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#990750 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Therece on 22 November 2023 - 05:20 PM

 You know the one that Therece thought was going to be the greatest story ever.





You really can't forget about me, can you? I never said anything like that. Since you quoted me months later, I will clarify some recent events for some delusional fans who are still mourning NaruSaku death after 9 years.


I stated that they would disregard the Boruto manga storyline due to its poor quality and Ikemoto's inability to craft a compelling narrative or produce decent artwork. This has nothing to do with the canon couples.

The producers admited that:
As you can see, they would rather create their own story instead of use Ikemoto story. 
- Instead of focusing on Boruto and Kawaki, they shifted their focus to Sasuke and Naruto.
- Rather than the Otsutsuki, they centered their attention on the Uchiha clan.
- Instead of the Karma power, they focused on the Sharingan.
- War and clans conflict instead of the aliens.
At this point they're just try to milk out the Uchihas and popular plots then tried to hide it by adding Boruto's character in the game.  
Despite your alleged popularity of NaruSaku, which led to a decline in the franchise's popularity due to fan backlash, the game producers remained oblivious and made no alterations to the canon couples. Instead of developing an alternative NaruSaku family, they introduced a New Team Special featuring Sasuke, Sakura, and Sarada. 
As you can see, Nanashi was just an Uchiha wearing a blonde wig instead of a NaruSaku daughter from another dimension. Let's hope that every blonde character introduced is a NaruSaku son.
Also today is the official couples day in Japan.
They still are using the Canon Couples propaganda and ignoring NaruSaku.
They released a pair of rings referencing and paying tribute to Sasuke and Sakura.
A big japonese site conducted a popularity poll to find out which couple is the most popular of all mangas. Guess what? 
1 - Sasuke/Sakura from Naruto
2 - Naruto/Hinata from Naruto
3 - Yoh/Anna from Shaman King.
4 -  Lloyd/Yol Forger from Spy X Family.
5   - Ichigo/Inoue from Bleach.
Everybody in Japan hates the canon couples and everybody misses NaruSaku.   :umm:
I really admire the anger and some desilusional NaruSaku fan theories  fans 9 years after the ending.
Let's wait. Maybe in 2050, a NaruSaku son from another dimension will appear, or Kishimoto will express regret for his canon couples decision, stating that he lost his wife based  Sakura to Sasuke due to the influence of the evil editors and Hinata fans.

#989226 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Therece on 16 April 2023 - 04:19 AM

Precisely my point. The sales was very bad. Im sure the publisher dont target it to be half the sales of Boruto.

No smart people would come to business plans meeting to suggest that Hey, lets publish a new manga and aim for half the sales of our current manga series. Publishing manga requires not just content creators investment, but also logistics muscles.

These are not charity. They do this for a living. The price of a manga volume is 400-500 yen (which is about $3 - $3.75). Its widely known that its a thin margin business. So, you got to aim for high volume to drives profits. Its also known that manga with low sales are being subsidised by the few larger ones. Since it may take time for the manga to take off. Thats up to Shueisha to manage. So, nett nett, publishing more mangas under the same franchise means higher production cost.

So, how much is required for a series to break even? (I.e run without subsidies). No one knows the exact answer except the publisher, in this case Shueisha. My intuition tells me the threshold is about 175k - 200k sales per volume. Why? Since this is the threshold to which Boruto manga moved to V-Jump Magazine from the prime WSJ, back in July 2019 after their last two volumes didnt sold beyond 175k copies.

Shueisha essentially gave up with this series since July 2019, re-categorised it as series that needs subsidies (I.e. beneficiaries), no longer a series that gives subsidies (I.e. benefactor/donor). No point beating a dead horse. Its already dead.

I think they are surprised that the sales of Sasuke Retsuden is so low. The same way theyre surprised they loose >95% of sales by going with NH/SS and created Boruto: Naruto Next Generation. Which is why theyre trying to gauge whats needed to be done next by asking polls, etc.


