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Member Since 28 Oct 2016
Offline Last Active Oct 30 2016 09:58 AM

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28 October 2016 - 06:39 PM

Hello everyone my name is Dawid and I'm a 19(almost 20!) year old dude from certain country in eastern Europe(yes I shower in vodka) I wish I had some cool hobbies to list now, but I spend 99% of my free time on the internet. My special talent is typing without any errors even when I'm really drunk.
I got back into Naruto lately, it's the only Anime I still watched after my weeabo phase died and I just couldn't abandon it after spending all those hours watching Naruto chasing King Emo haha.
I must say I was a little bit disappointed with the ending(especially new Naruto design, he looks way better with longer hair) although I choose to pretend that Naruto ended with the chapter 699.
I never really belonged to any fandom or registered at any forum related to some fandom so it's my first time in the place like this. Also English isn't my native language so please don't yell at me if I'll write something that looks like one of Jaden Smith's tweets.