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The Fanfic/Fanart Contest II Winners Are ...

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#1 Nick Soapdish

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Posted 17 January 2007 - 04:23 AM

"So why do we have to be here, Sakura?"

"Because Tsunade-sama sent us."

Naruto grumbled. "I mean what are we doing here?!"

"Then that's what you should have asked," Sakura said primly. "We're going to an awards show."

"An awards show?! Alright!" shouted Naruto. "What did we win?"

"We didn't win anything Naruto. We're the guest presenters."

"Ah, man. Why do I, I mean we," he quickly amended glancing at Sakura, "always get stuck on these lame missions? We deserve something more appropriate for our talents!"

"Is there going to be food?" Naruto added.

"I don't know," Sakura said in some exasperation at her teammate's all-too familiar antics. "Tsunade-sama said that we were the best-suited for the job. We're going to Heaven & Earth forums and apparently, they're big fans of us."

"Yesss!! We have fans," exulted Naruto. "So what's the Heaven & Earth about?"

"Don't you remember anything Iruka taught you? It probably has something to do them being complementary elements. One is weak where the other is strong and vice versa. So both are necessary for success. Now, be quiet for a moment so I can read over the mission briefing. Tsunade-sama didn't say much about it when she handed it to me and told me that we should read it when we get here."

Sakura opened the scroll and began to read while Naruto strained to catch a glimpse over her shoulder. Sakura suddenly gasped. "Naruto ...," she said in a strained voice. "They aren't just fans of us. They're fans of us."

"I don't understand."

Sakura struggled to stay calm. "They think that we should be ... y'know ..." she tailed off helplessly. Looking at Naruto's still-uncomprehending gaze, she swallowed and then wiggled her pinkie.

"Oh," said Naruto. "Oh!"

"These people really are awesome! All of them?"

"Pretty much."

Picking up on Sakura's facial tic and other subtle signs that he was about to get a pounding, Naruto strove to swallow his glee and the grin that was threatening to take over his face. "So ... uh ... did it say whether there was going to be food?"

"Probably not. The award show is going to be done by tape-delay," Sakura answered, sparing him the beating.

"Aw, that's too bad," Naruto said, not sounding very disappointed. "So it's just us and this camera?"

"Yeah," she responded, not fooled in the slightest. "And it says the entries are in these other two scrolls here."

"Well, we should look at them right? So we know what we're talking about when we give out the awards?" Naruto said hopefully.

"As luck would have it," Sakura spat out. "Those are also part of the mission orders."

"Alright! I take back everything I said about the old hag!"



"Ok Naruto, I'm about to turn on the camera. Are you ready?"

"Yeah, but you're not up here."

"We'll edit out the beginning so the show starts when we're both up here."

*brief pause*

"Hi, I'm Haruno Sakura."

"And I'm Uzumaki Naruto, Hokage-to-be!" he virtually shouted at the camera.

"And we're both ... very happy to be here to announce the awards for the Great Heaven & Earth Fanart and Fanfiction Contest," Sakura continued with a slightly strained smile. Beside her, Naruto beamed.

"For third place ... in the fanart portion of the competition ... the winner is," Sakura paused dramatically. "Holiday! By Eva_Angel!"

"I liked that picture," Naruto piped up. "You look really good in green." Naruto was suddenly worried. "Not that you don't look good in red. I just meant that it'd be good as a change every now and then."

"I'm not taking fashion advice from a ninja that dresses in orange," Sakura retorted. But a small smile stayed on her lips.

"I was just saying that you looked good in that picture. So aren't you supposed to tell them what they won?"

"We don't know what they won. They get to pick the prizes."

"Oh. So what's the next award?"

"It's the third place fanfiction." She cleared her throat.

"Hey wait! Are you going to get to give out all the awards?"

"Yes. You wouldn't be able to pull it off with the proper degree of showmanship?"

"Are you saying that I wouldn't be good at playing to an audience? That's all I did in school!"



"And now, the third place for best fanfiction goes to ..." Another dramatic pause. "12 Days of Christmas by Miss Soupy!"

"Hey, I liked that one!" Naruto commented. "Even though I wasn't in it much, I was all, like sensitive and stuff. And perceptive, too!"

"I may not have done well in school," he continued as Sakura muffled a snort. "But I'm smarter than I look."

"You'd almost have to be," she answered.

"Yup ... Hey!"

Sakura was unable to to restrain her chortle at the offended expression Naruto wore.

"Hey, you were the one that was confused the whole time in that story."

"It's a fanfiction, Naruto. It didn't really happen. So it's just the imaginary you that's smarter than the imaginary me."

Naruto muttered something under his breath.

"Ok, ok. We'll get back to the next award now."

"The second place award for best fanart goes to ... Family by DocDestructo!"

"Oh, I remember that one ... They ... looked so peaceful and happy together."

Noting the distant look in Naruto's eyes, Sakura put her arm around his waist. "Yeah, they did." They stood like that quietly for a few moments while Naruto was lost between his memories and dreams. Then Naruto snapped back to the moment.

"Sorry, did I mess up the show?"

"Don't worry. We can just cut that part out later."

"So the next award is for second place fanfiction, right?"

"I'm getting to it."

Sakura cleared her throat. "The second place award for best fanfiction in the Great Heaven and Earth Fanart and Fanfiction Contest II: Holiday Edition," she paused to catch her breath. "What a mouthful," she said under her breath. "Goes to Seduce My Wife! by DocDestructo!"

"That was a weird one. Why did you choose Sasuke to begin with?" questioned Naruto.

"Fan-fiction, Naruto."

"But I guess I can see Sasuke overlooking what a great thing he had. He already left you once. When he left us, I mean." Seeing the stricken look on her face, he realized what he'd just said. "But we'll get him back, Sakura! We have to. Promise of a lifetime," he continued, trying gamely to keep a cheerful look on his own face.

They held each other for a few moments.

"I wonder if Ero-sennin is going to write that story then."

"Naruto. I said that it's fiction. Not real life."

"But that's what Ero-sennin writes, too. What's to stop him from writing a story based on that story?"

Sakura blanched. "He ... wouldn't."

"Don't worry, Sakura. We have the only copy now, don't we? So we just keep that from him and it'll be ok," Naruto attempted to comfort her. "Well, except for the copy on the internet that this group read. But he'd have to get on the internet for that and he's too wrapped up in his 'research'. What would be on the internet that he'd be interested in?"

Sakura breathed a sigh of relief, but there was a nagging doubt in the back of her mind. Brushing it aside, she began with the next award. "And finally for first place, in the fanart portion of the contest, is Mistletoe by DocDestructo."

"Oh, yeah! That picture was great! Um, so why were you standing under that plant?"

"Once again Naruto, these are made up. So I wasn't actually standing there. It's just a drawing of me. And that plant is mistletoe, like the title of the fanart."

"So what's mistletoe?"

Long sigh. "Mistletoe is a parasitic plant that lives on trees, dependent on them for water and minerals that it can't get from photosynthesis. Its berries are poisonous when ingested .... eaten," she clarified to his puzzled gaze. "Its leaves stay green in the winter while the deciduous trees that it lives on loses theirs making it especially noticeable in winter."

"And there's a custom that you're supposed to kiss the person under it," she completed.

"Oh, I get it then," exclaimed Naruto. "Oh, wait. So why were you standing under it?"

"Nevermind. Let's move on to the last prize so we can go home, Naruto."

"For first place ... in the fanfiction portion of the contest ... is Full Bloom by random1377!"

"That was a really interesting story, Sakura. I never knew that about your hair."

"It's just a story, Naruto. He just made that part up for the story. Come on, you've seen my mom. Her hair's not red and I promise you that she and my dad are in love."

"No I haven't. I've never seen your family, Sakura."

"Nobody's seen your family! I've asked Ino, Shikamaru, Lee ... everyone. Nobody ever remembers seeing them."

"Well, I guess mom does kinda stay at home a bit," she said reflectively. "And dad has to travel."

"Well, that's that for the contest then. Congratulations to all the winners!"

"Yeah," added Naruto. "And thanks for all the submissions! They were great!" He cast a puzzled look at Sakura. "What?"

"Nothing. Let's get back to home."


"So, do you wanna go out on a date sometime, Sakura?"

"We don't have time to be thinking about dates, Naruto. We have to get Sasuke back."

"But it's on the way!"

"How is it on the way? We still don't even know where Sasuke is?"

"So we don't know it's not on the way."

"We need to be training."

"That's a part of training. We gotta keep our strength up. And you haven't been eating enough. You're getting almost as skinny as Ino."

"Na-ru-to ..." began Sakura, her facial tic going into overdrive.

"What? Ino's just too skinny," Naruto attempted to explain. "She's lots skinnier than Granny Tsunade and everybody says that she's beautiful."

"Fine," Sakura subsided. "And now, I'm getting nutritional advice from somebody that eats only ramen."


"No, not to that ..." attempted Sakura.

Naruto darted into the woods for a moment. "Look what I found, Sakura!"

"That's holly."


"Look at this!"

"That's poison ivy."

And so went the remainder of their trip back to Konoha.

To recap so you don't have to read through the whole thing again to try and remember the winners.

3rd: Holiday by Eva_Angel
2nd: Family by DocDestructo
1st: Mistletoe by DocDestructo

3rd: 12 Days of Christmas by Miss Soupy
2nd: Seduce My Wife! by DocDestructo
1st: Full Bloom by random1377

And y'know ... it's ok to post on this thread. tongue.gif

#2 kawarimi


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Posted 17 January 2007 - 11:00 AM

Awesome presentation, Nick! a_dance.gif Except that I didn't win :shamefulcry0js:

Congrats to all the winners, and great job to everyone! Can't wait for the next contest! w00t.gif

#3 jigglychu


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Posted 17 January 2007 - 12:50 PM

LOL! Great job Nick! That was quite entertaining XD. Great job to everybody!

#4 Keyes



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Posted 17 January 2007 - 12:59 PM

Good job to everyone. a_dance.gif I read all the fan fics, and looked at all the art just to read the rules and see i couldnt vote :shamefulcry0js:

#5 Ani


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Posted 17 January 2007 - 01:04 PM

The whole mission thing was hilarious. XD Congrats to the winners and I thank all the participants for...participating! biggrin.gif

#6 random1377


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Posted 17 January 2007 - 01:09 PM


HUGE thanks to everyone that voted for me! I was sure I'd be walking away empty-handed this time out, cuz there was some stiff competition on this one, and I gave up hope of first place after reading about half of the other entries.

Awesome contest, everyone. I'm looking forward to number III :thumbs:


#7 Vespar



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Posted 17 January 2007 - 04:07 PM

Great job to all entrants and a hearty congratulations to the winners!
Whoa, Doc! You sure cleaned house! You still want to block this site? laugh.gif

Oh and Nick, I wasn't late in that other post. Merely because I'm from the future and the temporal mechanics had automatically fluctua-- yeah, I'm late. Can you really blame me though? tongue.gif

#8 Derock


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Posted 17 January 2007 - 04:40 PM

I like the story mission, it makes it like Kishimoto wrote it himself, but I knew you wrote it Nick, good job! :thumbs: Congrats to the winners of the contest :thumbs: biggrin.gif


What's Happening with the Naruto series as of now!

#9 Gaara


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Posted 17 January 2007 - 05:36 PM

You know what? I think you should change the rules a little bit for the next contest. A user should only be allowed to post one fanfic or one fanart, not more..
Because if someone is a really good artist, then it's most likely that he wins every price.

I mean, DocDestructo really deserves it, but I guess you know what I mean? tongue.gif

#10 Sakura Blossoms

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Posted 17 January 2007 - 06:07 PM

QUOTE (Keyes @ Jan 17 2007, 07:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good job to everyone. a_dance.gif I read all the fan fics, and looked at all the art just to read the rules and see i couldnt vote :shamefulcry0js:

The next contest we have, we shall reduce the voting prerequisite from needing 50 posts needed to vote, to only needing 10 happy.gif

Also nice job on the Winner Announcements, Nick :thumbs:

And a GREAT, BIG CONTRATULATIONS to all our winners, and a VERY BIG THANK YOU to all those who participated in this competition! We'll see you all next time! th_glomp.gif

#11 Niky


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Posted 17 January 2007 - 08:39 PM

AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif
Great Winners Announcement, Nick !! wink.gif
CONGRATULATIONS to winners !! Good Job !!
a_dance.gif a_dance.gif
And a caress to others who partecipated !! a_comfort.gif
“A good novel tells us the truth about its hero; but a bad novel tells us the truth about its author.”

G. K. Chesterton



Their first encounter...

#12 narusakulover2468


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Posted 17 January 2007 - 09:34 PM

Had a feeling I wasn't going to win. -shrugs- Oh well. Congrats!

deviantART- narusakulover2468
Gaia- NejiHinaLover12
My Harem- Shikamaru Nara (Naruto) l Kōki Kariya (The World Ends With You) l Karou and Hikaru (Ouran Host Club) l Edward Elric (F.M.A) l Kyo Sohma (Fruit Basket) l Hiro-chan Sohma (Fruit Basket) l Sohma Kisa (Fruit Basket) l Oliver Riggs (Amazing Agent Luna) l Kai (Blood+) l Kakeru Manabe (Fruits Basket)l Romeo (RomeoxJuliet) l Juliet (RomeoxJuliet) l Tybalt (RomeoxJuliet) l Ed (Cowboy Bebop)

#13 jmf


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Posted 17 January 2007 - 10:04 PM

congrats to all the winners yay!


#14 DocDestructo


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Posted 17 January 2007 - 10:38 PM

Cool presentation, Nick! I may have to revise my earlier, hasty statements, as well as take down that anti-Nick Soapdish website I started. Er, that I've heard is out there, I mean. dry.gif >_>

Thanks for hosting a fun contest! biggrin.gif

You know what? I think you should change the rules a little bit for the next contest. A user should only be allowed to post one fanfic or one fanart, not more..
Because if someone is a really good artist, then it's most likely that he wins every price.

Yeah, I could totally get behind this little addendum, or perhaps some stricter adherence to keywords or something. I almost (but not quite!) feel a little guilty. sweatdrop.gif

#15 Nick Soapdish

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Posted 19 January 2007 - 02:17 AM

Thanks for the compliments, guys. I'm glad you enjoyed the presentation. Sorry about making you wait a bit for it, but it was kind of put together at the last minute.

And thank you to everyone that participated, whether by entering the contest yourselves, giving the entrants feedback through comments, or voting in the keyword poll or the final vote. It makes it feel like the whole board is holding the contest rather than just us mods. I mean, we're not aching for extra responsibilities, like judging entrants all by ourselves.

#16 krisk


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Posted 19 January 2007 - 02:35 AM

biggrin.gif NICK! That whole award ceremony was GREAT! I practically SNIFFED fanfic from that! a_dance.gif XD

Congrats to all the participants, supporters, and winners! WE ROCK! I mean, LOOK at the Gallery and Library from these contests! ZOMD! XD

Watch out ya'll, next contest...I'm comin back *guffaw and points* XD

#17 Eva_Angel


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Posted 19 January 2007 - 04:54 AM

:blink: i want to say i wasnt expecting this XDD... but great...

love the award YAY! a_dance.gif

dont really know what to say but Great job with the 'fic/award'? Nick :thumbs:

#18 TonyG


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Posted 19 January 2007 - 06:05 PM

random.... OMG random?!!! the same EVA fanfiction writer random?!!!

if it its the same guy I remember from my old darkscribes.org evafanficion times its been a long long time.

Gratz to you dude on first place biggrin.gif
Colors...... look at the pretty colors!

#19 FullmetalNinja25


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Posted 19 January 2007 - 07:11 PM

Congrats to the winners! a_dance.gif


#20 random1377


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Posted 19 January 2007 - 11:08 PM

QUOTE (TonyG @ Jan 19 2007, 11:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
random.... OMG random?!!! the same EVA fanfiction writer random?!!!

if it its the same guy I remember from my old darkscribes.org evafanficion times its been a long long time.

Gratz to you dude on first place biggrin.gif

He is I and I am him. tongue.gif

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