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ObiRin parallel to SasuSaku?

23 November 2014 - 07:00 AM

So after thinking about Obito and how I thought his easy redemption was similar to that of Sasuke's, it made me think I might have read the manga wrong regarding Obito, and the ObiRin parallels.

First, I thought that the Obito and ObiRin scenes paralleled to Naruto and NaruSaku.
-Obito and Naruto's bright personality
-Their dream to become Hokage
-Never giving up personality
-Their promise and strong feelings for the girl they love
-The girl being in love with the "cooler" guy
-The girl always worried about the well being of the klutz

And most of all
-Naruto attacking Obito with his friends(without Sakura) to show Obito that he could have become
Hokage if he had the support of his friends even without Rin. The reason I thought Sakura was not included in the "friends" was because she was supposed to be "Rin", and therefore it doesn't make sense to include her when he's supposed to show that losing the love of your life isn't the reason to fall into darkness.

But then recently, I've been wondering if the Obito parallel suits Sasuke more and this was meant to foreshadow the ending Sasuke has
-Sasuke and Obito both fell into darkness after losing their loved ones
-At one point they felt hatred and attacked their best friend and teacher
-They both the cycle of love -> hate -> love
-Their redemption was about them acknowledging what they've done and to care for the ones they didn't
-Both of them were Uchihas, and therefore had the curse of the family
-They both wanted to be Hokage but they easily gave that title to their best friend
-Both of them had a girl who supported and comforted them after the redemption

Do you think Kishi made Obito parallel Sasuke to make his redemption more acceptable for the readers to swallow this ending? Do you think that Kishi wanted Sakura to be Sasuke's "Rin" to support and comfort him after he realized his mistakes so even the wrong-doers can have a happily ever after?

Ramenanmitsu blog

28 September 2014 - 07:06 AM

So I decided to write a blog. The topic will be random from my favorite books to what happened in my life that day. I don't know....I thought it might be interesting to look back on what I wrote. (To the mods, I know I made a thread before. If I'm not allowed to make two threads, could you please delete my previous one?)

Okay anyways back to blog....

I find something a bit unnerving at my work. The boss and my colleagues call me "Lord" at work. When I walk, my boss will say, "Open the corridor for The Lord is walking!" Or when we eat out my colleagues will say, "Bring the meat! The Lord loves his steak juicy and hot!"

This started after my first month at work. I really didn't know why I'm being called like this. (I know my boss and colleagues love joking and they mean no harm)

Since I wanted to know why, I asked my boss as to why my nickname came to be, and he relayed me a few episodes in the past.

Episode 1
Boss: I can't believe that delivery company! They withdrew money from my bank account without me knowing!
Colleague: Thats terrible!
Colleague2: You should use somewhere else!
Boss: What do you think ramenanmitsu?
Me: Nothing.
Boss: Huh?
Me: You're the one who's going to lose money right? Not me. So why would I think anything about it?
Boss: Yeah.....you are right.

Episode 2
Boss: Damn! I got bitten by a mosquito!
Me: Hm.
Boss: You might get bitten as well!
Me: WHAT!! How come you didn't kill it!? Give me the spray! I do not want to get bitten by Mosquitos. You don't know what disease they may be carrying!

And some few other episodes...

Anyways after I heard it, all I thought was, "that's it!?"

Come on, caring about your own well being over others is natural human behavior. No one in the world would people care about their boss more than themselves. I am being called a "Lord" for showing natural human behavior.

I think the people in my workplace are really weird. But they're okay I guess.

LAP ramble

07 September 2014 - 02:53 PM

Okay, I just wanted to ramble what happened today since I feel so terrible about it.

Today I got really mad at my mother and now she's feeling blue because of my scoldings.

Today, my mother went out to meet her friend in Yokohama. But then my mother texted her friend that "she was too sick to meet her and so she will go back home". Reading that message, my mother's friend got really worried.

