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#875452 Gintama Discussion Thread

Posted by Maxximumhate on 10 September 2015 - 10:50 PM

I'm so behind on Gintama :cry: Both in anime and manga. I need to catch up so badly. I'm at least 80 chapters behind in the manga. ugh. I'm planning to start catching up this week-end, anime first, then manga.


Gintama is that one anime I have faith in when it comes to adpatation since it's very faithful to the manga. So I'll start with animated Gintama first (the best for me) and then continue with the manga. 

#869606 God Eater

Posted by Maxximumhate on 17 August 2015 - 08:36 PM

Damn... just... Got around watching episode 5 and  :jawdrop:


My body wasn't ready for that. My mind wasn't ready. This escalated far more quickly than I expected. Talk about wreckage and ownage. Why are Soma and Lindow not there? Why are they doing missions on their own? I can't wait for next episode but apparently no new episode this sunday, again :argh: Like if it wasn't for the fact that I love the show I would be dropping it just because of the skipping weeks...


But still this episode was so good! I need all of this show OST out asap. That one song when everything was going down though. I still got the chills. Need OST.

#863422 Digimon is coming back!!

Posted by Maxximumhate on 02 August 2015 - 04:57 AM

Shipping wars in Digimon too? What? Why? For me it was just a show about badass kids saving the world with their digital monsters. I'm excited about seeing them all grown up and fighting. That's basically it :mellow:

#863418 *The* Bleach Discussion Thread

Posted by Maxximumhate on 02 August 2015 - 04:50 AM

Ichigo will never kill human or non human who look like human.
Mindless monster is not a problem.


Ichigo killed Ginjo during the fulbringer arc, just like Byakuya and Kenpachi killed Tsukishima and Giriko too. Hell Ichigo was intent on killing Tsukishima when Ginjo told him it was the way to bring back everyone's memories.

He was the one who also killed that one sternritter in the science lab when he finally got to SS during the war.


Ichigo will kill his enemies, human with powers included, if they hurt people close to him. It's one of the things I like about his development. He went from only wanting to kill his opponents to actually being willing to kill them when he fights them. I think that makes him ready to become a full shinigami.


I didn't mind it. I laughed when Mayuri asked about how he was able to speak. Want to see what happens next.

I was surprised. For all the theories I had about who would have the SK left hand, I never thought about Pernida. Mayuri's expression are the best thing in the chapter lol. I'm waiting to see what happens in this fight and also if the soul king other limbs are out there too. I'm sincerly hoping we get more information about who or what exactly the Soul King for his limbs to be sentient beings.


Shipping wise, hey let's not compare Kubo and Kishimito. Even if I did, it would still end up the way I expect it to. With Naruto, Kishimoto thought his main heroine was hated while the side character was loved more. NH is SP favorite ship. SS is the favorite in the Japanese fandom. Kishimoto caved in and made SS and NH happen.

With Bleach Kubo knows his main heroine is the fandom favorite while the second female lead has her fair share of haters. IchiRuki was SP favorite ship. The bleach musicals were full of IchiRuki moments. IchiRuki is the fandom favorite ship. Plus Kubo hasn't been shy on sharing thoughts about their relationship. If we went with the cave in argument, the popular ship would win ie IchiRuki.


But Kubo isn't Kishimoto so I except something better. Even if this ended with IchiHime, they've had good development to lead that way. Orihime also hasn't confessed only to have Ichigo ignore her and her confession for years. Shipping wise, it can never be as bad as the Naruto ending.

#856927 God Eater

Posted by Maxximumhate on 14 July 2015 - 01:26 AM

Well, I watched the 1st episode and I loved it! It was better than I expected. I love the setting, animation, ost and characters so far. OLCODEX does the OP so instant 10/10 from me XD. The animation was instant love for me since that's exactly the kind of thing I expected with the PV. The 1st episode has me very interested in the show and its world.


For example what's the difference between the people living inside the walled city and those from the outside? That one doctor talking about Renka being compatible with the new type as an outsider had me curious. Is it ususally people from inside the city who are compatible with the new types? Are the new types the new kind of weapon like the one Renka was using? 


The Aragami are also interesting. At first I thought they might just be brainless monsters kinda like the titans in Snk but they're not. The single fact that they coordinated attacks to disperse the god eaters was very interested. Also the fact that they broke in easily. 


I have some more questions about the characters on the whole but well one thing at a time. 


I heard this was based on a video game but from some comments on MAL it seems the game is pretty much action only and not much plot. So I wonder how UFO is going to make the plot work in this. So far though they have my interest with this so I hope they do not disappoint.

#851636 The Great Anime Discussion Thread

Posted by Maxximumhate on 02 July 2015 - 06:44 AM

Yeah, I wonder what's up with that? Apparently, Studio Bones is planning to extend the last episode...

Ugh, I hate the fact that White and Black are anime-original characters b/c the newest episode was by far the best one.

Apparently before it was the channel it was supposed to air on which misplaced the episode or something. But now I guess after seeing the success of their 1st volume sale, they're either trying to make the ending a little more conclusive or open it up for a second season. Either way I'm okay with both if I get a 45 min - 1 hr episode that is satisfying. I really want a second season, with the setting, I can get behind the episodic story in anime form, same as Gintama.


