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Review of Naruto as a Character [Kishis most tolerated Character]

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#1 Riverkid



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Posted 23 January 2017 - 12:12 PM

[Naruto Uzumaki: Kishimotos most locked Characterdesign]



In my review about Sasuke i criticized his Characterwriting that caused him to be the worst written Character. In my review about Sakura i criticized his wasted Characterpotential that caused her to be the most disappointed Character. In both of my reviews i didn't put my focus on the Characterdesign, because it wasn't the main-problem. However NOW the Characterdesign will be my main focus with Naruto.

I thought a lot about him, and came up with the conlcusion that his Characterdesign is his biggest Problem. The Characterwriting is dependent on the Characterdesign. You can do much better/alot more work with the writing if the Character offers you a good design.

A good Character within a story is summed up to: 
-25% Character-Design (likeable or not)
-25% Characterwriting (purpose of the Character - how Kishimoto is working with the Character)
-25% Character-Development (utilizing the 'experience' a Character is going through within the story)
-25% Character-Potential (used opportunites to develop the Character)

I will explain it again. The Characterdesign isn't just the appearance of the Character, it contains also his personality, attitude, behaviour etc. [Thats btw the work many fanfics-writer are trying to accomplish -> take Narutos Characterdesign, so you still feel the original character from the original Story -> but use a different writing for their own kind of Stories].

[Everything will be 'my' Opinion and my point-of-view how i rate a Character]

Kishimoto pretty much locked Narutos Characterdesign to work with him. Naruto should offer a larger Characterdesign considering his past, but he utilize less than 20% of it



-----------------------------------------LETS COUNT---------------------------------------


lets start from Part 1:



Naruto gets introduced as a impudent loud Brat. The reason for his behaviour are explained later on: to get attention. He was isolated from the villagers by a reason he didn't know until he was 12 years old. To put through his existence he wears striking clothes, has a loud voice and is pulling pranks to force attention. 




Now we see that Naruto is just 'acting' all of these things as a mask. He is quiet and calm when he is just by himself/alone, and propably deep in thought with all the questions no one is answering for him: "why do they hate me?" "Where are my parents?" "why is everyone calling me a demon?" etc.



Now the secret is out: Naruto is a Jinchuriki. Thats already answering 2 questions: 'why they are isolating him - because of fear' and 'why they are calling him a demom - because a demon is sealed in him'. But it just open up more quesitons: 'what does it mean for me to be a host of such a demon?' 'why was it sealed inside me?' 'what happened that day exactly?' 'WHO sealed the demon inside me ?' etc.

This also means that his 'acting' will not work, no matter how much he tries. pulling pranks and being loud will never overtop the fact that a demon is sealed inside his body. So what happened after that event? what does Naruto do after he found out such a 'big' secret?



absolutly nothing! he does nothing! He just found out such a big secret yesterday, and he doesn't ask a single quesiton infront of the person who would propably know all of the answers.. the hokage. Instead he keeps his 'acting' and turns it into his personality. From this chapter on we will never see Naruto again alone on a swing deep in thought.. we will never see Naruto trying to get some answers for his million questions. Kishimoto just let him accept it, and force his 'acting' as a solid personality.

But why? well, thats easy explained.



Because of Team 7. If we turn Naruto to someone who still suffers from his 'childhood' and still searching for some answers, with Sasuke also someone who suffers from the massacre + Sakura as a cry-fangirl.. well, then we would have the biggest emo-team in Konoha right here. Naruto is needed to be the positiv-personality within in Team 7, while Sasuke plays the counterpart to that. To create some 'diversity' within the Team (because diversity is never boring)

Naruto and Sasuke should be equivalent to each other:

Naruto is loud and positiv / Sasuke is quiet and negativ
Naruto is bright / Sasuke is dark
Naruto is looking forward (accepting his past) / Sasuke is dealing with his past (revenge)

