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Member Since 15 Apr 2011
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In Topic: The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

25 August 2024 - 04:20 PM

Simple or not, the reading comprehension is STILL f-ed up because many fans and the people BTS complained about and for Hinata, as like she was really that important to the franchise. When we know in actuality, she wasn't.


And that is why I treat the entire franchise as a joke. You are either invested in a character whose presence and importance to the plot was never there to begin with and flog that importance over the head of everyone else until they comply/give up on the story all together, OR you are treated as an idiot for not seeing how important Hinata Hyuga-chan-megami-hime-sama was to get everything she wanted and was Naruto's stealth "true love" and were too blind to see it. You lose either way, and wonder why you bothered with it. You were either reading for a side character that never mattered or you were one of the many many MANY long time fans that got screwed over investing your time on the series BECAUSE said irrelevant side character had to be catered to. It felt like a waste of time in the grand scheme of things because you were cheated out of a proper resolution to a story you WERE passionate about, or you now find out Hinata's love never meant anything, and she only got together with Naruto because OF PITY and not because of genuine love. Hinata got the man of her dreams because she never gave up? I thought the idea was "they were always in love..." So I'm just laughing at the whole thing. READING COMPREHENSION AT IT'S FINEST FOLKS :lmao:

In Topic: The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

23 August 2024 - 10:21 PM

Sounds like he is saying people like Naruto over other manga because it is simple. Would help to know what the question was or the interview.


OK. It was an interview in 2019 on a radio show called Izakaya: Denfaminicogamer. And he was asked why was Naruto more popular than One Piece overseas? Answer. it is simpler.


https://news.denfami...iew/191227f#i-6 Supposedly, it is in here.


Well, I'm not going to disagree with the reading comprehension.


YUP. Naruto is a simplistic manga for simplistic morons I say. You are either a reader for the greatest fictional couple ever made, Hinata Huyga-chan-megami-hime-sama and her vicarious cup of courage turned boy toy trophy husband, OR you are an illiterate Buffoon for not seeing the true moral and message of the story was the former. Naruto is a simple story for simps, TG FOR THAT. *sarcasm*

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

14 August 2024 - 11:04 PM

It doesn't help that we know that this was just more damage control on his part to cover the asses of WSJ's editors because he gave into external pressure from them and SP.


This is all true. This is just more damage control, but disregarding it, it would still not be a respectable or even good choice to be made public. To those not knowing he caved into the gaslighting of SP and his Editors at WSJ, post Yahagi, it seems like he is either a coward or he doesn't respect his fans, not even the NH shippers. He gave Hinata a pity-cookie because he felt sorry for her and did not actually believe in the romance between her and Naruto, SO EVERYBODY LOSES. No one should care about the manga at this point, and this is beyond Naru-Saku getting shafted, this shows COMPLETE disregard even for the fans that believe in the shipping couple that Hinata-horn dogs both at WSJ and SP were appealing to. So I really just can't.... find anything nice to say here. I would be curious to how Hinata fans would react to this though.

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

13 August 2024 - 05:06 PM

Well well well.... Where is the true love now? That said, this speaks to me as pure incompetence. I have no empathy points for this explanation. Just saying. 

In Topic: The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

13 August 2024 - 04:58 PM

Fans if the Pokemon anime... I have terrible news. Rachel Lillis the voice of Misty died of cancer.


NOOOOOOOOOOOO! :argh:  :cry: