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Member Since 19 May 2007
Offline Last Active Dec 25 2015 09:41 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Will you read the Boruto manga?

25 December 2015 - 07:00 PM

I'll check out the first few chapters. If it is interesting enough, I'll keep reading.



I wont get super invested in to though especially on any romance stuff. I have had my fill on that kitten.

In Topic: How Did Hinata become so popular?

31 August 2015 - 08:34 AM

Isn't it obvious? Hinata's popularity is all thanks to Sakura.


Whether you agree or not the fact of the matter is Sakura was very annoying at the start of the story. Her Sasuke fangirlism and her initial treatment of Naruto made a lot of fans hate her character. The anime team did not help matters as the exaggerated Sakura's behavior for comedy. Even though sakura changed, the damage was already done.


Hinata is basically the polar opposite of Sakura (and all the other females for that matter) and because she had a crush on the main character which a lot of people consider to be cute, that ultimately made her more appealing to the fandom. The anime also doing all the Hinata fanservice played a huge part in Hinata's rise to popularity.


Because a lot of people hated Sakura (the female lead), they moved on to the next best thing which is Hinata (her feelings for naruto is what made her stand out fro the other females).



In Topic: Naruto Hokage-Oneshot

04 August 2015 - 12:15 PM

why the hell care about the timeline at this point? and no im not using this as an excuse not to think im saying it benefits the thought that kishi doesn't care anymore.


If Kishimoto did not care, he would not have made the Naruto gaiden to justify the kitten SasuSaku pairing. I know a lot of people here generally want to believe that Kishimoto doesn't care anymore but that is simply not true. Everything so far just reinforces the fact that he is 100% proud of what he has done with the series.


I mean, the guy won't be so proud of the Boruto movie if he wasn't proud about the retarded ending.  :twitch:

In Topic: Naruto Hollywood Remake

03 August 2015 - 12:23 PM

Ugh... an obvious cash grab like that kitten dbz movie.


Prepare for Brunette or Blond  Sakura cuz "pink hair isn't natural"  :zaru:

In Topic: Naruto Hokage-Oneshot

03 August 2015 - 12:15 PM

Wait Sasuke left the village before Salad was born, Sasuke left the village on that long mission when Naruto was hokage, Salad is the same age as Bolt, Naruto becomes hokage after having two kids one who seems to be at least 10 years old, Salad has never seen Sasuke in her life and Sasuke may not have even been there for her birth....What the kitten is up with the timeline!

Kishimoto really needs to show explain the timeline to avoid confusion. Right now, things are just jumbled up.


As far a Sarada goes, Sasuke was present during her birth. The gaiden confirms that Sakura left the village and travelled with sasuke for a while and she ended up giving birth to Sarada in Karin's hideout. Sarada's flashback also shows that Sasuke was present for a bit when she was very young. I'm guessing Sakura went back to konoha to take care of Sarada while Sasuke continued on his mission.


So it is possible that Sakura was not even in Konoha when Hinata had Boruto. 



Um...it doesn't look like Kishimoto's style at all. Like not one bit. So glad Naruto finally got the moment the whole damn manga was building to, and Kishimoto can't even be bothered to hang around and illustrate it.




It's Kishimoto's style. It probably just looks different because he hasn't been drawing Naruto on a weekly basis as he used to.


The art looks good. A lot better than the Kiba/kakashi onseshots.