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#986488 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Dalton.T.R on 22 February 2022 - 09:08 PM

Personally, the only thing I know that's even trying to "rebuild" Naruto from the ground up is my own original work of "Mages of the North". It's not a perfect book and was never really written to be serious, but if you TRULY want another shot at a NS relationship, this book is probably your best bet. If I see there's enough people wanting more then I'll continue on with the series and put more effort into my writing.


I don't mean to advertise this book all the time, but it's hard to resist the urge when it does become relevant. 

#986475 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Dalton.T.R on 21 February 2022 - 11:13 PM

Ironically, as much as I hated the fillers, it was a NS moment in the filler episodes when Naruto, Sakura and Jiraiya went to Orochimaru's hideout that sold me as the couple to support. At the time I didn't know it was filler, or what filler even was. But the moment when Sakura saw Naruto get stabbed in the back by a three-headed creature was what did it for me. 

#986420 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Dalton.T.R on 16 February 2022 - 12:55 AM

I honestly think social media is to blame for a LOT of the world's problems we have now. We have too many people fixcated on becoming famous and thinking they're entitled to just have that life-style handed to them. People seem to have gotten it into their heads that if you don't make 100K a year, you're a loser, while the real world isn't so black and white. We need blue collar jobs that the school systems frown upon for whatever reason. We need welders, plumbers, electricians, truck drivers, mechanics, garbage men, and sanitation workers. These are the people that make the world work and function the way it does. Without these people doing the work they do, we couldn't live in the comforts we take for granted. 


Too many people have become too obsessed with holding a camera in front of their faces and saying "look at me! I wanna be famous too!" Hard work and dedication may get you there in time, but it's not going to be something that happens overnight for most people. I personally think that if people were to drop Facebook, Twitter, and whatever else they use, the world would start calming down. I personally haven't used any form of social media outside of YouTube for a long time now, and l have no desire to go back. Good riddance. It's just poison for your brain at this point. 

#986367 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Dalton.T.R on 10 February 2022 - 09:24 PM

I remember reading a long time ago that the manga was supposed to end after the Pein fight. No idea if that's true or not, but I could definitely see it being the case because the story just went downhill from there. As a writer, I can confirm what Tricksie is saying. If characters don't have much depth to them, and most Naruto characters had the depth of a puddle at best, there's no way for the author to explore with side characters and such. When you get bored with writing one certain character, it's best to shift focus onto another character and give them more detail. You could say the main character is off on a training mission somewhere or taking vacation, which would allow the writer to give more flavor to another character of their choosing.




Keeping tabs on characters is not always easy, which is why it's best to keep your cast to the absolute minimum that you need. Kishimoto arguably made too many characters and never really explored with them as much as he should have. Why not focus on Team 8 or 9 while Team 7 is training or something? Kishimoto's biggest flaw as a writer, to my mind, was the constant flashbacks. If you have to explain how close two or three characters were in a bunch of flashbacks, you haven't invested enough time in those characters.




For example, the first fight between Naruto and Sasuke relied HEAVILY on flashbacks to at least make the viewer feel some sort of emotion. A good writer who had invested enough time into his characters wouldn't have to do that. If two former best friends get into a fight to the death it should be a tense and heartbreaking moment without having to throw flashback after flashback at the reader/viewer. Kishimoto COULD have made the breakup of Team 7 much harder to watch had he just invested more time into the characters. Hell, at the time we barely knew anything about Sakura! We didn't know anything about her clan, her family, her relatives, or anything along those lines. We knew enough to know she wasn't an orphan like Naruto, but we never saw anything from her parents until the series was about to end! All Kishimoto had to do was just say her parents were average fold and she was the first to enlist into the academy and become a ninja. But no. We knew basically nothing about the lead female character of the damn series for nearly two decades. I mean, that path alone would generate some interesting things to throw Sakura's way. What was her motivation for becoming a ninja? What was she hoping to gain or prove? What were her long-term goals?




