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Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

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#1 Bail o' Lies

Bail o' Lies

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Posted 20 August 2023 - 03:56 PM

Well, let's see what they do to desperately try to get their old customers reinterested in part two of Boruto. They certainly haven't improved their 'engrish' title problem.


Summary Time: Chapter (8)1. Boruto...oh my god. They are actually trying to pretend that this is a new manga. I was just going to do the (8) bit as a joke. They are actually trying to treat this as it is a new manga...Wait I already said that. Sorry, just I am stunned.


First page is Salad in her new outfit...Well, it is not as bad as I feared. It is not "lady of the evening" wear. So I will go with a K-pop look Serenity says it is. Her hair looks awful, and like I said her face hasn't changed because Ikemoto is still likely using the same image to base her face off of when she was 12/13 to now the she is 15/16. It is better than her old outfit, but that is a low bar to pass. She is standing outside the hokage's office




Cover page is Bolt's new outfit. Oh God. Leave it to Ikemoto to try to make it look cool and fail in everyway imaginable. His cloak is blowing into his face but he is doing it wrong so it just looks stupid. His jacket has various metal pins that I think are suppose to mean something, but just look unnecessary. He also has a sword now.


So, Salad is yelling at the new Hokage Shikamaru trying to explain the perspective flip again...wait. Is her having her coat off one shoulder going to be a permanent part of her design going forward? Oh No. Konohamaru is Shikamaru's aid/second in command, it seems. Salad was never promoted and is stuck as a genin for trying to explain what happened and asking her father to protect Bolt.




Sorry, she does the look over the shoulder look to show how tough she is, but her design just makes it look stupid. That hair and her jacket especially the off the shoulder bit, also since her jacket is longer than her shorts it looks like she is just wearing her jacket, and her glasses prevent us from fully seeing her eyes to make it work. She says her role model is Naruto not Shikamaru and brings up the chase after Sasuke.


Then we see Naruto and Hinata unconscious, stuck in magic box limbo. Then Nail and his new design...eh most generic of them so far, but his hair looks stupid.


Then we see Salad and the Clone talk about how they can't convince anyone due to the perspective flip, in order to see her new design...Every. New character design. Looks. Awful. Stop showing the side of Salad's hair or I'm going to bust a rib from laughing. Apparently, people did question the contradictions at the start but that slowly faded away as the shinjutsu set in. Oh Hime and Moe designs haven't changed. Guess Ikemoto liked them too much to change them. They talk about how they can't do anything about the shinjutsu because Hime isn't really in control of it. Due to Shikamaru's warning they pretend to be affected by Hime's power, so Moe doesn't see them as a threat. Which means instead of trying to figure out how they are immune; they haven't to play, "I know, you know," so they don't get killed by him.


Next up, is Cups who due to the effects of Omnipotence has become Nail's lackey. His design is the best out of a low bar so far. Turns out because Nails is such a jackass, that he is making Cups question if he really is his 'sun' while still being under the effects of the perspective flip. Again, the idiot is making enemies just so easily.




Now we have the daughter and her new design. She grew her hair out. Her design was always bad, but now she has a t-shirt with a sunflower on it. She is training with Fat Filler. That hair does not work with that face. Oh Hinata fan are probably going to be upset; as she does not seem to have inherited her most important trait. She tells Neo-Ino-Shika-Cho that she wants to help Bolt because she also feels a contradiction.


Nail deals with some of the Punk's claw marks and two mooks start dropping exposition. He keeps coming around to lay his marks, but he doesn't attack; seeming to want to wait till Bolt returns. He also has thousands of his nudist now. So, maybe he is just busy with them. Turns out he hasn't been just doing nothing as he as secretly planting his belt marks on villagers. Of course once Shikamaru is informed, Punk sends one of his nudist to attack the village. Oh, apparently the Konoha Police force was revived at some point just not by Sasuke.


Salad and Nail arrive to fight them. As due to the belts marking the nudist are able to summon others. And they summon...




God, is Punk going to ask them if they want a spot of tea or to drink their blood. His design might have remain the same like Hime's and Moe's except for a new scar and I just haven't seen it in a while. Turns out Punk has been chasing Bolt for the past two years. There has been a three years time skip... He finally got bored of that and decide to capture her instead to draw him out. As he says that. Bolt appears and steps on him. it suppose to look cool, but Ikemoto.


Bolt says what is suppose to be a cool one liner but its ruined by his cloak again...as well as the rest of his outfit.


The village is informed that Bolt has appeared. Shikamaru tells them to focus on Punk but keep an eye on Bolt. Bolt and Salad are surrounded by nudist...its suppose to look cool but its ruined by the expression on Bolt's face.


Hints at the three way battle between Bolt, Nail and Punk next chapter.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 26 August 2023 - 10:28 AM.

#2 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 20 August 2023 - 04:08 PM

Well, that was more hilarious than I thought would be.


Again, one of the big problems with Ikemoto is he is a try-hard that doesn't have a good sense of ascetics. So anytime he tries to make anything look cool it just looks lame and stupid instead.


Shikamaru being hokage instead of Konohamaru (who dream was to become Hokage after Naruto) seems to just be Ikemoto keeping the cast small. He inherited a big cast from Naruto which he barely used in the Never-Ending Prologue. Honestly, Ino seems to be the only one of the old cast he seemed to care about. He only wanted to focus on his own characters at the cost of most of the cast being from Kishimoto.


As a positive. Here, he seems to at least have an idea of having Cups, Salad, and the daughter involved in the story. Which is again better than part one had them.


TLDR: Most of the chapter was exposition, the new designs are awful, but it at least seems to have a story which is better than the last 80 chapters.


I will also say this if Kishimoto is writing this. Though I still doubt it. He may have used the time skip as a reset so he could properly set out a story. 

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 20 August 2023 - 07:37 PM.

#3 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 26 August 2023 - 02:35 PM

I found a youtuber that doesn't like Boruto. Here are some of the comments from video reviewing this chapter.



