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Smash Bros Wiiu + 3DS Speculation

Excited for the new game

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#1 Inferno180


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Posted 08 June 2013 - 11:08 PM

Since 2008 I've enjoyed Smash Bros Brawl, it was a great game, one I played during my senior year of high school, took to my college campus and played endless hours with both roommates and friends.


Now its 5 years later, a new one for both of Nintendo's current platforms will be released, each new game, we expect new characters and something new from what came in around the time of the last released games. Others are expecting which guest characters may show up considering what occurred in Brawl with Snake and Sonic the Hedgehog.


For this smash bros, I'm excited to see which new guys they will throw in, all I know is another Mario or pokemon character is granted but guess this is who I would speculate and want to see in the games:


Mario Series: No clue right now, they have just all of the cast in there. Luigi may get his own original moveset at last.


Zelda Series: Considering the recent release of Skyward sword, as creepy as he was, Ghiriam would be an interesting choice. For Link's main incarnation in this game, I'm thinking it may be the Zelda 3ds (OOT) link or Skyward sword link. Maybe Ganondorf can finally get a unique moveset and use that Sword he always shows off? Others want a Midna riding wolf link.


Metroid Series: I love Samus, but last time the only real addition was an alternate fighting form for Samus, I want to see an actual character, is Ridely too hard to ask for? The guy never dies, he has all the right moves for the series. Maybe Adam Malovich if they wanted another human character, don't know but this series needs another.


Kirby series: considering the guy (Sakari) who created this series also created Kirby, well Kirby, Meta Knight, and King DeDeDe were in brawl, thats all we need. They just need to tone meta-knight down, a lot. People hated him.


Star Fox Series: I seriously cannot understand why they didn't do this last time, Krystal. The blue vixen who first appeared in Star Fox adventures (though a decent game but the black sheep of the series). She could have appeared, she has telepathy, she could have gotten her own unique moveset, yet we got wolf. The fox characters in the series have always been a bit controversial on 2 aspects, they are at times too powerful and othertimes cloned to much. People felt Fox was cloned twice with Falco and Wolf despite their minor differences, maybe give Falco an arwing final smash if those return?


Pokemon: So many I cannot imagine who they would put in, Pikachu and Jiggly are bound to return, no clue on the trainer or Lucario, just no self destructive characters like Pichu, he was terrible in my opinion, the goal of the game was to beat your foes, not make yourself weaker with every single move you unleash.


Fire Emblem: Maybe Crom will come in because of the recent release?


Pikmin: I'm expecting something related to the new Pikmin 3 series coming out later.


Maybe some other characters from deep in Nintendo's past we never heard of?

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#2 neoshadow


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 01:01 AM

Ah Smash Bros the speculation, the debating and staying up to see the dojo updated (never forget October 10th 2007 the day that broke the Internet) ,oh god if the hype is anywhere near as massive as it was for Brawl things could get scary over the next few months.


Unlike with Melee I'm not expecting that many characters to be removed this time around but the ones I am expecting to not return and who could replace them are.


Lucario - he was always the popular 4th gen pick but we are nearly 2 gens later so I doubt he'll return I would guess Zoroark will replace him if they use 5th gen unless they decide to use someone from 6th gen and in that case it's anyone's guess.


Ike - like Lucario for Pokemon and Roy before him he promotes what was the newest Fire Emblem at the time so I would agree that Chrom would be the likely choice to replace Ike's position.


Snake - he was really just a request from Hideo Kojima so unless he begged for Snake's continued inclusion I can't see him returning, as much as I like the character, the series and find him fun to use he always felt a bit out of place, he's not a Nintendo character and nor does he have that much connection to Nintendo. Sonic I can easily see them keeping Snake not so much.


I expect Toon Link to be transitioned back into Young Link because of A Link to the Past 2 but not removed entirely. With Pokemon Trainer they could replace Squirtle, Ivysaur and Charizard with starters from a newer gen but because of the massive popularity and nostalgia for gen 1 they probably won't.


Now for the characters I want


Mario - They really do have every Mario character of importance in the games now but I agree that Luigi should get his own moveset (something more based around Luigi's Mansion), they could add Waluigi but hes always been incredibly unimportant, I just pray they don't add Bowser Jr I can't stand him now.


Donkey Kong - Dixie or K. Rool, easy choice there.


