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Marvel vs. DC

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Poll: Marvel vs DC (19 member(s) have cast votes)

Which one is better?

  1. Marvel (13 votes [68.42%])

    Percentage of vote: 68.42%

  2. DC (6 votes [31.58%])

    Percentage of vote: 31.58%

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#1 Hopestar


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 04:52 AM

Putting Japanese manga aside for many of us who are American let's look into comics in our own backyard. The 2 largest has always been Marvel (e.g. Spiderman, Avengers, X-men) and DC (Superman, Batman, Justice league). Now we should decide is better and why?

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#2 Kster95


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 12:05 PM

I like both but DC comics have always been my favorite. 


#3 James S Cassidy

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Posted 18 July 2013 - 04:11 PM

Oooh, that is tough and I don't think I can give an honest answer. I will say this, Marvel tries a little bit harder to ground itself to realism. Powers aside, they face problems that may be a real life superhero would face if given the possibilities. They even try to bring real life conflicts into this fictional world like gay marriage, racism, and such and shows how these heroes try to over come such things. I still have the 9-11 Marvel comics which were brilliant. (Heck, I remember them even saying that Spider-man is the most likely super-hero to happen that is even possible to exist.)

DC however tries to base itself more on the story than the realism. At times, they prefer an interesting story over whether or not it is realistic. At least this is how I interpret them.

That being said, I love them both because they both offer something different. One of my favorite heroes from both universes is Captain America and Superman because in their own universe they are considered the hero to heroes. When even a hero can't solve it, they can because they always know the right choice to be made. Yes, I love Superman and I find it sad that he keep getting a bad rep lately because people are too busy focusing on Batman.

I can't really decide which one I like better because they each give me something I love reading about. I will say this one last thing. The DC comics always have me inspiring to be more and to do more. Marvel I actually just read for entertainment. I am not sure why Marvel doesn't inspire me like DC does, but I guess it is just the way I read them. DC is more iconic though and I think has been around longer.

I can't decide I love them both.

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#4 Derock


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 04:46 PM

This is comic book talk, so... this thread has moved to the Arts and Entertainment section.


Plus: both did a crossover together back in the day.


What's Happening with the Naruto series as of now!

#5 K9ofChaos


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Posted 19 July 2013 - 12:36 PM

I voted for Marvel because I consider myself a Marvel fan first and foremost. Though I do like DC as well. 

#6 Inferno180


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Posted 19 July 2013 - 02:21 PM

Marvel hands down, better storylines, better conflicts, also one major difference I like, no matter how powerful one is in the marvel universe, he it even those with planet destroying capabilities like thor, odin, hulk, thanos, galatcus, etc. All have a weakness and can be beaten. Hell marvel is the reason we got a kickass movie like the avengers in the first place.


I mean i love batman, he is a great hero who thinks and works around everything even taking down godlike beings like superman or darksied from time to time, but the one reason I cannot enjoy the DC unverse is just that, superman, too overpowered, why even need a justice league when he just gets these random power limit breaks out of nowhere and manages to out do every other superpowered hero there is? Just makes it uninteresting, I can never respect superman, too overpowered and no hero is amazing to just bash through point a to b to solve the problem, yeah hulk smashes but he does it for a good reason, and its also part of his instability which makes it a double edged sword to him. I just cannot ever relate to superman, even when he gets nailed by krytonnypte or magic, well the brillant writers decide to make him immune to it, seriously? thats just bad, even worse, its 2013, I don't care how iconic people claim it to be, but lose the god damned underwear on the outside, seriously this is not the old days anymore most other heroes abandoned this look for good reason, it looked just so retarded, I cannot take a god like being seriously if they show up looking like they cannot even dress themselves properly. Loose the underwear on the outside, seriously its just as stupid as wonder womans invisible jet, what purpose does it serve? Its just dumb.


In Short I prefer marvel due to balance, hate DC due to absurd man.

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#7 Kster95


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Posted 19 July 2013 - 03:31 PM

Marvel hands down, better storylines, better conflicts, also one major difference I like, no matter how powerful one is in the marvel universe, he it even those with planet destroying capabilities like thor, odin, hulk, thanos, galatcus, etc. All have a weakness and can be beaten. Hell marvel is the reason we got a kickass movie like the avengers in the first place.


