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Bail o' Lies

Member Since 06 Apr 2015
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#926806 Red Sprite

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 22 November 2016 - 05:49 AM

Well, there she goes. It's ending this week. I called it. Well, not when exactly, but will. I knew it was going to fail, but it's sad really. The idea is good but the writing wasn't good enough to execute it. But on the bright side, at least it allowed me to see how some YT view anime/manga as of late. Not that I would mock or criticize them since it is subjective. It's a way to see what taste they have. Funny, because I was alone on not thinking it was good, let alone being the best first chapter.


It is what it is.

Oh it finally getting cancelled? 


I haven't read it since the second or third chapter but just from those few chapters, its introduction to the story was poor. What the manga did was show us the backstory to the main character first, then for the rest I read just showed us a Brazen Badass. Normally in shounen while they show some backstory to introduce the main character, the setting, and the story. But they focus more on showing the main character major personality traits and his appeal to the audience in the first chapter. Then flesh him out in the next few chapters or later on.


The problem with the way they did it is that their is nothing to learn about him after his introduction. He was a orphan, was experimented on, kind reformed man help him escape twice, set out to free his friends and fight a evil system, ride around on his own air ship, spent years training in order to be strong enough to fight the system, and is very brazen. What else is their more to learn about him afterwards?


Now One Piece also started out with the first chapter as Luffy's (initial) backstory. The thing is the entire chapter was backstory so it could be consider a prologue. (Also they switch this around till later in the anime for the same reason they normally have the backstory later.) And Luffy isn't the sole interesting character to draw in the readers. His crew all have dynamic, unique, and interesting personality and looks. This guy crew consist of a bunch of bland mooks, a woman that is bound to be the cool love interest, and all his friends he will slowly freed over the course of the story. So the only interesting character is the main character and maybe the woman.

#926258 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 15 November 2016 - 10:20 AM

That's why Shuiesha, SP and WSJ join forces to manipulate into Kishi make Hinata the heroine for NH, so they could create their self insert Sasuke fantasy into Naruto's NH pineapple head spawn. 

It's probably more "What Kishimoto is running out of juice, and wants to end Naruto soon?! But that's are best international seller (this is long before My hero academy, One punch man, or even The New Dragonball movies or anything like that came out or gain popularity)!!! We can't let Naruto end like this! We need to keep it going in order to continue getting those international profit." So the Executives have a meeting. "OK Kishimoto wants to end Naruto. What do we do?" Then after some ideas are suggested "How about a sequel?" "A sequel.... Yes, That could work but what would it be about?" "Well apparently potential couple pairing are a big thing in the fanbase. So we just picked the most popular ones and have those couple have kids to create a new cast." Muttering about that being a good idea. "OK but who will be the mangaka? Kishimoto is leaving the series?" "Why don't we just have one of his assistant like that guy who does his backgrounds take over." "But can the assistant who takes-over write?" They thinks this over for awhile till someone else get the brilliant idea "I know! After the manga end we will have some of our light novelist do tie-in to manga to connect it with the sequel, and pick one of them to be the writer!"...


Then the rest of the ideas were hammered out some were added through time.


They got kishimoto probably agreed to the sequel early on. SP heard that they were going to have one last move and they wanted it according to the director "to be about romance." And then the nH editors and staff at SP spent their time convincing everyone (bullying kishimoto into accepting it once they convinced the executives) that nH was the most popular pairing in the international fanbase.


And then everything fell apart. Now they rely on the Chinese (apparently) to keep it afloat.

#926055 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 13 November 2016 - 10:11 AM

When I see NH I don't feel anyway at all. I think I can even read a NH fic.  Maybe it's because I dislike Naruto the character so he deserves the BORE that is Hinata. I've accepted it now. I love NS still but not the way I used to. I prefer Sakura with other characters like Kakashi, Itachi, heck even Minato( time travel)

Honestly once you read on nH fanfic you read them all unless they get really disgusting in the fantasy of what they do to Sakura.


Here a summary of almost every nH fanfic:

Step One: Over Dramatize Naruto's Pariah Status.

Step Two: Naruto gains an ability that the author thought sounds cool.

Step Three: Make him get together instantly with Hinata, also with barely any romance throughout the entire story.

Step Four: Author remakes Naruto into his ideal to insert himself into, and Hinata his ideal woman. Flip if author is female.

Step Five: Punish the village.

Step Six: Kill Sakura in a gruesome way.

Step Seven: After the author gets off on killing Sakura, they tend to have run out of ideas. So the plot meanders around till they end it.


The reason that db guy wanted the NS fans to go back to making fanfic is because their is actual variety and creativity in those stories(also to force us to accept the ending to make sure we still support the series to make them the victors by making us content with it through our fanfics). You can tell how good a story is by how it inspires it readers. NS stories tend to cover: love, emotion, feeling of self-worth, friendship, falling in love with a friend, wondering what romance does to a friendship, romance as simply being with the person any enjoying each-other company instead of grand gestures, bonds, forgiveness to other and oneself, discovering more about a person beyond their outward persona, finding common ground with someone, and so on. nH it's the same boring ass power fantasy with the only difference is "what power is the coolest?"

#925502 Naruto Shippuden Episode 480

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 05 November 2016 - 08:20 PM

Most studio's do have issues I mean I saw old pokemon episodes they have mistakes after all the only things that I see that arer flawless are films as there is more time put into them.


But none waste their money like SP has done with Hinata as we all know that SP love to spend their money on Hinata.

The only thing we know that will happen in Naruto is no matter how much the quality drops due to budgetary restraint they will never lower the quality of Hinata in the anime. It one of the reason the Japanese fanbase got sick of nH. Naruto and Sasuke were dying in one episode and instead they put all their money and energy into hinata's tripping.

#925501 Naruto Shippuden Episode 480

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 05 November 2016 - 08:16 PM

True. I'm kinda surprised they didn't put those precious characters together. I mean, it's not like Naruto and Sakura mattered anyway. 

True, but remember that Naruto was a loser that SP and nH could self insert into, while Sasuke was mister cool guy they couldn't see themselves as. Also it was Hinata's desire to get Naruto not Sasuke, and SP wanted to give their goddess what she desired. Also remember again its Kishimoto that in love with Sasuke. SP do not like Sasuke or Sakura outside of the women who like NS.

#925499 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 05 November 2016 - 08:12 PM

It wasn't Kishimoto who killed the Naruto manga it was the crazy fandom. 


Because I'm 100% sure if:


-There was never any crazy affection for Hinata.


-If there was never any hatred for Sakura.


-If there was never any crazy affection for Sasuke,


I am sure the manga would have gotten its well deserve ending:


-Naruto ruling as Hokage as it should be.


-Sakura succeeding Tsunade becoming the strongest kunoichi and medic in the four countries.Moving on from Sasuke and accepting her feelings for Naruto married to him.


-Sasuke behind bars serving his punishment for treason (or maybe dead whatever). 


-Hinata succeeding her father uniting the Hyuga clan free of hatred for the main branch, using Naruto as a positive role model and honoring Neji's memory.

For the most part I agree but it more likely Sasuke would restart his childhood dream and become chief of the konohan military police.


And we got hocus pocus in the end that turned into someones yard full of kitten.

Also awful offspring.

#925179 Naruto Shippuden Episode 480

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 03 November 2016 - 05:03 AM

I heard quite a view SS shippers hated the fillers that they jumped ship.


How was the NH episode? I'm sure they have Naruto all lovely dodo over Hinata

...tother did a two post summary on the first page of this topic...also according to him the art was bad.

#925009 Fairy Tail

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 01 November 2016 - 07:00 AM

For some reason Foreverworld video of the latest chapter is recommended to me on youtube again. And of course the thing he focuses on is sex. The title is "508% Confirmation of Who Got Laid in Fairy Tail." I'm more disturbed that their are people that are willing to listen to someone with that voice and face talk about sex, then imaging what he actually does in the video.