Zelda - First and foremost give Ganondorf his own moveset and seperate Link and Young Link better that should be first before any new Zelda characters are even considered. I really enjoyed Ghiriam  but unlike Ganondorf he has only been in one game and so far they haven't really chosen one off characters. They were considering Toon Zelda in Brawl but that would be another clone type character so maybe Vaati would be my choice.


Metroid - Ridley would be great but I do agree with the argument that he's too big. Maybe one of the Hunters or as Inferno said Adam but I can't help but think we will just get Dark Samus.


F-Zero - Samurai Goroh was already an assist so maybe upgrade him to playable, that or Black Shadow would be my pick.


Star Fox - Again separate Falco and Wolf from Fox and I completely agree about Krystal I would have chosen her over Wolf to begin with.


Kirby - Again agreed it doesn't need anyone else


Would it be too much to ask for a Golden Sun playable rep this time? Issac was an assist trophy in Brawl so they could make him or Matthew playable. And with Nintendo now publishing it imagine if they threw Bayonetta in. If they are considering more nostalgic choices like R.O.B, Mr Game and Watch and the Ice Climbers then I would choose Little Mac.


As for 3rd parties I already said keep Sonic and a lot of people want Mega Man or Bomberman. We also have to remember that Namco Bandai are the ones developing Smash Bros this time so maybe one of their characters will get in, a Tekken character of a Tales of character, I think Klonoa would be the best Nintendo-esque choice but he's not very well known.

#3 Super Boom

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Posted 09 June 2013 - 02:31 AM

Woo! Good topic! I was gonna wait till we got information from E3 before starting the topic myself, but it's never too early to talk about Smash Bros.


I'm not a competitive player, so I don't care too much about how the game's balanced, I'm mostly interested in content. More items, stages, Pokemon, etc. I enjoyed the Subspace Emissary mode on SSBB, and Adventure Mode on SSBM, so I feel like it'd be nice to have another unique grand single-player mode, on top of the usual Arcade and Special Events. Hopefully the amount of content is at least equal to Brawl, though I imagine the scope of the trophies, characters, and items is gonna be far greater this time around.


Now for the important part...characters!


Mario: Same old. I don't anticipate any new characters, nor am I really passionate about the Mario Universe (though I do find the games to be hella fun). Wario was a cool addition, but I wouldn't be angry if he dissapeared from the roster. Maybe just make new color variations, so hardcore Mario fans can pretend to have Wario, Waluigi, Daisy, Rosalina, etc. 


Donkey Kong: Same as above. I don't care about Diddy Kong, so he'd be another Wario as far as I'm concerned.


Kirby: Kirby...you kinda need him. Meta Knight got a lot of hate for being unbalanced, but I really liked him. I really don't care about King Dedede, but I understand he's basically the Bowser of the Kirby universe. With Sakurai designing the game, I wouldn't be surprised to see even more additions from this universe though.


Zelda: I'd really prefer it if they kept Toon Link along with the Triforce group. As it was said, Ghirahim also seems like a no-brainer. He was such a character, he'd fit right in right with the Smash cast I think. I absolutely love the Zelda universe, so I'd enjoy seeing even more than those five. Maybe Toon Zelda (Tetra), Vaati, Zant, Skull Kid, Byrne, Demise, Linebeck...oh geez I could go on. I can't wait to see who appears! 


Metroid: More characters than Samus please! This franchise needs more love. Most villains would be impractical, but it'd be cool to see a few of the Hunters from the DS game. I won't get my hopes up though.


Star Fox: I love Star Fox, but the three of them are like the same character. Come on. Either eliminate some or make them unique.


Fire Emblem: Alright, I'm a huuuuuge Fire Emblem fan, so I've been thinking about this one for a while. The Tellius universe is my favorite FE universe, so I really really want Ike to return. Marth seems like a no-brainer, since he's the original hero, but I think Lucina from Awakening would be suitable replacement, given her role in the story. Also, Chrom pretty much needs to appear. I'd fanboy over Zelgius, Roy, Hector, and many others appearing, but I won't get my hopes up. If Marth appears, I wonder if he'll finally speak English, given that Shadow Dragon came out after Brawl.


Pokemon: I don't really follow Pokemon that closely, so I'll be cool with whomever. Maybe Mewtwo or Mewthree will appear instead of Lucario.