"It really sunk in while reading this chapter that Boruto keeps trying so hard to coast off of the success of Naruto while simultaneously not wanting to be Naruto. Like as a series, Boruto is designed to leech off of Naruto's brand recognition - and yet it's clear Ikemoto has other things he wants to do. He wants to draw more contemporary outfits and more science fiction concepts, but he has to keep it within the Naruto universe. 
You can tell he's a fan of Dragon Ball Z, and his character designs look more like Final Fantasy characters than Naruto characters, with the pseudo-modern clothing, the delicate, sometimes androgynous facial features, and the Tetsuya Nomura-esque fixation on belts. Other people have mentioned how a lot of the powers in Boruto are more befitting something like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, where fights are more mental than physical, like solving a puzzle almost.
Honestly, I think Ikemoto should be cut loose from Boruto, given a few years to improve his drawings and refine his ideas, and then be allowed to make his own manga. I hope that's what will eventually happen when this series ends. While he's lacking in competency, that's something that can be solved by hard work. And he's definitely not being allowed to grow by having him creatively shackled to something as naked in its greed as Boruto.
If you ask me, Ikemoto isn't the problem. Boruto, as a concept, is the problem. It is such a blatant attempt to cash in on nostalgia and ride the coattails of a beloved franchise, and as someone with creative ambitions myself, I'm starting to feel bad for Ikemoto having to churn out chapters of something he's probably not passionate about when you can tell he'd rather be making something else."
"Another thing I noticed is the manga as a whole has taken place only in the leaf village, no other ninja or enemies have been introduced but the otsutsuki and Kara, some how ikemoto has managed to make the Boruto manga a murder mystery that takes place on the same train throughout the whole story like bro naruto fleshed out everyone’s story, from all over the ninja world. This kitten is so trash I’m done."
"One of the keys of character design as an art is bein able to tell the story of a character trough their looks,  with Sarada's design you can clearly tell; she grew up without a father and she is not like other girls and almost guaranteed  to have a Shinobi Fans page."
"Ikemoto's pre-timeskip Sarada design was so riske that the anime didn't attempt to go with it and instead just used Kishimoto's original design. She was 12 at the time and being drawn suggestively. I SWEAR this man was just waiting for the timeskip to draw 15-16 year old Sarada as if she worked the corner. Dude isn't beating the allegations with this chapter."
"They did use ikemoto's design for the first arc, and honestly it didn't look too bad in the art style of the anime, the design adjustments the anime made already made it look much more modest looking.
When the naruto gaiden arc came along they went with the design kishimoto made (which is what she wore in manga) and even though for every other character ikemoto's design became their casual clothes and kishimoto's design was their ninja clothes, sarada was the only one that I think only had the ninja clothes after the first arc.
Pretty funny tbh."


"The thing is, having your protagonist stepping on the antagonists face can work for a cool entrance AND not make the antagonist look like a joke. All it requires is having the antagonist not be phased by the fact they're being stepped on. 
You have the protagonist with one foot on their face, the other pressed against their chest to give themselves perch as they look down, then you have the antagonist look up at them completely unbothered by it, likely with a small smirk because their plan worked in drawing them out. 
Seriously. It's not that complicated."
"My biggest gripe is how rushed this all feels… 
Like take how the story opens… with Sarada, Shikamaru and Konohamaru. It’s to show us that things are different now, and that time has passed, okay…
But then they jump right into to Sarada telling Shikamaru that Boruto is innocent? And it’s hinted that she’s been doing this a lot in the last three years… like why would she continue doing this if it didn’t work the first twenty times? 
The she goes and confronts Eida about her ability, and if it could be reversed, when you just know she would’ve done this already… 
As for Sarada’s design yeah it’s… out of place, but I just chalk it up to it being her casual wear— plus it’s kinda hinted at that she hasn’t been going on any missions lately, so maybe that’s it? 
Then there’s Himawari. Her design feels wonky… like that hair just ain’t it. Also this might just be my own nit pick, but one thing I was looking forward to in the time skip was Himawari hating Boruto, and becoming the “Sasuke” to his “Itachi”—doesn’t look like they’re going that direction. 
Also Code looks goofy as hell… Ole’ Vampire in Brooklyn lookin ass…
Finally Boruto. At first I was like, now that I see it in better quality it’s okay? Then I kept looking, and thinking… Boruto has been on the run for three years… he would’ve been being hunted by each great village— as possibly the world’s most wanted criminal for “killing” Naruto. But why doesn’t his outfit give this vibe? It looks— in the words of Naruto, Clean… too clean for someone in his circumstance. And why the kitten does his shirt have collared sleeves?! They are irrationally pissing me off…
Plus the artist think he slick… he really just Sasuke-ized Boruto and thought we(I) wouldn’t notice. 
Overall it was a pretty underwhelming chapter, that doesn’t make it feel like three years have really passed, and it’s already jumping to the climactic battle between the three big players… I really want Boruto to live up to it’s potential, but I don’t know man…"


"I think Boruto’s design is mostly fine, but his hair and facial structure don’t harmonize work with the way his body looks, so he looks off and way too elongated. For example his coat cuts off his neck which makes his head look larger but it also exaggerated the distance between his shoulders and his arms because there’s an entire area of space missing, and Ikemoto is just bad at proportions so that doesn’t help. I don’t like the pins or belts either, they look random. But otherwise his silhouette is good. 