My Problem is just that Kishimoto forced this 'Contrast' in every level of their personality/behaviour. Sasuke gets the benefit that he can deal with his past, while Naruto has to accept it (because of that Sakura will never get the hint that Naruto is much more than just the loud-brat). If Sakura would find out Narutos concerns: that he never had parents or friends... she would be much nicer to him and would propably stop being fury towards him 



Why can't Naruto be more like Konohamaru ? he is also impudent towards the adults, but he speaks openly to the things that concerns him -> thats the reason why they have a friendly relationship now-> because konohamaru opened himself towards Naruto and let him know his problems. 




Well, what a miracle! If you show your true face, and if someone is willing to understand you and acknowledging you.. then it can create something beautiful -> and also creates a deep bond.

-Thats the same with Iruka (he understands and acknowledges 
Naruto of how he is)
-Thats the same with Gaara (he understands and acknowledges 
Naruto of how he is because he is exactly the same)

I don't understand why Kishimoto let Naruto hide 'this' towards Team-7. Why are Iruka and Gaara the only one ? in Part 1 Sasuke never tried to understand Narutos past and he only acknowledged him because of his improvement. Sakura also never understant his past and only developed a friendship with him because of his ambitions that surprised her + alot time spending together.


THIS is the best moment for me in the entire Manga. Zabuza told Naruto that he just 'used' Haku, although Haku loved him and did everything for him. Naruto got a emotional outburst because he couldn't understand that.. he couldn't understand how someone can abuse a person who shared his love to him. That was something Naruto desperately wanted in his entire childhood.. someone who would love him. He was hoping for a person like that for 12 years until iruka showed up.. and in his first real mission he have to see how fast a person can throw away the love from others.. Naruto would never do that, and he was utterly sad about it

That was for me professional writing from Kishimoto.

Things like that could be used as 'hints' for Sakura or Sasuke to show them that there is something they don't understand about Naruto .. but ye.. never happened in part 1.



here we go again, thats for me the 'true' side of Naruto as a Character. He told Gaara that he knows his pain, and that he suffered the same childhood as him. Naruto can understand him and know how he felt the whole time -> he shares his compassion with him. Thats was also propably the only time where Naruto truly open up his worries to someone with a sad expression on his face like he really means it.

Its a moment that he only shares with Gaara, and a moment he doesn't share with anyone else. (i don't care if Kishimoto compares Naruto past the same with Sasukes past all the time in the Manga with his flashbacks.. thats not the same with Gaara and they don't have a compareable past) 




Just because he shows his worries and cries doesn't mean that this is his 'weak-side', beacause it isn't. This is exactly the side which made him strong in the first place.. his drive to be a strong shinobi and a greater hokage than everyone else is driven because of his own past.. and what happened when he opens himself to others? he affects them. Iruka, Zabuza and Gaara are the ones who saw the pain from Naruto, his true side! and he changed them for the better.

Its really sad that these 3 are the only one. It also happens in the beginning of Shippuden.. to affect granny to revive gaara by sacrificing herself but everything else is just basic-talking-no-jutsu (and we never see that again). We really swapped good emotional writing like that with talking-no-jutusus in shippuden



I honestly don't know why he isn't crying like Konohamaru. Its his FIRST loss. Sure he hadn't the best relationship to the 3rd Hokage, but he was still there for him. He was propably the first guy ever who treated Naruto as a normal child. He even looked over him, protected him from the worse, and even took care of the mess he caused with his pranks.. but no, in the next few pages he smiles again 




I like how Kakashi takes the time to talk with Sasuke about his revenge.. but never took the time for Naruto and his concerns. The son of the 4th Hokage, the hokage who protected the village with his life, is part in his team and he blantly ignores it. 

not even Jiraiya said something about it.. or maybe Tsunade "no Naruto , u have to accept your past so pls don't ask questions"




I will make it quick. The Timeskip is more of a disappointment than the Character of Sakura. He trained almost 3 years with Jiraiya (a legend) and his improvement isn't noticeable


He was smarter with his kage bunshin in Part 1, and i wasn't impressed in Shippuden at all (only in the Pein fight he showcased good kage-bunshin use). He could have practiced the shuriken-shadow-clone technique from the 3rd Hokage or something similiar to that.. but nop

Jiraiya did almost nothing with the kyubi-chakra.. he just made it worse. he didn't trained him for the sage-mode or something like that.. nothing

It was more important for kishimoto to create 20 different Rasengan/Rasen-shuriken types instead of creating some smart tactical usages with his kage bunshin. (because im a lazy ass Mangaka - and i like DBZ). 

How about some explosion-tags on the kage-bunshin ? and let them play like suicide-bombs to the enemy targets ? there were so much room to develop his shadow-clones.. but ye whatever







"Give Sasuke back!" ? really.. Naruto is angry because Sasuke choosed this guy over him? and not.. hmm.. let me think... maybe not because he killed the 3rd Hokage? does he remember that guy? the dude who was the first guy ever to treat him as a normal child ?

This is the start of his obsession, the start where his Design is locked in ONE direction.. Kishimoto tunnel-visioned Naruto to one single Character. 



Did the 1st Hokage saved Madara from being a avenger? no

Did the 3rd Hokage saved Orochimaru from being a villain (his own pupil) ? no


Did the 5th Hokage saved her lover and her brother from being killed? no

Did the 6th Hokage saved Obito and Rin ? no

But well... Maybe someone should teach him that he can't force a friendship one-sided just byhimself. If he doesn't want to be his friend, let Naruto grow up! 




Thx Sasuke for pointing that out! you are damn right.


The worst thing is that Naruto was crying after he coudln't convince Sasuke, and then their smile all about it. "dont worry, we will get stronger :)". A failed mission, complete waste of time, and yamato got badly injured saving Sakura.. and they just smile... wow


What happens in the meantime? Akatsuki get more and more Jinchurikis, and Asuma dies.. and this dude is chasing Sasuke. "How can i be a great Hokage if i can't save a friend?" well.. but its appearently okey to let other people die for your sake while you busy yourself with a missing-nin

but ye.. keep smiling.




How about you focus on your training, get control over your Kyubi chakra and deal with Akatsuki ? 

Oh wait...I know a better idea! how about you meet other Jinchurikis ? get to know them, protect each other, learn from each ohter. (what happened after Naruto met Killer-bee? bam! Kyubi-mode.. really surprising how ONE Jinchuriki can help you out, but we only took that option after Akatsuki already got 7!!! tail-beasts)

And Tsunade, pls do a Kage-summit. Why is the Raikage the only smart one who immedialty asks for a kage-summit after HIS Jinchuriki got attacked for the first time ? Is Suna asking for a that ? Konoha? no, they are all dumb. (Naruto really has too much influence on Tsunade)



Here is your Story Naruto : He destroyed your village, he killed Jiraiya, he killed Kakashi, he killed many villagers and he propably killed Hinata too.. Because you were chasing Sasuke/Orochimaru the whole time instead interrupting Aktasuki for doing more damage

You would kill Orochimaru immeaditaly for taking Sasuke, but you will not kill this Guy.. absolutly phenomenal! 



What happend to this Naruto ? who would give you the i-will-kill-you look for hurting his friends ? He must really 'loves' his village and his friends if he doesn't have the urge to kill the person who caused all the death of them



You know? i want him to be a 'Hero'... really. He deserves it, although he did alot errors for his chase after Sasuke. But this is again something from Kishimoto just to let him accept it.