3rd Parties: Sonic obviously, though he's like basically a Nintendo character now anyway. I hated Snake, but it was pretty amusing to see how some fans reacted to him appearing. I gather that Kojima's pretty close to Sakurai, so I wouldn't be surprised if he returned. Past that, I think Pacman is a good bet, with Namco co-developing the game. I'd love some Tales characters as well, particularly Lloyd Irving. Cress Albane (or whatever his fan-translated name is) would also make sense, since Phantasia was the first and originally a Super Famicom game. Maybe Luke? Abyss appeared on the 3DS not too long ago.


Other: Pit needs to return, and it'd be cool if Pittoo was more than a color variation. I really loved the new Kid Icarus, so I'd be happy with any of those characters appearing. Xenoblade Chronicles really needs more recognition, so I'm rooting for Shulk to appear this time. Maybe Sagi or Callus from Baten Kaitos, but I really doubt it.


I'm sure I missed a lot of franchises and characters, but these are all the ones that come to mind at the moment. I'm sure excited to hear more though.  :happy:


EDIT: Forgot about Golden Sun. Good catch Neoshadow. I'd like to see Isaac or Matthew, if possible.

Edited by Super Boom, 09 June 2013 - 04:00 AM.


#4 MangaReader


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Posted 11 June 2013 - 09:41 PM


Just thought I'd leave this here... Sonic better be returning now for sure

Edited by MangaReader, 11 June 2013 - 09:44 PM.


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#5 Phantom_999


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Posted 11 June 2013 - 10:00 PM

I take Megaman into consideration. :D


Well I do not imagine anyone getting kicked OFF so I would not worry too much about who's already in. I'd love to hear more on new characters though. Chom I would agree with , but Not Lucina because even though she's my Favourite in the game, having her would be like having a complete Marth clone cause she was imitating him at one point 

Edited by Phantom_999, 13 June 2013 - 04:50 PM.


#6 MangaReader


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Posted 11 June 2013 - 10:04 PM

I think most new characters from this point on with be Nintendo based for sure... I think I remember reading Sakurai doesn't wanna make this all about 3rd parties. I have to say though, Capcom finally let Megaman out of the cellar and be part of a GOOD game for a change lately 


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#7 Gravenimage


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Posted 11 June 2013 - 10:10 PM

How about putting characters from the Tales series? I would like Lloyd from Symphonia and Yuri from Vesperia.


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#8 Derock


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Posted 11 June 2013 - 10:15 PM

Nintendo announced that the WiiFit Trainer is a playable character. Can you consider her a practice dummy?  :chuckle:


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#9 MangaReader


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Posted 11 June 2013 - 10:22 PM

I'd like to say when, but it's still an if really... If Sonic comes back, I hope he gets a moveset rehaul, because he was sorta bland in SSBB.


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#10 Super Boom

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Posted 12 June 2013 - 01:51 AM

Megaman seems like a really good fit! I'm pretty excited to play as him, and that music brought back some memories.


I'd like to see how much the Megaman universe appears in Smash 4. Trophies, levels, songs, etc. 


I take Megaman into consideration. :D


Well I do not imagine anyone getting kicked OFF so I would not worry too much about who's already in. I'd love to hear more on new characters though. Chom I would agree with , but Not Lucina because even though she's me Favourite in the game, having her would be like having a complete Marth clone cause she was imitating him at one point 




Just kidding, that's revealed pretty early on. I actually think Lucina would be a good fit, for that reason. Marth's already appeared twice, so Lucina could do a job replacing him, while still using a similar move-set. There aren't enough cool female characters in the game (I mean, we have what. Samus and Zelda?), so another would be a more than welcome addition to the roster.


Though, she also learns Aether after promotion to her second class. Maybe she'd be a Marth/Ike fusion.  :twitch:


Nintendo announced that the WiiFit Trainer is a playable character. Can you consider her a practice dummy?  :chuckle:


I'm still in denial about that. I have the feeling that's the character I'm gonna end up with whenever my friends and I play Smash Roulette (random everything). I always seem to end with up Game and Watch and Jigglypuff for some reason.

Edited by Super Boom, 12 June 2013 - 01:52 AM.


#11 MangaReader


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Posted 13 June 2013 - 05:17 AM

Like I said...Sonic better get a recall. Mario vs Megaman vs Sonic FTW


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#12 shadow_Uzumaki


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Posted 13 June 2013 - 05:26 AM

Big picture

#13 Phantom_999


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Posted 13 June 2013 - 04:57 PM

Megaman seems like a really good fit! I'm pretty excited to play as him, and that music brought back some memories.