And yes I agree episode 11 was so good. I can't believe it almost made me emotional. But something tells me this isn't going to end well for Black and White, because they're anime only original :/

#851631 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Maxximumhate on 02 July 2015 - 06:34 AM

Onemanga is a blast right now, or at least what's left of the Naruto fanbase. People are talking about being disappointed by Kishi and his writing and honestly everytime I see that comment I want to bang my head on the wall. How can anybody, except those who blindly ship NH/SS have any faith in Kishi after the last 10 or so chapters of Naruto plus his interviews? I can't even wrap my head around that. He's shown how little he cared about part of the fanbase (NS) fans as a whole or his story. There was never anything to expect from this Gaiden or anything coming from the Naruto franchise.


The only chapter I read of this Gaiden was the one where Sasuke attacked Sarada and that was because I joined this forum XD. The rest was spoilers I caught elseqwhere. It was clear as rock from the get go that this Gaiden would be about SS getting their "happy ending". Sakura was always Sarada's mother no matter what. I mean how do you excpect anything more from the same guy who basically said he deliberately wrote parallels between NS and MK, Sakura and Kushina, just as red hearing? I never had any sympathy for Sakura, a little bit for Bolt and Sarada. But I felt more sympathy for Bolt than Sarada because I knew that in the end no matter what happened, no matter what Sasuke ever did, it would always be okay for Sakura and Sarada. What their speshul darling/papa Sasuke does is never bad, the mom started this custom the daughter falls in line too. Attempts to harm them are overlooked, like mother like daughter. That's the Uchiha family in a nutshell, that's the Naruto manga Kishi likes and what I expected from him after last year. I can't even waste time on reading or having interest in anything related to Kishi because there's nothing left ther.


But I guess the one hilarious thing that came out of this is seeing the NH and SS fans taking shots at each other XD. Now more NH are calling Kishi a bad writer and SS a kitten pairing like... wow, really only now? Or is it because of the inexistent Hinata and Himawari? :omfg: 

SS are also taking shots at Hinata Bolt and Himawari.

the byakugan wasn’t passed down but irrelevancy sure was


I honestly prefer Naruto family to Sasuke but this is so true though. So in a way congratulation Kishi on dividing your canon pairing fandom even more?

#825191 Gintama Discussion Thread

Posted by Maxximumhate on 18 May 2015 - 04:36 PM

This wonderful being,

actual fallen angel, too sexy for his clothes, precious life ruiner of my heart is from Free!

Don't ever put him anywhere near the atrocity that was Makoto Ito. Or anything related to School days as a whole :argh:


I'm currently rewatching the anime and I saw this episode the pegasus episode again this week end. Never gets old :lmao:Remind me I really need to catch up on my watching Saint Seiya ;A;

#825154 [Looking for co-hosts] Add and Subtract Game

Posted by Maxximumhate on 18 May 2015 - 04:10 PM


NaruSakuftMixer ur signature gives me strengh

#825055 *The* Bleach Discussion Thread

Posted by Maxximumhate on 18 May 2015 - 02:21 PM

I think the pacing of Bleach is not that bad, usually each chapter gives us something new about the character or its abilities. But there are just SO MANY characters that the overall plot is indeed progressing very slowly when you have to give each character their sreentime...

Joke aside, I agree with you on the big cast influencing the story progression. But you have to admit that the pacing can get really slow sometimes. Like when I read Bleach in volumes I don't feel it as much. But weekly? It's a torture at times. Like the shinigami going to the royal realm, we've spent 10 chapters with them stuck in the exact same place and something unexpected always happening.


Everyone is here let's go.

OMG Ukitake is doing something? Let's wait.

OMG Ukitake is dying let's go.

OMG Ukitake had the most reiatsu we can't go.

OMG Mayuri copensated for the reiatsu let's go

OMG something is happening we can't go.

OMG what are these things? we can't go we must fight.

OMG AIZEN?? KYoraku you lie!

OMG Aizen trying to shoot the Royal Realm down! No we're not going.

Wait the preparations from before are down. We can't go must start over again.

OMG the fodder quincy are back, okay they wanna go. LEt's do it.

But we're still stuckmaking preparations so we can't go.


Now with the Emperor (new Soul King???) remaking a new world in SS, I wouldn't be surprised if they get stuck in SS for another 30 chapters while Ichigo's group get massacrated by the VR. Remind me DBZ sometimes lol.

#824661 *The* Bleach Discussion Thread

Posted by Maxximumhate on 18 May 2015 - 12:39 AM

I get why people ship ichiruki since they're the two main characters but Orihime is more like ichigo's love interest while Rukia is like his best friend. They both have potential with him but i think Orihime has more. That movie Fade to Black was more about ichi and ruki's bond, not romance. Rukia did change ichigo's world but that doesnt mean he has to get with her cuz of it. Renji cares a lot more for rukia and is more tender with her.
I dont know..when it comes to being Ichigo's wife orihime has more chance.


