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#588299 The Great NaruSaku Fic Listing III

Posted by potat0es on 25 September 2014 - 11:06 PM

Thanks so much, Tricksie! 


Yeah... :cry:  one of my most favorite authors, peanutbutter126, had the best one-shots and multiple-chapter stories. It's a shame she retired from writing fanfiction. Loved Halcyon Days, Blossom In My Eyes, and Precious People. Hopefully one day she can continue writing one of those stories again.


Agreed. Although, you'd be hard pressed to find many authors who actually get the chance to finish their stories on ff.net.


No worries though, we've still got a bunch of wonderful authors from this site that are still grinding to get chapters out. Like tricksie!  :glomp:

#588089 Chapter 693

Posted by potat0es on 25 September 2014 - 08:26 PM

I don't feel angry with Sakura, because this goes beyond her character. This is a flaw of every character, and every aspect of this plot that in a weird way Kishimoto is acknowledging and lampshading? "I don't understand what she sees in me," is pretty much the most accurate description of this whole thing. Except, replace "she" with team 7. Sakura's main fault here is that she's a victim of the plot like anyone else--the plot around Sasuke. She needs to have these intense emotions she can't let go of, in order to make it so that she can forgive Sasuke.


I don't forget that Sakura had shown wavering faith in Sasuke. I don't forget that she attempted to kill him herself because it seemed the right thing to do. I don't forget that she isn't happy and complicit about the action Sasuke has taken. I don't forget that she's so different from Karin, who sexualizes him and goes back to his side on the basis of an apology. Sakura is fighting to get Sasuke back on the right path--and she feels sad that he's turned into what he is now. She is still one of the best characters for me. I don't regret being a Sakura fan because I know who she is and who she has been from this point. 


It's "not Sakura's fault" because it's not as if the writing had been leading up to this point. It is the fault of the author for going against what has been established in order to fulfill some sort of goal for Sasuke. Everyone therefore is at fault--Naruto, Kakashi, Karin, Orochimaru, Itachi, the Sage, anyone who's ever contributed a word to this ridiculous notion that the unsubstantiated feelings toward Sasuke are worth anything. The reincarnation, the arguments about "love and hatred", the attempts at drawing strange parallels, it's all rather ridiculous.


To quote Sakura, "I'm pretty tired from it all,". The reason I had more hopes for Sakura was because she was in the dissenting party. Her 'uneasy smile' still burns in my mind. I hope this genjutsu gives her an moment to finally work past this and reason out this toxic relationship. As to not saying anything to Naruto--it's not like Sasuke gave her a chance. Also, Sasuke is the problematic one. The reason why Naruto has to fight in the first place is because of Sasuke and his stupid ideas for becoming hokage. It makes sense to address him in an attempt to stop him... though she should have known better. "If you have any feeling in your heart for me you would do this" well guess what, he didn't do it. 


Even if NaruSaku doesn't happen, I think all of us here know it's not because it wasn't the logical conclusion. It's not because the manga did not support it and we were blind. We'll know it's because the writing did not follow through. Because for some reason, Kishimoto favoured Sasuke above Naruto and Sakura. It's why these characters are the victims of stunted or even regressed development; because Sasuke has to be loved. 


I super LIKE and couldn't agree more.


All of Sakura's development and all of the evidence from the manga for NS are still clear as day in my mind. The only complaint is that recent events seem to be so bad because with all of the things that were leading up to this point, it just doesn't make any sense. Kishi, unfortunately, has always been letting his favoritism of Sasuke get in the way of his writing. That's why he can only drop super ambiguous hints from time to time, but can never follow through, because Sasuke always takes priority.

#588073 Chapter 693

Posted by potat0es on 25 September 2014 - 08:16 PM

I find it kind of disturbing that Kakashi would so actively advocate Sakura's completely one-sided and emotionally and physically damaging love for Sasuke. Like I know that he's probably doing it to try and convince him from carrying out his plan, but still.


Like what is Sasuke supposed to do, drop all his plans and surrender, and then start magically reciprocating the love of the girl he has no feelings for and has tried to kill several times via a hand through the heart?