I'd like to see how much the Megaman universe appears in Smash 4. Trophies, levels, songs, etc. 





Just kidding, that's revealed pretty early on. I actually think Lucina would be a good fit, for that reason. Marth's already appeared twice, so Lucina could do a job replacing him, while still using a similar move-set. There aren't enough cool female characters in the game (I mean, we have what. Samus and Zelda?), so another would be a more than welcome addition to the roster.


Though, she also learns Aether after promotion to her second class. Maybe she'd be a Marth/Ike fusion.  :twitch:



I'm still in denial about that. I have the feeling that's the character I'm gonna end up with whenever my friends and I play Smash Roulette (random everything). I always seem to end with up Game and Watch and Jigglypuff for some reason.


Well to have another cool female character, I've always thought of Lyn, which My brother never fails to remind me of how badly he wants it. :P She has always been one of his favourites.


@ Kage Derock. Yeah I heard of the Wii fit female trainer. if she's an actual character I would like to see what they do with her. :D


#14 shadow_Uzumaki


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Posted 13 June 2013 - 05:30 PM


Well to have another cool female character, I've always thought of Lyn, which My brother never fails to remind me of how badly he wants it. :P She has always been one of his favourites.


@ Kage Derock. Yeah I heard of the Wii fit female trainer. if she's an actual character I would like to see what they do with her. :D

Why turn her into a Yoga Ninja of course.....


#15 Ex-psych75



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Posted 14 June 2013 - 12:51 AM

hey guys I think I found a leaked theme of the villager






#16 Rocket


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Posted 14 June 2013 - 01:37 PM

Well that didn't take long.


#17 Konohakitten


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Posted 14 June 2013 - 05:05 PM

One of my friends isn't happy with the Wii Fitness Trainer being in the game. My answer to him is that I see her as the new Mr. Game and Watch, each game has to have a WTF character. Besides she's in shape XD and she looks like she can really hold her own!



#18 Pocky-chan


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Posted 14 June 2013 - 05:29 PM

I used to be an avid gamer for Super Smash Bros on the 64 (and occasionally for melee and brawl), Kirby has always been my main even though my eyes and heart has always been for Zelda/Sheik (I just really love princesses and ninjas!), but never had enough time or patience to master her movesets.


So all I care about the new SSB game is what look will she incorporate and if she's been nerfed of not.


I'm also excited for Wii Fit Trainer, that lady is brutal... lost count how many times I've been in a fetal position because of her. She will crush everyone's soul and self-esteem and it will only be a warm-up.

#19 MangaReader


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Posted 15 June 2013 - 12:13 AM

One of my friends isn't happy with the Wii Fitness Trainer being in the game. My answer to him is that I see her as the new Mr. Game and Watch, each game has to have a WTF character. Besides she's in shape XD and she looks like she can really hold her own!

I'd say new R.O.B (but he might return too; maybe) because Mr. G&W has been in the last two Smash Bros., no reason he won't be back this time either.


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#20 Inferno180


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Posted 08 April 2014 - 11:29 PM

Ok I had to pull this up, today there was a nintendo direct focused only upon the new smash bros and for this case, there was a load of new stuff revealed:


3ds version is coming this summer

Wii-u in winter


Both games will run at 60 FPS, even on the 3ds, the solution was on the 3ds, make the characters move at 60 frames, all other stuff like assist trophies and pokemon move at 30.


Both games will share the same roster, only difference is again stages, those which originated on console titles will be on the wii u and those on the 3ds those that originated from games on portable systems. The only exceptions are staple stages like battlefield, final destination, and past smash bros stages, some from melee for instance will be on the 3ds.


final destination is so popular, it has various skins such as for mario galaxy, metroid, and so on.


Online is much more improved.


In friends, you can go crazy.


With random people: they simplified the modes, for fun and for glory

for fun: the casual mode, has both timed and stock matches, has items and all stages, only tracks wins, no skill tracking

for glory: the competitive mode, has only stock matches, possible one on one fights, only stage is final destination and its skins, though if its demanded or wanted, they may update it with other "stable stages" like battlefield or the boxing ring, stages without random events. Tracks wins and losses, no items, its pure skill.