 :/ I wish people would stop saying people ship IchiRuki just because they're the 2 main characters. It's not only you but I saw similar posts before yours too. It's the same as saying people ship NaruSaku just because they're main characters.That's not true.There is a relationship there that attracts people, it's not only their status of main characters.
IchiRuki is my otp, has been for a long time and some years ago got to the point where it supplanted NaruSaku in my heart. I started to ship them during the SS arc. I really loved how Kubo took his time and showed us time and time again how important Rukia was to Ichigo. We actually got insight on Ichigo's thought, and how much he wanted to save Rukia. I mean we got Ichigo saying stuff like:
it's weird that the world just keeps going without Rukia
the bankai in my hand is for her sake.
Nothing else can change my world.
We even had Orihime commenting back then that Rukia isn't a friend for Ichigo. She's different. She's the one who changed his world. Then look at the intensity in that fight with Byakuya, how intent Ichigo was on defeating Baykuya and making him apologize to Rukia. And it happened.
The same on Rukia side. Even in prison, Hanatarou said that the one she talked most about was Ichigo. How much she regretted ruining his life, how much she had enjoyed the time she spent with him in the real world. She was about to be executed yet Ichigo was her main subject of discussion. Then you have Renji mentioning how alive Rukia became when he told her Ichigo was in SS. Or even her crying after she remembered Ichigo when she was about to die.
I was already shipping it back then because I thought it was precious to see them think of each other like that. The arrancar arc  came around, with Rukia getting Ichigo out of his thunk and Orihime even saying that she could see how happy Ichigo was after he saw Rukia. Or himbeing so worried about Rukia when the got to Hueco Mundo that Renji had to step in between him and Rukia. Not to mention him almost forgetting his mission to rescue Orihime when felt that Rukia had fallen in battle.
Even after Rukia was gone, we had Ichigo lying about not missing her, only to think about her leaving him during the Fulbring activation. This panel



spoke load to me about Ichigo feelings. That and that scene where he regains his shinigami powers. Ichigo was crying, thought that his dad and Urahara had betrayed him but yet when he saw that it was Rukia who had stabbed him, he didn't talk about betrayal anymore.


In manga those are only but examples of moments why people ship IchiRuki. When you also have:


Kubo labeling Ichigo and Rukia story, "the story of destiny", when we know how much the theme is associated with love in the japanese culture. 


Kubo making comments such as:

When I created the character, I thought Kuchiki really fit as a Shinigami name and called her Kuchiki Rukia. She had her full name from the very beginning. Later on, I learned that the word "rukia" means "light." She's like a ray of light to Ichigo, which makes the name really suit her.


Kubo creating a bunch of surname for their relationship or making poems about how

the rain drags the Black Sun (Ichigo) but the rain is dried by the White Moon (Rukia) 

or how time stops when the 2 that share destiny are separated from each other.


Kubo answering a tweet about Ichigo/Orihime colors by making it Ichigo/Rukia colors:


RT @tiger_haruko2: “I’ve also been planning to buy an i-phone all this week! :3 By the way, if we go with a black x orange Ichigo, what colour would Orihime be?”

@tite_kubo: “Orihime, eh? I wonder. Would she not be something like light pink? As for Rukia, though, for her I’d go with violet and white.”


Then years later goes out and draw them at a resort like this.



That makes up for a lot of reasons why many love IchiRuki and why amongst the 2 ships IchiRuki is more popular than IchiHime. I'm going to stop here since this post is long enough.


People don't ship IchiRuki just because main boy x main girl. There is enough canon evidence not only in manga but through Kubo himself to back up the shippers. If Kubo has intended to end it up with IchiRuki, which is the pairing I see as intended, then he will have done more than enough to build up that point IMO.


edit: damn this is long as hell and I can't put it under spoilers :/

#824509 Tokyo Ghoul

Posted by Maxximumhate on 17 May 2015 - 07:54 PM

I really love the last chapter. It was everything I was hoping for. Mutsuki finally using his Kagune effectively was awesome and I'm very glad that it was in an attempt to comfort Urie *cough*casualshipperhere*cough*.


I'm also glad Hinami got there in time to save Sasaki from disappearing. I like the Sasaki personality of Kaneki and what I hope for is that he regains most of his memories as well as ghoul abilities but deal witht them while he is Sasaki. Right now I'm really not rooting for Sasaki going bererk and relying on his ghoul side. I feel like he's bound to go mad and give into the ghoul side, the way Seidou currently is.


I can't wait for the Juuzou vs Big Mama fight. Do you guys think Hinami will get to see Akira using her parents kagune?


I'm just afraid that Q Squad is going to see him in the worst state and if Kaneki forever on, they will be left behind. Since now perhaps Urie is going to develop, now all of the members would be sadden to see him go if Kaneki returns completely. That's why this whole Kaneki struggle is very significant.


That's also one of my fear. I want to see Sasaki/Kaneki with his Q squad. So I really don't want the old Kaneki from TG back. Let him learn that he's Kaneki but deal with everything while being Sasaki. I think it would be the best for his Quinx and for the people who loved him as Kaneki.