Sarada looks terrible but her design has been bad since Ikemoto chose to give Kishimoto’s good design a creepy redesign. At least she’s wearing pants now. Ikemoto has a creepy obsession with teenage girls wearing high heels.Kishimoto only ever drew mature women with high heels and they weren’t platform pumps. 
Mitsuki looks good, but the belts are off. 
Shikamaru looks good. Kawaki looks like JESSE PINKMAN LMAO. his sagging drop crotch pants look goofy af. 
Say what you will. Code’s face looks a lot better. His design is also a great improvement over what it originally was, much more streamlined. But the design will inevitably look goofy given the universe it’s in. Nobody is talking about this but Eida is drawn badly,  and there’s several panels where her eyes are drawn way too far apart 
I decided to actually read it even though I don’t regularly follow Boruto and don’t like it. I found it boring tbh. In the novels Shikamaru actually blitzed all the other Kage with shadow Possession so…BUT he never did that in the manga, so there’s no context. Honestly Kakashi should’ve come back. AND another thing, Boruto so far is like 70 chapters, not even remotely enough happened for there to be a timeskip."
"Most of the character designs in Boruto feel like Discount Jojo characters. I'm not saying, I don't dislike all of the designs. It's just what it feels like to me. But Sarada new look definitely is my favorite you can just imagine what her music playlist looks like."
"the thing is they are modeled off Kpop stars... and the belt is pretty popular in Japan with the teens especilly the edgy ones (people considered delinquents in japan have an interesting fashion choice) the Designs are very Japanese, literally looks like Tokyo revengers characters. Also people just iconically forgot that the naruto the last movie, no one was wearing traditional japanese outfits, that was after 5 or so years... well except for for Naruto's wedding.
@DygoKnight, the arquement of peace vs war is also valid, saying that is doesn't look Japanese is alsso wrong, becuase again they are modeled off popular Japanese trends, and apparently the writer like K-pop stars soo the females got K-pop inspired outfits. also the dress style is a natural progression of the naruto universe. They haven't had time for artisstic inovation due to war they focused mostly on function rather than style, during a time of peace people have more time for artistic development, thus the fancy modern clothing, I mean they long had the tech.
I don't get the facination myself, but just search japanese sytle edgy clothing, or emo japanese or  anything like that and you will literall find a picture off irl kawaki, lol.
I think he wants it to be a more edgy and serious show, hopefully they go into more psychology and logic, should have good time to retcon some of the things that they said about the otsutsuki to iron out some of the misteps they did. looking forward to a more serious show"
"Im not a boruto fan and i didnt even watch it(except the baryon mode naruto ep) but i think the reason their design is like that and not more of a og naruto design is because ikimoto or kishimoto(idk) based their design in more like a modern style right now like in japan i know for the fact that if you're in japan you will usually see many people or teenager using a baggy clothes or more stylish and not some old battle gear or something"

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 26 August 2023 - 02:36 PM.

#4 BlueStarSaber


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Posted 26 August 2023 - 11:32 PM

Oh I know this one does a naruto video nearly everyday from the looks of it

#5 luans7



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Posted 27 August 2023 - 04:07 AM


I found a youtuber that doesn't like Boruto. Here are some of the comments from video reviewing this chapter.



"It really sunk in while reading this chapter that Boruto keeps trying so hard to coast off of the success of Naruto while simultaneously not wanting to be Naruto. Like as a series, Boruto is designed to leech off of Naruto's brand recognition - and yet it's clear Ikemoto has other things he wants to do. He wants to draw more contemporary outfits and more science fiction concepts, but he has to keep it within the Naruto universe. 
You can tell he's a fan of Dragon Ball Z, and his character designs look more like Final Fantasy characters than Naruto characters, with the pseudo-modern clothing, the delicate, sometimes androgynous facial features, and the Tetsuya Nomura-esque fixation on belts. Other people have mentioned how a lot of the powers in Boruto are more befitting something like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, where fights are more mental than physical, like solving a puzzle almost.
Honestly, I think Ikemoto should be cut loose from Boruto, given a few years to improve his drawings and refine his ideas, and then be allowed to make his own manga. I hope that's what will eventually happen when this series ends. While he's lacking in competency, that's something that can be solved by hard work. And he's definitely not being allowed to grow by having him creatively shackled to something as naked in its greed as Boruto.
If you ask me, Ikemoto isn't the problem. Boruto, as a concept, is the problem. It is such a blatant attempt to cash in on nostalgia and ride the coattails of a beloved franchise, and as someone with creative ambitions myself, I'm starting to feel bad for Ikemoto having to churn out chapters of something he's probably not passionate about when you can tell he'd rather be making something else."
"Another thing I noticed is the manga as a whole has taken place only in the leaf village, no other ninja or enemies have been introduced but the otsutsuki and Kara, some how ikemoto has managed to make the Boruto manga a murder mystery that takes place on the same train throughout the whole story like bro naruto fleshed out everyone’s story, from all over the ninja world. This kitten is so trash I’m done."
"One of the keys of character design as an art is bein able to tell the story of a character trough their looks,  with Sarada's design you can clearly tell; she grew up without a father and she is not like other girls and almost guaranteed  to have a Shinobi Fans page."
"Ikemoto's pre-timeskip Sarada design was so riske that the anime didn't attempt to go with it and instead just used Kishimoto's original design. She was 12 at the time and being drawn suggestively. I SWEAR this man was just waiting for the timeskip to draw 15-16 year old Sarada as if she worked the corner. Dude isn't beating the allegations with this chapter."
"They did use ikemoto's design for the first arc, and honestly it didn't look too bad in the art style of the anime, the design adjustments the anime made already made it look much more modest looking.
When the naruto gaiden arc came along they went with the design kishimoto made (which is what she wore in manga) and even though for every other character ikemoto's design became their casual clothes and kishimoto's design was their ninja clothes, sarada was the only one that I think only had the ninja clothes after the first arc.
Pretty funny tbh."


"The thing is, having your protagonist stepping on the antagonists face can work for a cool entrance AND not make the antagonist look like a joke. All it requires is having the antagonist not be phased by the fact they're being stepped on. 
You have the protagonist with one foot on their face, the other pressed against their chest to give themselves perch as they look down, then you have the antagonist look up at them completely unbothered by it, likely with a small smirk because their plan worked in drawing them out. 
Seriously. It's not that complicated."
"My biggest gripe is how rushed this all feels… 
Like take how the story opens… with Sarada, Shikamaru and Konohamaru. It’s to show us that things are different now, and that time has passed, okay…
But then they jump right into to Sarada telling Shikamaru that Boruto is innocent? And it’s hinted that she’s been doing this a lot in the last three years… like why would she continue doing this if it didn’t work the first twenty times? 
The she goes and confronts Eida about her ability, and if it could be reversed, when you just know she would’ve done this already… 
As for Sarada’s design yeah it’s… out of place, but I just chalk it up to it being her casual wear— plus it’s kinda hinted at that she hasn’t been going on any missions lately, so maybe that’s it? 
Then there’s Himawari. Her design feels wonky… like that hair just ain’t it. Also this might just be my own nit pick, but one thing I was looking forward to in the time skip was Himawari hating Boruto, and becoming the “Sasuke” to his “Itachi”—doesn’t look like they’re going that direction. 
Also Code looks goofy as hell… Ole’ Vampire in Brooklyn lookin ass…
Finally Boruto. At first I was like, now that I see it in better quality it’s okay? Then I kept looking, and thinking… Boruto has been on the run for three years… he would’ve been being hunted by each great village— as possibly the world’s most wanted criminal for “killing” Naruto. But why doesn’t his outfit give this vibe? It looks— in the words of Naruto, Clean… too clean for someone in his circumstance. And why the kitten does his shirt have collared sleeves?! They are irrationally pissing me off…
Plus the artist think he slick… he really just Sasuke-ized Boruto and thought we(I) wouldn’t notice. 
Overall it was a pretty underwhelming chapter, that doesn’t make it feel like three years have really passed, and it’s already jumping to the climactic battle between the three big players… I really want Boruto to live up to it’s potential, but I don’t know man…"