There is a good reason why my mother's friend got really worried. Two months prior, my mother was in a life or death situation. She was in a critical condition and was hospitalized. My sister was having another sickness and hospitalized as well for a different reason. I quit my job so I could take care of my mother and sister, especially since we don't have a father. My mother's medication worked, she got better, so did my sister, and I was able to work again.

Because of this, my mother's friend was worried that my mother's sickness backlashed or something like that. She called my mother but there was no reply or anything. Then she called my sister and my sister called my mother, no reply (My sister lives separately). Then my sister called me while I was starting to have dinner with my boss to talk about some business details (yeah, I know it's Sunday but I still work).

Needless to say, I was worried and even when I called her or texted her she didn't pick up. I thought maybe she's out there outside god knows where nearly dying. Or maybe she was at home collapsed, unable to call the ambulance and that could lead to danger. I told my boss that I'm sorry and I had to go back home check on my mother and I rushed home. While I was in the taxi I was really frightened that she might be dead. I really care for my mother. She raised me and my sister only by herself without receiving any help. My sister went to the best university in Japan, received a master and got a great job. I also was able to go to a decent school, graduate and get a good job. All because my mother worked hard so we could get great education. No other single mother family around us had kids that were able to go to university like me and my sister because it's too expensive to afford. She's the best mother. No matter, all the kitten our father has done to our family (he's the worst scumbag I've had the pleasure of meeting and if it weren't for the criminal law I would have killed him), she always protected us and fought through all the hardships, worked endlessly without any sleep. (After she got released from the hospital, she stopped working and is living peacefully). The stress was the reason why she collapsed and got hospitalized in the first place. If she died, I thought I should die as well. If I wasn't able to make her happy, I didn't know what point there was to keep living. Anyways, that's what I thought through the thirty minutes I was in the taxi.

But when I reached home, she was eating something in the living room and said, "Oh you're back early. Want to eat something?"

I was surprised and asked her, "weren't you sick? Are you okay? Shall I take you to the hospital?"

And then she looked at me confused and asked me what I was talking about so I explained about the whole situation to her. She then said, "Oh, well I just felt lazy to meet my friend so I made an excuse to get back. I didn't answer any of the calls because I felt too troublesome to answer to her."

So then I raged. When I get angry I don't shout, I become more cold than I usually am. I started speaking in a dark tone. "Do you have any idea how worried you made us? Look at your own situation. You were hospitalized a few months ago and in a life or death situation. Didn't you even think to consider that saying you were sick would immediately lead people to believe that what happened two months ago would happen again? That was the worst excuse you could come up with. You only thought about how lazy and troublesome you were didn't you? Didn't think to consider how worried we will be after what happen two months ago. How selfish of you. Maybe it will do you some good if you consider how I felt when I couldn't reach you. Or how your daughter felt when she couldn't reach you. Oh and by the way, I had to cancel my business meeting because of that stunt you pulled. You brought all of us lots of damage and suffering. All thanks to you feeling lazy and inconsiderate."

After I said all that I went back to my room and didn't talk to her. But then I felt really bad so I went out bought some snacks and gave it to her. She said, "thank you and I'm very sorry." But she still looks very sad and I feel horrible. I feel like such a jerk.

-end of ramble-

GaaSaku Appreciation Thread

31 August 2014 - 04:56 AM

Since this is the only Sakura related crack pairing I like, I've made an appreciation thread. Discuss and post freely as long as you're appreciating the couple. And yes, Gaara is one of my most favorite characters. Hence, I'm shipping him with the Queen.

If you don't like the pairing, then this isn't the place for you.

Hello Kitty is not a cat

30 August 2014 - 12:45 PM

Hello Kitty is supposed to be a normal girl. Sorry, this is a bit too much for me to take. Why the hell is that character named "Kitty" in the first place? And how in the world does she have a face so white? That's really unhealthy. Ears are over her head. No normal girl have features like that. Could anyone else honestly tell me that they weren't deceived in believing Hello Kitty was a cat?

What do you guys think of this conclusion? Do you think it's a dream breaker for little girls who loved Hello Kitty as a cat? Do you think the Sanrio company is stupid for this decision?