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Member Since 17 May 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 08 2019 01:21 AM

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In Topic: So, how did YOU react to the ending?

08 September 2019 - 01:21 AM

I remember I cried.

Then I tried to take a nap because I wasn't feeling so good. I couldn't sleep, not even in the night.
For years I couldn't watch naruto related stuff because I was angry. Angry at kishimoto's horrible way of writing female characters and because of that poor ending of a series that I fell in love when I was 11 and was pretty much a big part of my childhood and teenhood.
But at some point I started watching old naruto moments, not about ships or anything related, but about when the show was good (like when naruto meets kushina for the first time).
I guess at some point I started to heal the wounds of the horrible ending?
But anyways, I wanted to write this here because this ship gave me a lot of joy when I was a kid, and it was really really fun. I remember spending A LOT of time making narusaku AMVs or things like that. And even if the ending is horrible, I'll still remember the good things about naruto, not just the show related stuff, but because of naruto I've made really good friends.