"I think Boruto’s design is mostly fine, but his hair and facial structure don’t harmonize work with the way his body looks, so he looks off and way too elongated. For example his coat cuts off his neck which makes his head look larger but it also exaggerated the distance between his shoulders and his arms because there’s an entire area of space missing, and Ikemoto is just bad at proportions so that doesn’t help. I don’t like the pins or belts either, they look random. But otherwise his silhouette is good. 

Sarada looks terrible but her design has been bad since Ikemoto chose to give Kishimoto’s good design a creepy redesign. At least she’s wearing pants now. Ikemoto has a creepy obsession with teenage girls wearing high heels.Kishimoto only ever drew mature women with high heels and they weren’t platform pumps. 
Mitsuki looks good, but the belts are off. 
Shikamaru looks good. Kawaki looks like JESSE PINKMAN LMAO. his sagging drop crotch pants look goofy af. 
Say what you will. Code’s face looks a lot better. His design is also a great improvement over what it originally was, much more streamlined. But the design will inevitably look goofy given the universe it’s in. Nobody is talking about this but Eida is drawn badly,  and there’s several panels where her eyes are drawn way too far apart 
I decided to actually read it even though I don’t regularly follow Boruto and don’t like it. I found it boring tbh. In the novels Shikamaru actually blitzed all the other Kage with shadow Possession so…BUT he never did that in the manga, so there’s no context. Honestly Kakashi should’ve come back. AND another thing, Boruto so far is like 70 chapters, not even remotely enough happened for there to be a timeskip."
"Most of the character designs in Boruto feel like Discount Jojo characters. I'm not saying, I don't dislike all of the designs. It's just what it feels like to me. But Sarada new look definitely is my favorite you can just imagine what her music playlist looks like."
"the thing is they are modeled off Kpop stars... and the belt is pretty popular in Japan with the teens especilly the edgy ones (people considered delinquents in japan have an interesting fashion choice) the Designs are very Japanese, literally looks like Tokyo revengers characters. Also people just iconically forgot that the naruto the last movie, no one was wearing traditional japanese outfits, that was after 5 or so years... well except for for Naruto's wedding.
@DygoKnight, the arquement of peace vs war is also valid, saying that is doesn't look Japanese is alsso wrong, becuase again they are modeled off popular Japanese trends, and apparently the writer like K-pop stars soo the females got K-pop inspired outfits. also the dress style is a natural progression of the naruto universe. They haven't had time for artisstic inovation due to war they focused mostly on function rather than style, during a time of peace people have more time for artistic development, thus the fancy modern clothing, I mean they long had the tech.
I don't get the facination myself, but just search japanese sytle edgy clothing, or emo japanese or  anything like that and you will literall find a picture off irl kawaki, lol.
I think he wants it to be a more edgy and serious show, hopefully they go into more psychology and logic, should have good time to retcon some of the things that they said about the otsutsuki to iron out some of the misteps they did. looking forward to a more serious show"
"Im not a boruto fan and i didnt even watch it(except the baryon mode naruto ep) but i think the reason their design is like that and not more of a og naruto design is because ikimoto or kishimoto(idk) based their design in more like a modern style right now like in japan i know for the fact that if you're in japan you will usually see many people or teenager using a baggy clothes or more stylish and not some old battle gear or something"


If Pierrot wanted to create a minimally marketable and engaging "Boruto," they could consider some alterations in character design and relationships. One potential adjustment would be to make the protagonist's design resemble Kakashi, Minato, or the Second Hokage, but without Naruto's distinctive whisker marks. Furthermore, Himawari's design could mirror young Hinata's, lacking the cat whiskers, and featuring eyes similar to Naruto's. Their relationship could echo the dynamic between Sasuke and Itachi during their childhood.
As for Boruto, he could embody an "Itachi Hyuga" archetype, possessing a more serious and reserved personality, potentially with a mysterious past. This could add depth to both the character and the storyline.
Regarding the adult Naruto's design, it could align with the illustration of Naruto in Jounin attire, combined with the outfit from "The Last" film and the longer Minato-style cloak instead of the shorter one. Such an approach could yield a distinct and captivating visual for the character.
Additionally, altering the dynamic between Boruto and Sarada could introduce more tension and character development. For instance, rather than being trained by their own parents, Boruto could receive guidance from Sasuke, while Sarada learns under Naruto's tutelage. This would create an intriguing contrast between the two protagonists and lead to moments of personal growth and captivating interactions.
Considering that aliens have already been introduced in the ninja world, the inclusion of parallel universes wouldn't be far-fetched. In one such universe, Naruto and Sakura could be married with children. Introducing an enemy who causes a rupture between these universes could prompt the offspring of Naruto and Hinata, along with those of Naruto and Sakura, to unite forces and confront the threat.
Lastly, the plot involving Kawaki could be utilized to develop the concept of Himawari aspiring to become a ninja, driven by the desire to avenge her parents' deaths resulting from the situation involving Boruto.