#924903 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 30 October 2016 - 10:30 AM


#924415 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 25 October 2016 - 03:40 AM

Ok everyone going on about kishimoto villains right now. I Think I made a few posts about that:


Kishimoto had a problem that is "that no one is born evil, its society that makes someone evil." In other world almost every villain (except Gato) in the manga is evil because of the flaws in the ninja system. So almost every time a villain is defeat we must see a flashback of their tragic past so we can feel incredible sorrow for their death, and lament what good they could have done it society had help them instead of screwing them over. This is actually endemic to most shouen manga as most of manga of the genre have large number of casts are built off of former rivals and villains turned good after the main casts beats them. The thing is that different between most of other mangaka and kishi is that. The other mangaka still have people who are just genuine bastards who just need to be killed in their stories while kishi everyone is basically 'this'.
 All the villains are evil because of the ninja system and it needs to have either major reforms or outright removed could be consider a major theme in Naruto for a long time. The problem is that Kishimoto got side tracked by that "cycle of hatred" crap. The thing is that the "cycle of hatred" really isn't a part of Naruto's character or his themes. The "flaws in the ninja system" and "a need to reform it?" Yes. Revenge? No. Hell, the one time he was out for revenge he stopped and instead listened to the bad guy's story of how his dog died. But the "cycle of hatred" and the "obsession with revenge can destroy your life" is apart of Sasuke's themes. So that just another part of Sasuke taking over the manga because kishi makes him evil but not too evil and then tries to justify why he is evil.
How this relates to a problem in the final battle between Naruto and Sasuke?  It is he felt more need to explain and justify Sasuke's revolution plan (that we know is not going to happen) instead of explaining to Sasuke and the audience what Naruto's plan was. Since these are the last chapters and the final battle and it would be nice if Naruto can explain how he is going to fix the system that been an obvious problem since Chapter 1. So literally from a literary stand point what they are talking about in this battle is a waste of time.
Kishimoto failed to properly explain what Naruto plan was. Which obviously if we looked at how they story developed since the beginning was reform the Ninja system. The problem is Kishimoto didn't lay it out or explain it so all we are left is listening to Sasuke's plan. Naruto already had a lot of influnce as the heart of the ninja army or what ever he is. If he used that properly to influence the other villages as well as his own he could have removed a lot of problem with the system. Then the "Will of Fire" and the next generation continues enacting more reform. Which is basically what has been happening in konoha since the first hokage. Once again kishimoto didn't explain it nor care so Naruto has no plan so nothing is accomplish in the end. Then again doing nothing is at least better then Sasuke's plan
Sasuke's plan. If one were to start a revolution to set up a new system. One would need to think long and hard about all the details. Instead Sasuke plan was first to kill all the hokages and Naruto so one could oppose him. Then become the sole kage who "dwells in the shadow." Where he would exist and kill anyone who disagrees with him. And somehow this would create his peaceful world. By making everyone live in fear of him, and killing a lot of people. That's it. Really, that is it. This is not a good plan.
Granted I was talking about the final fight and that it was poorly done. Let me add to this then. The problem with kishimoto's villain isn't the fact that he wants us to empathize with them and none of his villains are just bad guys. That is not the problem. The problem is that nothing comes from it. They all have that "oh pity me I had a bad life because of the ninja system. So I am evil because of society." But what comes out of all the villains having that? Nothing, because ultimately Naruto's goal is to end the cycle of hatred so that Sasuke will no longer have a reason to be evil and return the the village. So all those moments where we were suppose to empathize with them is pointless. Since all that matters is Sasuke's villainy in the end. If Kishimoto wanted all those villains oh pity me moments to have a point. It needs to be something Us the audience and Naruto learn from and through Naruto that Kishimoto teaches us how to solve. Which is why I keep saying the moral was and should have remained "reform the ninja system to remove the corruption in it."
So if that had remained the moral message and was actually expressed during the final fight and the ending what the audience would hopefully get out of it would have been: "Like Naruto don't just accept corruption fight it and reject it as well as work with other to reform the system to make your area a better place."
Instead we have Naruto focus on Sasuke and the cycle of hatred which leads to the message of: "No matter what a person does no matter how heinous the action you are to forgive them immediately. Steal from you? Forgive them. Killed someone you love? Forgive them. Raped everyone you care about? Forgive them. Killed everyone you cared about? Forgive them. Cause a war that leads to the destruction of humanity? You forgive them on the spot. And so on." Also the final message that is given to his son that will continue on in Boruto manga the message of: "One must simply endure the problems' of the world there is no fixing it and do not try because it is impossible," as well as "maintaining the Status Quo at all cost."

