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#990751 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by RedFaction on 22 November 2023 - 06:54 PM

You really can't forget about me, can you? I never said anything like that. Since you quoted me months later, I will clarify some recent events for some delusional fans who are still mourning NaruSaku death after 9 years.
I stated that they would disregard the Boruto manga storyline due to its poor quality and Ikemoto's inability to craft a compelling narrative or produce decent artwork. This has nothing to do with the canon couples.
The producers admited that:
As you can see, they would rather create their own story instead of use Ikemoto story. 
- Instead of focusing on Boruto and Kawaki, they shifted their focus to Sasuke and Naruto.
- Rather than the Otsutsuki, they centered their attention on the Uchiha clan.
- Instead of the Karma power, they focused on the Sharingan.
- War and clans conflict instead of the aliens.
At this point they're just try to milk out the Uchihas and popular plots then tried to hide it by adding Boruto's character in the game.  

Despite your alleged popularity of NaruSaku, which led to a decline in the franchise's popularity due to fan backlash, the game producers remained oblivious and made no alterations to the canon couples. Instead of developing an alternative NaruSaku family, they introduced a New Team Special featuring Sasuke, Sakura, and Sarada. 
As you can see, Nanashi was just an Uchiha wearing a blonde wig instead of a NaruSaku daughter from another dimension. Let's hope that every blonde character introduced is a NaruSaku son.

Also today is the official couples day in Japan.
They still are using the Canon Couples propaganda and ignoring NaruSaku.
They released a pair of rings referencing and paying tribute to Sasuke and Sakura.
A big japonese site conducted a popularity poll to find out which couple is the most popular of all mangas. Guess what? 
第1位は『NARUTO』のあの二人 理想の夫婦キャラTOP10。『BLEACH』『マンキン』『SPY×FAMILY』からもランクイン | numan
numanヌーマン on X: "【11/22は #いい夫婦の日】 理想の夫婦キャラTOP10を発表 『NARUTO』サスケ&サクラ 『NARUTO』ナルトヒナタ 『シャーマンキング』葉アンナ 4位以下も注目❗https://t.co/DuKKxG006v 「サクラの想いが報われてよかった」 「ナルトとヒナタの長い道のり」 「葉とアンナの熟年夫婦感」 https://t.co/j042QzLF93" / X (twitter.com)
1 - Sasuke/Sakura from Naruto
2 - Naruto/Hinata from Naruto
3 - Yoh/Anna from Shaman King.
4 -  Lloyd/Yol Forger from Spy X Family.
5   - Ichigo/Inoue from Bleach.
Everybody in Japan hates the canon couples and everybody misses NaruSaku.   :umm:
I really admire the anger and some desilusional NaruSaku fan theories  fans 9 years after the ending.
Let's wait. Maybe in 2050, a NaruSaku son from another dimension will appear, or Kishimoto will express regret for his canon couples decision, stating that he lost his wife based  Sakura to Sasuke due to the influence of the evil editors and Hinata fans.

Therece man you need to chill out. 99% of the NaruSaku fandom moved on and either just follow Boruto casually or dropped the series entirely after the ending nearly 10 years ago.

There's nothing to be gained by cheerleading the canon couples and kicking down on a fandom that is practically non-existant these days on here or elsewhere. Just enjoy the fact that you got what you wanted out of the series and will get more in the future and drop the rest of the drama.

#990313 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by RedFaction on 27 July 2023 - 02:47 AM

The "rivalry" line from the Last always struck me as very odd because it answered a question (in a very poor way) that really didn't need to be answered at the time.


NaruSaku was already 6 feet under at the time and all it accomplished was making Naruto look petty and puts all their interactions in the manga in a worse light. 


It was a throwaway line that was never brought up again, so why even bring it up to begin with?

#990257 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by RedFaction on 22 July 2023 - 04:46 PM

Who knows what is true from the interviews Kishimoto gave around that time. He was saying all kinds of ridiculous things to drum up more drama amongst the fans in those interviews, like Sakura would be a terrible woman if she moved on from Sasuke and that Sasuke was like a drug to her.


Also, we don't know how much his wife actually cared about Naruto and it may have been just one off hand comment she made to him about Naruto and Sakura, and Kishimoto thought it would make for good discussion/drama in an interview. Like, I can't see fictional characters and how he wrote them causing any real serious rift in their household, but it is really impossible to know one way or another.

#990218 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by RedFaction on 19 July 2023 - 06:44 PM

I think it is in part because NaruSaku is a dead pairing so they think there is no way anything could be paralled to a dead pairing. Everything in this series has to have a parallel so the only choice for them is NaruHina, and they aren't going to get any pushback on that either because most of what remains of the Naruto fandom is pro-NH or neutral.

#990209 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by RedFaction on 19 July 2023 - 06:50 AM

After all these years I think people deep down know that NS was supposed to be but they prefered another shipping.  Like is been so long since the ending and people are still trheatened by a dead ship. Any NS content on tiktok that I see the comments are filled with:
"Soul mates (Best Friends)"
"They truly belongtogether as best friends"
And the scene could be explicitly Naruto saying he loves Sakura to Sai or the fmale ninja lmaooo9

The just "best friends" or "siblings" arguments never held any water and the proof is in Boruto where there isn't a single moment of them acting that way with each other.

Their interactions are kept to a minimum because their old relationship dynamic simply no longer exists and had to be buried.

#990140 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by RedFaction on 15 July 2023 - 07:01 PM

Wow, color me surprise. Minato's story was on point. Masashi, you had one job. Where was this writing during the end of Naruto?!

Right. For some reason he is just comfortable writing Minato and Kushina.

Compare this one shot to how he wrote Sarada Gaiden (I think it was his worst performance as a writer) and the difference is astonishing.

#990000 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by RedFaction on 03 July 2023 - 07:09 AM

I saw some NS fans talk about her on twitter and theorizing maybe she was a NaruSaku child from a multiverse. But its only natural they won't throw NaruSaku a bone in any way, shape or form. The staff at Studio Pierrot would rather see their company go bankrupt and drown in endless debt than give up NH.  :facepalm:

They were even thinking she'd be portrayed as a villain if so. Guess they were half right.
Either way, sounds really stupid, even if it she were a NaruSaku child. Hard pass.

Yeah it always sucks to say but NaruSaku is a dead pairing it'll never get a crumb going forward, even if there is a reboot one day.

The two of them aren't even really allowed to interact anymore in the manga/anime as friends, so not a chance they'd have a multiverse kid.

#989998 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by RedFaction on 03 July 2023 - 06:01 AM

According to leaks, that girl in the trailer is an Uchiha (yep another one) named Nanashi and is from the online game Boruto plays. She is able to mind control people and some new evil organization wants to use it to brainwash the world by using her eyes to create a reflection off the moon, or something like that...

So not anything remotely interesting.

#989261 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by RedFaction on 21 April 2023 - 05:03 AM

I could careless about popularity. It is about quality and even NH beats SS in that department in spades.

It has been explained in detail enough so I'll keep it short. But SS is one of the worst relationships written in any media and it doesn't make Sasuke or Sakura and especially the fandom that remains look any better if their relationship is what makes the two of them more popular.

#988836 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by RedFaction on 15 February 2023 - 06:51 AM

I would agree that if we swapped Sakura out with Hinata, and left everything else the same, Boruto would still be in dire straits right now.

It might even be in a worse spot as you would be trading two big shipping fandoms for just one.

That's why I expect we will never ever get a reboot, alternate ending, etc. Not in a million years will that happen because it probably isn't even a thought in anyone's mind that the ending and Boruto was a mistake.

If Boruto ends up being cancelled that will be the end of it and we will get nothing of it, same as it is now.

#986592 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by RedFaction on 02 March 2022 - 08:30 PM


Still angry at Masashi for not expanding the Jashin religion cult. It would've brought some interesting plots and conflicts. Not to mention the Wood Ninjas Danzo defeated when heading to the Iron Summit.

We couldn't even get an arc dedicated to the Uzumaki clan, so it's not a surprise we got nothing on the Jashin religious cult either. The series ended up being wide as an ocean and as deep as a puddle.


He really wrote himself into a corner if you ask me with the war arc; it just sucked any life that was left out of the series and left no time to explore anything else.

#986580 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by RedFaction on 02 March 2022 - 12:36 AM

Exactly and I always assumed people liked her sweet yes woman nature because of their own insecurities and such so why give her the personality traits of the so-called b*tch as they would tend to call Sakura because of her tsundere tendencies.

Probably because at this point anyone who is still a fan at this point won't care about an inconsistency like that. Anyone who would criticize a change to Hinata's personality would have dropped the series for other reasons long before.

#986569 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by RedFaction on 01 March 2022 - 09:04 AM

After Boruto ends maybe he'd admit that "NH was planned from the beginning" wasn't true but I ain't convinced he'd go all the way to say that it was a mistake.

Though he really should since NH has to be one of the most boring couples ever written. I stopped reading any fan fiction with them years ago because they have zero chemistry and it doesn't matter who the writer is they have never been able to fix them for me.

#986487 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by RedFaction on 22 February 2022 - 08:38 PM

I don't really ship pokemon couples anymore...I mean the characters are basically minors at this point and its weird to me. I think Pokemon missed an opportunity to make Ash a teen in Pokemon Journeys. He could have been a mentor to Go which would give the series a new life span.
I just know redemption will come in the future though. A lot of people are still wondering WHY Naruto and Sakura didn't end up together and you will find a lot of people questioning it as time goes by. In the words of Katy Perry, "Time is the ultimate truth teller". I don't even want a remake for the series cause I'm not going to invest my time into just to see NS happen when it could have happened the first time. I just want the truth to come out at this point and prove that Kishimoto and the studio are dirty liars. 

I doubt that will ever happen it has almost been 10 years since the ending. Kishi and co will stick by Boruto until the end of time.

Even if Boruto ends up cancelled at some point I think that will be the end of anything Naruto related for good.

#986479 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by RedFaction on 22 February 2022 - 03:59 AM

I just ignore those debates. It has been talked about ad nausem to the point there is nothing else to be said.

Naruto really became a toxic series that pitted the fandom against one another on a lot of the characters (Sasuke, Hinata, Sakura just to name a few). Maybe it has to do with how Kishi structured his story and characters but I always found it really odd how it turned out that way.