Kakashi should know how self-destructive Sakura's love for Sasuke is, and yet I just can't....I don't understand Kishi. Everything is just a mess. Maybe I should just accept that Sasuke is god in this story, and anything he does to or against you, it is YOUR privilege that he decided to kill/stab/betray/steal-yo-girl/threaten you.


I've got a pretty high tolerance for things, but I've about had it with these flimsy reasons.

#588000 Chapter 693

Posted by potat0es on 25 September 2014 - 07:37 PM


Yeah he remembered the promise, which is good. Even though he goes against his own words when he said it's not about the promise anymore. But I'm not just referring to this chapter when it comes to the Sasuke-Sakura-Naruto situation. Every time when there's some sort of conflict between Sakura and Sasuke; Naruto takes Sasuke's side. I think only one time Naruto took Sakura's side and it was in part 1. But everything else, all Sasuke.


I think everyone has ALWAYS taken Sasuke's side. Doesn't matter who is doing the choosing, doesn't matter who is on the other side of Sasuke, and it DEFINITELY doesn't matter if it makes no sense, people always choose Sasuke's side.


Sakura in the next chapter (or whenever we see her again) the first thing she'll say : "Where..is..S-Sasuke-kun?"



lol with the way Kishi's been writing her character recently, that sounds about right...



Guys yo want really a shoujo scene where the hero defend his girs is not going to happen and remember guys Naruto doesn't understand girls feelings.


lol umm...I don't know if it needs to be shoujo for the main character to defend the one he's in love with..., but at this point, it doesn't even matter because I don't think ANYONE understands Sakura's feelings.


'Cept for maybe Sakura's new beau - Kakashi!  :twitch:

#587895 Chapter 693

Posted by potat0es on 25 September 2014 - 06:30 PM



Not gonna lie, every line that Sakura said felt like a giant stab to the heart. Even Kakashi's words after that were a bit soul crushing lol.


What I find interesting, however, is that when hearing this, Naruto didn't really have any outward reaction to her words...no cringe, no change in expression.... does that mean he's also just accepted that Sakura has never quite let Sasuke go? And with his words to Kakashi was supposed to show that he's just resolved himself to bringing Sasuke back for Sakura.




This chapter, right after that page where Sakura looks at Sasuke's back and makes the angry face with tears streaming down.....that was THE perfect opportunity to turn Sakura's "fangirl" image around. That was also the perfect opportunity for Kishi to show that Sakura is fed up with Sasuke and his selfishness already.




Well anyway, no worries luffyq1, even if this ship is sinking, I'm going down with the ship...Maybe play some music for everyone that's still around...

#555894 Naruto 687

Posted by potat0es on 31 July 2014 - 07:45 PM

I've thought about this for a while - the whole flashback with Rin is weirdly unsatisfying, on two levels.


First - it has always bothered me in past chapters Rin's statements about "I'm watching you." "You can't hide anything from me." "Don't try to hide your wounds from me." In Obito's story, there is never a time where he is shown hiding things, or feeling guilty about hiding them. There is no burden that he bears like Naruto with the Kyuubi. Obito seems like a fairly well-adjusted kid with two parents and a home, and who has a crush and some jealousy issues. Nothing crazy or weird. No obvious inner turmoil. So why does Rin feel the need to make this big "I'm watching you" speech? Not that Rin wouldn't be that type of caring girl...just that it doesn't fit with Obito's storyline. He isn't the type of kid who needs some extra special help from being 'watched over.' (Or did Rin already recognize he was budding psychopath?!  :zaru: )


Second - the flashback with Rin in this chapter when she states "I'm watching you" begs the question from Obito: "So, um...what did you think of everything I've done...for you...?" It puts it front and center that Rin was watching him. But in the moment of some kind of guilt, where she should weigh in and not be just a figurehead that he put on a pedestal and made his muse for destruction, she just says, "Eh, it's all water under the bridge." It's friggin crazy!


Obito annihilates people left and right in the name of love, but when Rin finally is given a voice in the manga, Obito's whole responsibility is just swept away. How can she be truly watching him and not abhor everything that he's done, everything that he's turned into?