As far as I remember, the only character who had any real depth to him was Sasuke. You saw what he had to deal with and why he was the way he was. Naruto in the beginning didn't really need too much explanation. He was an orphan that nobody liked because of the 9-tailed fox... and him being a loud-mouthed brat probably didn't help his cause any, either.  But Sakura was just...there.




So, I personally think Kishimoto grew bored with the story because there wasn't really anything more to add. The Pein fight would have been a decent enough ending. Naruto finally got the girl he wanted and all he had to do was just go out and fight Sasuke one last time, potentially with the help of most surviving ninjas at the time.

#986346 How Did YOU Get Into Naruto?

Posted by Dalton.T.R on 10 February 2022 - 12:32 AM

In my case, Naruto was released onto Cartoon Network around 2004 or 2005 and I remember really liking the show even though I didn’t get to see it very often due to it coming on after my bedtime as a kid. I could occasionally catch an episode here and there when my family was at a friend’s house and I was allowed to watch the TV while they visited, but those times were few and far in-between. Then around 2006 I went to a different school and started doing poorly, so I wasn’t allowed to watch much TV, so Naruto kind of slipped off my radar for a long time…or at least it was to me since a year for a kid is basically an eternity times infinity.


Fast forward to 2007. I was entering into the 7th grade and went back to my original school due to being treated as an outcast at the other one. 7th grade and 8th grade were probably my best years of school, and if given the option of re-doing a few grades, these are the two I would pick without a second thought.

Anyway, at this time my grades were doing much better because I was able to take a study hall and have some one-on-one time with a teacher to help me catch up with my classes, and thus was allowed to have a TV in my room for my video games and shows I wanted to watch instead of my dad hogging the remote all the time. I don’t remember what time of the year it was, but I was watching Cartoon Network and an ad for Naruto came on. My eyes immediately widened, and my attention was completely captured since Naruto was a show I hadn’t heard about for ages at the time.

The movie “Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom” was being advertised, and I set it to record that weekend on DVR. At the time, the movie was amazing to me. It had fast paced action, awesome magical spells, and an intense moment where Naruto released the 9-tailed fox and pounded the crap out of the three evil ninjas. I watched that movie routinely as if my life depended on it for the longest time and recorded every single episode of Naruto that came on TV over the weekends.

To this day, that movie probably remains my favorite of the Naruto movies and holds a special place in my heart. It takes me back to a much simpler time as a kid without the annoyance of social media and every person I know constantly being on their cell phones.

At school I would watch episodes of Naruto online during our computer hour. We had a very small class and rarely had any assignments to do, so I was able to watch Naruto for a whole hour during school. This was great for me because I lived 15 miles outside of town and had no internet at home.

I watched Naruto every chance I got, and even got in trouble for watching it a few times, but it was worth it. But the main reason I was drawn to the show was because of how poorly Naruto was treated. I wasn’t that much different from him so I actually had a character I could connect to and use as a role model. And I can’t deny that I might have had the biggest crush on Sakura back in the day as well. And let’s not forget the soundtrack either! My God, as soon as the music kicked in you knew kitten was about to get real! And with the exception of Fairy Tail, Naruto is probably my number 1 soundtrack.

I thought part 1 was good, though it was by no means perfect. Sakura was annoying, Sasuke was a brat, and Naruto was, well, Naruto. Then I got into Shippuden and I was captivated by it so much more! 

#986197 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Dalton.T.R on 26 January 2022 - 08:16 PM

Wait... what? How much more could you possibly have to talk about with that topic? 

#986177 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Dalton.T.R on 22 January 2022 - 01:30 PM

Hello, everyone! Its been a while since I've been here. I just want to post this here so most people will actually see it, and it's not entirely off topic, either. 


Last time I was here I was advertising a book I was writing that would hopefully become a raplacement for Naruto to most NaruSaku fans. Well, the first volume of that book has been published on Amazon. "Mages of the North" was intended to be my answer to that abysmal ending we got from Naruto and deliver something fresh. the characters are much more thought out. They have more depth. They aren't nearly as annoying. And they all have unique and interesting background stories. The story is meant to represent what Naruto "could have been" if Kishimoto hadn't sold out to the highest bidder. And for those of you who still can't get over how stupid the couples are, Mages of the North will be fixing that too.