"i just found out that the 4th was my father" - "i will not ask questions, i accept it"

"im now a hero in my own village" - "they propably only acknowledge my power, because i can protect them now.. but they don't understand me, they will not acknowledge me for who i really am... and they don't feel guilt for what they did.. but i will accept it anyways"


He just throws away his 'true' nature, and he is completly fine that he is now only seen as a power-house-ninja who can maybe safe the world. I wouldn't feel somehow abused by that /s



Ye, again such a 'great decision'. Naruto...you are now the Hero, you are the only safety-card for Konoha because Konoha needs to build-up again after it got destroyed.. and you just leave them to do AGAIN something 'for' Sasuke... you will truly be the best Hokage /s

Its okey to let your 'own' Hokage die, because your were again busy with Sasuke.



Naruto: "i understand why u did it, and thats why i will not give up"

For which price???

You, Neji and Choji almost died at the rescue arc
Yamato got injured for saving Sakura
Kakashi had to fight him
Sakura nearly died twice
Danzo is dead because of him
Killer-Bee got attacked by him

Naruto could have prevented alot damage from Akatsuki by dealing with them instead chasing Sasuke

Kishimoto! Sasuke was 1 year in his team.. and played gladly the rival for him, i understand that. Shikamaru was still a better friend to Naruto than Sasuke... Sakura was still a better friend to Naruto than Sasuke.. so why is Sasuke that much 'worth' ??? "because i want him to chase Sasuke so i can keep the NaruSasu fight build-up alive" - Kishimoto


how funny.. Danzo is dead, they wasted time again.. Akatsuki is now one step further.. but ye.. "we will get stronger, i will not give up on Sasuke"




You have nooo idea how much 'hope' i got with this picture. I hoped that this 'dark'-Naruto will finally talk him his nonsense out of his brain.. his fairy-tail-thinking is already way to annoying.

a few chapters later




There is no hope left anymore to fix the lock from Kishimoto to his Design.. 0 hope.


Obito: "There is no hope left to safe this world"

Naruto litteraly: "I don't care about that, in my opinion there still is!" is he 5 years old ?

Kishimoto showcased some professional writing in Part 1 with the Character of Naruto.. now we are at this point.. and this guy wants to be the best Hokage... seriously

let me fix that for your Obito: "There is no hope left with Kishimotos writing, and with your Characterdesign"

This picture is the best example to put the whole shippuden into one image. "i dont care, i have my 'nakamas' behind me and my free power-ups.. with my plot-armor i will safe this world.. believe it"


Naruto is about to cry because the guy infront of him 'obito' is going to die, and he can't do anything about that.. the guy who caused everything.. the massacre on the uchihas, his childhood, the death of his parents + jiraiya (because he created akatsuki).. the death of the jinchurikis etc. everything!


and yet he didn't let a single tear drop for asuma, for the 3rd Hokage.. or when he found out that Kakashi died (revived later). Kishimoto ***ed up this Characterdesign from A -> Z.



Yes, Obito did that to Naruto when he was a newborn child

-----------------------------DONE WITH COUNTING---------------------------------------


It was really a pain counting his errors from his Characterdesign. 

Naruto could be a interesting Character. He showcased that in the first 2 chapters of his Manga, and when he faced Iruka, Zabuza and Gaara. Outside of that he is a locked Character. 


- not looking for his own answers

- not showing his 'true'-side

- tunnelvision himself towards Sasuke 24/7

- ingores his goal becoming hokage

- suppressed his love towards Sakura

- ignores the answers/secrets about him

- suppressed his hate towards enemies who caused huge damage to him

- never thinking about himself first, because the other matters more (Sasuke > everything else > Naruto)

- totally fine being used just as a power-house for Konoha

- ignores the possible consequences for his decisions



I hope Kishimoto is proud of himself for causing that.. locking Narutos Characterdesing to that extent.

He took his Character, removed 80% of that.. and let him be a obsessed Fanboy who plays the Hero without killing someone, and dealing with 'hate' like he is some Jesus 2.0

I don't know what kind of 'message' Kishimoto tried to teach us. 'Hate' is not an option? you shouldn't kill someone for his mistake? Well, thanks for the advice but that doesn't work in a fictional World the rule 'kill or be killed' leads the lifestyle. 

