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Civil War In America?

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#1 Dalton.T.R



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Posted 10 September 2017 - 04:56 PM

This may belong in a place like the Politics Discussion thread, but I wanted to catch the attention of some people. With the election of Donald Trump, it's obvious things have gotten hectic in the U.S. Now, believe what you will about him, whether he's doing good things or bad things, this is not what I'm going to focus on. Both parties have tried numerous times to assault him and make him and his policies fail, only to have their plans backfire massively. The Democratic party continues to fall, and the Republican establishment is weakening too. Why? Because the American people have simply drawn a line and said enough is enough.


With Donald Trump winning the election, there has been an increase in riots across the country. Until recently, the media protected these groups by calling them peaceful protests, despite the overwhelming amount of video footage that showed the exact opposite. Two of the biggest names for causing problems are Antifa and Black Lives Matter. They block traffic, they assault people for having different opinions, they attack Conservative speakers on college campuses and threaten the lives of those who support them. Look at Milo Yiannopoulos and what happened in Berkeley California for example. 


These groups have been exposed a number of times, not only attacking Trump supporters, but also assaulting pro-Americans at free speech rallies and other similar events that had nothing to do with Trump. While events like Chancellorsville cast a shadow over both parties, it's more often the case with Antifa and BLM being the attackers while Conservatives and Republicans are more often simply defend their constitutional rights to attend speeches and support the names of their party.


Recently a petition to declare Antifa a terror grouped far surpassed the required number of votes. Black Lives Matter is facing a similar situation, and a petition to even declare George Soros a terrorist is quickly on the rise. The reason for this is simple: people have had enough. These groups are not helping their party in any way shape or form, but are only strengthening Donald Trump for the next election. They are chasing people away from the left, and while they may not join the Republican party in general, they may declare themselves as independents or libertarians for the next election. Which generally vote right


Now, I realize the right is extremely guilty of this next point, too. But it's exceptionally rare - if ever to ever see a massive group of Republicans going out into the streets and destroying private property, businesses and assaulting people because they have a different opinion. The right has claimed numerous times if so and so wins, it'll be a civil war. While this would be very unlikely to begin with, these people never went out into the streets armed to the teeth with guns and ammunition. Antifa and BLM, however, have done things just as bad. When a group of hundreds of people show up wearing all black clothing, and covering their faces with masks, it's more than just a little intimating Add in the fact they're carrying baseball bats, ax handles. throwing rocks and beating people to a pulp, people get the idea they're really trying to start something.


Recently, Antifa has been stating they're going to start a civil war. Claiming that they're going to kidnap and kill Donald Trump and telling people to pick a side. In fact, they even marked the date they were going to try this. November 2nd 2017. 


Now...when you watch videos of people fighting back against Antifa, it's always Antifa who get pushed back. They always lose fights because they're not organized. They have exposed themselves to work for George Soros by gathering in huge crowds and chanting "George Soros where's our money". I'm not making this up, people. You can find all of this on Youtube. 


But stop and think about this for a moment. Antifa has always caused problems in Democrat controlled cities where they know they'll be safe. As far as I know, they haven't tried anything in Ohio lately because huge numbers of the population and police made it clear they weren't going to put up with them. So they haven't had much of a voice. And the idea of Social Justice "Warriors" thinking they're going to stand up against battle hardened United States Marines and other military vets who overwhelmingly support Trump is just laughable. Never mind the other points I'm about to make. 


Now, let's run through this scenario. Antifa declares civil war and the country splits between Republicans and Democrats again. There are a lot of things Antifa didn't account for, and this would not be a long "civil revolt" at all. In fact, it would just annihilate what remains of the Democratic party. Look at this map before reading on.


U.S Counties


Take a good long look at that map. Study every detail. 


Now, in the event of a civil war between Republicans and Democrats, tell me how well you think it would actually work in favor of the Democrats. The answer is not very well.


Strategy and resources are what win wars. Numbers do not. The Republicans control the entire country side, along with the entirety of the Midwest. They control the highways, railways, and if we're going to bring the military into it, the Republicans would also control the airways. The Democrats are massed in the major cities dotted around the United States. They rely on the Republicans to send them food, clothing, oil and gasoline for their vehicles. The Republicans control the vast majority of the natural resources, and live in rural towns that are self sufficient. Everybody knows everybody, and they know the terrain. They know good defense spots, they know where to ambush, they know how to keep a town going without government assistance. All they have to do is stop sending in food to the cities, and Democrats would be forced to come to their reinforced positions just to get food and water in order to survive. Democrats would have to fight on Republican terms throughout the entire war. 