I mean i love batman, he is a great hero who thinks and works around everything even taking down godlike beings like superman or darksied from time to time, but the one reason I cannot enjoy the DC unverse is just that, superman, too overpowered, why even need a justice league when he just gets these random power limit breaks out of nowhere and manages to out do every other superpowered hero there is? Just makes it uninteresting, I can never respect superman, too overpowered and no hero is amazing to just bash through point a to b to solve the problem, yeah hulk smashes but he does it for a good reason, and its also part of his instability which makes it a double edged sword to him. I just cannot ever relate to superman, even when he gets nailed by krytonnypte or magic, well the brillant writers decide to make him immune to it, seriously? thats just bad, even worse, its 2013, I don't care how iconic people claim it to be, but lose the god damned underwear on the outside, seriously this is not the old days anymore most other heroes abandoned this look for good reason, it looked just so retarded, I cannot take a god like being seriously if they show up looking like they cannot even dress themselves properly. Loose the underwear on the outside, seriously its just as stupid as wonder womans invisible jet, what purpose does it serve? Its just dumb.


In Short I prefer marvel due to balance, hate DC due to absurd man.


Umm I am guessing you haven't seen the new 52 comics and kryptonite isn't just one little weakness its a giant weakness that could kill him and if you want to talk about weaknesses please name one for the Hulk? 




Live action films marvel beats DC but DC destroys marvel with animated cartoons and films.

Edited by Kster95, 19 July 2013 - 03:53 PM.


#8 James S Cassidy

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Posted 19 July 2013 - 05:47 PM

Marvel hands down, better storylines, better conflicts, also one major difference I like, no matter how powerful one is in the marvel universe, he it even those with planet destroying capabilities like thor, odin, hulk, thanos, galatcus, etc. All have a weakness and can be beaten. Hell marvel is the reason we got a kickass movie like the avengers in the first place.


I mean i love batman, he is a great hero who thinks and works around everything even taking down godlike beings like superman or darksied from time to time, but the one reason I cannot enjoy the DC unverse is just that, superman, too overpowered, why even need a justice league when he just gets these random power limit breaks out of nowhere and manages to out do every other superpowered hero there is? Just makes it uninteresting, I can never respect superman, too overpowered and no hero is amazing to just bash through point a to b to solve the problem, yeah hulk smashes but he does it for a good reason, and its also part of his instability which makes it a double edged sword to him. I just cannot ever, even when he gets nailed by krytonnypte or magic, well the brillant writers decide to make him immune to it, seriously? thats just bad, even worse, its 2013, I don't care how iconic people claim it to be, but lose the god damned underwear on the outside, seriously this is not the old days anymore most other heroes abandoned this look for good reason, it looked just so retarded, I cannot take a god like being seriously if they show up looking like they cannot even dress themselves properly. Loose the underwear on the outside, seriously its just as stupid as wonder womans invisible jet, what purpose does it serve? Its just dumb.


In Short I prefer marvel due to balance, hate DC due to absurd man.

See this is what I mean. No offense, Inferno, but this is why I am sad to see Superman get a bad rep. There is one thing you cannot deny and that is is that Superman was the first ever real superhero and he is by far the most iconic. Even more so than Batman. Funny enough, as popular as Batman is today, this wasn't always the case and Superman has been popular for a good 60 years.

There is also a bad stereotype with Aquaman who actually is very powerful, but due to the old Justice League cartoon made him very weak.

Bolded: Ummm, how can you relate to any hero whether it be Marvel or DC? Even Batman is a little farfetched too and at times he becomes overpowered as well. For example, how many times has Batman ever pulled out the right gadget at just the right time to win the day? I don't recall any moments where Batman "took down" beings like Darkseid and even if he did isn't that a little farfetched as well? Think about that, a normal human being who has no superpowers taking down a god-like being that is as strong if not stronger than Superman? Yeah, that's not bad writing. There is also a couple of times where Superman was stripped of his powers and was still a hero who was willing to risk his life for the good.  Another thing is, Superman and Batman are good friends. If Batman is in trouble, he goes to Superman and if Superman is in trouble he goes to Batman. Both are great heroes who face daunting problems and save the day. Batman is just darker and for some odd reason we love the darkness that haunts us. We want to see a man control that darkness to fight evil with it. Maybe that is why Batman is more liked. Some say it is because Batman has to work for what he has got or that Batman struggles. Well, Superman does that too, he just struggles in different ways.

