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Rebirth and Renewal

Loss Grief Acceptance Rebirth Renewal New Beginnings

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#1 LuckyChi7


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Posted 15 November 2022 - 04:14 PM

It's been sometime since I've done one of these and  I think it's the right time for me to just let my thoughts out on everything again.  The constant questions that's been ringing through my head for many months now is where do I start? Should it be from that specific moment, or at this point in my life? This constant inner turmoil that I've been dealing with has been really eating away at me, and to be perfectly honest the best thing I've been trying to do is try to fight it and fight it until there's nothing left of that anymore. Now,  I finally know the answer to those questions I've been trying to ask myself for these past months now. 


Life for me hasn't been the greatest since the day I lost my maa (grandma - dad's mother)  and a piece of my soul went missing when she passed away. I never really showed this side of me with my family because while  everyone was grieving at the loss I kept walking tall with my head held high trying to be the emotional support that I could be to them, but when it was just me by myself with nobody around I constantly sat my back against the wall and just grieved subconsciously even though it was in the back of mind. This whole process was going on while my cousin's father (my dad's older brother) was at the last stage of lung cancer.  I kept telling myself "Lucky you can't let this bring you down... not while you still have a family member who is also suffering at what's eventually gonna happen." 


A quick timeframe:  


- My uncle found out he was on the last stage of lung cancer back in March 5th 2021, and my ma passed away on November 5th 2021... 



Here's the thing though, my maa fell from her wheelchair on her birthday October 25th  2021 when she was trying to get to her bed at a slow pace, and we found out that performing surgery on her would've been super risky because her bones became so frail over the years (she was 91 years old btw) and my family and I knew what that meant  which wasn't an easy decision to make...  Less than 12 days later when she was in hospice she passed away just shortly after the whole family left from the hospital that night.   Yet still,  I kept telling myself to press on and be strong for the family. 


That was a span of 8 months from learning the knews that my uncle was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer to the day my ma passed away in November. 



and you all know the story of what happened when I admitted about my discovery and love for NH that spawned from these events and everything that ensued on here, but it became my coping mechanism during the month of May and I acted a certain way that just wasn't me...  What I did turned off so many people and  the faith and trust you all had in my way went away, and I might've mentioned i before but I'll say it again I hated what I became more than anyone and the way I interacted just to find my way out through all that inner grief and sadness I was dealing with. None of  of my grief and sadness excuses what happened that day, but there's more to this story wanna share beyond that.


From the month of May,  I got word from my cousin that his father's health was rapidly deteriorating and there was just no telling how much time my uncle had left to live anymore.  So my parents and other cousins made it a thing to visit my uncle 3 or 4 times within the week and just spend as much time with him as we possibly could together,  and each day that passed just kept harder and harder to bear the more I saw my uncle and the constant pain I saw on my older cousin's face in that situation.  Even with that I kept saying,  "Lucky stay strong for him... you have to... don't break down even for a second!" 


Come father's day,   we were supposed to go out to this Pizza place for a family gathering and just celebrate together as a a family, but that morning I got a text from my cousin again that my uncle was admitted into the hospital for a check up cause his pressure was too high and that he needed to just recover and rest.  A week and a half later  I get another update from my cousin that my uncle has less then 2 weeks left to live and he wanted to spend his final days at his home to see his family members and enjoy life.  The night of July 3rd  the family and I were all celebrating together for a gathering with food and my uncle was having a good time  with the amount of energy he had going on for him.  He even told my and my cousins and his son that on the nigh of the 4th of July we'll do something fun and exciting together... Order some Pizza,  watch a movie, sing some songs together,  make smores, the list goes on and on.  I was told my dad that my cousin and I  had some plans to get out of the house and just take a little bit of breather if that was okay with him, and he told us "that's completely fine... I have never said no to you guys when it pertains to plan.. Go have fun for a bit and if anything happens I'll be sure to give you a call." and that was something my uncle even told his son too "Just enjoy and don't take in a lot of stress. Just be positive in life!" 


Which brings us to the morning of July 4th  which sighs......  In case anybody can't tell writing this has been really emotional for me and July 4th 2022 wasn't exactly an easy day for anyone.... My cousin called a 7 AM  weeping that his father had passed away at 6:55 AM when he took his final breath.... If you were to look at me that day.... I continued to hold a strong face for everyone in the family, but deep down I was hurting a lot more than I would've liked to admit.  Even during the day of the funeral I continuously choked a few times while the whole process was taking place and I just had to look away cause I didn't want anyone to notice since they knew me for being the strong one in the family. 



The remainder of July became an entire grieving and mournful process for the whole especially, but especially for my cousin, his mother, and his older sister.  My own sister came into town that week too because she also had a really strong bond and attachment to my uncle,  my cousin, and his older sister.  It was a sense of unity that we all had to embrace together and something I knew deep down that I really needed for them. Despite, my own personal feelings and sadness that I was expressing I kept saying "it was okay Lucky... It's okay!'


Through the months of August to October I kept in touch with my cousin and his sister to see how everything was going and making sure things were okay.  We spent a lot of time together whenever we got the chance during the weekend and especially during football nigh cause my family has a huge love for the games... If anyone is curious.. Go Cowboys lol!   but anyway, even though it was only a few months I continuously felt that void increasing.... It was one thing when I lost my  maa, but losing my uncle too really hurt the camel's back for me even though it was a slow burn process that I didn't even realize.



Just to bring up the time frame again: 


March 5th 2021 - My Uncle was diagnosed with 4th stage Lung Cancer



November 5th  2021-  My Maa passes away after her fall in October 25th (her birthday). 



That was a span of 8 months,  and now to factor my the passing of my uncle's death.



July 4th 2022  - Uncle passes away from Lung Cancer he was battling with for 1 year & 4 months) 



So the gap from My Maa's death and my uncle's death was also just a short span of 8 months too.




Then I went on this trip to India for the last few weeks.. It was more of a pilgrimage but one where my family and I with my cousins had to preform these customs for the relatives we've lost in our family which included my dad's father,  his mother, and of course my uncle. It was in a way meant to be like the final passing of the torch to make sure they were able to find their peace in the world and find their way towards peace.  At the same time,  it was also used as a way to attempt to relinquish whatever grief that's been troubling you and just let it go while thinking of nothing but pure positivity.  Whatever is negative and toxic... Let it go because it's only gonna make things worse which is a belief that my late uncle taught me and it was in that moment that I was able to breakdown while I was looking towards the sea.... not even exaggerating on that one this ritual happened at like the shoreline of a beach so it really brought a whole retrospective on me as I was able to just let everything out and feel the air and my surrounding... to just breath and try living with the outmost positivity and happiness in my life.  Which is what I always believed in for a very long time, but it was just something that needed to come back to my senses. 



Like I said before,  writing all of this down has been really emotional for me and I just can't  help but find myself letting out tears because that's how I'm truthfully and honestly feeling.  As to why I'm sharing all of this on here?  Well the truth of the matter is you guys are my safe haven... this place: Heaven and Earth  will always be my safe haven no matter what. I will always care about every one of you guys and all the times we spent together.  Hell, I still wanna continue having a great time and making great memories together like we've always done in the past.  If everyone is bringing you down  because what you believe in and love is wrong....Well let me just say prove them wrong and be proud of what you believe in. Regardless of where I stand on the spectrum, at the end of the day this place is home and you guys are also my home, my family, and nothing is ever gonna change that at all.  



Now  I can finally say this is my rebirth and renewal! 







#2 LuckyChi7


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Posted 23 November 2022 - 03:56 AM

One other point I wanna address is my stance on the Naruto fandom as a whole upon everything that's transpired in the last 6 months, and it's kind of interesting because this takes me back towards the tail end of 2017. 


What exactly happened back then?