#924300 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 24 October 2016 - 08:34 AM

You can tell by the look on Kishi's face that he's full of guilt and regret for for disrespecting the fans (and perhaps giving up) that have been supporting him for 15 years, because he sold himself out on the staged interviewes.

Kishimoto may not have liked the ending but he did accept it at first. Since part of the editors' bullying was to convincing him to no one liked Sakura and the fanbase wanted Hinata to be the heroine by a vast majority. Which is why he a trying to justify the ending in the interviews before The Last. Since he was convince that even if it wasn't where the story was logically suppose to go, it was what the fans that have supported him for over 15 years wanted. Then once the last hits the theaters both in Japan and abroad, and they got to see how "successful" the movie was amongst the fanbase. As well as how sales quickly declined. Once that happened the spin of the fans only cared about "Hinata, Hinata, Hinata" fall apart very quickly.


After that his interviews and comments vary from justifying the decision and bitterness of it after effects (among other things). Till he is at is current mood acceptance and indifference towards Naruto. Like most of us this point. He helping with bolt and having his name attach to it one) probably because Shueisha is forcing him to and two) to support his old assistant. But he clearly wants to be gone as soon as he can, so he can work on his next project.

#924266 Naruto Shippuden Episode 479

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 23 October 2016 - 11:39 PM

SP's Sasuke-fan Girl Sakura&#160


#924186 Boruto The Next Generation: Chapter 6

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 22 October 2016 - 08:00 PM

Well, if Naruto is going to power-up like a DBZ character, the battles might as well be DBZ at this point.

...You know I recalling how Dbz handled that. They did it by basically saying and showing that gohan from the first battle had potential that far outstripped every other warrior. Its just he lacks the drive and the instincts to pull it out and use it. Here Bolt is a lazy cheating spoiled brat who doesn't care about anyone other then himself and his family at the start of this manga.


Also the threat level went from Evil Uncle to Prince of a Warrior race to Evil Tyrant of the Universe to Androids designed to kill his father to Abomination built from the DNA of his friends and family to An Ancient Universal Force of Destruction to The God of Destruction itself.


Here they start at extra-dimensional beings that are far superior to the closest thing to a god in the world.

#924174 Boruto The Next Generation: Chapter 6

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 22 October 2016 - 06:10 PM

Everyone remember, that this was originally made by Kishimoto to teach his kids some moral lessons. With one of the chapters titled "Loser" and within that chapter is the main character realizing he should've been worshiping his dad all along. You can't make this stuff up.


As for the power levels of this series left face it broken in half at the start. Remember these villains aren't just as strong of Kaguya. They are actually so much stronger then her that she actually fled to the ninja world to escape them. So these two guys could make the strongest enemy Naruto and Sasuke ever fought their kitten in seconds. And Bolt is going toes to toes with one at the age of twelve? Anything less then gods now is going to seem quaint now. Especially because these kids can't seem to leave their parents side in order to fight something more quaint. Even Salad fought what look like a remnant of the juubie in her gaiden.

#924169 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 22 October 2016 - 05:10 PM

SP did pushed for TL and a NH ending officially. They are just pawns and foot soldiers. They would have never got the green light to do if Shuiesha never bias and interfered with the NS story within and just let Kishi do his own thing instead of forcing NH into the plot from out of the blue. Shuiesha is responsible of dethroning Sakura from the heroine position and give it to Hinata since it was first brought up at the 2010 Jump Festa. They suggested Hinata is more of a suitable heroine than Sakura. That is clear evidence that Shuiesha did pushed for NH because they wanted the Boruto series. Most of the blame goes to SP, that's how sly Shuiesha is. 

Basically from what we know, the editors after yahagi wanted nH and convinced the executives that it would be more profitable then NS. After they got approval from them. They were basically allowed to bully kishimoto into accepting nH.


The mangakas should protest. This is unacceptable :fu:

Well kishimoto was able to fight for his manga and manage to get the other mangaka to support him. Its just the years of bullying wore him down until he finally accepted. Now this is backfiring on them because no one likes the ending, and it's staying afloat only because of its past success. And they can't get kishimoto to do anything about it because he doesn't give a kitten anymore about Naruto because of what they did.