Well. Did Rock Lee SD or any Novel sold more than any Naruto Volume at the time? Probably not.
Road to Ninja novel with NaruSaku/MinaKushi content just sold 20k.By that logic neither NaruSaku was profitable at the time when the franchise was at the peak. Maybe this is the reason why Kishimoto decided to sell out and kill NS.
Retsuden sales is simply good for Boruto new patamar of sales.  Retsuden got 45.000/50.000 of Boruto sales when the expected should be 10k
The franchise could survive easily with SS/NH or even with a NS ending.Boruto sales dropped because:
1)Otsutsuki aliens/Kara generic and boring
2)Kawaki/Boruto is nowhere compared to Sasuke/Naruto dinamic.
3) Replacing Kishimoto with Ikemoto
4) No Uchihas/Sharingan.
5)They nerfed Sasuke and Naruto
Sasuke was stabbed in the eye and Naruto lost Kurama. Both are useless and jobbed by alliens in Boruto. Trash on your two main characters in this way are enough to destroy a franchise. 
This isn't a coincidence why Sakura is the most popular Team 7 member in Japan and Worldwide. Boruto was killing Naruto's franchise during 8 years. Hardly any novel or side manga will sell as good like 2015.  
Any producer is realistically intelligent to know that. Boruto simply lost 90% of the total Naruto Volume Sales and Novels Sales. 
This is just a Spin Off manga not write by Kishimoto. At this point only the own Kishimoto writing something could suparss the 100k of sales of Boruto and Minato isn't a good bet in Japan.
The character was out of TOP 5 there. If he have plans to revive the franchise he should focus in alive characters who have future.

#989218 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Therece on 15 April 2023 - 03:42 AM

Sakura's ending sucks and most of sakura writting post ending isn't good.

It's still much better than everything that Ikemoto created in his Boruto manga who ruined Sasuke/Naruto popularity and the sales as well.



Anyway aside the bad writing in Kage Summit Arc to the entire Team 7.

In my opinion this is the Arc who made Kishimoto seriously consider to remove NaruSaku from his final plans thanks to his stupid strategy. Same thing happened in Sarada Gaiden when in less than two weeks he confirmed Sakura-Sarada are biological mother-daughter and turned the Karin thing a red herring.
But NS never was a red herring.
He had some type of plan for NaruSaku until he went full retarded adding a fourth element in the love triangle thing with Hinata's confession
Sakura received a lot of hate and backlash with her confession to Naruto, including in JAPAN. The place who loved Sakura the most. (Unlike the Sakura's ending when two SasuSaku scenes were ranked as the best TOP 5 shippuuden moments and everybody got angry with the simply insinuating that Sarada wasn't Sakura's daughter.)
The fact that Sakura's confession was after Hinata's "pure" confession only made the situation worst for Kishimoto and NaruSaku.  Sakura was abandoning Sasuke, lying/manipulate Naruto and still ignoring Hinata's feelings.  Kishimoto was questioned a lot of times what he wanted to achieve with that stupid second confession and the third in manga.  Probably the editors just told him to forget NS since this could generate even more backlash against Sakura and him from audience and SS/NH fans.
Thats why he said in a interview, he would make Sakura a bad woman for abandoning Sasuke. Now seeing Sakura popular like never before as "Mrs uchiha" with much more room to develop SS/Sakura/Sasuke, milk their fans and still try to revive some part of the franchise..
Kishimoto is now certain that was the best choice.    :

#989167 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Therece on 03 April 2023 - 08:22 PM

The First Naruto chapter came out on October 4th, 1999, and if we skip to when Hinata first showed up in chapter 34, which came out on June 19th, 2000.


Now if we look at the anime which started in 2002 in October, the 3rd had Hinata in the first episode.


Clearly, this shows right from the start, SP had favoritism toward Hinata. Now this might not be true, and I could be overthinking this, but I think SP was trying to set up Hinata the moment they got their hands on this manga thanks to all the filler that had Hinata and painted her in a better light than all the other girls.

Hinata was pretty much just a minor character with regular animation during Part 1. Hinata and Neji's fight was nothing special.
Pierrot started to use her much more in the  fillers missions arcs after Sasuke left around 2006
At this point was clear Pierrot wanted to use Hinata as a fanservice character and a possible pairing to Naruto since SS at the time was too strong.
The most ridiculous Filler was the one where she  was dancing naked on a lake and Naruto watching her.

#989161 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Therece on 03 April 2023 - 05:32 AM

I think every sane NH fan hate The Last. The movie didn't made any favour to NH aside the ridiculous kiss.
Hinata suicided herself  against Pein. 
Kishimoto killed Neji just for Naruto hold hinata hands for some seconds.
But Naruto still ignores Hinata two years after the war.
He is a retarded who thinks Hinata loves him like a food and needs a genjutsu and Sakura's help to finally loves Hinata back.
The Last  ignored the little development NH had in manga.
Pierrot pratically created their own version of NH.

#989083 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Therece on 16 March 2023 - 08:43 PM

It's not just Boruto that did the damage. It's been done for way longer than 8 years, it's been done since the end of the Pain arc.

The quality dropped dramatically after that arc. And most people were still on board because we can excuse the poor writing, the retcons, the stupidity of certain moments as long as the ending of the manga was decent enough to make us say "You know it's been a rough road, but we got here and it's ok".



Everything Post Pein was really bad.
Excluding some minor moments like Kushina and Minato mini Arc and maybe Madara appearence in the War etc.
I guess the Fanbase was really attached to the Characters/Story  to simply drop the manga even after the massive quality drop and Kishimoto's trolling against characters and pairings.
Boruto doesn't have this benefit. Nobody gives a kitten about Boruto and his new Rival Kawaki and fans doesn't want to be trolled anymore.
Boruto didn't have a good plot and makes 0% of use of the Original Cast. It's no surprise Boruto lost 90% of the original Sales.

#989040 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Therece on 10 March 2023 - 01:47 PM

NH is so boring/unpopular/non existent in manga.  Only Pierrot Fillers remembers them.
The best Ikemoto can do is put Hinata slaping Kawaki
Most likely NH will be ignored forever by side materiais, publicity and by the JP fandom.  . This  hurts Naruto's character as the supposed old protagonist.
At this poins it's impossible for NH suparss SS. SS  are composed by two main characters. NH are just Naruto and a figurant big chested. NS could potentially suparss SS in the long run if they were canon.
But now SS will remain as the main couple.
They know they can milk the  SS/Sakura fans for all their money because they're still a big portion of the Naruto  fandom compared to the self inserts NH/Hinata ghosts.

#988568 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Therece on 01 February 2023 - 08:36 PM

Sadly that is all they will ever do is pull dirty tricks. I do fear that the executives will try the mess with the numbers and make Hinata closer to number one. I mean, with Hinata not doing so well, this has to be something that the ones who pushed Hinata so hard she was so universally liked, seeing how she wasn't even at number one, must be really setting off the ones who tricked Kishi into thinking Sakura wasn't liked.




Jump Producers/Executives ≠ Pierrot Biased Executives 
They  disclosed the Mindterm Results showing Sakura in #3 and Hinata far Bellow. They authorized a Sakura/SS Manga.  Kishimoto/Jump has nothing against Sakura. They are full aware Sakura is much more popular than Hinata in Japan. The problem was the West Side. 
Sakura was in TOP5/TOP 10 in every region. 
Minato/Itachi the #1 and #2 were Dead. Sakura is the only alive character in TOP5 this could tell something to them.
There's no point to them mess up with the Numbers if they want to discover what the public really wants.



Oh so Sakura also gained a lot of support from One Piece/other anime fandoms? I didn't see this info anywhere but if it is indeed true, even if it's just for the sake of trolling the toxic Naruto fandom then I say thank you for that hahah


Some Naruto/Hinata Fanboy made a video acusing One Piece Fandom for Voting/cheating for Sakura because it's impossible Sakura in TOP 5. The video goes viral in TikTok

One Piece influencers/fans didn't like this and deliberaly started to vote and make campaign for Sakura to piss of the toxic side of Naruto Fanbase

#988547 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Therece on 01 February 2023 - 04:48 AM

Sakura was in #3.

She has a Big Chance to win since all SasuSaku/Sakura Fandom are massively mobilizing votes for her with various collabs even with famous asian bands/streamers and some shops.