And it is not like Marvel doesn't have broken characters either. Look at characters like Franklin Richards, the son of Reed and Sue Storm. Franklin has the ability to manipulate reality. His powers are so great he can rewrite history any way he wants to and create anything from nothing. How is this not a broken character as well? That is even worse than Superman's powers. (Although Superman does gain such an ability later on, he only gets it from spending 10,000 years in the sun.) You also got characters like Thor who uses Odinforce as well which turns him broken and the ever impossible Silver Surfer who was joked to be "too powerful" as well. What about Wolverine who has survived a nuclear explosion once due to his super mutant abilities. Isn't that not overpowered? We got Juggernaut who also is somewhat invincible and can only be beaten by using psychic attacks. Hulk too is at times overpowered as well.


So it is not like Marvel doesn't have overpowered beings in their universe too. So why so much hate on DC and not Marvel? Like I said, it's not really the heroes so much as it's stories. The fact that DC stories are more about the hero fighting the villain rather the heroes facing real world problems is what differentiates them. Marvel choose to shows stories that are not black or white, but rather many shades of grey. Sometimes the very heroes becomes the villains themselves which is a powerful thing. DC does it too sometimes, but not as often as Marvel does.


This is what Superman really is in my opinion.


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#9 merryGOflava


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Posted 19 July 2013 - 07:21 PM

I like both :3 


But I pick DC.....cause IDK it has all my favorite characters like Batgirl XD

and there are more sidekicks in DC (I just like the idea of sidekicks)


and Batman...(yea he's overrated...but I don't care XD)


but Spiderman will always be one of my favorite superheroes.


Marvel is sometimes too serious for me.......especially the whole mutant thing...


if the mutants lived in DC's universe I bet they would be better loved by people XD (if they wanted to be heroes)

Edited by merryGOflava, 19 July 2013 - 07:21 PM.


#10 desaix


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Posted 19 July 2013 - 07:30 PM

In general, I prefer DC because I find the DC characters a lot more likeable (and I have trouble with stories where I don't like the hero, regardless of genre or medium of the storytelling).  That said, DC has done a LOT of damage to my liking of these characters with the New 52, however good it was that they finally had Superman wear his underwear under his tights.  (I also like that they finally let Barbara Gordon walk again, but then I thought paralyzing her "permanently" was pretty stupid, when so many other just-as-mortal characters had been dealt more serious injuries without such permanence... and the removal of the other Batgirls hurts that, as well).  I especially dislike what was done to certain female characters, including poor Starfire and Power Girl.  And I REALLY dislike the retconning of Superman and Lois' marriage (seriously, the ONLY successful relationship in all of superhero comics that didn't end in tragedy, and they just retconned that it didn't happen?)

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#11 Kster95


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Posted 19 July 2013 - 07:43 PM

if the mutants lived in DC's universe I bet they would be better loved by people XD (if they wanted to be heroes)

Yeah that is something i will never understand x men is in the same universe as the other marvel heroes yet the xmen arent liked by humans? But spiderman,capt america who have powers are


#12 merryGOflava


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Posted 19 July 2013 - 07:45 PM

Yeah that is something i will never understand x men is in the same universe as the other marvel heroes yet the xmen arent liked by humans? But spiderman,capt america who have powers are


thats what confused me...........


if they lived in DC, those mutant kids would make great sidekicks XD

Edited by merryGOflava, 19 July 2013 - 07:46 PM.


#13 shadow_Uzumaki


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Posted 20 July 2013 - 04:19 AM

Yeah that is something i will never understand x men is in the same universe as the other marvel heroes yet the xmen arent liked by humans? But spiderman,capt america who have powers are


PFFFF.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Spider-Man, loved by New York?  That's a more recent thing since the Heroic Age's started, but he was considered a menace pretty much his entire career.  


The Cap is loved because he's awesome, a WWII hero, and awesome.