Throughout the Midwest and South, Republicans would reign supreme. They would control these areas with an iron fist the Democrats couldn't break. Colorado and New Mexico would also fall due to being surrounded and lack of food. 


The Democrats may keep a slight edge and take Main and small areas of the Northeast, but they wouldn't last long the second reinforcements from the southern regions and Midwest. Hawaii and Alaska likely would not get involved.


The Democrats may take large sections of the west coast , but they would have trouble pushing any further East. Republicans would also control Hoover Dam which powers a large amount of western states. Many cities on the left would be powerless for months while Republicans continue to produce weapons, ammunition and vehicles from the safety of states like Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska and the Dakotas.


Democrats would hold their ground fairly well in the west, but they would eventually be overrun due to growing numbers and the use of military vehicles. 



All in all this would not end well for the Democratic left. At best, California may be reduced to it's own country, but it would be war torn and would have to spend billions to rebuild its cities and population. 


Now, I hope this doesn't happen. I pray to God this never gets started off. This would be a disaster for the country in more ways than I can list. But I've seen this becoming a growing trend in politics, and I wanted to make sure people who think this is a good idea, particularly those on the left, cease and desist this childish nonsense. Whether you like Trump or not, starting a civil war won't win you any favors. 


If you're part of Antifa...I suggest you get the hell out. You're trying to start something that's going to turn around and knock you on the ground harder than you thought was possible.. 


I'm not going to put the intervention of other nations like Russia, china and the EU in just for sake of length. But I may do another scenario like that in the future. 

#2 sushi.


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Posted 10 September 2017 - 08:26 PM

Erh there won't be a civil war..it's not that out of control.

But the US has got big issues I'll give you that, so what do you propose will calm people down at least? I'd start with opposing the nazis if I were you.


#3 Dalton.T.R



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Posted 10 September 2017 - 08:56 PM

Erh there won't be a civil war..it's not that out of control.

But the US has got big issues I'll give you that, so what do you propose will calm people down at least? I'd start with opposing the nazis if I were you.

I'm not sure where people get the idea of "Nazis" from. If people want to have white pride, then let them. What's racist about that? For all the blame white people receive, the world we have today wouldn't exist. 


What needs to be done is people just need to grow up and deal with the fact they lost the election, and according to this interview:  He will likely win again. Whether you believe in God or not, you cannot deny everything this man predicted either came true, or will very likely come true in the near future. So if God himself is in favor of Trump, he's remaining in office. Period. 


Generation Z, the people who were too young to vote this election but will be old enough to vote next time lean far more to the right. They despise SJW culture and the Democratic party and consider themselves "Trump Republicans" because they hate the establishment just as much as the Democratic party. So I think that alone is probably going to calm things down a fair amount. SJW's and rabid feminists are dying breeds. People have had it with them, and view their politically correct ways as damaging and a threat to the West's way of life. 


Once the SJW's are out if the picture or their voices are muted, things will likely go back to normal. Or whatever passes as "normal" anymore. 

#4 sushi.


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Posted 10 September 2017 - 09:15 PM

I'm not sure where people get the idea of "Nazis" from. If people want to have white pride, then let them. What's racist about that? For all the blame white people receive, the world we have today wouldn't exist. 


What needs to be done is people just need to grow up and deal with the fact they lost the election, and according to this interview:  He will likely win again. Whether you believe in God or not, you cannot deny everything this man predicted either came true, or will very likely come true in the near future. So if God himself is in favor of Trump, he's remaining in office. Period. 


Generation Z, the people who were too young to vote this election but will be old enough to vote next time lean far more to the right. They despise SJW culture and the Democratic party and consider themselves "Trump Republicans" because they hate the establishment just as much as the Democratic party. So I think that alone is probably going to calm things down a fair amount. SJW's and rabid feminists are dying breeds. People have had it with them, and view their politically correct ways as damaging and a threat to the West's way of life. 


Once the SJW's are out if the picture or their voices are muted, things will likely go back to normal. Or whatever passes as "normal" anymore. 