Since the MindTerms Sakura gained a massive support from One Piece/others animes fandom (Yes most of them are voting in her to troll Naruto toxic Fandom), Sasuke Fans, Female/Kunoichis fans and even some NaruSaku fans to support Sakura against Hinata...
(Ironically SasuSaku comes to hates Hinata as well since NH ghosts are desperates since Retsuden and wanted some validation to prove superiority against SasuSaku/Sakura)


The montage chosen for the ending has two Sakura moments.  SasuSaku/NaruSaku was in the image while NH was nowhere to see.



#988417 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Therece on 19 January 2023 - 01:40 AM

Speaking of changes, out of curiousity (dunno if it was discuss before so sorry if it was) but if you were in charge of changing parts of the manga, what would you do (seaking to whoever want to give imputs and wish to do it of course) ?  :happy:



During Shippuuden just change Sakura's participation in Kage Summit Arc and remove 80% of the Boring War and Kaguya Arc.. The Kage summit arc especially is responsable for 80% of Sakura's hate and her bad fame. The NaruSaku Fake Confession and Sakura being used as a useless damsell in distress against Sasuke made half of the casual fandom hates Sakura.

Just change  Sakura's participation in this specific arc and SasuSaku/NaruSaku and Sakura's character would be much  better. If Kishi really wanted SasuSaku for the Popularity  he should have made Sasuke really run for Sakura and being remorseful instead a simply "sorry"

Although i originally preferred NaruSaku i really doubt just change Boruto's mother to Sakura would have some effect in Boruto's boring manga story and Ikemoto uglys draws...

Shonen Jump clearly know that exists a Huge demand  for side Stories about the previous protagonists.
These huge quantity of novels and this SasuSaku manga are a desperately attempt to give some focus in the old generation and the previus protagonists. Ikemoto for unknown reasons is unable to write anything about past characters and develop their familiar relationships in his manga. Everything has to involve Boruto.

Boruto's characters should have a secondary role in the series like Goten/Trunks in Dragon Ball Super.
Not the Protagonist of the series and turn the Sasuke/Naruto/Sakura in simply plots holes. (Others Kids even Sarada are no existent) Nobody wanted to see Boruto doing random things outside Sasuke/Naruto and old gen. Like who tought this was a good idea?It's better for the franchise Naruto ending in part 2 without  Boruto at all. There's no good points in Boruto.


PS:Hinata slapping her "son" and disappearing  two seconds later, Give exact the same vibe as a ChiChi slapping Boo and being Killed:




Everyone noted this outside Hinatards

Why Hinata fans are happy with that? :facepalm:

#988396 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Therece on 17 January 2023 - 06:23 PM

Oh no!!
A manga with Sakura in the main role  completely crushed Boruto's manga
Sakura is the most famous female character in the francise.
She not only humiliated Hinata but surpassed the own protagonists and others famous character;.
We have to give some focus to Hinata urgent:
At this point this is just pathetic.

#988366 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Therece on 14 January 2023 - 02:32 AM

From what i see SasuSaku fandom are massively voting in Sakura and ignoring Sasuke, plus even  others females fandoms are now suporting Sakura because she is the only female with real chances to get #1. (Minus Hinata stans).



It's really impressive she jumped to #9 to #3 surpassing Sasuke, Naruto, Kakashi, Madara, Jiraiya.

(WTF Shisui is doing in top 10?)


This came at a cost: having to focus on her only cost the other side of the  pairing can eve get out of the top 10.

From the side of ss fans, you can call them just sakura fans, sasuke fans or  even fans of both. They are just supporting sakura more now because of the side manga. If we base it on this statement from them: sasuke has been the focus of the franchise + got 3 novels + side manga + 2 novels  adapted in anime probably this can explain why Naruto is in #6 too. Neither Sasuke/Naruto needs this mini manga.



PS: Hinata isnt as popular like Pierrot made Kishimoto think.

#988306 Naruto: Sasuke's Story-The Uchiha and the Heavenly Stardust: Chapter 6

Posted by Therece on 04 January 2023 - 02:56 PM

Their answer to that is Boruto isn't Naruto therefor its fans didn't support it because it wasn't Naruto. Despite the fact that Naruto and Sasuke are major characters, in the top ten of importance at the minimum.