There are no competitive ranks, but the game will have a matchmaking skill tracker similar to that of other games like Halo. It will work in both for fun and glory modes.


Final smashes are back, save this time, characters like Samus do not revert to zero suit for good reason.


Characters like Zero suit and Shiek are their own roster characters now with new moves.


Zero suit samus returns, has updated moves and is more manervable with jet boots. Her design is based on the metroid prime samus rather than the other M one used for her normal incarnation in this game


Shiek is back with 2 new moves as well, a cluster grenade reminest of Snakes grenades and a heel kick, Zelda's new down special is summoning a phantom from spirit tracks to defend or take a hit for her.


Yoshi is back as well, but his case was special, he has new moves but wasn't revealed till now due to software issues and a small redesign, he stands upright now due to the need to work with a software of other characters.


Many returning characters have some new updates like Kirby can charge his hammer now and move with it while charging making him a much bigger threat. His final smash is the giga sword, an oversized sword crushing everything on screen. DeDeDe still has his jet hammer but now instead always throws gordos instead of waddle dees, these can be easily reflected or kicked away though.


Pit has less acrobatic stuff but is still swift.


Lucario is back and his aura ability makes him stronger and faster but it can be too much causing you to loose control. His final smash is mega lucario making him have full power regardless for a short time.


Olimar is different as well, his pikmin count has been reduced to 3 but all 5 colors are still in, they are pulled in a fixed order, red, yellow, blue, white, and purple so its easier to manage him. His recovery is also much better, he has winged pikmin fly him up, but if he has 3 or rather a purple pikmin, his recovery doesn't go as high. His own ship is now an item for one to use against others rather than his final smash.


For new characters: They wanted to make a new feel to many of them, this includes


Rosalina and Luma, the luma can be unleashed and copy your every moves as rosalina


Little mac, practically unstoppable on the ground, but terrible in the air and in recovery, basically for all the power he has, once knocked out of the ring, he suffers more than anyone in midair.


Megaman- all his moves are based on various robot masters, his normal attack and forward smash are his buster shots, but he has actual melee moves. His specials include metal mans blades, crash mans crash bombs working like the gooey bombs, leafmans leaf shield


Wii fit trainer has both a female and male model to use, no differences in power or height. Unique in that it has the power to charge a projectile like samus for later and then use a breathing move to enhance attacks for a short time, a rather weak but swift character with these two moves can call upon higher power for a short time.


Villager is a clown, his net traps people, he can shoot, and ride on his gyroid, his up special is ballon fight, and his down special is planting a tree and making a barrier weapon out of it.


Theres also the notion of custom move sets for local and online friend play, what they displayed was a short difference with marios fireballs, normally is moves at a simple speed and bounces, but one shot had him throw a very large and slow moving fireball, and another a longer ranged very small and fast fireball with no loss in height, otherwise also kirby using freeze breath instead of swallowing opponents (short mention that none of his copy hats have been seen yet). They will reveal more of this later on.


Many items return, among them the pokeballs have a difference, master balls appear for legendary or rare ones now, some of the new ones include the recent gen 6 pokemon from x and y including the legendaries. On the normal pokeballs, same deal, non legendary pokemon are in from as recent as gen 6 as well.


Assist trophies are back as well


Many favorites like the beamsword, mine, and bumper return. New ones like the fire wand blocks from mario, the fairies in a bottle from zelda, and others come in as well.


For the 3ds, there is a unique mode called smash run, its basically the same built off of a mode called city trail from an old game called kirby air ride, but in this one, players start out scattered around a map with various rooms and entrances and exits, in this mode they face AI enemies from various series like mario, zelda, metroid, pikmin, etc to gather stickers that power them up in speed, jump, strength, weight, and so on. Some enemies from brawls single player adventure also appear. Players run in this for 5 mins defualt or longer if they set it to that, and then face off in an either (random by default) or fixed event if the their settings are put out like that. They then face off in an event like simply fighting, but also racing, long jumping, escaping, home run derby, and so on.


Finally 2 other characters:


Returning is the most popular (in my case overrated) pokemon, Charizard by himself. He has his similar moveset from brawl, but his final smash is his mega evolution.





Yep thats right this guy is in the game, the most popular starter of the 6th gen is joined the fight, now with lucario, looks like theres a good amount of company for pikachu this game. Greninja has joined the smash bros team.

Edited by Inferno180, 08 April 2014 - 11:29 PM.

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