#6 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 27 August 2023 - 09:18 AM


If Pierrot wanted to create a minimally marketable and engaging "Boruto," they could consider some alterations in character design and relationships. One potential adjustment would be to make the protagonist's design resemble Kakashi, Minato, or the Second Hokage, but without Naruto's distinctive whisker marks. Furthermore, Himawari's design could mirror young Hinata's, lacking the cat whiskers, and featuring eyes similar to Naruto's. Their relationship could echo the dynamic between Sasuke and Itachi during their childhood.
As for Boruto, he could embody an "Itachi Hyuga" archetype, possessing a more serious and reserved personality, potentially with a mysterious past. This could add depth to both the character and the storyline.
Regarding the adult Naruto's design, it could align with the illustration of Naruto in Jounin attire, combined with the outfit from "The Last" film and the longer Minato-style cloak instead of the shorter one. Such an approach could yield a distinct and captivating visual for the character.
Additionally, altering the dynamic between Boruto and Sarada could introduce more tension and character development. For instance, rather than being trained by their own parents, Boruto could receive guidance from Sasuke, while Sarada learns under Naruto's tutelage. This would create an intriguing contrast between the two protagonists and lead to moments of personal growth and captivating interactions.
Considering that aliens have already been introduced in the ninja world, the inclusion of parallel universes wouldn't be far-fetched. In one such universe, Naruto and Sakura could be married with children. Introducing an enemy who causes a rupture between these universes could prompt the offspring of Naruto and Hinata, along with those of Naruto and Sakura, to unite forces and confront the threat.
Lastly, the plot involving Kawaki could be utilized to develop the concept of Himawari aspiring to become a ninja, driven by the desire to avenge her parents' deaths resulting from the situation involving Boruto.

For Boruto's new design, they honestly just need to remove those excess metal pins on his jacket(...and apparently fix some problems with his cloak.) Since, they will just take up time to draw. 


Maybe but no point concern about Naruto's design now. His lame look help make him being Hokage unimpressive.


Ikemoto doesn't really care for Salad beyond her being Bolt's love interest. In theory, she should have been trained by Naruto instead of Nail and the story should have focus on her becoming hokage while Bolt becomes her top wetworks guy.


I do not like multi universe in stories.


Nope. She is training to be a ninja but to help her big brother Bolt even when the perspective flip should have made her want to support Nail.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 30 October 2023 - 01:54 AM.

#7 BlueStarSaber


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Posted 27 August 2023 - 02:45 PM

Honwstly naruto might be one of the few where it could work or need it because this current boruto timeline is so bad there is no repairing it

#8 BlueStarSaber


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Posted 28 September 2023 - 06:50 AM

Did a review of the first 2 chapters with luckychi https://www.youtube....baDB5hj2zG-Odj6

#9 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 18 October 2023 - 09:10 PM

Well, I was disinterested in this enough I didn't read it till the next one was about to come out. Should I make topic for each chapter or just leave this as the summary and discussion topic?


Summary Time: Chapter (8)2. Tree...given how these title normally come about I guess there is a tree near the end of this chapter that is brought up in conversation.


Cover page is Salad. Her outfit is black as primary and red as secondary colors.


Punk standing on one of his nudist is impress by how fast Bolt arrived and that he should have just done this earlier...it took this moron three years to do this. To make Bolt seem cool to the reader, he is 'stoic' and tells Punk to dismiss his nudist and he will let him live. Punk act surprised by this since two years ago he dominated Bolt in a fight. Bolt point out he is the one who took Punk's left eye. Salad is just standing around while these two try to be cool through banter. Bolt tells her to evacuate the remaining civilians. He also order Punk to dismiss the nudist while he still has control over them. 


Neo-Ino-Shika-Cho comes in and fights the nudist, oh they brought the daughter along on Blond Sai's cartoon duck. A nudist attacks the duck causing the daughter to fall off. Nail comes in to attack the nudist. The daughter keeps calling him "big bro," which he has apparently repeatedly told her not to do...does he even bother putting any effort in keeping up the charade? You know for his apparent hatred of the Ootsuki and everything to do with them; he is completely dependent on their powers for everything. May be intentional, but still makes him look like a moron. A nudist attacks him and calls him an Ootsuki which pisses him off. 


Back to Bolt to show how cool he is while fighting Punk and his nudist. He uses his sword skills to chop up all the nudist around him. Wait, so you can just cut them up to defeat them? Is their threat just their numbers and their ability to call in back up? Behold an army made out of the world tree that threatens to consume the world. I think the Zetsus were more of a threat. An attempt of a joke, Punk responds to his minions being defeat that Bolt wasn't completely bluffing.  Bolt proceeds to warn Punk about the true horror of the ten tail.


Salad runs towards a group of nudists unleashing a fire jutsu and a chidori. After some mooks praise her one of the nudist gets up and tries to bite her, but a mook gets in the way and the nudist turn into a tree. Then we see other nudist doing the same thing to other people.


Punk goes over what he knows. Apparently, the ten tail is suppose to consume Ootsuki to turn into a world tree to consume the world, but they also consume anything else until they get an Ootsuki. Bolt tells him that was the case but Punk enhanced them by making his nudist. I guess he accidentally made it so anyone can be consume to make a world tree or something. I also feel I must point out that even if that is the case, that is unintended, as they were just suppose to be threatening because of their numbers and their ability to call in back up. Which I said before was lame as they go down in one hit when either Bolt or Salad attacks them. That as well as them only being a real threat due to Punk's incompetence; makes him look even more pathetic. Bolt tells Punk to destroy them while he still has control of them. Punk ignores it because his goal is to destroys the world anyways. Bolt says he will let him live if Punk shows him to where the main body of the world tree is...then go with him, he wants to drag you to it to sacrifice you. Punk refuses...because.


Bolt charges up his new attack a rasengan uzuhiko...spiraling-sphere maelstrom-sun. 

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 21 October 2023 - 05:34 PM.

#10 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 19 October 2023 - 06:39 AM

Sorry. Just want to point out how stupid this is.


Punk: HA HA! I attacked the village to see if I could lure Bolt here. So, I could capture him to sacrifice to the ten-tails.


Bolt: I am here.


Punk: Ah. You got here quicker than I was expecting. Now to capture you to bring you before the ten tails to sacrifice you.


