anything ever that was long and had the main couple get together in the beginning or middle. Except in fanfiction. But honestly I heard once that some advice for authors is to keep the main pairing apart for as long as possible because if you get them together TOO soon they will get boring and you have to give them conflict that might make things worse. Not true all the time, but it can happen.

Sai should also be accounted for since I noticed he also believed Sakura when she said she loves Naruto. Her little laugh and 'what are you talking about?' was suspicious but then she did show some righteous anger when Naruto flat out accused her of lying which leads me to believe that the nervousness really was because it wasn't going as planned and not because she was really lying. And of course she never confirmed if she was.

Naruto's chakra acts up, and so Sakura goes in to assist him by balancing it out or something like that. At this time, Sakura says something like, she's always wanted to help him and assist him but she never felt like she could do enough. Naruto then reaffirms her that just her being their by his side has always been enough for him. ^^

And then they kick ass.

Seriously that would be good! It'd be funny too if he was trying to tell her to get back so she doesn't get hurt or something and then she yells at him like classic Sakura lol.

I'm more anxious than anything to see what their talk will be like on the battlefield or after and hopefully with it, many things spring to the surface.

I'm hoping they get a few seconds to talk on the battlefield as well but the Ten Tails probably won't stand still to let them talk like Obito and Madara do.

As far as them learning from their mistakes, I definitely agree with you. I don't think Hinata actually LEARNED anything about Naruto. The only thing they truly share IMO that stands out to be is the nindo in which she got from him. Other than that, I can't really think of anything else. We need a Hinata fan here for that one. LOL

YES because I am drawing blanks here.

Sakura sees Naruto on a completely different level. While he's been a source of inspiration for her, she's also learned about him, and wishes to assist him in anyway she can. She believes in his dreams, and wants to be there through the hardships in his life. Tis why I find their relationship to be more genuine given the lengths they'd go for one another. I think she learned from her mistake. We'll have to see in the coming chapters when she becomes a bit more prominent in the chapters/story. Seems like she's making her way there again right now.

That's why I love their relationship so much! And yeah she definitely has to understand that they can SHARE burdens instead of trying to covertly protect each other all of the time(hopefully she gets Naruto to realize that in this battle). She better remember how the confession went next time she tries to speak him. Because he won't play that game this time lolI hope we see his thoughts on it now. I want that a lot..

Sai played a very nice part in the chapters after the Pain Arc, because he was sort of able to propel them forward though it wasn't allll positive, realizations were in fact made at the end of it all. That's the time I thought about when I was yapping about her concerns for him, but even then, he cut her off, and thought she was talking about Gaara. It's almost like he puts himself down when it comes to her in a way if you're understanding what I'm saying. Like he refuses to believe her focus can on him. Ultimately, they both still have a bit of work to do, but that's why I like them so much. They're not perfect. ^^

Annddddd yes, I understood what you meant about the basketballs. It's about time Kishimoto brings things to the light given the manga is nearing it's end. ^^ I look forward to hearing Sakura tell Naruto just how far SHE'D go for him. They'd go past the limit for one another at this point, and they don't even truly know it.

I think talking about this, I appreciate Sakura's concern in the recent chapter a bit more than I initially did.

Sai is boss because he knows all, sees all, and tells all. I get that. I wonder if the hospital scene affected him waaaaaay more than he let on(like he wonders if Sakura would ever cry over him the way cries over Sasuke). And then when they failed to grab Sasuke the first time all of those insecurities kinda just took over his mind. Sakura's definitely going to have to take the first step here. Unless we(and Sakura) get a surprise and Naruto makes the first move.

Lol good! I was worried if it made any sense when I typed it up. Yes because she's knows pretty darn well how far he'd go for her. And as far as he cares, Sakura just being by his side is plenty far. But if she can show him how she does more then...yeah.

Yay! Wonderful biggrin.gif!

In Topic: 628

26 April 2013 - 11:18 PM

QUOTE (shadow_Uzumaki @ Apr 26 2013, 07:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Being a member of this forum since it's early years... it's painful to watch the overzealous overreaction that's been happening lately.... dry.gif

Anyway, while I doubt it'll happen, I still wished 2 or three members of the 11 would also die either during the battles or after. Watching how Naruto deals with it is something I'd find interesting. The bitter reality of war and all that Gundam stuff.... Of course, this is a more optimistic series, anyway, even though it does delve into the effects of war on a person's mental health.

Yeah the doubting periods are kinda hard to read. I mean it's understandable to look at it from all sides from time to time because that does help of course. But sometimes I don't understand how anyone can think the negative conclusion is right compared to the positive conclusion. Especially for these last two chapters where nothing Anti-NS was shown. But I hope you guys regain your confidence soon and with this new volume try not to fret so much unless something obviously/reasonably anti-NS show up.

Lol picturing Shino going out in a buggy blaze of glory. I don't mind either way if more people die or not but I can guess that all of Team 10 is safe. Can you imagine the effect on Sakura if Ino was killed? Team Guy is pretty open...especially Lee and Guy I think(I mean Tenten too but she survived the banana fan so she's fine). Team 8 wise...I just don't want anyone close to Hinata killed again sleep.gif. But Shino should be up for grabs lol.

@Kadardi: Why were you anti NS? or when you say anti NS you refer to shipping something else?

I was in love with the friendship between Naruto and Sakura but put off by the romance. It's kinda hard to explain but as noble as Naruto's love for Sakura was I thought they had more chemistry on a friendship level(noooooo not sibling/family. Friendship). I did recognize the romantic potential however which is why I looked at the Anti-NS side to find good arguments.

It was hard to find them between all the 'Naruto doesn't love Sakura anymore', 'Sakura cares about Sasuke more than Naruto', 'Their relationship is all about SASUKE. Other than him they have nothing together', and of course bashing/twisting character motivations and intentions(one argument I saw was this: During the bench scene Naruto liked Sakura because they both wanted acknowledgment from SASUKE. That pissed me off because at that point 1) Naruto didn't even want to be on Sasuke's team. 2) He said nothing about Sasuke and it clearly implied that it was because they both sought acknowledgement from the people they cared about. and 3) It was incredibly obvious that he wanted to impress Sakura and his whole plan was to learn what she liked about him so he could do it) and twisting characterizations as well(usually done with Naruto's parents but the entire cast isn't immune from this).

I am well aware that Naruto is deeply in love with Sakura and Sakura's feelings are ambiguous, I was just wondering how likely it was they would still end up as friends DESPITE that. But I couldn't find much there either because most of those arguments involved SasuSaku as the main argument or the things I said above. I met some people who felt the same way I do and they said they were just gonna hope. I was fine with doing that too but see this pairing war...it's kinda big. And I found myself defending Naruto's and Sakura's relationship in general against naysayers.

Sooooo here I am, looking for arguments for why ultimately a romance between Naruto and Sakura is better for the both of them than close friendship. Does that answer your question?

EDIT: Forgot to say I do have an OTP that conflicts with NaruSaku. But it has a chance in hell at happening so NaruSaku happening over it doesn't bother me(specially cuz there is fanfiction).

@ coolcatjas


@ sushi.

Don't forget Kurama! Hinata wouldn't have succeeded without him hehe.And isn't funny how if she failed we now know Minato would've came to the rescue anyway? Yet again?

Just wanted to quickly reply to this part of your post. I also am someone who's been incredibly disappointed in Naruto lately, yet keep coming back to discuss it. Why do I? Because, basically, reading Naruto every week has become a habit that I've wanted to break, but haven't succeeded. So when I read, I come here to discuss the series and post my thoughts (which, in the last 20 chapters or so especially, have not been very pleased).

