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Member Since 16 Sep 2015
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#880262 What is considered canon in Naruto?

Posted by Kobolum on 05 October 2015 - 11:45 PM

I think most people are ignoring the actual point of this conversation because let's face it the ultimate fact is the entire manga and whatever Kishimoto says is canon is canon, as much as we all hate it we have to accept it.

No the real point is what we all want to be canon and there is a lot we want to be canon and a lot we don't want to be canon unfortunately the facts are the facts and that's that. But as many smart people have been pointing out it is possible for Kishimoto to come back and change a lot of what he did because it was ultimately his manga and he can do that.

What I think most people don't realize is that there are several gaping a plot holes throughout the actual cannon that Kishimoto can come back and take advantage of later. For example the prophecy (no not that prophecy, the other prophecy) about how when Naruto and Sasuke fight they're going to die!

Yes you could go and say "Well it's a metaphorical death." And you may be right. I personally have a hard time believing that considering the severity of the tone in which the toad and Naruto were speaking when they brought up this very topic.

If you don't like accepting Naruto canon, fine, you don't have to like or accept the Naruto canon. But if you wanna do something about it and not be a complainer there's only one thing you can do.


Become a Fanfiction writer!


That's all you have to do and honestly that's all you can do because the sad fact is it's basically impossible for any of us, the masses, to change anything in the current cannon. No don't take this wrong, it's not necessarily a bad thing. There's this one Harry Potter fan fiction that so popular it's even got its own wiki page on the Harry Potter wiki. Rather than focusing on what we can't change let us focus on what we can change, instead of focusing on Canon pointlessly let us focus on what it is to write a good story even if it isn't canon. Because ultimately that's all we can do. That's all we'll ever be able to do and we just have to accept that, no matter how much we hate it.

#877002 Truly My Last Rant

Posted by Kobolum on 17 September 2015 - 08:53 AM

Okay I just went through reading everything lot of good points agree with a lot of it and I just want to share some of my own thoughts and a funny little story that I feel fits very well with what's being talked about. Now I doubt I need to tell any of you about the Kishimoto is ruining Naruto hate comments that started popping up back in 2011 and even before that but just really started picking up speed around then.

Anyway back in 2011 my grandmother had come to visit me and I'll spare you the details but we got to talking about manga and anime and the industry and I told her about the hate comments now the funny thing is is that she actually told me that no matter what people say nothing is going to change and she was right.

Fast forward to January and up for another one for visits we got to talking about this again now she didn't remember the conversation we had but I told her about it and she still don't remember (but it was nice) but it eventually led to me talking about Twilight Princess and it was during this conversation that I realized that you can basically look at the story of Twilight Princess and look at the story of Naruto and just say that the only thing different is ethnicity.


Think about a people and really think about it there is not that much different between the two. Link is Naruto, Midna is Sakura, Hinata is Zelda, Obito is Zant, Madara is Ganondorf and Kaguya is Ganondorf again!

I doubt this needs to be said but I'm going to say it anyway the fact that I can look at The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess and the Naruto series and be able to boldly declare that their plots are almost completely indistinguishable just goes to show how badly the ending was messed up!