Bolt: Salad go off so I am alone with him and his nudist minions. Punk destroy your nudist. 


Punk: Oh you destroyed a squad of my nudist, but I can overwhelm you with their numbers soon enough.


Bolt: Your nudists are too dangerous to control. Also take me before the Ten Tails.


Punk: I will not destroy my nudists and I will not bring you before the Ten Tails. Where likely most of the nudist that I plan to overwhelm you with are. Instead, I will kill you here. Die.


I think if Bolt told him he wanted to fight, the idiot would suddenly become a pacifist. Yes. Yes. I know they want them to fight in the village. But, for Punk, what is the difference between fighting Bolt in the village and in front of the tentails; if he thinks he could still beat him like he did 2 years ago?

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 19 October 2023 - 06:42 AM.

#11 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 19 October 2023 - 06:46 PM

So this chapter there probably going to show how strong Bolt has gotten using Punk as a punching bag. Problem with that is its trying to show how much Bolt has grown but his strength level was so poorly define that his growth has little meaning. Most of the fights in part one had were either a Naruto/Sasuke fight that Bolt got involved in or were so lackluster that you can't really feel how strong he was beyond the story wanting you to think. That Bolt, Nail, Punk, Moe, and Hime were all the most powerful beings on the planet who could defeat anyone else (because most of the rest of the characters were made by Kishimoto while they were made by Ikemoto...besides Bolt.) This also means, we don't really have a good sense of how strong Punk really is so him being beat up by Bolt isn't as impressive as it should be.


Summary Time: Chapter (8)3. Uzuhiko...oh so this is all about showing off Bolt's new attack and power.


Cover page is the daughter; her design is so bad.


Punk repeats Bolt's new shinjutsu' name. He notes its is not the same as Bolt's vanishing rasengan. So he set some of his belt marks around Bolt so he can attack him from behind. He grabs Bolt's arm, taunts that he can't hit him with it now, and activates his karma seal. Bolt retorts/informs that he said 'killing Punk would be easy' and he is already halfway there. Some wind effects that have been surrounding Bolt since he activated the jutsu now start to swirl around Punk's arm. He then warns Punk to take him to the ten tails or die. The manga tries to really make Bolt cool, by doing the stoic bit Goku always does when he gets a power boost. Doesn't work here that much because expression have always been a problem with Ikemoto. So him serious or goofing often look the same. Punk attacks Bolt but can't hit him. While Punk is shock by this. Bolt hit him with the full power of his attack more of they wind effects around center on his hand and blast Punk away. 


Oh, we get Hime's and Moe's peanut gallery commentary from wherever they are. Hime thinks it is just a basic attack. Moe says Bolt is using the planetary rotation. Does he have the Omnipotence now too? Feels like we do have a new person in charge of the story; as in Boruto this side commentary would have been half the chapter, instead its done in more or less one page.


Bolt is surprise Punk is still standing, but that jutsu had little effects and show no damage on Punk to show how strong it is. Bolt's wind effects pick up, and Punk falls over. The Uzuhiko is a rasengan that uses the planet's chakra (so natural energy/sage mode...but not because?) and its rotation that will never stop affecting Punk. So it more a debuff that gives a sense of permanent vertigo than an damaging attack; from what I have seen. If it was present as that, instead of a move that was suppose to kill someone in one hit. I would be mildly impressed. Since he can't stand anymore Bolt goes up to him and tell him to take him to the Ten Tail. Then right on time Nail attacks. Then the others arrive. Bolt ask they not interfere with his conversation with Punk. Punk tries to leave during this distraction but Nail shrinks his belt marking near him. Shikamaru give the telepathic approval to finish off Punk once informed. Bolt tell Nail not to which gives Punk time to summon one of his nudist to escape. Shikamaru tell them to finish off the rest of the nudist once informed. Nail wants to fight Bolt.


Cut over to Salad inspecting the shmuck who got trapped in a tree. Since she can stand on it and not die its not as dangerous as the actual ten tails tree; unless they forgot about that little fact. She and the other mook can't really tell what is going on but Salad notices that the guy is still alive.


Bolt and Punk have a back and forth. Oh Bolt had a toad sneak onto Punk so he could find the ten tails location. Oh the old man is stuck in a tree now. So I guess Punk did know that they do that and saw it as a good thing. By the end of the chapter the Toad informs Bolt they have located the tentails... I thought Bolt made a contract with the snakes not the toads?


Well the lackluster fights from part one have not gone away. The combat in all three chapters so far has been so dull and flat. 

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 14 November 2023 - 04:20 PM.

#12 BlueStarSaber


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Posted 20 October 2023 - 09:35 PM

Why not just do a blue vortex discussion thread

Edited by BlueStarSaber, 20 October 2023 - 09:35 PM.

#13 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 20 October 2023 - 09:53 PM

Why not just do a blue vortex discussion thread

I'm asking should I make this topic 'that,' though I don't know how to change the title, or should I do the individual chapter topics like I did for Boruto?

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 20 October 2023 - 11:22 PM.

#14 BlueStarSaber


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Posted 21 October 2023 - 03:12 AM

Your choice

#15 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 20 November 2023 - 07:09 PM

Well lets see if this further convinces me that Kishimoto is actually in charge now. Also Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


Summary Time: Chapter (8)4. The Awakening...either Bolt has a new super mode or this is about the ten tails.


The cover page is Nail...god, he looks like a douchebag.


Starts off the Punk looking over his ten tails and remembering Bolt's warning before dismissing it. The toad that attach to him show a metal leaf pin. The toad with Bolt tells him to go over there already and Bolt mentions not being as good at his grandpa at something...oh, great. He uses the flying thunder god to teleport over there...great, he knows his grandfather signature move wonder if he will also learn sealing which his father never learned. Punk is shocked Bolt is there. When Bolt looks at where the ten tails was its gone. The toad that was on Punk is also shocked because it was just there a second ago and Punk clearly didn't have time to move it. Then they eventually notice a clone of the old guy named Bug standing there...the name so dull I don't feel like either giving him a nickname or remembering it. They notice the the real Bug is still in the tree. And Bolt realize it too late, the Ten Tails has Awaken...that was fast. If this was Boruto that would have taken at least 20 chapters if not 40. The Tree-Bug decides to attack Bolt because he is an Otsutsuki. It can talk and ask if Otsutsuki Boruto is offering himself to it. Bolt removes his debuff on Punk because he wants him to help put down the tentails. Punk ask if its copying Bug's mind, Bolt says it copying the minds of everyone that been absorb by his tree.


...Then. Fuck. Me. Is that Jenga or another Otsutsuki?...No wait. They are more Ten Tails the have gain sentience because of Punk. And another the looks like mustard... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! What is she wearing?! She looks like an alien jester mixed with some weird 80's leather rocker pop deva outfit. Oh there is another one with his face hidden that is suppose to be ominous...likely the reveal is suppose to be shocking and I guess we are somewhat suppose to recognize them from their jawline but its Ikemoto's art, so it always hard to tell who is who, and I don't care to guess right now. Since, it will either be reveal by end this chapter or the next.


Nail informs Hokage Shikamaru what has happened and that he thinks Bolt and Punk are now working together. Then Salad steps in to defend Bolt. Nail points out the bolt cannot be trusted because he is an Otsutsuki. Salad points out he is also an Otsutsuki. Nails says he is different because he want to get rid of the other then kill himself...ok I'm starting to like his plans again. Salad declares she will be the next hokage. Shikamaru tells them to stop fighting.


Back to the important part of the plot. There are now 4 Divine Tree Humans: Tree-Bug, Tree-Jenga, Tree-Mustard, and Tree-Sasuke. Yeah, it seems Sasuke is also stuck in a tree somewhere...wait Bug and Sasuke are in a tree (k.i.s.s.i.n.g) but what about Jenga and Mustard? Jenga used to be the tree's keeper before Punk so lets give that a pass, but Mustard? Well, everyone I guess you can enjoy the mental image of Sasuke stuck in a tree somewhere with dog peeing and birds kittening on him. Also the means Sakura is the last Team 7 member still active and we all know she not going to be of any importance in this plot. So they attack Bolt. Tree-Sasuke can use chidori. Punk, in a rare show of intelligence, realizes that they are going to defeat and absorb him on their own; which is his goal...which Bolt clearly forgot about or figure survival and protecting humanity was more important than growing the world tree that would destroy humanity; which, again, is his goal. So he leaves Bolt to fend for himself, Bolt is force to retreat as well. Tree-Jenga attributes his escape due to them just awakening and their curiosity outweighing their drive to eat him...damn it, why they put pleasure before business; when killing Bolt would have been both. At least for me.


Bolt is seen leaning against a tree...oh please tell me this is the Sasuke tree. Oh it is. Bolt has also partnered up with Clone Jiraiya...well I guess they had to drag him back into the plot eventually it was weird that he stopped existing for like 50 chapters. Which is about at least 4 years.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 20 November 2023 - 10:24 PM.

#16 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 21 November 2023 - 04:16 AM

So reddit I go to see reaction.




Some find it funny how much a jobber Punk has become since...honestly, his full power was unleashed.


They hope that the Tree-Sasuke is for Salad to fight...I doubt it. Salad never got a shinjutsu power boost. Her role in the story is to have faith in Bolt and proclaim that she will become Hokage. The Tree-Sasuke is to be the dragon that is personal with Bolt. Let's see the ugly Tree-Bug will be use to show how to defeat them, Tree-Mustard will probably fight Nail, Tree-Sasuke will be the dragon that torments Bolt, and then Tree-Jenga will be the big bad.


Someone gave good insight of Nail. He is mentally weak lacking the strength that make most shounen characters strong, trying to act tough to hide it, but not as cold hearted as he needs to be for his plan.




Again they really hope Salad is going to fight Tree-Sasuke.


They try justifying why Bolt learned FTG.


Wait they think that the women tree could be Moegi if its not Mustard...right Ikemoto probably didn't make them look that different, so could be.


"So we've gone from Alien Gods, to Cyborgs stronger than Alien Gods, to 10 tails morphing into tree people that I assume are stronger than both the Alien Gods and the Cyborgs."




Some people are really pissed that Sasuke was taken out of the story like Naruto was.


"Sarada could have a great narrative facing off against kawaki as their core ideologies clash , and the confrontation was interesting but at the end of the day sarada isn't given any powers to make a difference, you just know whatever sarada does she will be attacked by kawaki and will be used to prop up boruto the saviour who will defeat kawaki for her.
Sarada comes off as all bark no bite where she's facing off against kawaki who can do whatever he wants regardless of what she says. She needs powerups to have standing and authority, or she becomes like what shikamaru is as hokage currently."
"The prevailing theme of Boruto: when you cannot make your own cast compelling, humiliate the previous cast at every opportunity so you seem superior by comparison.
It might be passable on its own, but Boruto is a complete abomination as a sequel."
They complain that despite the hype the Uzuhiko now seems like a waste of time.
Apparently  Kishimoto may have named his son "Sasuke."
Oh Good, other think the designs are horrible as well.
"Kishimoto is not writing this. He hasn’t left a writers Comment on ANY of these chapters. What did he leave a writer comment on? The most recent Minato one-shot
He hasn’t talked about Boruto AT ALL for the past what 3+ years he’s been “writing”? What did he talk about most recently? Oh the Minato one-shot, where he even says he was excited to work on Naruto again.
Very unlike Kodachi who left a authors comment every time Ikemoto did and actively talked about the series’ future. Again Kishi hasn’t said a single word about Boruto in YEARS. He hadn’t even been credited once as scriptwriter like Kodachi was EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER.
Last thing that convinced me is that Kishi blatantly talks about how much he loves Kurama. He would’ve NEVER wrote that goodbye scene between Kurama and Naruto, that was godawful and not Kishi’s style at all"
"Idk how people read 700 chapters of Naruto and don't have a feel for Kishimoto's writing style. When I read the Minato special after reading months of Boruto, I just felt whiplash. Like holy hell, this special was so Kishimoto it was beating the breaks off me. And I mean that in the most positive way possible. The difference in how they write is just night and day to me, and when I look at Boruto it's just...nothing. Nothing from that 15 years of experience of writing that made Naruto Naruto."
"The lack of impact these fights have in the art is actually laughable. how do you draw a chidori/rasengan clash looking that mid???
Not a bad chapter this time around, but once again the edgy dialogue continues to make me not take any of this kitten seriously."
Oh The anime is still on Hiatus...probably the smartest thing SP has done in over a decade.
So Boruto Part one ended under 100,000.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 23 November 2023 - 11:55 PM.