I totally respect your right to come here and post. The one thing I couldn't understand is why some of you seemed completely set in your thinking that Kishimoto is not going to improve and that his series is trash now, and yet you come here week after week to remind everyone of this. If you aren't looking to change your opinion, then wouldn't be better to post your thoughts on a blog or maybe even an Anti-Naruto club? That way you could avoid making people feel bad and at the same time avoid people making you feel bad by calling you negative or something. tumblr is a really good place to post your thoughts and I'm SURE there are plenty of anti-Naruto clubs who think the same way as you.

And really like I said the main problem wasn't the fact that you dislike Naruto. The problem is that you and everyone else who kept coming and posting over and over again how much the series and Kishimoto suck and after weeks of hearing the same thing with no change(and even with chapters that seem good for this pairing) it gets grates on people's nerves. People just want to enjoy what they want to enjoy ya know?

Second, yes, Kishimoto is an inconsistent writer. That also dampens my ability to believe theories or predictions anymore because no one can really predict what he's going to do. Now, I haven't read any of Chatte's theories, but if anything truly awesome were to happen in the series... great! The good writer in Kishimoto gets more time to shine, then. But, speaking in general here, no one at this point can say that anything will happen for sure. Believe in the theories you want to believe, love NaruSaku as much as you want, but there are no guarantees at this point. 615, 618, and 628 are all wonderful examples of that. Those are strikes one, two, and three.

First I just want to say really fast that people have been making good arguments on why the manga is going the way it's going and some of those things are predictable. 615 for example, Hinata said she would hold his hand and she did. 614 is what surprised me since Neji like...got killed. NO ONE saw that coming but I'm sure quite a few people saw the Hinata hand-holding(and I think there were some sighs of relief in hindsight because it happened due to Neji and not because Naruto asked her out). But if you don't think that way that's fine.

Second I think we all know nothing is guaranteed. However if we just accept that then there wouldn't be anything to talk about right haha? Besides think of all the people who make predictions that DO come true. Must be a happy feeling!

And that's why, in the long run, it doesn't matter if the good writer side of Kishimoto gets the spotlight again; the manga's already soiled with inconsistency and wasted potential. Every person getting shoved to the side (and Neji dying) to give Hinata unnecessary spotlight, the rushed-to-hell explanation of the hokage returning to life, and (the nail in the coffin) Sasuke choosing to protect the village from a combination of a big Itachi flashback montage (which got Sasuke thinking about learning more, but hinged entirely on what the hokage would say, which was a story that I'll get to in a minute) and the first hokage's story (which, even if it did have any relevance to Sasuke's situation whatsoever, why would he listen now? To someone he's never met before? Kakashi couldn't stop him, Sakura couldn't stop him, Itachi made him think and reconsider but ultimately couldn't change his mind, Naruto couldn't stop him, Gaara couldn't stop him, but some story time with Hashirama stops him right in his tracks? Let alone a story that was a history lesson barely relevant to Sasuke's character? This part of the explanation for Sasuke turning good just doesn't make any sense as to why it would influence Sasuke's decision, leaving the previous half to stand on its own, which isn't sufficient considering Sasuke wanting to make his own answer depended all on this story). Those aren't the only things that damaged the manga, but those are some of the most recent (and definitely some of the most severe) highlights.

I personally believe the manga is doing just fine. And okay okay I'm VERY okay with the Sasuke situation because I despite NaruSasuNaru with the passion of a thousand burning suns so I let that slide*cough*. But uh, yeah I think you can find people who say all of that works out well for the story but maybe you don't want or care to listen(and I'm not bashing you for that. You have every right to decide what you do or do not read). But that is your opinion overall. Sooo yeah haha smile.gif.

Do note that if you WOULD like to talk about it, I would be happy to discuss it with you here!

Now for the kicker: even with all of this, I kinda love the manga. I love the universe it built, I love many of the character setups. Naruto was a huge part of my childhood, and it was a gateway for me into more and more anime/manga. I grew up with Part 1. Naruto will always have a place in my heart. And maybe that's why, no matter how bad the series may get, I'm still following it, still reading it, and still discussing it.

Awwww that's so sweet! I respect you for admitting that!