Naruto and Sasuke are mainly used as a plot device to hype villains and the other rookies are too irrelevant. Naruto only exists to affect Kawaki and Sasuke rarely appears.

Why Sasuke's fans should care about Boruto?
Sasuke is just a pathetic shadow of his oldself.
He didn't have importants fights beside the one in the original Boruto movie/Gaiden. He's nerfed and was ridiculous stabed in the eye.
He doesn't have objectives,importance or  even his past glorious uchiha  pride...
He is just Boruto teacher.
Sakura is non existent.
Sarada hardly have any importance or interact with Sasuke/Sakura.

Naruto is a pathetic Hokage figure who ignore his family and now lost 90% of his strenght when Kurama died.

Hinata and her ugly daughter doesn't exist.

Only Boruto.

Buruto failed miserable as a fanservice/Story for Sasuke, Naruto, SS and NH fans. They simply didn't care or even hate  Boruto  manga...

Like i said this SasuSaku manga is a desperate attempt to bring old Sasuke, Sakura, Uchiha and SS fans or see if they  still are financially profitable...



#988219 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Therece on 22 December 2022 - 03:34 AM



Honestly, I think this would be the best time for someone to write a letter to Shounen Jump explaining; why Naruto is no longer successful and what made it successful. As they are clearly questioning it themselves.


If they aren't complete amateur and idiots. They probably already know whats makes Naruto Series famous (Sadly isn't NaruSaku):
Old Generation, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi, Uchihas, Sharingan, Team 7, Some shipping tease, Akatsuki, Original and actual Ninja lore...

People wanted more of the Naruto cast, not their kids. It was sad to see so much hype dying out, but it was bound to happen because Boruto the movie was popular because of Naruto and Sasuke, not because of Boruto himself. Gaiden's focus was also Sasuke,Sakura and Naruto not just Sarada.
Naruto ends, and then they immediately show a fanbase that's attached to the old cast a bunch of copies that's meant to be their parents replacements with some alliens and androids. The kids, at least Sarada and Boruto were ok. But Cho Cho, Inojin, Shikadai, Kawaki as Sasuke 2.0 and some random kids are simply trash.  Nobody wanted to see them doing random things outside their parents. Like who tought this was a good idea?


Boruto's cast should have a secondary role in the series like Goten/Trunks in Dragon Ball Super.

Not become the Protagonists of the actual series...

You can't expect to make a 180º turn in a Story  and repeat the sucess.

#988192 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Therece on 20 December 2022 - 01:58 AM

I'm assuming you haven't kept up with any news until recently; when the Sasuke manga peaked your interest. They have these polls, I think, every year. What is making people take notice of this poll, is that coming during the two side manga that are doing better than the main manga.


A lot of the light novels have been adapted into the anime. The Mirai has already for example, also, the Sakura, Itachi, and the nH wedding light novel as well off the top of my head. It is important that they announced it while the manga is going, but it isn't special.

Wrong. I'm very inside the news.

The last Naruto official Poll that i Remember was between 2012/2013.
Nobody cares about the Boruto polls since Boruto is a almost dead franchise who only survives thanks to Naruto's Hype. This specific poll  is almost a war between the Fanbases and Pairings to gain the short manga made by Kishimoto. Hinata fandom are  crazy to win this against Sakura in Twiiter.

A manga focused on Sasuke, Sakura, Hinata, Naruto or any other important/Controversial character especially centered in the Pairing aspects   gains much more atention than a random Mirai Novel. I'm certain this manga/anime will have some impact in this poll especially with others fandoms being dead...


Let's be sincere nobody cares about Mirai or secondary characters.
I doesn't know Mirai  Numbers in japan but certain is much lower than the Sasuke one.

These novels were adapted to anime 6/7 years ago when Naruto franchise was still alive. Sakura novel aren't addapted.
Naruto/Sasuke/Sakura/SS Fandom was hungry for new content who aren't boruto related and this manga give this to them.