But we know how 'good' you are at teaching us a 'message'. Take a look at Sakura: "its your first crush, so no matter what he does.. continue loving him" and if you don't do that, then you are a bad woman!


Pls, whoever reads this.. pls just call the cops when the boy you love tries to kill you.. thanks.


2 alternative options to fix this crap

The first option to fix that: 



Develop her to a mature Character (also remove her obsession towards sasuke) and let her have a influence on Naruto to open his locked Characterdesign. Sakura should know what a 'good' Hokage has to do because she is the diciple of Tsunade, so she could teach Naruto, or prepare him to be a good Hokage (because almost all of Narutos decisions weren't beneficial for Konoha). She could fix Narutos obsession, fix his tunnelvision, also maybe fixing his attitude to ignore himself (so he can open up himself more) etc.

the second option to fix that:

A alternative past.

Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke could be a Trio-Childhood-friends (really good friends). Naruto and Sasuke are like brothers (always helping each other out). Sasuke is however still the talented Ninja and get alot praise from Sakura because of that. Naruto is the prankster to get attention in return from Sakura (because he has a crush on her - and Sakura would likes his pranks). Then the Uchiha-Massacre happens and Sasuke is shifting away from the trio to be the depressed Person seeking for revenge. Sakura would notice that and would shift her attention more to him, to prevent losing him as a good childhood friend. Naruto would be also worried about Sasuke but his jealousy is getting in his way which causes him to increase the pranks/loud attitude to prevent losing Sakura over to him. Sakura starts to be annoyed of Narutos attitude because he isn't puting his focus on Sasuke current Situation (because he is more worried about Sakuras attention). He realize that he is really about to lose Sasuke over to someone like Orochimaru.. and he gives up on the pranks/loud attitude and is helping Sakura to fix Sasuke. However Sasuke stills abandom them. Naruto would feel guilt because he could have maybe prevent it if he had put his focus more towards him and not to Sakura..

This would justify his 'obsession', because he feels the urge to fix the mistake he made. this would also explain why Sasuke is so much 'worth'.. because he is one of his first and only friends. This would also explain why Sakura is helping him and support this 'obsession'. It would be a much more interesting set-up and a realistic one on top of that too...






His Characterdesign is bad. It was still somehow 'okey' because he had crucial moments where he showed his true nature of his Character but wasn't utilized much of it. I love his combat-skills and his smart use of his jutsus he developed over the time. Shippuden was the death of his Characterdesign and he turned into a static (boring) Character with not much use except playing the hero of the story while chasing only for Sasuke




there isn't much you can do wrong with a character who has the same depth in his design as Monkey D. Luffy from One piece. However the Character of Ruffy works because he isn't in a complex Story.. its just a adventure from A -> B. Naruto had to decide with his decisions. He took always the part which was beneficial for the NaruSasu-buildup but he ignored the part to be a great Hokage.. and he would be propably the worst hokage ever with his level of decisionmaking. Kishimoto showed good writing in Part 1 but shippuden.. whatever




His development is clear and easy to read. He developed his skillsets over the time, and his personalitiy until the end of the first Arc of shippuden. After that he never really grows up and was locked as the static Hero


No much potential in Part 1 what was wasted or could be utilized to improve his Character. There was potential for him in Shippuden to be a mature/compelx Character.. utilizing Sakura to prepare Naruto on his way to be a good hokage, and improve his mind-set and decision making.. wasted.



(25 % Characterdesign)
[5/10) - Part 1     /     [2/10] - Shippuden

(25 % Characterwriting)
[7/10] - Part 1     /     [4/10] - Shippuden

(25 % Character-development)
[6/10] - Part 1    /      [3/10] - Shippuden

(25 % Characterpotential-used)
[8/10] - Part 1    /      [3/10] - Shippuden





Thx for reading

[I might still update this 'review' in the future]


Edited by Riverkid, 23 January 2017 - 10:04 PM.

#2 Bail o' Lies

Bail o' Lies

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Posted 23 January 2017 - 04:10 PM

The thing I notice about kishimoto years back is; that he best with first impression of his characters, but very poor on the follow through. In fact most of the problems of Naruto could be best summed up as, "kishimoto introduces an idea and then barely if at all follow through on it." Even Itachi and the Uchiha clan which he constantly brought up every-time Sasuke involved with the plot once we learned the truth. Yet we barely learned anything more then we did during Obito's talk with Sasuke. Their was a coup being plotted by the Uchiha, Itachi choose the village over the clan, in order to save his baby brother he made a deal with Danzo, and then found Obito -who was the real murderer of the clan- to help him with the act. Other then more details to make Itachi into a saint we really don't learn anything any other time they were brought up.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 23 January 2017 - 04:46 PM.

#3 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 23 January 2017 - 04:19 PM

"If Sakura would find out Naruto's concerns: that he never had parents or friends... she would be much nicer to him and would probably stop being fury towards him"


She did, she found out during the Rescue Gaara arc, and she also became nice and more concern towards him after that (though she had been on that path since her introduction)...until kishi got new editors.


"I don't understand why Kishimoto let Naruto hide 'this' towards Team-7. Why are Iruka and Gaara the only one ? in Part 1 Sasuke never tried to understand Naruto's past and he only acknowledged him because of his improvement. Sakura also never understood his past and only developed a friendship with him because of his ambitions that surprised her + a lot time spending together."


True, but both of them did learn about Kurama in part two; Sasuke either by being told or figuring it out and Sakura like i said Naruto told her what she was also guessing as well. Though I agree that it would have been better for that to have happened some point in part one.


""Give Sasuke back!" ? really.. Naruto is angry because Sasuke choosed this guy over him? and not.. hmm.. let me think... maybe not because he killed the 3rd Hokage? does he remember that guy? the dude who was the first guy ever to treat him as a normal child ?
This is the start of his obsession, the start where his Design is locked in ONE direction.. Kishimoto tunnel-visioned Naruto to one single Character: Sasuke."
"What happened to this Naruto? Who would give you the "I-will-kill-you" look for hurting his friends ? He must really "love" his village and his friends if he doesn't have the urge to kill the person who caused all the death of them?"
Simple. Kishimoto new editors thought that Naruto didn't have any morals for the kids. Since they never thought of or realize it was "reject corruption and reform the system." So they or kishi decided on something simple: "stop hating/end the cycle of hatred."
I do like you alternate ideas. Lets face it, no one can seem to keep consistent with the fact Naruto background is: "Alone for First  Twelve Years of His Life." SP constantly tries to fill that time up with; that he was with hinata to justify nH, and even at points kishi could not keep it consistent either. Making Sasuke and Sakura old friends of Naruto that were with him even when everyone else hated him -until the massacre- would make his desire to act friendly, funny and happy around them make much more sense.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 23 January 2017 - 04:36 PM.

#4 HalfDemonInuyasha



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Posted 29 January 2017 - 06:05 PM

There's also the fact that Naruto's constant tunnel vision towards Sasuke also played heavily into the idea that Sasuke was now the main character rather than Naruto, leading to the constant "development" of Sasuke, the Uchiha Clan, the Sharingan, etc. and yet what do we even know about the Uzumaki Clan? Half of Naruto's own family?

- Masters of Fuinjutsu (nearly a lost art outside of more basic things from the looks of things given Jiraiya seems to be the only known Fuinjutsu master at present)

- They all had red hair.

- They had "special chakra" (never explained; but is what made them the best Jinchuriki for the Biju and also what allowed Nagato to survive as long as he did with Madara's Rinnegan and connection to the Gedo Mazo).

