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Member Since 23 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 07 2014 07:43 PM

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In Topic: What in blazes is Kishimoto thinking?

23 January 2013 - 03:53 PM

QUOTE (Codus N @ Jan 23 2013, 01:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
*sigh* 617, anyone??

The entire chapter, I was looking for Sakura and I was actually glad that she didn't appear. I feel like if we had seen her, it would've meant Kishimoto has just been ignoring her existence last chapter, but since she wasn't there at all, not even in the group shot, it gives me the feeling she's just not there and I feel like that means she's getting set up for something important. Maybe she plays some special part in Shikaku's plan where she needs to go unnoticed and that's why nobody has said anything about her disappearance. But I really don't think Kishimoto forgot about her if he drew a cover of her calling her the heroine. We have been waiting for a Sakura fight for a long time. biggrin.gif

In Topic: What in blazes is Kishimoto thinking?

22 January 2013 - 03:17 PM

QUOTE (SugarJunkE @ Jan 12 2013, 12:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hid because I didn't want to fill the thread.. --Click here to view--

You're my soulmate aren't you?? We shall bask together in the light of the beautiful ships that are Zutara and NaruSaku! Stop lurking! Your post was nothing but win in my opinion th_glomp.gif.

Where have you been all my life?! Ha, sorry for the late reply but seriously I don't know anyone who ships NaruSaku AND Zutara. This was destiny. And thanks for the compliment on my post, I will try to speak up more often. Can you private message on this website because I don't want to spam the forum with my Zutarian ranting biggrin.gif especially since a lot of NaruSaku shippers are Kataangers.

Yes! Let us bask in their glorious light! happy.gif

In Topic: What in blazes is Kishimoto thinking?

11 January 2013 - 01:30 AM

[quote name='SugarJunkE' date='Dec 29 2012, 10:19 AM' post='424687']
Sorry I was just itching to reply to this last night but I feel asleep sweatdrop.gif. I've always been a Zutara shipper and still am (I feel like I'm the only NaruSaku shipper who ships it though shamefulcry0js.gif ). Zutara isn't really that "random" of a pairing actually in the Avatar Extras for Book one it was stated that:


I'm sorry, I know it's a bit off topic, but I must say, I'm a Zutara shipper too and I felt the same way! I always felt like all my fellow NaruSaku shippers shipped Kataang and I'm glad to know I'm not alone biggrin.gif I still don't think Zutara was random and I believe it had more depth than Kataang. I coud rant about it for days and this is the NaruSaku forum so I'll stop here biggrin.gif

I'm usually a lurker and I just read the forums but I actually want to state my opinion. I am in America where NaruHina is VERY popular and whle I have a few friends that watch and read Naruto, not one of them ship NaruSaku. The day after chapter 615 came out, one of my friends actually printed out the NaruHina hand-holding page, and waved it in my face in class cheering "Ha! Look at this, see? It's canon!"

While I don't take the hand-holding to be as drastic as "OMG! NaruHina is canon! R.I.P NaruSaku!" I don't think it should be taken too lightly either. NaruSaku has been developed and hinted at throughout the manga for years, and it is very likely that Kishi is merely trying to throw us off with all this NaruHina drama. But, I also believe that to write this off as a completely platonic gesture would be denial and that it's ok to think "Hmm, maybe it is possible that NaruHina could become canon." I have heard of many NaruSaku fans on this very site who were once NaruHina shippers. Who's to say Kishi didn't once ship NaruSaku but changed his mind? If that were to happen (or has happened) I would be devastated, but I won't rule it out as a possibility.

From a more optomistic standpoint, this can also be development for Sakura. While I'm absolutely livid that she merely sat in the background gaping at the scene the entire chapter, I also hope this will help her realize it's time she sorted out her feelings and made a decision. Us NaruSaku fans always talk about how Naruto won't just stop loving Sakura because it would go against his nindo and perservering personality, but I believe this is the very reason Sakura has neglected to properly sort out her feelings. Sometimes I think Sakura thinks she can push any feelings for Naruto aside until she feels like it because she believes he'll always be there. I'm hoping this chapter will help her realize that she can't make him wait forever, and that she has to step up and show him how much she cares before someone else does. Naruto can't help it if he begins to reciprocate Hinata's feelings, and even though I don't believe he has, I do believe if Sakura continues to gape from the sidelines he just might.

NaruHina, though less likely than NaruSaku, is still a possibility. SasuSaku on the other hand, I have absolutely no faith in that happening unless Kishi is either drunk or suffers from temporary insanity. Sasuke has never liked Sakura, and her feelings for him are fading.

I also saw this pretty good debate video on youtube, though its been a little while since the creator made a new video...

Thanks for reading! I might speak up more often!

In Topic: Naruto Shippuden: Road To Ninja

28 July 2012 - 03:10 AM

QUOTE (NaruSaku4Life3g @ Jul 27 2012, 07:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
According to NF, it would seem that fangirls are absolute outraged at AU! Sasuke. Oh man, there are some crazy quotes. Brace yourself, people! Check it at NF. I'll link it shortly.

Edit: http://www.narutofor...p;postcount=428

I warned you...

Wow people are possessive (says this while holding Naruto on a leash). I haven't laughed that hard in a while! Thanks!

In Topic: Naruto Shippuden: Road To Ninja

27 July 2012 - 03:10 PM

QUOTE (mydearbeloved @ Jul 27 2012, 12:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
YEEEAHHH Team NaruSaku, woot woot woot woot!
Ahem, but, damn, those videos are great. I've always wanted to see Sakura doing the Heavenly Foot of Pain, and now we finally get it (and with her signature and much-loved "SHANNARO!", I might add)! Maybe now we'll see her use it in the manga, yes? :3 All those fight scenes with not only Naruto & Sakura, but Minato and Kushina, Kakashi, Gai, etc. look amazing so far, I'm excited.

Since NS bonding is pretty much confirmed in the movie, the only other thing I'm hoping we get a lot of is Sakura kicking ass (hopefully with Naruto, too), and maybe her help in getting out of the genjutsu - we haven't found out exactly how they escape, right? But, as shown from the Shippuden opening and the spoilers, looks like we will be getting that. With Sakura's parents, Naruto's parents, Sakura being so selfless in terms of Naruto and his happiness (not that we haven't had that already, but now we get even more!), NS bonding, and Naruto & Sakura fighting together, and many other things, this is turning out to be everything I've ever wanted from the manga and more. I guess this is all that Kishi wanted to put in the manga, but couldn't for one reason or another - so the movie is the perfect place to put all that. Gah, he's brilliant. x3 My inner fangirl is squealing so hard. I'm also curious as to what that whole "Itachi carrying Sakura princess-style" thing is about. Hmm... Sounds cute. tongue.gif

Too bad we have to wait so long for the subtitled version... Poo. :c

On a somewhat unrelated note, does anyone happen to know what episode this gif is from?

It's too cute. <3

You're right because in an interview with Kishimoto, he said that he's been trying to find somewhere to put them in the series, but he couldn't so he's glad he was able to fit them into the movie!


Maybe it's the same for certain other things wink.gif