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Member Since 12 Feb 2010
Offline Last Active Mar 12 2010 07:15 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: How much Faith do you Actually Have?

03 March 2010 - 09:05 PM

I'm SO confident in NS,its downright disgusting..

I've never felt this way about a pairing before,its weird..

I'm completely obsessed..;-;

I try my hardest not to be overly cocky,but its really hard not to..

In Topic: Hi guys!!!

28 February 2010 - 12:22 AM

QUOTE (Sakura_1_ @ Feb 27 2010, 05:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everybody!!!

What's up?
I'm Sakura_1_ and I love the Narusaku pairing! I'd like to communicate with other fans! I started watchin' Naruto a month ago... So I'm new in the "Naruto" world... Some good info about naruto and a fan of this wonderful pairing can help a lot!


Welcome to the fandom XD

It gets addicting..

What got you into Naruto/Narusaku?

In Topic: H&E Interrogation

25 February 2010 - 11:02 AM

1. What's your Chinese Zodiac animal?

Dog 8D

2. What's your Astrology sign?


3. Favorite genre of music?

I love ALL types Rock,screamo,techno,pop, and alot more genres I don't know.

4. Least favorite genre of music?

Rap,Hiphop,Disney "teen idols"

5. Coke or Pepsi?

Neither,sweet tea.

6. Favorite type of weather?


7. Religion?

None,I guess atheist,but I'm not too sure myself ^^;

8. Race/ethnicity?


9. Goals?


10. Favorite type of environment? (i.e., Beach, mountain, forest, etc.)

Hmmm,I'm not sure..

11. Favorite manga/anime character?


12. Favorite internet meme?

Over 9000!! and LEAVE BRITNEY ALOOONNNEEE (thats a meme,right?)

13. Talent?

None,I like to draw,but I fail..

14. Favorite hobby?


15. Political party?

Not sure,I'm too young,although I have a feeling I'm a democrat..

16. Favorite season?

Winter or Fall (Summer SUCKS here in Texas)

17. Favorite animal?

Hmmm,rabbits,kitties,puppies,fishies,monkies,elephants,turtles,is a ladybug considered an animal?

18. Favorite band/musician

TONS,Nirvana,Hole,Three days grace,FLYLEAF,Paramore,P!ATD,nevershoutnever,Marylin Manson,Jack off Jill,Britney spears,ect...

19. # 1 place you want to travel to?

Japan or England..

20. Interesting place you've traveled to that no one probably knows about?


21. Interesting relations to celebrity or famous person?

My ancestor discovered florida...

22. Favorite website?


23. Favorite continent?


24. Anything interesting no one else knows about you?


25. Something else you want to share?


I hope I did this right,I'm still new here ;A;

In Topic: 484 predictions/spoilers

24 February 2010 - 08:22 AM


Looks like her knight in shining armor has arrived.

(Although I'm sick of the thought of Sakura being the helpless damsel in distress.)

Well,she did show quite some nerve,I'll give her that much.

This outta shut up all the people that think Naruto hates Sakura >.>

In Topic: Who do you think will Hinata end up with?

20 February 2010 - 10:08 AM


Or Neji *shot*

I actually love all Hinata pairings (except Naruhina)

Such as,SasuHina,GaaHina,SakuHina,InoHina,ShinoHina,TenHina,KakaHina,LeeHina,Chohina,
well you get the idea...>.>