- They were attacked and largely destroyed because other villages feared their power, and they ended up scattered around the land.

- Could literally make a mask that can instantly summon the Shinigami (though used only as a plot device) and most likely what was used to help Minato create the Shiki Fuin.

....that's it. No real detail into anything.

What do we know about Minato's background and family? Nothing.

What do we know about the Senju Clan? The literal rivals and "other half" to the Rikudo Sennin's legacy and whom the Uzumaki are distantly related to? Outside of Hashirama and Tobirama (to a lesser degree) specifically, nothing. Why did they seem to just disappear while the Uchiha Clan prospered? Heck, we never even learn how exactly Hashirama died (supposedly in battle).

Because all of that time was dedicated towards Sasuke and the Uchiha Clan which itself can't even seem to remain consistent..


#5 rocci


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Posted 30 January 2017 - 05:06 AM


All of It will be explained in burito :zaru:

#6 Yyubie



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Posted 30 January 2017 - 07:46 AM

There's also the fact that Naruto's constant tunnel vision towards Sasuke also played heavily into the idea that Sasuke was now the main character rather than Naruto, leading to the constant "development" of Sasuke, the Uchiha Clan, the Sharingan, etc. and yet what do we even know about the Uzumaki Clan? Half of Naruto's own family?

I never understand why the tittle is Naruto and the Main Hero/Character is Naruto when Sasuke is getting all the love, why not make Sasuke the hero from the beginning ??

The tittle and the MC spot should change to Sasuke. Naruto whole purpose is just to perfected Sasuke character development when it should be the other way around, now look at him he bring back Sasuke and hes like deadbeat that lost his passion with zero purpose.The pro ending fan can say all they way that he fulfill his dream become hokage, have a family and happy life ... he is dead like walking zombies.


As for sasuke ?? I don't know about you guys but the way i see it Sasuke haven't had enough stealing everything from Naruto, hes gonna steal his wife and kids, now he began with his son Boruto. Now Boruto have more respect and idolize and respect him far more than his own dad. Someone should make a fan fiction where Sasuke steal Hinata (NTR) and left Naruto to rot his office. Sasuke is sucking the life out of Naruto, i have the girl you love , i have freedom, i can tour around the world, now i have your son chasing me like you used to .... (next is your wife), you your generations will forever kiss my ass and foot. When both father and son kiss his ass .... it's sad ... really ... better kill him, kill Naruto and put him out of this misery.

An out of control man needs a strong woman to control him.
And even a violent woman will become soft and tender to the man she love.

#7 ThroughWithLove


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Posted 30 January 2017 - 08:06 PM

A good read, but at the end of the day, the real problem (and more or less every point you raise) can be attributed to the fact that the author did not do any serious storyboarding or advanced planning when he began the series. At best, he may have had a loose idea that Naruto and Sasuke were gonna fight one day, but that was about it. He never really sat down and summarized the character development roadmap for each character (i.e. Character A starts at point X, goes to point Y and ends at point Z) or how the plot would progress through the story arcs. As a result, the characters are incomplete and the story arcs are ALL disjointed. Granted, I understand Kishimoto had some issues with his editors, but even still, deep advanced storyboarding is feasible in this industry as we've seen from the greats like Eichiro Oda.

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#8 Onionhead Attacks

Onionhead Attacks


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Posted 03 July 2018 - 10:58 AM

This is a very good analysis of Naruto's character! Most of the admirable traits and emotional growth of Naruto didn't really carry on to Part II like you've mentioned. In a sense it felt like his character was pushed aside for plot progression since we barely touch upon Naruto's past and his growth during the time skip that much.