You say this as if you're not white and proud yourself. :lmao:


Let's all defeat the social justice warriors guys they're worse than nazis i mean who likes justice XDD


#5 Dalton.T.R



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Posted 10 September 2017 - 09:30 PM

You say this as if you're not white and proud yourself. :lmao:


Let's all defeat the social justice warriors guys they're worse than nazis i mean who likes justice XDD

Those who openly say "white pride" are instantly called racists, bigots and Nazis. People getting over that is what I meant.


Secondly, they don't stand for "justice" at all. Unless you call being PC "just". All they stand for is "not being racist and doing  away with the borders of nations. Yeah. That's a rally people REALLY want to support. I'm being sarcastic here. I don't know about in Europe, but in the U.S, Political Correctness is dying quickly. 

#6 sushi.


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Posted 10 September 2017 - 09:36 PM

Those who openly say "white pride" are instantly called racists, bigots and Nazis. People getting over that is what I meant.


Secondly, they don't stand for "justice" at all. Unless you call being PC "just". All they stand for is "not being racist and doing  away with the borders of nations. Yeah. That's a rally people REALLY want to support. I'm being sarcastic here. I don't know about in Europe, but in the U.S, Political Correctness is dying quickly. 

Thanks for the info. Good luck saving america. Not all heroes wear capes. (Y)


#7 kirabook



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Posted 11 September 2017 - 01:11 AM

Most people label "white pride" as racist for various reasons. I'll name a few:


1. Some people think because there is black pride, there must also be a white pride. They seem to assume that black pride = black supremacy or that black people are better. That's not the point. The point of black pride is nothing being ashamed to be black. Once upon a time, it was very shameful to be black or to wear your natural hair and in some places in this world/country, it still is. Have pride in being brown, your brow skin does not make you lesser. Your black skin does not mean you're a bad person. Be proud to be who you are. BLM follows a similar message


2. Many people who partake in "white pride" believe that the white race is threatened by a genocide or something. When asked what genocide is going on, they don't describe the brutalization of white people, beheadings, murders, stake burning, mobs, etc etc. They say the genocide is the fact that white people are getting with non-white people and making mixed babies. Alrighty then


3. Lastly, a reason why people say white pride is racist is because they think people are after their "white culture" or don't want white people to have culture or whatever. That not what it is. People are not asking you to erase history. People don't care about the dances of your people, the traditional food you eat, the traditional clothing you may have. Etc etc. A racist flag doesn't have to be your culture. The worship of men who tried to succeed from the US doesn't have to be your culture. You don't have to protect racists and bigots because of your "culture". That's not your culture and if it is, there are so many more positive things you can do to celebrate your culture and literally no one would care. (I could go on a rant about how people should find out where they truly came from in Europe and celebrate their real culture since America is so young and many people don't really have an 'identity', but I digress. I wish I could find out where I truly came from in Africa, though I too have European heritage because of the terrible things that happened in US history)


Right now, I live in a rural area. No doubt all of these people voted for Trump. No doubt a lot of them are really rascist bigots. There's even an active KKK bar around here which makes me scared to go out at night. But I know a lot of people who think "white pride" should be a thing aren't racist bigots. They're confused and are easily convinced by the idea that they are being discriminated against. I just want to tell those people, you'll need to wake up soon. The nazis gained power in a similar way you know. They convinced and tricked normal everyday people into thinking a certain group of people were the ones who were hurting them or making life harder for them and by the time some of those people realized their mistakes, millions of innocent people were left dead.


They say history repeats itself, but I hope in this case, information being readily available will save lives. I don't think there will be a civil war and you can't determine that by how people voted.

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#8 Dalton.T.R



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Posted 11 September 2017 - 01:33 AM

The White Pride I'm referring to is just simply being proud to be white, and to have a rich history. If you're currently in Georgia, then I can't really speak about this because I've never been there. Where I live, however, (Oklahoma) there aren't many racists. One of my closest friends in college was a black football player, and we discussed politics quite a bit. In fact, racism was almost dead in the U.S until Obama got into the picture. Then the media started their BS narratives on white supremacy, and saying anyone who disagrees with Obama is a racist. Which is one of the things that got Trump elected in the first place. People got sick and tired of being labeled as racists just based off their skin color. You'd never know this if you watch fake news stations such as CNN, MSNBC and ABC. Hell, even FOX with a couple of people. People like to forget it was the Democratic party that overwhelmingly voted to keep slaves, that fought for slaves (even though slavery played a very small part in the civil war) and fund groups such as the KKK. This is basic American history.


People will try and claim the parties switched, but there is no proof of this. They are simply trying to cover the tracks of their dirty history so they can keep blacks and other nationalities in their political party. I would go so far to say blacks are still slaves to the party. They trap people in the inner cities, saying they're going to build schools, improve their roads and living conditions, but it never happens. These are people the big heads in the government use to get votes. They don't care what really happens in these cities. They couldn't care less. 


So which party is really full of the racists? 

#9 Lid



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Posted 11 September 2017 - 01:52 AM

I don't think you have to worry too much about a civil war happening. Politics are pretty divided but that's blowing out of proportion a bit. Most politicians and a lot of political factions don't support the work being done by the fringe elements of either side of the spectrum anyways. 


Democrats will likely continue using what parliamentary procedures they have left given their current state to oppose or make bargains to limit Trump's agenda, and Trump will likely use what he has to push his agenda and make it happen.


Talking heads will make their points on both sides on Youtube, Twitter and other places, but in DC, it will largely go accordingly.

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#10 kirabook



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Posted 11 September 2017 - 03:15 AM

The parties did switch. It wasn't a max exodus, it was simply a political shift. Don't be mistaken, both parties back then contained an overwhelming amount of racists. At some point, the discussion became all about identity politics instead of economics.


The Republicans began the southern strategy, convincing many people of the south that they were poor and suffering because minorities and hippies wanted to keep them down and take their jobs.


In return the Democrats started trying to champion social issues, keeping many minorities in their party by fighting for equality and social justice.


The truth is, neither party really cares. They're literally all paid by the same people. The Republicans will use "white pride" and religion to keep people voting for them, and the Democrats will use social justice to try and keep people voting for them. At the same time, they will continue cutting the taxes on the wealthiest companies and people in this country and blame the consequences on the other party.


Obama didn't start racism and it won't end with him. I was in high school when Obama was running for president and I think we have a different version of what happened. There was an entire Republican birther movement (that still exists to this day) intently trying to prove that Obama wasn't born in the United States, that he was a Muslim radical, or that he was a plant by the Muslim Brotherhood. How do I know the democrats are full of kitten too? Because Hillary Clinton leaked an image of Obama in traditional African clothes and helped fuel the smear that he wasn't born here or an American citizen. Is it really all that surprising that people stopped taking criticism of Obama seriously?


I mean, there were so many LEGITIMATE things to criticize Obama for, but it's questionable why the Republicans never brought up these points eh?:

- Obama increased the drone program, killing the WRONG people 90% of the time

- Obama took Bush's 2 wars and turned it into 7 interventions

- Obama made Bush's tax cuts permanent, hurting the working class and poor tremendously, something we never recovered from

- Obama is praised for bringing back jobs, but they rarely mention all those jobs are low paying minimum wage jobs

- Obama did nothing to stop money in politics, he bathed in the corruption just like Hillary and Trump


I don't even like John McCain, but something I will always respect him for is taking the microphone away from this old lady who started spewing some crap about Obama being a Muslim


And the list goes on and on.


Listen, in today's climate, you gotta leave party politics behind. Focus on the issues ma dude. It's so much easier. Stop following party lines, you gotta dig through the mud and find the true leaders who actually care. Who aren't working for the same team and pretending not to.


I wasn't joking about people being hypnotized, tricked, and seduced by "white pride" or "white genocide" or how one team is out to get them. Unless you're mega rich, you're in the same ditch with everyone else, fighting over who deserves more breadcrumbs. Our politics are corrupt from top to bottom and all this mess involving race and whatnot is pointless. Yes, people who typically call themselves SJWs can be quite stupid, but if meeting a few of them online really makes you think, "Well, because this person is so strongly for this idea, that must mean the opposite is true!", then you're just too easily swayed and emotional.

Edited by kirabook, 11 September 2017 - 03:40 AM.

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#11 Dalton.T.R



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Posted 11 September 2017 - 03:35 AM

Alright, fair enough. I didn't mean for this to turn into politics (even though it was more or less unavoidable) and meant to keep this on the topic of a possible second civil war, which is unlikely, but it has become a growing trend on social media and the internet. 

#12 kirabook



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Posted 11 September 2017 - 03:47 AM

A full scale civil war like that of Syria or even our own Civil War is not going to happen imo. People talk big on the internet, but even at the protests (save the one where the woman was murdered by a literal Nazi), things have been.... well... more civil that I honestly expected.