Simply put I got tired of the whole debates with the pairings because I knew it was a never-ending cycle that has no stopping point, and I made the decision to distance myself from the Naruto fandom and really explore different avenues with anime and manga. 


I stuck around this place because as I mentioned before in the first post this place is my safe haven and you guys mean so much to me from the bottom of my heart.  


That's the position where I am finding myself at again that the Naruto fandom as a whole isn't really worth my time and effort, and I made a stance that I  wanna build something better free from negativity and toxicity.   However, I know where things currently stand makes that dream of impossible to achieve.  So I've decided to put in the back-burner until I feel really confident in pursuing that. 



I was much happier where I was at when I decided to explore other avenues with anime and manga, and I feel so relieved and stress free to place all things I adored about this series back in it's time capsule underneath the ground because... I know it came with a curse  and the only thing I can do is keep it sealed away like I did 5 years ago.  



Sure, from time to time I will talk about Naruto and the problems that are there in the story and the writing because  as an aspiring writer I live and breath for storytelling especially when its done right.  



As I've been saying for a while, all I can continue to do is keep looking ahead towards a brighter future for this community and I wanna continue to play my part here to the best of my ability. 



Because at the end of the day that's what matters to me the most is making sure you all are okay and safe.  To let you all know that I've got your back from now until the end of time. 


If you don't believe me then... I can understand!



but just know I'll alway be here for each and every single one of you!  





#3 LuckyChi7


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Posted 23 November 2022 - 05:09 AM

I could've just added this part onto my last post, but really it was on my mind so I wanted to make this part clear... there is one commitment I made to myself for the entire month of December related to NH.  It's a celebration for the month and things are gonna be a bit overflowed with fluff on my twitter during December.  


You can also say it's something I told myself while I was away in India from 4-5 weeks ago and when I made the announcement on twitter.   Once a commitment has been made it's better not to back away from it. 



It's just apart of this whole rebirth and rediscovery process I've took notice of about myself.   Once you have something set make sure to deliver on it. 





So realistically,  the transitional phase won't really kick off on my end of things until New Years Day 2023   < -  this will primarily just be on twitter's end. 




my Tumblr on the other hand,  is where I'm gonna set an early start for the transitional phase of how things used to be where my content was filled with a diverse variety of anime and manga content. 





A lot of my focus and attention has been on Chainsaw Man, and I would really hate for it and other series like Black Clover, My Hero, Choujin X,  etc. to fall to the way side again.   



This way  I am able to get the best of both worlds.... At the very least for the month of December. 




Once January 1st 2023 hits everything will fall right back into place just as they use to be! 





I'm mentioning all this because it's a chance for me to really confront with this side of me and metaphorically keep it sealed away.




So to better describe this....  Imagine a scenario where you're doing everything to keep something contained and making sure it doesn't overflow and become too powerful.   



That's where I am at the moment  currently,  doing the best that I can to really keep this at bay, and not let it overflow through me for a long period of time. 




and  I say all of this because I genuinely and honestly want to be at peace with myself,  and truly make a difference for everyone here. 



I've let you all down once and failed back then.



But  to each and every single one of you who I call my family.  my home. 



I promise  that I will get stronger and I will not fail again!



You have my word on that! 





#4 LuckyChi7


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Posted 27 November 2022 - 07:19 AM

You know these have kind of become like  journal entries for me in a way, and it's actually been helping me out with getting some stuff off my chest which is always a good.  It's never great to keep things because eventually you're gonna feel like the world's against you.



Everyone knows I'm all about honesty as my basic principle, and one of the many things I've been liking is being a bit more open with myself again.   It's not to say I was never not open before,  but I feel like I can be at peace sharing my thoughts and typing away what's on my mind. 



This whole process of rebirth and renewal for me has really allowed me to rediscover the best parts about who I was and what it was that I always stood for the longest time. Enjoying the stuff that matters most, and I know lately that sounds like a broken record on my part. 


I do apologize if its going in that direction, but you know  any time  I'm by myself the things that often cross my mind "making sure I am making the right decisions in life"  and speaking true and honest with the people I talk to. be it here or IRL. 



This year alone has been a growing experiencing for me, and it's taught me a lot too about becoming a better person.   All these years,  I thought I knew what it was like to make the right decisions.  Every once in a while we make wrong decisions in life and the biggest takeaway I got to experience was learning to cope with it.



Making the right decisions is always a good thing and nobody is ever gonna deny that.



I'd like to think making the decisions that are regretful helps us to become an even stronger person.   Whenever that moment arrives,  you'll just feel like rock bottom has hit you and there's no way getting out of it. 


That's something I don't necessarily believe in entirely.  



In life,   no matter how much regret you experience and how much it hurts... there will always be that light at the end of the tunnel. 



It's not to say,  that  no such light exists in a never ending tunnel filled with grief and sadness.  



There will always be one present for each and every one of us. 



The trick is to just figure out how to escape the tunnel and discover where that light is illuminating. 



Once you find that then everything will be set. 



I know where I'm standing in life at the moment. 



 I know the choices I've made too.



Some are great. 


Others I've left myself in sorrow. 



right now, I can see myself being at the source of where the light is coming from, and all I can do is embrace that light.. Take it,  and castaway all of my negative feelings and emotions, doubts, etc. 



That's not just related to Naruto, but for anything going on. 


My family 



My friends 



My writing 
















that's pretty much all I've gotta say everyone.   Anyone whose reading this, thank you so much it means the world to me   :happy:

Edited by LuckyChi7, 27 November 2022 - 07:19 AM.





#5 LuckyChi7


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Posted 28 December 2022 - 09:34 PM

It's been a little over a month since I've last shared anything in this thread, and we're slowly beginning to approach the end of 2022.  I touched on this The Merry Christmas and Happy New Year thread so I won't really touch on it much here. 



With that said, I feel the need to talk about where things have been for me currently... It's been one hell of a year for me and I've experienced something that  I should've anticipated more than anyone, but to be perfectly honest here...


I know there was a lot of NH related things I dedicated my time towards in throughout this month since it was dedicated as NH Month and I wrote a series of fic consecutively for 14 days straight.  I had a lot of fun writing those a fic per day, but when it came to the 15th day I realized I was just pushing myself to write and write nonstop and I didn't consider on taking a break... So  when I spent what was supposed to be a few days to recuperate my writing juice... It became apparent to me just how taxing the whole process was and I just needed to take some time off. 



Spending that time and space away from contributing to the month actually helped me out a lot because I was able to clear my mind, and just look towards other things.   During these two past couple weeks I found myself falling back into Fairy Tail and Edens Zero which it's done so much and the whole feeling just felt like a homecoming. 





Readng this latest chapter of Edens Zero (221) really elevated so much for me at where my sweet serenity that's stuck with me to the core which dates all the way back to Haru x Elie from Rave Master, and I just feel so happy now.    


I'm at this point again where I'm ready to bury Naruto back into the ground and just look ahead because it was one point of my life, and I've  realized how much the naruto fandom as a whole hasn't really changed in the 8 years that have passed since the ending.  



Maybe one day it'll eventually get there, but today isn't one of those.   



Like I said,  the only thing i can do is really detach myself from Naruto again just like I did at the tail-end of 2017, and look towards other series such as Black Clover, My Hero Academia,  Sword Art Online,   Fairy Tail,  Edens Zero,  etc. 



That is where I'm going to be heading moving forward from here on out jumping into 2023 and the future ahead, and with that said I'm going to continue to stick around here because of the bonds I've forged with everyone here and like I've said....  Everyone here be it JamesSCassidy, Touken4life, Chatte, BlueStarSaber, Steve, MangaReader, NFK, Vanitas, Byron,  Sushi, and many others,  ya'll   means so much to me and we've had a lot of great moments when it comes to our discussions on various topics. 



I can finally say that after everything that this year has thrown at me,  there is finally a phase in my life where I can just simply be happy and smile that's what matters most to me  :happy:








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