The thing I notice about kishimoto years back is; that he best with first impression of his characters, but very poor on the follow through. In fact most of the problems of Naruto could be best summed up as, "kishimoto introduces an idea and then barely if at all follow through on it." Even Itachi and the Uchiha clan which he constantly brought up every-time Sasuke involved with the plot once we learned the truth. Yet we barely learned anything more then we did during Obito's talk with Sasuke. Their was a coup being plotted by the Uchiha, Itachi choose the village over the clan, in order to save his baby brother he made a deal with Danzo, and then found Obito -who was the real murderer of the clan- to help him with the act. Other then more details to make Itachi into a saint we really don't learn anything any other time they were brought up.


Kishimoto as we've noticed didn't even have a solid idea of where he wanted his story to go. He had a loose idea and wrote as ideas came to him. He probably had so many bouncing around in his head that he started incorporating them left and right and didn't get the chance to touch on it later on. Makes sense since there are so many inconsistencies and questions floating throughout the manga. Riverkid pointed out Jiraiya and Kakashi not caring or knowing about Naruto's parentage. I believe in one of Kishimoto's interview that he started having the idea later on and tried to incorporate that in, but at that time the damage had already been done and these characters pretty much looked like massive jerks.


There's also the fact that Naruto's constant tunnel vision towards Sasuke also played heavily into the idea that Sasuke was now the main character rather than Naruto, leading to the constant "development" of Sasuke, the Uchiha Clan, the Sharingan, etc. and yet what do we even know about the Uzumaki Clan? Half of Naruto's own family?

- Masters of Fuinjutsu (nearly a lost art outside of more basic things from the looks of things given Jiraiya seems to be the only known Fuinjutsu master at present)

- They all had red hair.

- They had "special chakra" (never explained; but is what made them the best Jinchuriki for the Biju and also what allowed Nagato to survive as long as he did with Madara's Rinnegan and connection to the Gedo Mazo).

- They were attacked and largely destroyed because other villages feared their power, and they ended up scattered around the land.

- Could literally make a mask that can instantly summon the Shinigami (though used only as a plot device) and most likely what was used to help Minato create the Shiki Fuin.

....that's it. No real detail into anything.

What do we know about Minato's background and family? Nothing.

What do we know about the Senju Clan? The literal rivals and "other half" to the Rikudo Sennin's legacy and whom the Uzumaki are distantly related to? Outside of Hashirama and Tobirama (to a lesser degree) specifically, nothing. Why did they seem to just disappear while the Uchiha Clan prospered? Heck, we never even learn how exactly Hashirama died (supposedly in battle).

Because all of that time was dedicated towards Sasuke and the Uchiha Clan which itself can't even seem to remain consistent..


This is pretty much a prime example of Kishimoto having too many ideas, starting a little and never touching on it again, focusing on something that really interests him and somehow that becomes 1/3 of the whole manga...


A good read, but at the end of the day, the real problem (and more or less every point you raise) can be attributed to the fact that the author did not do any serious storyboarding or advanced planning when he began the series. At best, he may have had a loose idea that Naruto and Sasuke were gonna fight one day, but that was about it. He never really sat down and summarized the character development roadmap for each character (i.e. Character A starts at point X, goes to point Y and ends at point Z) or how the plot would progress through the story arcs. As a result, the characters are incomplete and the story arcs are ALL disjointed. Granted, I understand Kishimoto had some issues with his editors, but even still, deep advanced storyboarding is feasible in this industry as we've seen from the greats like Eichiro Oda.


This is my main complaint too. Kishimoto only has a vague idea of where he wants his story to go. He knows what he wants to end the story with but he isn't sure how to get to that point. In the end he doesn't have a clearly thought out story and is just throwing it together as he goes. It's one of the faults of weekly publications. If it were different he'd probably have time to write out a more consistent story and probably have a better time writing his characters. His biggest issue is his characters that either made them either murderous and mentally unstable (Sasuke), underdeveloped with wasted potential and gives no clear indication what's on her mind (Sakura), or no real growth in skill and suddenly has tunnel vision at the expense of everyone (Naruto).

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