I'll tell you how: by framing it in a flashback that happens in the distant past. The Obito that comes for resolution is still an untainted child. The Rin that accepts him is still a child. Neither of them admit the very grown-up things he did. Showing Obito as a child in his final death moments shows how really warped he is. He doesn't seem himself as a grown up. Therefore how could he be responsible for these awful things? I can't think of any other character reverting back to their childhood in their final moments of lucidity. 


It would have made more sense to have grown-up Obito reconnect with Rin in that nether-space that Kakashi met his father (remember, at a campfire or something?). Then Obito would have been given a true absolution from Rin, the one he held above all others, rather than Naruto, a person he only saw as a weapon up until only a few short chapters ago. That would have been a much more satisfying ending.


Anyway, regardless of the sappy ending, Obito still equals a Hitler-esque figure for me in this story. So, wrapping it up this way, with Obito reverting to his childhood self-image and getting a pass from his 12-year-old crush, seems no less hollow than Hitler getting one to absolve all his terrible deeds.


/end rant 


THIS. I couldn't find the words to describe why the end felt kind of lacking, but you nailed it.


Always a pleasure reading your stuff, tricksie.  :happy:  :happy:


P.S. I can't seem to "like" anything, and to my knowledge, I was never able to "like" anything before - Would anyone know why or how I could fix that?

#552493 Naruto 686

Posted by potat0es on 24 July 2014 - 11:57 PM



btw does anybody know what they are saying in this pic?



This is so cute.  :happy:

Don't know if anyone has answered you yet, like 8-9 pages were added the last time I was looking through the thread.
This is actually the perfect reiteration of all the NS moments that have supported us so far (well, maybe not all of them, but some of the biggest hints from third parties thus far.)
Sai: "Aren't you going to confess?"
Gaara: "CPR..."
Minato: "Naruto's girlfriend, whom resembles Kushina"
Yamato: "I can tell just by looking at you. Sakura, you really..."
I can't think of the exact chapters these are referring to off the top of my head, but I'm pretty sure everyone here knows which parts these are referring to.
All of their observations summed up in this cute little drawing.

#548040 Naruto 685

Posted by potat0es on 17 July 2014 - 09:04 AM

I think this was a good chapter overall.


I'm so proud of Sakura (and Kishi by extension), she definitely shined this chapter, and she played an integral part in their ability to find and get Sasuke back. Saved Obito and handled that acid like a boss. 


This was a great chapter for Sakura, but I sincerely hope that that's not all that Kishi has planned for her. Like someone mentioned in the earlier pages of this thread, I also don't want the only time for her to shine is when she was basically acting as a battery.


And kudos to Obito for the great observation of Sakura wanting to help Naruto. By recognizing the NS drive of the moment, he has redeemed himself a bit in my eyes.  :lulz:


Sigh. That last page doe.


Don't get me wrong, I personally don't think its an SS moment. The feeling I get from the look in Sasuke's eyes in their eye contact is one that pans back a couple of chapters when Sasuke was saying how anyone other than Naruto and Sasuke, himself, is useless. So I see that look as more of a sense of gratitude and begrudging acknowledgment that she's not useless. But of course, not everyone will see it that way, in fact, I believe that a majority of Naruto readers (not counting the NS fans) will see it as a major development for SS. Also, I see some people freaking out on the way that he caught her. Let's face it guys, Kishi loves to be dramatic and flashy when it comes to Sasuke, and how else would you have wanted him to catch her? I actually accept this way of catching her, because it shows minimal effort on his part and it's not so overly dramatic like a bridal carry or anything.


I find it so funny (read:  :sweatdrop:  :fist: )  that every time a NS moment or anything about their relationship ever comes up, it always has to be through someone else' mouth. And for some godforsaken reason, they never say it in a complete sentence nor do they ever freaking finish what they say, so it's always ambiguous as hell. While NH fans and SS fans get these flashy, in-your-face moments. Again, I'm not saying those were truly telling NH and SS moments, but its just always more showy than the NS moments. lol don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing overall tho. On the one hand, it keeps those moments so precious and it also shows that the people around Naruto and Sakura (i.e. Yamato, Sai, Obito, etc.) notice and realize those things about them. But on the other hand, it just goes to show that Naruto and Sakura themselves have no idea of their feelings or of their relationship, themselves.  :facepalm:


Well, I guess what's left now is for Naruto to show up and drape his coat onto poor Sakura who keeps losing her clothes  :fan: ,...while the clothes of the people who are constantly getting attacked somehow remain completely intact.



#542158 Naruto 682

Posted by potat0es on 29 June 2014 - 01:08 AM

:glare: This chapter is kinda really disappointing. It kind of just perfectly summed up all of the things I've been disappointed about since Sasuke's reappearance and with recent development.

I tried. I really tried, but I couldn't laugh for this like I did when Naruto did the Sennin Goroshi up Beast Gaara's rear end. In any other context or situation, perhaps I would laugh just at the plain absurdity of it and for how nostalgic it is that of course Naruto would think of something like that, but for some reason, the timing of this one couldn't be worse (for me). 
Disregarding the fact that Kaguya actually did get stunned enough to allow Naruto to land a hit, but as a couple of you already mentioned, the character developments of each individual member of Team 7 has been incredibly disappointing recently. 
I mean sure, Sasuke is "back", which makes Team 7 "whole" again. (altho he can get eaten by a Hollow in that dimension for all I care lol). Sure, the reappearance of Reverse Harem no Jutsu brings back the more light-hearted tones of Part I and the unchanging, lovable characteristics of Naruto. And sure, with the power of teamwork, they are somehow supposed to bring this (hopefully) last Big Bad, whom possesses the power of a god in her own right and has gone through so many changes and power upgrades since the war first started, down. (Seriously, how is Kishi planning on plausibly bringing this outrageously powerful god down without pulling a Deus Ex Machina out from Doraemon's magic pocket?)  :huh: 
But where does that leave the rest of Team 7? Just as soon as Sakura had resolved herself to finally make a difference, Kishi has to go and push her back to being a spectator once again, before she even gets to do ANYTHING. Kakashi is sidelined and is probably almost all out of fuel by now. The only technique and plan that Naruto has come up with is this ridiculously out of place jutsu that was dubbed "that" technique eons ago, in which we all thought was going to be the ace up his sleeve that would show for his three year training trip. Like seriously? This is the technique that you've been working on more than the Rasengan?  :facepalm:  (It's also a possibility that "that" technique may genuinely be another actual technique, but that remains to be seen). Then, Sasuke pretty much orders Naruto coolly to "cooperate" with his tactic, which would have probably worked out wonderfully since Kishi loves him so much, had it not been for Kaguya pulling him into another dimension.
And now, they're left in the situation where once again, Naruto and Sakura (and Kakashi) need to "reach" Sasuke and save him or whatever. Meaning, Sasuke once again becomes their focus.
:confused:  I may be overreacting or I might have been in a skeptical mood when I first read the chapter, who knows. But the fact of the matter is, it is increasingly harder to deny that Kishi would love for Sasuke to just jump out of the pages and make love to him eight ways to Sunday. I mean, I know that was always true, but it's starting to be unbearable. The only thing I liked in this chapter is the incredibly Naruto, yet wise line that Naruto dropped when he revived Obito.
After reading the chapter, I immediately wanted to come here to see what everyone thought, and its already made me feel a lot better after reading up on all the different perspectives everyone has, but I just wanted to kinda get this off my chest amongst respected shipmates.
I agree that the castle in the back is suspiciously important. I also agree with the overall consensus that Sakura's questions about Sasuke aren't really relevant to anything pairing-related. In fact, I don't think it was really relevant to anything in that chapter, she could have not said that and it would have made no difference at all. So, I don't know why Kishi even bothered to make her say that, other than to give some people another opportunity to jump to conclusions and to give others another reason to dislike Sakura for her seemingly lack of growth. I just hope that Sakura can somehow break out of the current state of things and show to everyone that she's not gonna take being put in the backdrop any longer (because I certainly can't take it anymore). Then, maybe in the future, Naruto and Sakura can be transported somewhere together to live in a castle on their own...  :chuckle: 
Also, I'm sorry if I stepped on anyone's toes with this, because that was definitely not my intention, I just needed to vent to and with people who might be of like-mind. lol and sorry for the length. I don't always contribute to discussions, but when I do, I always drop an essay.  :sweatdrop: