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Member Since 17 Feb 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 23 2024 03:05 AM

#957142 The Random Thread

Posted by narusaku256 on 03 December 2017 - 06:31 PM

I knew one NS256, he was a good lil bro. :D I have no idea who you are! :lmao: Maybe a bot! :P
All is good! XD Tnx for asking! :D

I am the same NS256. Little brother has grown up :cool:

Great to hear that man! What are you upto these days?

#944708 The Random Thread

Posted by narusaku256 on 01 August 2017 - 07:52 AM

As rightly said by Cersei, Dany is a revolutionary and not a monarch. As much as I hate her, she has made a good point. Dany carries tunnel vision. Hopefully, having Tyrion by her side will have good consequences. Not the attitude befitting a queen tho. Also, I was mildy impressed by Tyrion's strategy but I think he can do A LOT better. Reliable strategist and a diplomat tho.

#916414 The Random Thread

Posted by narusaku256 on 02 August 2016 - 05:29 PM

A lone flamingo drimming of lone wolf  :hehehe:
One would say it's a killer joke  :pimp:

That reference though...

#911379 Final good-bye to a good friend and former H&E member

Posted by narusaku256 on 21 May 2016 - 09:04 AM

I had a brief contact with him and he seemed one gem of a person. Just being here, he is a part of our H&E family. I wish things were a bit different today :sad:

My heartfelt condolences to his family and all his loved ones. He will always be remembered.

#910951 Odd food combos

Posted by narusaku256 on 15 May 2016 - 12:50 PM

Pizza with pineapples :twitch:

#905370 MOD Q&A

Posted by narusaku256 on 18 March 2016 - 11:45 AM

No, for some reason you can't. I can only check others.

It's understandable that it will take a while since everyone is busy. I can wait.

You can use full version of this site.

There's an option called 'Full version' to view this site as we view it in a PC. It is located at the end of the page. Touch that and the full format should load. Then change the status like you normally would.

Hope it helps! :sweat:

#903932 The Random Thread

Posted by narusaku256 on 29 February 2016 - 07:08 PM

LEOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!  :argh:  :cry:  :dance:
For a moment there I expected Steve Harvey to come pop up on the stage  :lol:  . 
:hm: Expect the "Leo finally won the Oscar" memes  :hehehe: .
Nah!!! Next is Johnny Depp or Tom Cruise its their turn for the Oscar memes  :fu: .

Next should be Matt Damon!

Listen to this:http://youtu.be/rtOvBOTyX00

#900752 The Random Thread

Posted by narusaku256 on 03 February 2016 - 05:18 PM

Yep!!!  :lol:
How is the guy Buffy now!?  :err:
Maybe  :fu:  :whistling: .
No!!!  :hm: You better pray that if I get stuck with Lucy we don't end up combining are forces, now that would be real hell (for you)  :lulz:
:hm: You're head on a silver plate, can I have it!? :hehehe:.  

Revolutionaries sway,
For my head on a silver plate,
Just a puppet on a lonely string.
Oh! Who'd ever want to be the king

#897077 The Random Thread

Posted by narusaku256 on 09 January 2016 - 07:54 PM

So...  :zaru:

So....ham? Yeah. That's my name :hm: What next? :hm:

#896280 The Random Thread

Posted by narusaku256 on 03 January 2016 - 06:16 PM

No we don't as our animals don't match  :monocle: Unlike you and Fukurou :lmao: .
No! I won't let you! :hm: Besides there;s no way you can ever ever beat her, she's god's freaking sister :chuckle:.
Sorry I couldn't hear you, what did you say again!? :chuckle: Its a 100% match :lmao:.  
Ohhhhhhhhh!!! :wot: Since when you're a hairdraser!? How does my hair looks!?  :hm:.
That's good :excited: I'm afraid for your followers though, I'm sure you confused the fuk out of them with your confussion :lmao: .   
:pimp: You need to be more tough on him he's to soft :chuckle: .

I know your spirit animal. It's a donkey :twitch:

#891657 Kaiden and Gideon's moms blog

Posted by narusaku256 on 06 December 2015 - 02:44 PM

I am sorry Lyn, I cannot offer you any money since I myself am broke. However, I have kind words to offer for you. You are not a terrible mother, ya know? You are the best thing that has happened to them! I just hope everything turns out in your favor. Times are unfortunate and you are not to blame! I want you to know that your kids will be more than happy to have your company for christmas than presents. As my parent's only son, I know how much my parents struggle to keep me happy and fund me. I want you to know that your kids love you beyond par and so does your husband. Have faith, Lynn! That's what you once told me when I came to you when I was in distress. I say the same thing to you today. Things will go the way you want them. Have faith. Your kids, hell, your whole family needs you right now and they are more than blessed to have your company. I just feel terrible for not being able to provide any financial help but I'll just do what I can. I just pray that things get better...no..beat for you :D Bright days are just round the corner :D Wishing you all the very best and wish your husband a speedy recovery :D There maybe calm before the storm but...there's always sunshine after the same storm :D I just hope this helps you in some way or the other :(

#886619 The "Laugh At My Pain" Thread!

Posted by narusaku256 on 11 November 2015 - 06:47 AM

Funny how the best laughter stories happen when people are drunk :hehehe: I have loads to share :hehehe:

So there was this one night where me and friends planned for a house party at my friend's bunglow. It's like...8 kms from where I live. I had returned home from my Uni for vacations and was seeing my buds after like...4 months straight. So knowing me real well, my buds knew what I needed to hit it running XD So they were like, "We are planning a house party at xyz's bunglow and you....yes you god forsaken m otherf ucker, you are coming!" I was like...atleast let me confirm whether I don't have any other plans XD But they were all like...we don't care bro...you are hanging out with us today. Keep those plans for tomorrow. So I finally agreed(Well, how couldn't I?) XD

We set off at around 10 in the night, brought all the stuff that we needed. And it seemed to me that they really had planned some serious s hit! You name it and we had it(No drugs btw) One of my friends, he is an EDM artist and #1 in the city at that. Even he had brought his console to play along. THAT FREAKIN' BUNGLOW WAS STUFFED WITH EVERY DAMN THING NEEDED FOR A PARTY! The moment we arrived at the bunglow, I was like, "We are in for some serious s hit! Let's get wasted tonight! We f uckin' own it today!!!!! Let's make this kitten...count! No holds barred!!!" We knew we are gonna have one heck of an hangover the next day XD After setting it all up, we started the party at around 11:30 or so...and BOOM! We hit it! We were like, 8 people btw

We were all so kittenin' drunk we had no clue what was going on but yet, we still continued drinking, continued dancing and playing fifa, poker(No real money) and stuff XD until when we noticed one of our friends was missing. I just asked one of my friends, "Dude! Seen this guy in a while?" And he was like, "No kitten! Go look for him on the terrace. He might have crashed there drinking XD Oh! And both of you, make sure you guys don't fall off! And especially you. With all your antics after you get drunk, I am sure you'd think you are flying and off you go from the terrace!" I just looked up the terrace and he wasn't there...I searched every room in the house and he was nowhere to be found. I told all of 'em and then we began the hunt. All rooms checked, guy is still missing. So we just encountered a washroom which was locked from inside. We all were pretty sure it'd be him. We banged the door, no response. Screamed his name, still nothing. So we just told our owner-friend to bring the keys and unlock the washroom. He unlocked it, we went inside and there He was! That guy....he was sleeping on the toilet seat, puking once in a while and when I went to wake him up, he was like, "Oh! Am I dead already? Is it heaven? But wait....how come you are here then? If you are here then I am pretty sure it ain't heaven!" I was like, "This m otherf ucker is going to pay for this :twitch: " and all my friends laughed their asses off :lmao: :lmao: We carried him outside and put him on bed. And the best part was, he joined us again after 1 hour :lmao: :lmao: High as f uck but still :lmao: :lmao: The house party ended at around 9 in the morning and then we all went home and slept. Gosh! The hangover was too much to handle :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

#886412 The Random Thread

Posted by narusaku256 on 09 November 2015 - 12:50 PM

Not enough  :down: .
So what I have a shotgun and a sniper  :hm: .

You'd be long dead before you can even use them :hehehe:

#885450 Did you expect NH and SS to happen before the ending came out?

Posted by narusaku256 on 04 November 2015 - 07:08 AM

I still haven't read the last two chapters :cry: Seeing Sakura with Sasuke just gives me a terrible heartache :confused:

But in all honesty, 'that' time was when the strength of our fandom was tested. It seemed terrible at first. Just like all the edos would turn into ashes and blow away, it felt the same way for NS. Everything blown to ashes and dust and gone with wind! We deserved to rejoice. We deserved to win. We deserved a happy ending but we got absolutely NONE of these. The whole fandom was a mess! But know what? It all turned the fandom into something that no other fandom could ever be. Everyone uniited for one...singular purpose...NS! Justice for the pairing that we all once cherished. Funny how a fictional pair managed to give birth to something like this. We suffered in pain, agony, felt betrayed, but the way things took a turn over here, it was beautiful! Each one could relate to the other over here and everyone was doing their best to raise each others spirits! Mods, users, everyone....I can't find words now that I remember those moments. It was almost like a disaster-hit place scenario. Things torn and tattered and some lost to the time but people helping each other through the mess. Sticking together, offering support, bandaging others wounds, helping others suffering in agony! Those moments truly were the times when fandom stood together. In all honesty, never have I been in a community like this before. The fandom prevailed, and it still does, stronger than ever! We lost some of us, but I hope we'll have them back one day! This community truly is amazing!

#885268 Did you expect NH and SS to happen before the ending came out?

Posted by narusaku256 on 03 November 2015 - 04:30 AM

What was your reaction to 631 and 663?

'IN YOUR kittenIN ASSES YOU MOTHERkittenIN' kitten NHTARDS!!!!' XD