#17 NarutoUzumaki01


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Posted 11 December 2023 - 05:25 AM


So reddit I go to see reaction.




Some find it funny how much a jobber Punk has become since...honestly, his full power was unleashed.


They hope that the Tree-Sasuke is for Salad to fight...I doubt it. Salad never got a shinjutsu power boost. Her role in the story is to have faith in Bolt and proclaim that she will become Hokage. The Tree-Sasuke is to be the dragon that is personal with Bolt. Let's see the ugly Tree-Bug will be use to show how to defeat them, Tree-Mustard will probably fight Nail, Tree-Sasuke will be the dragon that torments Bolt, and then Tree-Jenga will be the big bad.


Someone gave good insight of Nail. He is mentally weak lacking the strength that make most shounen characters strong, trying to act tough to hide it, but not as cold hearted as he needs to be for his plan.




Again they really hope Salad is going to fight Tree-Sasuke.


They try justifying why Bolt learned FTG.


Wait they think that the women tree could be Moegi if its not Mustard...right Ikemoto probably didn't make them look that different, so could be.


"So we've gone from Alien Gods, to Cyborgs stronger than Alien Gods, to 10 tails morphing into tree people that I assume are stronger than both the Alien Gods and the Cyborgs."




Some people are really pissed that Sasuke was taken out of the story like Naruto was.


"Sarada could have a great narrative facing off against kawaki as their core ideologies clash , and the confrontation was interesting but at the end of the day sarada isn't given any powers to make a difference, you just know whatever sarada does she will be attacked by kawaki and will be used to prop up boruto the saviour who will defeat kawaki for her.
Sarada comes off as all bark no bite where she's facing off against kawaki who can do whatever he wants regardless of what she says. She needs powerups to have standing and authority, or she becomes like what shikamaru is as hokage currently."
"The prevailing theme of Boruto: when you cannot make your own cast compelling, humiliate the previous cast at every opportunity so you seem superior by comparison.
It might be passable on its own, but Boruto is a complete abomination as a sequel."
They complain that despite the hype the Uzuhiko now seems like a waste of time.
Apparently  Kishimoto may have named his son "Sasuke."
Oh Good, other think the designs are horrible as well.
"Kishimoto is not writing this. He hasn’t left a writers Comment on ANY of these chapters. What did he leave a writer comment on? The most recent Minato one-shot
He hasn’t talked about Boruto AT ALL for the past what 3+ years he’s been “writing”? What did he talk about most recently? Oh the Minato one-shot, where he even says he was excited to work on Naruto again.
Very unlike Kodachi who left a authors comment every time Ikemoto did and actively talked about the series’ future. Again Kishi hasn’t said a single word about Boruto in YEARS. He hadn’t even been credited once as scriptwriter like Kodachi was EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER.
Last thing that convinced me is that Kishi blatantly talks about how much he loves Kurama. He would’ve NEVER wrote that goodbye scene between Kurama and Naruto, that was godawful and not Kishi’s style at all"
"Idk how people read 700 chapters of Naruto and don't have a feel for Kishimoto's writing style. When I read the Minato special after reading months of Boruto, I just felt whiplash. Like holy hell, this special was so Kishimoto it was beating the breaks off me. And I mean that in the most positive way possible. The difference in how they write is just night and day to me, and when I look at Boruto it's just...nothing. Nothing from that 15 years of experience of writing that made Naruto Naruto."
"The lack of impact these fights have in the art is actually laughable. how do you draw a chidori/rasengan clash looking that mid???
Not a bad chapter this time around, but once again the edgy dialogue continues to make me not take any of this kitten seriously."
Oh The anime is still on Hiatus...probably the smartest thing SP has done in over a decade.
So Boruto Part one ended under 100,000.


Holy, there is some takes in that thread, even fans of it call for Infinite Tsukuyomi reboot, lol

And 90k sales for 20th volume? Not horrible, but it's surely not a heavyhitter from Naruto days at all.

#18 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 12 December 2023 - 12:29 AM

Holy, there is some takes in that thread, even fans of it call for Infinite Tsukuyomi reboot, lol

And 90k sales for 20th volume? Not horrible, but it's surely not a heavy-hitter from Naruto days at all.

It is average for most manga, far below average for a Shounen jump manga to the point it probably would have been cancelled long ago if it wasn't protected, and an embarrassment for a sequel to a story that was once #2 of all manga IPs.


I think it has started to sink in that while part two despite being better than part one. Mainly due decent pacing and seeming to have something of a plot this time. Is still going to be a dull waste of time, at best. It is going to be Bolt fighting those tree-men, Nail still trying to kill Bolt for stupid reasons at this point, Punk being a nuisance, and none of the characters people care about mattering, again. So, it would be better to just reset than waste another 3-4 years on this failure.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 12 December 2023 - 04:05 AM.

#19 NarutoUzumaki01


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Posted 12 December 2023 - 09:16 AM

It is average for most manga, far below average for a Shounen jump manga to the point it probably would have been cancelled long ago if it wasn't protected, and an embarrassment for a sequel to a story that was once #2 of all manga IPs.


I think it has started to sink in that while part two despite being better than part one. Mainly due decent pacing and seeming to have something of a plot this time. Is still going to be a dull waste of time, at best. It is going to be Bolt fighting those tree-men, Nail still trying to kill Bolt for stupid reasons at this point, Punk being a nuisance, and none of the characters people care about mattering, again. So, it would be better to just reset than waste another 3-4 years on this failure.

Thanks as always for your reviews of chapters.

#20 TheFirstEvil100


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Posted 15 December 2023 - 01:56 AM

The thing I want to know Bail is why is this trash so protected why are they keeping this going?

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