The Marvel Earth is pretty much one of the crappiest places to live.  Frequently, most "future" stories in Marvel tend to be dystopian futures where heroes are all but gone, mutants hunted to near-extinction, and chaos runs amok.  Their modern times are similar, only there's a functioning society and heroes and mutants aren't extinct.  Otherwise, modern Marvel Earth ranges from populated by xenophobic, apathetic citizens who find it acceptable to bully an entire society that consists of people with powers to vaporize you with their minds to ordinary citizens who just don't want to get involved.  It's as if you take all the racism from before the Civil Rights movement and apply it to mutants.  Although, again, it's gotten better now, and especially ever since the "Heroic Age" has started, though.


Then you have Ultimate Marvel.  The above + you probably won't get resurrected after you die a gruesome death unlike the regular Marvel universe.




The DC Earth's a bit less cynical, unless you're in Gotham City, Bludhaven, or in space.  Though at least they still cooperate with the heroes there.

#14 Kster95


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Posted 20 July 2013 - 03:10 PM

DC just has more interesting characters, not saying marvel doesn't but the sidekicks are so awesome. And the Joker is one of the sickest people in the world 


#15 merryGOflava


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Posted 20 July 2013 - 07:10 PM


PFFFF.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Spider-Man, loved by New York?  That's a more recent thing since the Heroic Age's started, but he was considered a menace pretty much his entire career.  


The Cap is loved because he's awesome, a WWII hero, and awesome.


The Marvel Earth is pretty much one of the crappiest places to live.  Frequently, most "future" stories in Marvel tend to be dystopian futures where heroes are all but gone, mutants hunted to near-extinction, and chaos runs amok.  Their modern times are similar, only there's a functioning society and heroes and mutants aren't extinct.  Otherwise, modern Marvel Earth ranges from populated by xenophobic, apathetic citizens who find it acceptable to bully an entire society that consists of people with powers to vaporize you with their minds to ordinary citizens who just don't want to get involved.  It's as if you take all the racism from before the Civil Rights movement and apply it to mutants.  Although, again, it's gotten better now, and especially ever since the "Heroic Age" has started, though.


Then you have Ultimate Marvel.  The above + you probably won't get resurrected after you die a gruesome death unlike the regular Marvel universe.




The DC Earth's a bit less cynical, unless you're in Gotham City, Bludhaven, or in space.  Though at least they still cooperate with the heroes there.


...I think thats why I like DC's universe...it's not that...depressing...(unless I missed something...I don't keep up with the comics that much)


and I got the ultimate Spiderman comic :3 the new Spidey (Miles) is cool :D and cute.

Edited by merryGOflava, 20 July 2013 - 07:11 PM.


#16 theorangehokage



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Posted 20 July 2013 - 10:04 PM

Hey MerryGoFlava ^__^ <3 long time no talk & Btw *LOVE* the new layout :love: :wub: :wibble:  I am absolutely overwhelmed by the design!


Marvel is my favorite cause I grew up with it and I really didnt grow a love for DC as much :unsure:


#17 merryGOflava


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Posted 21 July 2013 - 08:08 PM

Hey MerryGoFlava ^__^ <3 long time no talk & Btw *LOVE* the new layout :love: :wub: :wibble:  I am absolutely overwhelmed by the design!


Marvel is my favorite cause I grew up with it and I really didnt grow a love for DC as much :unsure:


hey!! haven't seen you around in like forever dude!!! XD


welcome back!!




(I gotta add something so this isn't off topic huh??)


I guess I would love Marvel more if they had more girls that I could like......so far Wonderwoman and Batgirl are my all time favorite superhero girls.


#18 Hopestar


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Posted 22 July 2013 - 02:43 AM

Very favorable to Marvel


Currently looking at Ultimate comic X-men & spiderman and Superior Spiderman

Great storylines and powerful characters. Nice artwork! Watch mostly marvel shows and love it more than DC.

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#19 Kster95


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Posted 22 July 2013 - 03:46 PM

If you put 5 best people from the Justice league vs The 5 best people on the avengers, Justice league takes it.

Edited by Kster95, 22 July 2013 - 03:47 PM.


#20 No WhereMan

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Posted 25 July 2013 - 04:46 PM

It's weird I honestly wish there was a third option because while I do prefer a lot more of the Marvel characters, the DC characters I love, I love to death. Batman for instance, Green Lantern, the Flash, Wonder Woman and Superman (MoS withstanding). These are characters that I love too. It's hard to decide but I guess I'd have to go with Marvel at the end.


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