Keep in mind that Mages of the North is inspired by Naruto, but it still very much its own thing. You'll come across references to Naruto every so often in the story, but little outside of that. Also, Mages of the North has some pretty good comedy in it. My girlfriend, who edited the story, laughed her heart out with almost every chapter. 


Volume 1 of Mages of the North is available here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09QLMNKQL


If I see reviews with people demanding more from the story, I will continue on. I hope some of you here give it a try since it is meant to fix the ending to Naruto. 

#986176 My Book "Mages of the North" Has Been Published

Posted by Dalton.T.R on 22 January 2022 - 01:18 PM

Greetings, everyone!


It has been a while since I was last on this site. But last time I was on I was advertising a book I was writing that would hopefully become the 'new Naruto' for NaruSaku fans who felt completely betrayed by the ending of Naruto. My book "Mages of the North" is now available on Amazon.com at the price of $10.00 for paperback or $3.00 for Ebooks. 


Mages of the North is a story that is inspired by Naruto, but still stands as its own thing. It has references to Naruto in it, but the characters are worlds apart. The main trio of the series are well thought out and have their own strengths and weaknesses that contribute to the team, and each has an interesting backstory that is explained in detail at one point or another in the series. I remember people kittened about not knowing anything about Sakura's past when Naruto was still going, and I have fixed that problem. Now, the female member of the team probably has the most interesting background story of any of the main characters. 


If you want to have a second shot at a story that's similar to Naruto and will deliver the endin you've longed for, give Mages of the North a try. The link provided will take you to Volume 1 of what I hope will become an ongoing series. If I see enough reviews saying they want more, I will start work on volume 2. Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09QLMNKQL


Mages of the North is not only an action adventure. There's also plenty of comedy that comes into play throughout the story. My girlfriend, who edited the story, just about died laughing in every chapter. i hope to see at least some of you here bought the book and enjoy it. 



#983134 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by Dalton.T.R on 06 February 2021 - 07:53 PM


#983037 Politics discussion

Posted by Dalton.T.R on 29 January 2021 - 03:04 AM

And the question still remains, if leftist policies work so great, then why are cities Democrats have been in crontrol of for decades at this point crumbling kitten holes? LA, San Fran, Chicago, and Detroit just to name a few. All of them have had Democratic mayors and governors for decades now, yet they continue to get worse and worse as time goes on. Yet, somehow, the Republicans are the ones who get blamed. Pretty freaking pathetic, really. 

#983029 Politics discussion

Posted by Dalton.T.R on 28 January 2021 - 08:35 PM

lol sure he isn't. 


The Democrats are doing their darndest to make the American people as dependent on the government as they can. Why do you think they've pushed covid so hard as they have, despite the fact that it has a 99% chance survival rate? Small businesses in blue states are suffering and barely managing to keep their doors open as it is, then Biden and the Democrats are trying to push for $15.00 hourly minimum wage. That will only force small businesses to close their door for good, criplling the American economy. Major corporations will be fine...so long as they bend a knee to the leftist mob.


What follows after that is the government giving out handouts of money to the unemployed...for a time. It's already happening with the stimulus bills. What they're doing is they're training people to become more dependent on the governments handouts so they can be controlled more easily. This is exactly how Socialism starts and Communism always follows after. It's no secret Biden was bought by the Chinise Communist Party, who is also starting to buy up land around where I live. Now, why would the Chinise be buying American land, hmmm?


Be it ignorance or the unwillingness to see it, the people who supported Biden just to remove Trump from office have played right into the hands of something they'll soon wish that they hadn't. I see all these university "educated" kids saying how much they hate Capitolism and would rather live in a communist nation...it sickens me that they have the audasity to call other people (who actually lived under communism by the way) "uneducated". Pretty soon your "superior IQ" won't mean a damn thing once you're pressed between a rock and a hard place. Between the Communists who want to rule over you with an iron fist and force you into slave labor, and those who don't want your stupidity infecting their territories. 



