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Member Since 10 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 08 2014 04:13 PM

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In Topic: Naruto 663

05 February 2014 - 12:26 PM

well, definitely not something i thought their first kiss would be (or is that even considered a kiss?), good job to Kishi for making the mouth to mouth not romantic at all (for me),.. the heart holding was, by far more touching and made Sakura really look so cool!.. that's how important this medic ninja is! hurray!

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

25 January 2014 - 01:40 AM

I think it was needed, I remember getting a couple PMS on my YouTube channel last night, and these NH fans replied, "This is no NARUSAKU MOMENT, so stop celebrating damn idiot. You should be thankful to Hinata because she tripped on purpose just for Sakura to have a moment" and I was sitting there going, what the hell is this?
I get the feeling each NaruSaku fans like ourselves have received similar comments from Naruhina fans which again I find pretty sad.

Hinata tripped on purpose?.. poor Hinata, you should really know what kind of fans you gathered.. then again, i salute them for seeing even the tiny bit of good side on everything you do even if it means falling on your face..

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

24 January 2014 - 02:03 PM

Remember when Pain was destroying the village, and Sakura was on her knees screaming and crying for Naruto? The one she believes in, relies upon, and trusts? The one who makes her have faith and feel strong because he is *always* there with her? Always there for her?
Yeah. If she showed that much emotion then, what is she going to do if she has to face that he's the one who's in life or death trouble? When she realizes he won't be there for her then, or ever again?
The realization of how much Naruto really means to her is going to be crushing.

nice... when you put it that way, then it will be really one hell of an emotional turmoil for our Sakura-chan.. now, i wish the long wait will be over soon...

In Topic: Sup Guy's?

24 January 2014 - 01:55 PM

welcome to H&E,. i'm sure you'll enjoy it here.

In Topic: Naruto 662

22 January 2014 - 11:20 AM

finally, we see Sakura again and surely we can expect more of her in the upcoming chapters.
i love the last page,. honestly, i dont know how anyone could say that this isn't NS and SK moments.. it shouting volumes of 'look here, this is the pairing!' the girls are fearing for the lives of their respective love interest, so hands down.. im already confident of NaruSaku but this chapter glued me more to my pairing.. i love it!
hope two weeks will end soon >_<