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Member Since 27 Oct 2005
Offline Last Active Nov 05 2006 12:34 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Debate: Yaoi/Yuuri Good or Bad?

01 August 2006 - 01:10 AM

I have no problem with yaoi/yuri in theory. But the problem is, being straight, I tend towards fics with het pairings. Crack at the most. And having to sort through all the yaoi parings that Naruto seems to provide gives me a headache.

In Topic: wtf is a mary-sue?

02 March 2006 - 12:58 PM

The Mary Sue is the perfect character. The smartest one, the one who is always right, who turns the dark into light, strongest of the strong, befriender of the lonely, the one who knows anything and everything.
In other words, the most annoying know-it-all ever to exist in fanfiction.