If a civil war was ready to break out, things would be much worse and the protests we see would involve more than one person dying on one side.


I also feel that Republican politicians are finally realizing they can't keep spewing crazy stuff and expect their voters not to act on that kind of talk. Now that Trump says stupid stuff left and right, the Republicans have backtracked on a lot of their hateful speech they used to just spit out willy nilly prior to the election. It's interesting. Not that I think they're honest (the democrats either), but I'm hoping maybe one day Republican voters will finally see the light and see that they'll all just really crappy people

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#13 Dalton.T.R



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Posted 11 September 2017 - 04:02 AM

Between the establishment Republicans and Democrats...there isn't a difference. I don't like the Republicans because they tell the exact same lies, but hide behind different masks. Which is why Trump will likely win again. Neither party has a candidate that's strong enough to beat him. He does say some rater silly stuff from time to time, but he's also not as bad as people claim he is. 

#14 sushi.


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Posted 11 September 2017 - 11:30 AM

Trump has highest disapproval rate in decades. Over 50% disapprove and 37% plus/minus approve. Bush had a really low point at the end of his term but Ford is the only one with also 37 from the getgo like Trump.

I doubt he'll be Pres again, besides I don't think he likes being one. He spends tons of tax money to vacate every week or so despite saying he wouldn't have time for such things. He should be a pro golfer instead. Obama didn't have his first vacation before 4 months after his first term.

Edited by sushi., 11 September 2017 - 11:36 AM.


#15 hinataiscreepy


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Posted 11 September 2017 - 12:00 PM




#16 kirabook



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Posted 11 September 2017 - 12:56 PM

Trump will win again if the Democrats force a candidate like Hillary on the front lines. Trump did not get more votes or more people to like him than past Republican candidates. I don't even think he broke the amount of people who voted for Romney.


Trump won because NO ONE likes Hillary. Not the left, not the right, only the Democratic establishment and rich people. For the people who did vote for her, the majority voted for her not because they liked or cared about her, they just didn't want Trump. And for a lot of Trump voters, a lot of them don't care too much for Trump either, but they did not want Hillary.


At the end of the day, the people who didn't want Hillary, whether they didn't vote at all or voted for Trump instead, won out.


If the Democrats don't boost someone up like Bernie Sanders (who is all about the issues, nothing else. Nothing else matters except the issues), then they're going to lose. If they run another primary where they're obviously biased toward one candidate over the others, call half of their base sexist racist Bernie Bros because they don't like Hillary, or run an issueless campaign with dumb slogans like "Stronger Together~~~ Hurr hurr!" , they're going to lose.


Anyone could have beaten Trump, except for Hillary or a classic buffoon of a politician who have a pretty face but no issue based substance. The Democrats didn't really learn their lesson though. They're making the same mistakes again and again. The same super rich people who claimed Hillary would win still go on TV damning 46% of the democratic base who voted for Bernie Sanders over Hillary. If they think that strategy can win, they'll get another slap to the face when Trump gets his second term.

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#17 sushi.


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Posted 11 September 2017 - 01:21 PM

^You have a good point but Trump's popularity decreased drastically after he became president. He's lost a lot of fans and he barely won before.


#18 Dalton.T.R



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Posted 11 September 2017 - 07:21 PM

^You have a good point but Trump's popularity decreased drastically after he became president. He's lost a lot of fans and he barely won before.

According to the same media that said he would not win against the Republicans, despite the fact he ALWAYS was ahead in the polls, and it's the exact same media who said he'd never be president.


His approval ratings are low because the media only polls people against him. They're not fair to the public at all, and it's one reason why he's continuing to gain support.


People like Mark Dice, Stephan Molyneux, and Milo expose the media day after day. Trump's approval rating is far higher than what they're showing. I'd bet you a hundred dollars. 


I promise you he will win again. 

#19 BlueStarSaber


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Posted 11 September 2017 - 09:40 PM

The only way I see Trump winning again if the democrats select another Clinton like establishment candidate, if not then he will lose.

#20 Dalton.T.R



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Posted 11 September 2017 - 10:03 PM

The only way I see Trump winning again if the democrats select another Clinton like establishment candidate, if not then he will lose.

I doubt that, but I guess we'll see in four years. 

Edited by Dalton.T.R, 11 September 2017 - 10:33 PM.

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