The Democrats aren't pushing for communism, huh? Then why have they gone through so much trouble of sensoring the right and people who can counter their madness? Youtubers and journalists are being removed from social media platforms without warning, and many people are being unsubscribed from them without them doing anything. If one side feels the need to sensor the other, then it probably means the other side is telling the truth. And the only people who hide the truth...are those with something to hide. Obama's own words. 

#983020 Politics discussion

Posted by Dalton.T.R on 28 January 2021 - 03:17 AM

I know about his bankruptcy and I also know who saved him, a Rothchild and the history of that family is let's say not for everyone.

I know about the sexual scandals that were presented during battle with Hillary, but that's just political tactics where you pay people in order to discredit your opponent, nothing really new it's been done many times.

The question is what did he do once he got in office that deserved the level of hatred that he got? Apart from hurting people's feelings who get offended way too quickly over nothing anyway.

He didn't really do a damn thing. People are just too lazy to research topics themselves and rely on the corrupt MSM to give them any news. Either that or they've got their shipping goggles on so tight that they refuse to try and like the guy because he's part of another party.

In my opinion, Trump did pretty well. We didn't start any new wars, he ended the Korean War and even got N. Korea to stop their anti-American propaganda. N. and S. Korea came to a truce. We killed an Iranian General responsible for the deaths of many American soldiers, Trump was TRYING to pull us out of Afghanistan. We moved our Middle Eastern embassy to Jerusalem, we destroyed ISIS, and I'm forgetting the strongest US economy in decades.

The only reason Trump wasn't that well liked was because of some mean things he said on Twitter and his "grab 'em by the p*ssy" comment he said ten years prior to the freaking 2016 election. 


I had people tell me that no matter what was said about trump that made him look better, they still wouldn't vote for him. I would ask them why and tell them to give me a reason and they'd just shrug their shoulders and walk away. I've noticed a lot of leftists like to call Trump supporters "uneducated", yet they're the ones dumb enough to vote their constitutional rights away. Pretty bold to call other people "uneducated" when you're the ones voting for socialism and communism. 

#983019 Politics discussion

Posted by Dalton.T.R on 28 January 2021 - 03:01 AM

I mean, technically speaking, Trump gave power to the Governors to handle the corona cases the way they saw fit, and the vast majority of new cases are happening in blue states where things are getting out of hand with the governors acting more like dictators than elected officials. So if you want to blame someone for the deaths due to the corona virus, blame the governors. I'm not saying Trump is 100% exempt from it, but he's far from the only one at fault.


Oh, and while I'm at it, Trump tried to prevent the virus from coming here by blocking travel to China and other countries, but the leftist mob called his a racist and a xzenophobe, then proceed to have a surprised Pikachu face when the virus comes to the country. 


And I'm forgetting the single fact that NO MATTER WHAT TRUMP DID... He still wouldn't have done it right. Why? Because orange man bad. 


Now we have a senile old man with a severe case of demntia in the White House who will only proceed to make things worse, and the only reason our "first female VP" is even in her poition now is because she wasn't picky about who to spread her legs for. She didn't even place during the Democratic debates and got ripped apart by Tulsi Gabbard so bad that she was forced to drop out of the race. Kamala wasn't chosen by Biden, she was chosen by the establishment. 


Either way, I'm an Independent now, so I'll just sit back and watch both parties destroy each other. Democrats aren't hiding their push for socialism or communism anymore, and the Republicans proved themselve to be weak and spineless cowards. So... good riddance to both parties I say.

#982524 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Dalton.T.R on 24 December 2020 - 01:13 AM

Speaking of the Pein fight...


Who remembers this?



Talk about a YouTube fossil! 

#982328 Now I've Seen Everything...

Posted by Dalton.T.R on 13 December 2020 - 11:27 PM

I'll be honest with you here, I love crocodilians because they're my favorite animals, but I NEVER expected to see something like this: