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Member Since 30 Oct 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 19 2018 12:51 PM

#967603 Voltron Legendary Defender

Posted by RyohkiFan on 18 August 2018 - 08:08 AM

I saw someone on tvtropes claiming Joshua Hamilton stated that Keith and Acxa are definitely not blood-related on the Let's Voltron podcast. So, if anyone can confirm this, please come forward.

Also, just a thought: I predict we're getting a 2-year timeskip in the next season, and I'm really hoping Katie grows her hair out again.

As for Allurance, I definitely agree it felt rushed. Last season, I did feel that they were growing closer as good friends, but the leap from that to what we have now is a bit...jarring to say the least. I don't really support it, but I'm not gonna deny they do have some development. I just think it was too rushed. But most of all, I don't think the writers properly developed the chemistry between them. Whereas plance's chemistry was being subtly developed from the beginning imo.

I'm more confused, I want Keith and Allura, so its awkward for me when it came to Axca and Lance as I don't care about Axca...but Lance has been like a best friend to Allura in every version. I honestly feel they messed up around the time they brought Shiro back too early as it took Keith off from developing more with the team. The season felt lacklaster to me as Allura took a backseat this season since she is a HUGE focus to the show, I feel for her because in an interview, they said Allura isn't part of the family anymore as they have their own family which might be a focus in S8. I still feel if they had more episodes, they could have expanded it more and wouldn't feel as rushed

#967059 Anime Everyone But You Likes

Posted by RyohkiFan on 18 July 2018 - 08:15 AM

I liked Gundam Seed in a more of nostalgic way xD

I got tired of DB series, I don't care for any of the popular shows, I just watch Gintama lol

#961198 Cardcaptor sakura

Posted by RyohkiFan on 05 February 2018 - 07:08 PM

The ship is gonna kill me xD


Posted by RyohkiFan on 23 December 2017 - 08:07 PM

Erina had me going full fan mode :chuckle: :excited: . I've missed that snobbish Princess side of her. It's been toooooooo long!

Lmaooooo same!! I was bored but now that she appeard, everyone is hyped up xD

I feel like Erina is going against Momo for Megumi, also I enjoy that it is Soma that show interest in her than she does to him because its usually the girl over the guy that shows interest in the person whether romantically or not


Posted by RyohkiFan on 19 August 2017 - 06:23 AM

I want Erina to be the one to win it all, not Souma lol Just because we have never seen her really show her abilities

#946226 Voltron Legendary Defender

Posted by RyohkiFan on 14 August 2017 - 12:20 AM

Yes! I'm curious about how they will handle the Lotor/Allura meeting, since that was such a key part of the original, and that attraction was the main motivation for his character. It will be interesting to see if it plays out the same, or if his interest in her is purely manipulative! Also super curious about Keith's background. This could also be a point of contention for Lotor's character development. You know, jealousy of one paladin instead of attraction for the other.
Overall, I'm really happy with Lotor's character. Not weirdly over-the-top like he was in the original (though I still liked him then). Has lots of promise to be a good villain!! I was so glad he didn't turn out to be all soft and friendly to the team! lol! 
I guess I was rooting for another Part 1 Itachi!  :lol:

You too?! I was thinking the same, I have been enjoying how well they have taken care of Voltron with more story and purposes than in the original. I have so many questions for Lotor about his mother if they are gonna keep it or alter it a bit, his attraction for Allura will it be romantic or respect to see her as a rival, his relationship with Keith and how will it change. I'm curious about Shiro as well on his role with Voltron.

#945972 Voltron Legendary Defender

Posted by RyohkiFan on 11 August 2017 - 04:46 AM

Yes Keith/Lance sunk and friendzoned as it should be. Now if only Miles Luna and Kerry Shawcross revealed they're not going to make Bumblebee canon then my day will be made.

I don't really care for Bumblebee since I care for Ruby more as I see people loving Weiss, Yang and Blake more than Ruby herself, I doubt we will see them together since Blake and Sun are busy doing something else.

I was happy about Keith and Lance being debunked even though I would have been ok with it, I feel like this show tries to establish a relationship with everyone instead of one person just for shipping sake.

#945675 Voltron Legendary Defender

Posted by RyohkiFan on 08 August 2017 - 11:55 PM

That's because seasons 3 & 4 were supposed to be originally one season, but for some reason they had to split it. The next season will air on October.

I know, it would have felt much better if they left it in one season.

@Tricksie, I've gotten used to waiting....all my shows just wanna make me wait...

#944955 Voltron Legendary Defender

Posted by RyohkiFan on 02 August 2017 - 09:35 PM

What? They caved in making them canon?

No, there was an interview that I guess sunk the ship, I'll look for it

Found it:


#942748 The Official Pokemon Thread

Posted by RyohkiFan on 11 July 2017 - 11:38 PM

Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I don't care about don't judge before watching it, if you mess with the beginning by changing basically what helped made Pokemon then its a no go! Nope screw it!! Messing it for marketing. I don't give a damn about shipping since Ash seems to get denser each season after Advance but I wanted Misty and Brock! Gary is a must rival for Ash. How dare they?!

Why the guy doesn't like Misty? He made Ash dumb in XY when Ash wasn't too dense in the first season???? He was mature in Advance too

#940561 Tokyo Ghoul

Posted by RyohkiFan on 22 May 2017 - 01:25 AM

I couldn't have said it better. The scene where he was crying and the very last page are my favorite parts of this chapter.

The last part had me crying!! I felt something like finally I see him relaxed

#940441 Tokyo Ghoul

Posted by RyohkiFan on 20 May 2017 - 06:51 AM


#939223 Tokyo Ghoul

Posted by RyohkiFan on 06 May 2017 - 07:15 AM

AHHHHH KILL MUTSUKI!! Someone do it!!!!

#938043 Tokyo Ghoul

Posted by RyohkiFan on 22 April 2017 - 06:01 PM


Someone kill off Mutsuki already! Not dealing with anymore nonsense! (Lost my Urie ship lol)

#935406 RWBY

Posted by RyohkiFan on 25 March 2017 - 05:20 AM

I just got around to finally finishing up Volume 4, and my profile and my sig show that lol 
My review for the rest of the episodes I missed will be up later this week I've had them prerecorded, just been a little lazy to edit them, but I do wanna say it was a beautiful i even think it might be my favorite volume in the series thus far, and now we just have to see how Volume 5 turns out. No doubt i think it'll be great for sure. 
One of the things i really about this volume was the Ren and Nora relationships like I always found them as fun people to be around, nothing to serious until this volume,  especially Epiosdes 10 and 12 like that brought me to my core with the flashback to a point where I shed a tear it was such a touching moment between the two.   As for Lancaster I'm considering shipping them after the moment in Episode 10, but I guess it just needs one more push like Renora for me to say I'm fully onboard the train. 
A little eybrow raising at Yang getting to Mistral as quick as she did, but that was it. Also love the fight that happened too with team RNJR it was amazing especially the finishing blow from Ren. That after credit scene was amazing too.. 
Man can't wait for Volume 5 to hit, but I guess I'll go ahead and order that volume 1-3 steelbook that's been out for a while. 
RWBY without a shadow of  a doubt is one of my favorite if not the #1 on going animes for me at this point. 

Why haven't you finished Gintama?.....

I see you are joining us Lancaster shippers :fu: